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幼儿自我控制能力发展的研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
运用因素分析、评价与实验的方法,编制“幼儿自我控制能力发展教师评定问卷”,探讨幼儿自我控制能力的结构及幼儿自我控制的年龄差异和性别差异,研究结果表明:(1)“幼儿自我控制能力发展教师评定问卷”具有较高的信度和效度;(2)幼儿自我控制能力包括自制力、自觉性、坚持性、自我延迟满足;(3)幼儿自我控制能力随年龄的增长而呈上升趋势;(4)幼儿自我控制能力存在明显的性别差异。  相似文献   

为探讨父母教育卷入、创造性自我效能感、掌握目标和批判性思维的关系及作用机制,采用创造性自我效能感问卷、父母教育卷入问卷、掌握目标问卷、批判性思维倾向问卷对802名中学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)父母教育卷入对中学生创造性自我效能感具有直接预测作用;(2)掌握目标在父母教育卷入与中学生创造性自我效能感的关系间起中介作用;(3)批判性思维在父母教育卷入与中学生创造性自我效能感的关系间起中介作用;(4)掌握目标和批判性思维在父母教育卷入对中学生创造性自我效能感的影响中起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

采用自我调节学习问卷、感知教师支持问卷及自尊问卷,对334名高中生进行测量,探究感知教师支持及性别在自我调节学习与自尊之间的调节作用。结果表明:(1)自我调节学习与自尊呈显著正相关,感知教师支持与自尊及自我调节学习呈显著正相关;(2)感知教师支持及性别在自我调节学习与自尊之间均起调节作用:自我调节学习对自尊的影响在女生中更为明显,感知高水平的教师支持缓解了低自我调节学习对自尊的负面影响。  相似文献   

为探讨童年期不良经历对中学生良心的影响及作用机制,基于生物生态学理论和自我控制资源模型,采用整群取样法抽取湖南省7所城市7所中学初一到高三学生共3648名,使用童年期不良经历问卷、青少年良心问卷、特质自我控制量表和自我调节疲劳量表进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)童年期不良经历负向预测中学生良心;(2)特质自我控制和自我损耗在童年期不良经历和中学生良心间起部分中介作用;(3)特质自我控制和自我损耗在童年期不良经历和中学生良心间起链式中介作用。研究结果表明,童年期不良经历不仅是影响中学生良心的重要外部因素,而且还会通过影响特质自我控制和经由自我损耗对中学生良心产生间接作用;减少和避免童年期不良经历对中学生心理的冲击,提升其特质自我控制水平,降低其自我损耗,是预防中学生良心失守和提升良心水平的重要途径。  相似文献   

以285名大学生为被试,自编超媒体学习系统,考察模糊容忍性在场独立/场依存和超媒体学习成绩间关系的调节作用。发现:(1)控制其他变量后,场独立倾向和模糊容忍性间呈显著负相关;(2)控制其他变量后,模糊容忍性显著正向预测超媒体学习成绩;(3)在场独立/场依存对超媒体学习成绩的影响中,模糊容忍性起到了调节作用。结果表明,模糊容忍性能够"补偿"场依存型学习者在超媒体学习中的认知"弱势"。  相似文献   

孔子道德主体性思想述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主体性和规范性的对立统一,是道德最重要的特征之一。道德的规范性,是一定的社会物质关系对社会成员的一种必然性制约,具有超越个人意志的客观必然性。但是,自觉的能动性是人类的特点,道德对社会和个人的规范、约束作用,必须通过行为主体的自我控制、自我调节才能实现,没有人的主体能动性,道德原则、道德规范就始终只能是外在于人的需要的东西。相对于法律、规章、制度而言,道德之所以为道德,就在于它发挥作用的基础是行为主体的自觉,而不是外在的强制;是“人类精神的自律”,而不是他律。道德的主体性与规范性对立统一的特征,…  相似文献   

基于动机性自我调节框架,通过两项独立研究,探讨前期创业努力对随后创业进展的影响及其内在机理——创业自我效能的中介与调节定向的调节作用。对115名新创业者进行为期6个月(研究1)和对70名新创业者进行为期15个月的追踪调查(研究2),分别构建多层次跨期中介效应检验模型和多层线性回归模型进行数据分析。结果发现:(1)创业自我效能在前期创业进展对随后创业努力的影响中起中介角色;(2)从总体上看(即不考虑调节定向作用时),前期创业进展通过正向影响创业自我效能,负向影响随后创业努力;(3)促进定向水平越高,创业自我效能对随后创业努力产生越强的负向影响,从而前期创业进展与随后创业努力的间接负相关关系越强;(4)预防定向水平越高,创业自我效能对随后创业努力产生越弱的负向影响,从而前期创业进展与随后创业努力的间接负相关关系越弱。这一结果弥合了过往创业自我调节过程研究的混淆结论,拓展了创业情境下的动机性自我调节框架与调节定向观研究,对于揭示创业过程的动态性、复杂性具有积极作用。  相似文献   

采用学习坚持性问卷、自我效能感问卷、内在价值问卷和学习投入量表,对407名四、五年级小学生施测,并收集学生期中考试成绩作为客观指标,建立结构方程模型以考察学习坚持性和学习投入在自我效能感、内在价值与学业成就关系中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)学习坚持性与自我效能感、内在价值、学习投入、学业成就均显著正相关;(2)学习坚持性可以部分中介自我效能感与学习投入、内在价值与学习投入之间的相关;(3)学习坚持性通过学习投入的中介作用影响学业成就。  相似文献   

探讨冲动性、自我调节与手机依赖间的关系,并检验手机使用在三者关系间的中介作用。采用BIS-11冲动性问卷、BIS/BAS自我调节测量问卷、大学生手机依赖倾向问卷和手机使用情况问卷对909名大学生进行测量,通过建立结构方程模型对变量间关系进行检验。结果表明:(1)高冲动性正向影响手机依赖,自我调节负向影响手机依赖;(2)冲动性人格特质、提升调节通过手机使用中介作用对手机依赖产生影响。结论:高冲动性大学生易出现手机依赖行为,自我调节尤其是防御调节有利于降低手机依赖行为。  相似文献   

中学生自我控制能力问卷的编制及其调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王红姣  卢家楣 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1477-1482
本研究的目的是编制一套“中学生自我控制能力问卷”,并运用问卷调查了上海地区的885名预初至高二的学生,对中学生自我控制能力的特点进行了探索。研究结果表明:(1)中学生自我控制能力问港山情绪自控、行为白控和思维自控三个维度组成;(2)中学生自我控制能力问卷具有较高的信效度;(3)中学生自我控制能力成正态分市;(4)中学生自我控制能力在年级及性别上的差异非常显着;(5)中学生自我控制能力的发展还不稳定,处于波动之中。  相似文献   

惠能及其开创的禅宗的核心思想“明心见性”是明白“心量广大”。它包括如下几层含义:(1)“本心”中所包含的估量标准或尺度广大;(2)“心”度量、衡量、审度的对象众多,范围广大;(3)“心”的容量广大;(4)人心的耐受程度和转化能力强大;(5)人心的范围广大和创造力强大;(6)人的心态积极强大。“心量广大”具体体现在平常心、包容心或宽容心、认知力、精神力、心理能量等几个方面。“心量广大”具有浓郁的中国文化特色,蕴含有“自强不息,厚德载物”的中国文化精神,“道德自律和躬身自省”的中国文化伦理与价值追求,“以人为本的人道主义和人文情怀”的中国文化核心思想理念。由此来看,惠能的“心量广大”思想在当代社会仍具有积极的现实价值,对当代文化建设,社会道德构建等有积极作用。  相似文献   

It is fruitless to attempt to genetically engineer virtuous living. Prenatal genome modification could, in principle, establish desired traits and predispose us to certain behaviors. But, traits given at birth are not the same thing as a virtuous character that can be acquired only by self-discipline. The ethicist further fears that free market eugenics—the sale of gene modification—may become one more expression of the social sin our culture inherits.  相似文献   

浅议班干部轮换制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了班干部轮换制的理论来源、实施形式、特点、实践羁绊,并就班干部轮换制对大学生自我管理、自我教育的作用进行了分析,提出了在班干部轮换制实施过程中,为推动大学生自我管理自我教育工作的三点建议。  相似文献   

个性测验研制报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
苏永华 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1500-1501
本研究所编制的个性测验是根据我国企业人才素质测评需要而设计的,它包含有一个效度量表(掩饰性)和15项个性测评要素:自信心、责任心、自律性、进取性、合群性、灵活性、自主性、支配性、客观性、外向性、情绪性、宽容性、坚韧性、成就性、内外控。项目分析和信度、效度分析结果显示,该测验是可靠而有效的。  相似文献   

Personality approaches to politics are often criticized for not examining the effect that institutional role constraints have on individual beliefs and preferences. When leaders appear to change their stance when they change roles, it is assumed that roles have a determining influence. Modern personality theory and contemporary sociological role theory, however, view the effects of roles as interacting with agents’ personalities. In this article, we investigate this question by comparing personality profiles of three Turkish leaders (Özal, Demirel, and Gül) during their tenure as prime minister and during their subsequent time as president. For Gül, we perform an additional comparison during his time as foreign minister. The personality profiles are in the form of quantitative scores generated from machine‐coded content analysis of leaders’ words using the Leadership Trait Analysis method. We hypothesize that different leaders will be more susceptible to changing role contexts, depending on core personality traits, and that different traits are more likely to change with new roles. Overall, our results suggest that leaders’ traits are fairly resistant to changes across roles and that task orientation is the most likely trait to change as leaders adapt to different role demands and expectations. This study makes a contribution to our understanding of the interaction between personality and political contexts by offering specific theoretically derived hypotheses and by empirically and statistically examining a preliminary set of expectations that could be applied more broadly to other leaders.  相似文献   

An emic approach was adopted to develop a culture-specific instrument for the assessment of Chinese personality. The Multi-Trait Personality Inventory (MTPI) was administered to 1,673 men and 944 women in four major Chinese populations. It was found that Chinese m mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the United States possess some common traits deeply rooted in the Chinese culture characterized by Confucian thoughts (e.g., self-discipline and moderation) and some additional traits nurtured by their respective environments. Consequently, findings of this study lent support to the hypothesis that, in spite of superficial discontinuities, there are basic continuities in the personality traits of mainland and overseas Chinese. The cross-cultural differences in personality were examined from a political-social perspective and also explained with a cultural-ecological model. In the development of the MTPI, a new methodology that relies on forming factor-consistent clusters was employed to deal successfully with the problem of complex factor space.  相似文献   

Anemic approach was adopted to develop a culture-specific instrument for the assessment of Chinese personality. The Multi-Trial Personality Inventory (MTPI) was administered to 1,673 men and 944 women in four major Chinese populations. It was found that Chinese in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the United States possess some common traits deeply rooted in the Chinese culture characterized by Confucian thoughts (e.g., self-discipline and moderation) and some additional traits nurtured by their respective environments. Consequently, findings of this study lent support to the hypothesis that, in spite of superficial discontinuities, there are basic continuities in the personality traits of mainland and overseas Chinese. The cross-cultural differences in personality were examined from a political-social perspective and also explained with a cultural-ecological model. In the development of the MTPI, a new methodology that relies on forming factor-consistent clusters was employed to deal successfully with the problem of complex factor space.  相似文献   

“私产入宪”意味着民企作为“权利主体”人格的真正确立。民企及其业主将以完全的独立人格参与社会主义市场经济建设 ,并将以“权利主体”的身份面对建设中国特色社会主义实践的要求 :由此 ,民企及其业主就应提升自己的人格境界 ,其突出的要求是 ,自尊 ,自律 ,自强。  相似文献   

探讨在人格调节和工作倦怠中介作用下,纪检干部的腐败容忍度与其组织忠诚度的关系。采用腐败容忍度量表、组织忠诚量表、工作倦怠量表以及大五人格量表对193名纪检干部进行测查,研究结果表明:(1)纪检干部的腐败容忍度与其组织忠诚显著负相关;(2)腐败容忍度能显著负向预测个体组织忠诚度,容忍度越低,组织忠诚度越高;(3)工作倦怠在腐败容忍度和组织忠诚间起部分中介作用;(4)腐败容忍度与组织忠诚的关系受到纪检干部大五人格的调节作用,大五人格中情绪稳定性、外向性水平越高,腐败容忍度与组织忠诚的关系越弱。  相似文献   

This article argues that Islam Hadhari, as a model for development officially inaugurated during the administration of Malaysia's fifth Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (2003–9), encountered failure. Its lack of success was significantly due to the rise of Islamist conservatives, who deliberately interpreted Islam Hadhari as a political instrument to impose Islamization from above in a manner not conducive to living in a spirit of peaceful coexistence in a multi-ethnic society. While on the one hand it promoted an Islam that cherishes the values of inclusivity, moderation and inter-religious tolerance, on the other hand Islam Hadhari unfortunately triggered defensive responses from Islamist conservatives. This ad hoc conservative alliance comprised religious leaders associated with the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), state religious functionaries, scholars affiliated to the opposition Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS: Parti Islam SeMalaysia) and Islamist non-governmental organizations. The rise of this Islamist conservatism aggravated ethno-religious relations during Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's premiership, leading to the setbacks experienced by his government in the general elections of 2008. By then, the death knell had been sounded for Islam Hadhari. It was steadily consigned to the graveyard of history by the administration of Najib Razak, who took over from Abdullah in April 2009.  相似文献   

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