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One of the problems with a superficial reading of “Belief Itself” and “Women, the Sacred, Money” is that Irigaray is too easily understood as merely saying that woman is the hidden victim of sacrifice and that one is called to reveal this hidden victim. While this is an important aspect of Irigaray's work, a more radical interpretation is opened up when it is read alongside the work of Lacan and ?i?ek. Irigaray's work disturbs the traditional discourses on revelation, sacrifice, and woman on one level while at the same time reinforcing their most extreme ramifications.  相似文献   


The well-being account of sacrifice says that sacrifices are gross losses of well-being. This account is attractive because it explains the relationship between sacrifice and moral obligation. However, sacrifices made on behalf of loved ones may cause trouble for the account. Loving sacrifices occur in a context where the agent’s well-being and the beneficiary’s well-being are intertwined. They present a challenge to individualism about well-being. Drawing inspiration from feminist philosophers and bioethicists, I argue that a notion of ‘relational well-being’, analogous to ‘relational autonomy’, can help account for loving sacrifices without either undermining the well-being theory of sacrifice or minimizing the very real sacrifices made in caregiving situations.  相似文献   

These books, each of which is grounded in familiarity with historical sources and at the same time alert to philosophical and theological questions, reveal that sacrificial studies are thriving. Grand theories have been enfeebled, but a rich repertory of hermeneutical strategies is being applied all the more freely to the vast material from many cultures. Bloodshed is no longer indisputably central, even in discussion of the classical and well‐documented traditions of India, Israel, and Greece. Past attempts to rationalize sacrifice, through spiritualization for example, are confuted by the sturdy texture of ritual. Despite the opacity of archaic rituals and texts, the social function of sacrificial customs and their potential pathologies are better understood, and interconnect with sacrificial dynamics in our own culture. The sacrificial interpretation of Calvary and the Eucharist is better appreciated as a rich and powerful New Testament construct, despite attempts to whittle it away. Yet those such as René Girard who urge a change of theological paradigm now have impressive critical resources at their disposal.  相似文献   

This article develops a theoretical explanation for the incidence of sacrifice and stigma or “strictness” that—unlike the extant literature—explicitly incorporates a supernatural motive for religiosity. This innovation permits a precise delineation of religious risks and leads to the critical insight that “strictness” is an instrument of mutually beneficial risk mitigation. The theory yields alternative explanations for all empirical regularities on the incidence of strictness that the club model explains, including the seemingly anomalous labor market behavior of Ultra‐Orthodox Jews in Israel, the high lethality of extremist religious sects, and the positive correlation between strictness and social service provision. Among the attributes that distinguish the risk mitigation approach from the club model are: its explanation of observed income dispersion within strictness categories that is substantially greater than that implied by the club model; its prediction that the positive correlation between strictness and exclusivity is a causal relationship in which exclusivity is causally prior to strictness; and its demonstration that variation in the risk mitigation benefits members derive from strictness is at least as important as variation in the opportunity costs of strictness in explaining variation in the levels of strictness employed across denominations and sects.  相似文献   


The following study seeks to explicate, by a close reading of §§ 34 to 53 in Being and Time, the development the idea of sacrifice in Heidegger's early thought.  相似文献   

王福银 《管子学刊》2007,(2):39-40,62
祭孔乐舞是迄今为止中国仅存的雅乐舞,而《韶乐》又是中国历代王朝所尊崇的雅乐体系的重要组成部分之一。这两者在我国雅乐发展历史中同样担当着举足轻重的作用。根据艺术发展的规律,任何艺术的新生作品都必须或必然是建立在继承文化传统的基础之上,祭孔乐舞的诞生虽然远离《韶乐》流传盛行的西周,但是,《韶乐》的内容和形式却深深影响着中国历代雅乐的制作和发展。作为中国雅乐分支的孔庙乐舞,对《韶乐》的传承也必定有历史的必然和血脉的联系。因此毋庸置疑,现存的祭孔乐舞成为当下我们寻找古《韶乐》历史面貌的主要甚至是唯一的实物资料。而通过研究发现,两者之间不仅有关而且渊源久矣。  相似文献   

Noting that the topic of sacrifice has remained largely unaddressed in psychoanalytic literature, the authors offer a discussion of it. Their elucidation of sacrifice opens with the definition and etymology of the word and moves on to the place of sacrifice in various religious traditions. They then summarize Freud's views on the topic and suggest that the subsequent analytic contributions have gone in three directions: the first extends and modifies Freud's proposal of triadic-hostile origins of sacrifice, the second locates such origins in dyadic and loving relations, and the third seeks to synthesize the foregoing trends. The authors then delineate the triad of altruism, masochism, and narcissism that underlie sacrifice. They propose that a spectrum of phenomena, ranging from healthy to pathological, is subsumed under the rubric of sacrifice. They also discuss the significance of such ideas to the conduct of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis.  相似文献   


The paper offers a few reflections on moral implications of making sacrifices and on possible duties to make sacrifices. It does not provide an exhaustive or a systematic account of the subject. There are too many disparate questions, and too many different perspectives from which to examine them to allow for a systematic let alone an exhaustive account, and too many factual issues that I am not aware of. Needless to say, the observations that follow are in part stimulated by the popularity of some views that are mistaken. I will not however examine any specific view or account of these matters. The aim is to provide some pointers that will be helpful when considering specific issues regarding the moral significance of sacrifice.  相似文献   

In this paper I rely on recent literature that emphasises the importance of recognition in Hegel's philosophy in order to apply the recognition-theoretic approach to the notion of sacrifice in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Firstly, I conduct a preliminary analysis by examining the general meaning of sacrifice as a form of determinate negation. Secondly, I focus on two phenomenological moments (the struggle between ‘faith’ and ‘pure insight’, and the cult) in order to answer the question, ‘Is a real (effective and unselfish) sacrifice possible?’ Finally, I argue that sacrifice should be considered as a Darstellung, and I explain the twofold connection between sacrifice and recognition. I conclude that there is no sacrifice without recognition, and the process of recognition is intrinsically sacrificial.  相似文献   

以活人扮演先祖或死者神灵并代其接受祭祀的尸祭本属于宗教范畴,但是,古代宗教往往是与巫术混合在一起并利用巫术增强信仰。本文运用人类学巫术理论对中国古代的立尸祭祀仪式进行分析,认为中国古代的立尸祭祀包含着形象模拟巫术与接触巫术,具有巫术思维和巫术要素及手段,甚至还直接影响了其后在民间依然流传的巫术活动。  相似文献   

This essay introduces some of the key topics at stake in the ongoing controversies about the place of eudaimonism in Christian ethics and theology. Whether and in what way a person should seek her or his own happiness and flourishing has been a central question in ethics for centuries. Here I summarize the contributions the essays in this focus issue make to that conversation, and conclude by briefly sketching a Neoplatonist approach to eudaimonism that may offer a way to build on the insights and concerns articulated in the focus essays.  相似文献   

We investigated the prospective associations between attitudes about sacrifice and marital outcomes in 38 married couples. Specifically, a measure of satisfaction with sacrifice was proposed to be a potent longitudinal predictor of marital adjustment and distress based on existing cross-sectional studies and also to mediate the association between commitment and marital adjustment. Results demonstrated that attitudes about sacrifice discriminated between couples who would become distressed versus nondistressed over time. Sacrifice attitudes also predicted the maintenance of relationship adjustment over time even better than earlier relationship adjustment. Finally, sacrifice attitudes mediated the link between commitment and relationship adjustment for husbands, but not wives. Implications for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

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