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Two hundred and sixty college students completed a questionnaire that provided information regarding their sexual experience, knowledge, and attitudes; their self-evaluations on dimensions related to sexuality; and their level of heterosocial anxiety (anxiety experienced in social interactions with members of the other sex). Compared with subjects low in heterosocial anxiety, highly anxious respondents were less sexually experienced, engaged in sexual activity less frequently, had fewer sexual partners, were less likely to have engaged in oral sex, expressed a higher degree of apprehension about sex, and had a somewhat higher incidence of sexual dysfunctions. In addition, low socially anxious women tended to use the pill, whereas highly anxious women preferred the condom. High and low heterosocially anxious respondents also differed on self-ratings related to their sexuality but did not differ in their attitudes or knowledge regarding sex. The results are discussed in terms of the cognitive, behavioral, and affective concomitants of social anxiety.  相似文献   

Interventions designed to reduce heavy drinking among college students often contain suggestions for drinking control strategies. However, little is known about the relationship between the use of these strategies and alcohol consumption. The authors developed a measure of drinking control strategies and investigated its psychometric properties in a sample of 250 college drinkers. Strategies clustered into three factors: selective avoidance of heavy drinking activities and situations, strategies used while drinking, and alternatives to drinking. These three types of strategies were independently associated with alcohol use; however, the first and last types were negatively associated with alcohol consumption, whereas the second type was positively associated with alcohol use. The findings from this study suggest that the type of strategy recommended may be important when the goal is alcohol reduction.  相似文献   

To determine whether profiles of predictor variables provide incremental prediction of college student outcomes, the authors 1st applied an empirical clustering method to profiles based on the scores of 2,771 entering college students on a battery of biographical data and situational judgment measures, along with SAT and American College Test scores and high school grade point average, which resulted in 5 student groups. Performance of the students in these clusters was meaningfully different on a set of external variables, including college grade point average, self-rated performance, class absenteeism, organizational citizenship behavior, intent to quit their university, and satisfaction with college. The 14 variables in the profile were all significantly correlated with 1 or more of the outcome measures; however, nonlinear prediction of these outcomes on the basis of cluster membership did not add incrementally to a linear-regression-based combination of these 14 variables as predictors.  相似文献   

This study tested the effectiveness of 4 interventions designed to affect contraceptive knowledge, attitudes, and use among first-year Syracuse University students in New York State in the US. Pre- and post-tests obtained data on demographic characteristics, sexual behavior, contraceptive knowledge, sexual opinions, contraceptive attitudes, and contraceptive progress on a 5-step scale. Group 1 (79 students) received contraceptive information (CI) only. Group 2 (76) received CI and a cognitively oriented intervention. Group 3 (73) received CI and an experience-oriented intervention. Group 4 (77) received a combined cognitively and experience-oriented intervention with CI. The control group included 57 people. 78% on the pretest, and 84% on the post-test, had engaged in sexual intercourse for the first time in high school. 200 indicated previous intercourse in the past 3 months. Groups varied significantly in their knowledge, beliefs, and practices. All groups had greater contraceptive knowledge than control groups. Greater behavior beliefs about contraceptive use occurred in Groups 1 and 2. Groups 3 and 4 showed greater increases in positive attitudes toward use. All intervention students showed greater increases in positive attitudes toward a contraceptive process. Greater increases in the intention to use birth control occurred in Groups 3 and 4. Groups 2, 3, and 4 showed greater increases in reported use of birth control. Group 4 intervention was the most effective for males. Females were influenced by all interventions. Findings affirm the importance of including attitudinal components in sexuality and contraception workshops.  相似文献   

Little is known about the influence strategies that young heterosexual adults use to persuade a new sexual partner to use or avoid the use of condoms. College students'(N = 393) opinions about and experiences with six condom power strategies were examined. Overall, students gender-typed the strategies as "feminine" when the goal was to persuade a partner to use condoms and as "masculine" when trying to avoid condom use. Effectiveness and comfort ratings of the strategies varied both by students'gender and the particular tactic being evaluated. Gender differences also emerged in students'actual experiences with the strategies. When trying to encourage condom use, men utilized seduction most often; whereas, withholding sex was the most popular tactic used by women. For avoiding condom use, men were more likely than women to employ seduction, reward, and information. Implications for understanding the impact of gender and social influence in the domain of condom use are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between motives of smartphone use, social relation, and psychological well-being. The correlation analysis shows that the motives of smartphone use were positively related to bonding relations but negatively related to bridging relations. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis finds the associations among motives of smartphone use, social relations, perceived social support, and variables of psychological well-being. The results demonstrate that needs for caring for others were negatively related to loneliness and depression and positively related to self-esteem. However, the communication motives are not a significant predictor to determine self-esteem, loneliness, and depression. In addition, bonding and bridging social relations and social support significantly increase self-esteem and decrease loneliness and depression.  相似文献   

Bidirectional, longitudinal relations between alcohol and marijuana use and prosocial behaviors in women college student athletes were examined. Participants were 187 female college students (Mage = 19.87 years; 91% White) who completed questionnaires on their use of marijuana and alcohol, and six forms of prosocial behaviors across 6 years (2004–2010). The findings yield overall evidence that earlier marijuana use predicted lower levels of most specific forms of prosocial behaviors for women athletes in later young adulthood. Early expressions of altruistic behaviors predicted less marijuana use in later young adulthood. Expression of public prosocial behaviors early in young adulthood predicted higher levels of hazardous drinking in late young adulthood. These novel findings have important implications for links between prosocial development and substance use in women college athletes.  相似文献   

Examined relationships among social support, psychosocial competence, and adaptation to college in a sample of 357 African American, Asian American, Latino, and white college students. Social support and active coping were significant predictors of adaptation to college, whereas locus of control was not. However, there was an interaction between ethnicity and locus of control indicating that although internal African American, Latino, and white students had higher adaptation-to-college scores than external students, the opposite was true for Asian Americans. The relationships among social support, internality, and active coping were also explored. Satisfaction with social support and internality were positively related to active coping, but locus of control and social support were unrelated. Active coping and internality were significantly related to each other for all groups except for African Americans. Although most relationships were the same across groups, these findings call attention to the role of ethnicity as a moderator of college adjustment processes.  相似文献   

This study examined students' use of and attitudes toward social networking sites. Significant gender differences were found regarding the type of information posted and whether students were comfortable with employers seeing this information. There were several items that students were likely to post on their sites but were not comfortable with employers seeing. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Children from immigrant families often translate communication for parents, a process known as language brokering (LB). LB begins in childhood, but may continue through emerging adulthood, even when individuals are in college. We surveyed 1,222 university students with two immigrant parents and compared non-language brokers, infrequent language brokers, and frequent language brokers on a variety of ethnic, cultural, and identity measures. Significant differences emerged for cultural heritage value orientation, ethnic identity, and dimensions of acculturation with frequent language brokers scoring highest, infrequent language brokers scoring in the middle, and non-language brokers scoring the lowest on these measures. There were no significant differences on acculturative stress among these three groups. These results suggest that LB experiences may contribute to the development of psychological assets for ethnic minority, emerging adults from immigrant families.  相似文献   

The present research explored the intrinsic relationship of self-reported depressive symptoms and cognitive distortions as proposed by Beck and others. A devised scale of cognitive distortions was correlated with scores on the Beck Depression Inventory for 67 college volunteers. A significant value of 0.59 was found, supporting our hypothesis. There were no sex differences on either scale.  相似文献   

The extent and nature of the difficulties faced by mature college students in a university in Hong Kong were examined. Who provided which types of support in which aspects of the lives of mature students was investigated. The results showed that time constraints were a major concern of many such students. Differences were found in the problems experienced in different modes of study and with different marital statuses. Spouses were support generalists who provided all types of support to their mature student partners, while lovers, friends and family members were support specialists who provided specific types of social support. The findings lend support to the hypothesis that the more sufficient the perceived social support received by mature students, the less the degree of difficulty they experience in their lives. Implications for service approach and for the provision of services are discussed, and recommendations on how to improve services are made.  相似文献   

Tridimensional personality traits of college student marijuana users   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study examined the possibility that marijuana use among college students might be associated with particular personality traits. College student volunteers (N = 176) were administered the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire and a drug-use questionnaire. Analysis of variance showed that the mean score on Novelty Seeking was significantly higher and on Persistence significantly lower among lifetime marijuana users than among nonmarijuana using peers. Programs for prevention among college students may be enhanced by approaches tailored to individuals scoring high on Novelty Seeking and low on Persistence.  相似文献   

This study examined a black-white sample (N= 173) of university students to ascertain if there is a protocol related to paying for dates. The sample was comprised of 97 blacks and 76 whites. Most of the blacks were from a historically black university and most of the whites were from a predominantly white university, both located in the southeast. Blacks had a slightly lower mean family income when compared with whites. Both racial and gender role related attitudes and expectations related to paying for dates were also explored. African Americans have generally been noted to enact more flexible or nontraditional gender role attitudes and behaviors in some areas. This study sought to ascertain if this pattern followed in the economic dimension of dating. Findings showed race differences on several variables related to paying for dates. Blacks were found to be less flexible or more traditional than whites on several aspects of dating related attitudes and expectations. Whites were more likely to endorse more flexible role patterns and seemed less concerned with a dating protocol. Other important background variables related to more flexible gender role attitudes and expectations were classification, age, and total income of respondents' family of origin respectively.  相似文献   

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