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What is embodiment? A psychometric approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What is it like to have a body? The present study takes a psychometric approach to this question. We collected structured introspective reports of the rubber hand illusion, to systematically investigate the structure of bodily self-consciousness. Participants observed a rubber hand that was stroked either synchronously or asynchronously with their own hand and then made proprioceptive judgments of the location of their own hand and used Likert scales to rate their agreement or disagreement with 27 statements relating to their subjective experience of the illusion. Principal components analysis of this data revealed four major components of the experience across conditions, which we interpret as: embodiment of rubber hand, loss of own hand, movement, and affect. In the asynchronous condition, an additional fifth component, deafference, was found. Secondary analysis of the embodiment of runner hand component revealed three subcomponents in both conditions: ownership, location, and agency. The ownership and location components were independent significant predictors of proprioceptive biases induced by the illusion. These results suggest that psychometric tools may provide a rich method for studying the structure of conscious experience, and point the way towards an empirically rigorous phenomenology.  相似文献   

This article introduces and describes the “interbehavioral” approach to clinical intervention as an interdisciplinary system where assessment and treatment encompass physical and psychological effects as continuous interactions. Behavior disorders and their elimination follow a general learning theory model as interpreted by J.R. Kantor. This theory view responses and stimuli as having their own functions that directly affect progress in therapy. Kantor's interbehavioral or “systems” methods obviate the narrow focus of operant (behavioral) psychology by broadening the analysis to include individual history and a better integration of human service disciplines. To this extent, clinical and training applications attend to more of the human operations and overcome such limitations as poor internal validity and problems with generalization of treated behavior to everyday settings. Implications of the interbehavioral system for clinical networks are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent work on the relation between narrative and selfhood has emphasized embodiment as an indispensable foundation for selfhood. This has occasioned an interesting debate on the relation between embodiment and narrative. In this paper, I attempt to mediate the range of conflicting intuitions within the debate by proposing a scalar approach to narrative and an accompanying concept of a split-self (Waldenfels 2000). Drawing on theoretical developments from contemporary narratology, I argue that we need to move away from a binary understanding of narrative as something an entity (the self) strictly is or is not; rather, we need to see narrative as an attribute admitting of degrees. I suggest that the relation between narrative and embodiment should be seen along these lines, proposing three levels of the narrativity of embodied experiencing: 1) the unnarratable, 2) the narratable and 3) the narrative. Finally, I discuss the implications this framework has for the general question of the narrative constitution of selfhood.  相似文献   

Many have asked how and why feminist theory makes a distinctive contribution to bioethics. In this essay, I outline two ways in which feminist reflection can enrich bioethical studies. First, feminist theory may expose certain themes of androcentric reasoning that can affect, in sometimes crude but often subtle ways, the substantive analysis of topics in bioethics; second, it can unearth the gendered nature of certain basic philosohical concepts that form the working tools of ethical theory.  相似文献   

Although the view that punishment is to be justified on utilitarian grounds has obvious appeal, an examination of utilitarianism reveals that, consistently and accurately interpreted, it dictates unjust punishments which are unacceptable to the common moral consciousness. In this rule‐utilitarianism is no more satisfactory than is act‐utilitarianism. Although the production of the greatest good, or the greatest happiness, of the greatest number is obviously a relevant consideration when determining which punishments may properly be inflicted, the question as to which punishment is just is a distinct and more basic question and one which must be answered before we can determine which punishments are morally permissible. That a retributivist theory, which is a particular application of a general principle of justice, can account more satisfactorily for our notion of justice in punishment is a positive reason in its support.  相似文献   

This paper reviews reasons for preferring a short-item format over traditional statement-form questions in the measurement of personality characteristics that underline social attitude patterns. In particular, it is argued that this approach is better able to separate item content from item context. The confusion of attitude position with response artefacts has in the past led to misunderstandings concerning the structure of social attitudes. Wilson-Patterson questionnaires are easy for Ss to complete, show high reliability and construct validity, are relatively free of acquiescence response bias and social desirability effects and are readily for cross-cultural comparisons.  相似文献   

Summary The theory of the square of opposition has been worked out many centuries ago as a part of Aristotelian logic of terms.In spite of its inexactness (for instance it is not possible to decide whether the termsquare of opposition is a logical or a metalogical term) this theory is included without any changes in the usual elementary course of logic.The author defines the square of opposition in the language of the logic of propositions (see Def. 1.000) and derives from this definition the usual laws of the square of opposition and several new theorems.  相似文献   

We will explore the nature of space from a media ecology/Marshall McLuhan point of view. We will examine both space and time as the origin or etymology of the term ‘space’ includes both the notion of 3-space and time. We show how various media of communication influence how we perceive space and time from the origin of language to today’s digital revolution.  相似文献   

Christy  Justin 《Philosophical Studies》2019,176(8):2167-2185

Naïve realism is often characterized, by its proponents and detractors alike, as the view that for a subject to undergo a perceptual experience is for her to stand in a simple two-place acquaintance relation toward an object. However, two of the leading defenders of naïve realism, John Campbell and Bill Brewer, have thought it necessary to complicate this picture, claiming that a third relatum is needed to account for various possible differences between distinct visual experiences of the same object (for example, differences that result from changes in the object’s spatial orientation relative to the subject, or from changes in the intensity with which the subject focuses her attention on the object). This, I argue, is a mistake. Once it is acknowledged that a subject’s visual experience acquaints her with more than just a single object, all of the relevant facts can be explained from within the simpler naïve realist framework.


The primary objective of this exploratory study was to test activity‐based behavioral measures of creative thinking with a sample of Hong Kong fifth‐grade school children, and also to determine the concurrent validity between activity‐based measures of creative thinking and standard divergent thinking tests. Altogether five creative thinking abilities were measured using the behavioral techniques and the children's scores for fluency, flexibility, and originality were compared with those from the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT). The construct‐related validity among all the different abilities on the behavioral measures was also calculated. Contrary to previous assertions about the lack of creativity among Chinese populations, the Hong Kong children demonstrated their ability to use a number of creative thinking features in order to solve problems. No construct validity was found between the different measures of creativity except between originality and fluency. Possible reasons for this are reviewed. The TTCT and the behavioral techniques were found to have some concurrent validity in relationto fluency and originality on the Verbal Tests. There was no correlation for flexibility. The advantages of using activity‐based measurements of creative behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of “subvocalization” during language comprehension, especially reading, is examined. Four arguments against it having a role in accessing memory are erroneous because 1) its latencyis much shorter than is conventionally stated; 2) rate of visual information processing is erroneously estimated by failing to distinguish between reading and scanning; 3) covert speech doesnot disappear in the competent language performer; and 4) the argument that subvocalization is an epiphenomen is irrelevant. Rather, data support the generalization that covert speech is present during all cognitive functioning and that its specific topography is discriminatively related to the class of phoneme being processed. It is thus inferred that during cognition the speech musculature generates a phonetic code that may function to access linguistic memory. However, since there are also numerous other psychophysiologic events associated with covert speech, a multichannel processing system is hypothesized wherein speech, visual, and kinesthetic modalities interact with the brain. Illustrations are given of how this accessing model is compatible with existing holographic and feature analyzer models of memory. Data are presented that illustrate how phonetically encoded neuromuscular events can be directly measured through psychophysiologic methods. It is hypothesized that cognitive processes are generated when cybernetic neuromuscular circuits selectively interact. Consequently,all components of these neuromuscular circuits serve a function during cognition so that a role for “subvocalization” (a muscular component) cannot be ruled out in anapriori manner.  相似文献   

Video conference meetings, which became frequent during the COVID-19 pandemic, might result in exhaustion (so-called “Zoom fatigue”). However, only little is known about “Zoom fatigue,” the objective characteristics shaping it, and the subjective experiences eliciting this phenomenon. Gaining this knowledge is critical for understanding work life during the pandemic. Study 1, a within-person quantitative investigation, tested whether video conferences are exhausting and if objective characteristics (i.e. meeting size, meeting duration, and the presence of the supervisor) moderate “Zoom fatigue”. Employees from Germany and Israel (N = 81) participated in a 2-week study, with meetings nested within persons (n = 988). Results showed that video conferences are exhausting—more than meetings held through other media. However, objective characteristics did not moderate this relationship. In Study 2, qualitative data from Germany and Israel (N = 53) revealed employees' subjective experiences in video conferences that may lead to “Zoom fatigue”. These include, for example, experiences of loss and comparison with the “good old times” before the pandemic. Employees suggested ways to mitigate “Zoom fatigue,” particularly, better management of meetings by leaders. Our results provide empirical support for “Zoom fatigue” and suggest which subjective experiences elicit this phenomenon, opening directions for research and practice.  相似文献   

Clinical work based on Lacanian principles is rarely compared in the psychoanalytic literature with that based on other principles. The author attempts to highlight a few important theoretical differences regarding language, desire, affect, and time between a Lacanian approach and certain others that lead to differences in focus and technique, related, for example, to interpretation, scansion, and countertransference. Lacanian techniques are illustrated with brief clinical vignettes. In the interest of confidentiality, identifying information and certain circumstances have been changed or omitted in the material presented.  相似文献   

A general framework is proposed for accommodating the recent results of studies into ‘natural’ decision making. A crucial element of this framework is the notion of a ‘partial structure’, recently introduced into the semantic approach to scientific theories. It is through the introduction of this element that connections can be made with certain problems regarding inconsistency and rationality in general.  相似文献   

A new criterion for rotation to an oblique simple structure is proposed. The results obtained are similar to that obtained by Cattell and Muerle's maxplane criterion. Since the proposed criterion is smooth it is possible to locate the local maxima using simple gradient techniques. The results of the application of the Functionplane criterion to three sets of data are given. In each case a better fit to the subjective solution was obtained using the functionplane criterion than was reported for by Hakstian for the oblimax, promax, maxplane, or the Harris-Kaiser methods.This paper is contribution No. 66 from the Program in Ecology and Evolution at the State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York. This work was supported in part by a grant (GB-20496) from the National Science Foundation. The computations were performed on an IBM 360/67 computer at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.  相似文献   

This document, widely circulated in India, argues that the Hindu‐Muslim problem has political, socio‐economic and religious aspects. Here the emphasis is on the Muslim component. It was political hostility which assumed the form of religious hostility. The rise of religio‐cultural separatism and Islamization must be viewed not simply as a facet of ‘Muslim fanaticism’ but rather as a sociological process which resulted from the political struggles between the élites of the two communities and of a heightened political consciousness. But the identity of the Muslims of India remains. Their ‘Muslimness’ cannot completely submerge their ‘Indianness’. Whereas Hindus are asked to show respect for the Muslim minority's cultural‐religious sensibilities, Muslims should opt for a progressive and not a regressive indentity.  相似文献   

Visual distortions of perceived lengths, angles, or forms, are generally known as “geometric–optical illusions” (goi). In the present paper we focus on a class of gois where the distortion of a straight line segment (the “target” stimulus) is induced by an array of non-intersecting curvilinear elements (“context” stimulus). Assuming local target–context interactions in a vector field representation of the context, we propose to model the perceptual distortion of the target as the solution to a minimization problem in the calculus of variations. We discuss properties of the solutions and reproduction of the respective form of the perceptual distortion for several types of contexts. Moreover, we draw a connection between the interactionist model of gois and Riemannian geometry: the context stimulus is understood as perturbing the geometry of the visual field from which the illusory distortion naturally arises. The approach is illustrated by data from a psychophysical experiment with nine subjects and six different contexts.  相似文献   

Rawls’ appealing to free agreement in the original position cannot be understood as the source of real commitment to principles of social justice. According to the contextualistic interpretation, to establish and clarify the reasonableness of one context, one needs to appeal to the reasonableness of some higher-order contexts. Because the two meta-contexts of global basic structure and domestic basic structure can be seen as higher-order or lower-order context relative to each, depending on concrete cases, by excluding the consideration of global situation that must have effects on the realization of domestic justice, “justice as fairness” is blind both to the global context of domestic justice and to the domestic context of global justice.  相似文献   

Functional measurement methodology was applied to test theMotive×Expectancy×Value (MEV) model of human motivation. Subjects judged the value of hypothetical games of chance in which hunger, chance of winning a sandwich, and sandwich preference were varied along with similar information concerning a drink. Graphical tests showed excellent agreement between the data and the theoretical properties of parallelism and linear fan shape. Exact statistical tests of goodness of fit confirmed these graphical tests. Despite the complexity of the task, which required integration of six pieces of information, subjects' judgments obeyed a simple cognitive algebra. Applications of functional measurement were suggested for approach-avoidance conflict, level of aspiration, work motivation, and achievement motivation. These methods can provide exact tests of the behavior models in terms of the subjective values at the level of the individual. They thus provide a unified nomothetic-ideographic approach to motivation theory.This work was supported by National Science Foundation grants MBS 74-19124 and BNS 75-21235, and by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health to the Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego. We wish to thank Donna Rodes for her assistance in the conduct of this experiment.  相似文献   

Thinking across species—a critical bioethics approach to enhancement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drawing upon a concept of ‘critical bioethics’ [7] this paper takes a species-broad approach to the social and ethical aspects of enhancement. Critical Bioethics aims to foreground interdisciplinarity, socio-political dimensions, as well as reflexivity to what becomes bioethical subject matter. This paper focuses upon the latter component and uses the example of animal enhancement as a way to think about both enhancement generally, and bioethics. It constructs several arguments for including animal enhancement as a part of enhancement debates, and considers some connections between human and animal enhancement. The paper concludes in a plea for an ‘enhancement’ to our critical abilities to examine some of the underlying social, moral and ethical assumptions bound up in varied anticipated ‘enhanced’ futures.
Richard TwineEmail:

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