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Juola P 《Brain and cognition》2000,43(1-3):257-262
Double dissociations are among the most highly regarded and influential evidence for particular modular divisions of cognitive performance. We present here a method for obtaining double dissociations across any task, even within an avowedly indivisible and unmodular system. We argue that the existence of double dissociations is not necessarily evidential and suggest what sort of additional evidence would be necessary to support the desired conclusions. We suggest that the idea of expected behavior after injury is important and should receive more attention.  相似文献   

Why do people sometimes seem to know things when they are tested in one way, while seeming unaware of this information when tested in a different way? Such task-dependent behaviors, or dissociations, often occur in infants and children, and in adults following brain damage. To explain these dissociations, researchers have posited separable knowledge systems that are differentially tapped by various tasks, develop at different rates and can be selectively impaired. There is an alternative account in which knowledge is viewed as graded in nature. Certain tasks tap weaker representations, while other tasks require stronger representations, leading to dissociations in behavior. The graded representations approach addresses dissociations observed in perception, attention, memory, executive functioning and language, and has implications for the organization, development and impairment of our cognitive systems.  相似文献   

Substantial behavioural and neuropsychological evidence has been amassed to support the dual-route model of morphological processing, which distinguishes between a rule-based system for regular items (walkwalked, callcalled) and an associative system for the irregular items (gowent). Some neural-network models attempt to explain the neuropsychological and brain-mapping dissociations in terms of single-system associative processing. We show that there are problems in the accounts of homogeneous networks in the light of recent brain-mapping evidence of systematic double-dissociation. We also examine the superior capabilities of more internally differentiated connectionist models, which, under certain conditions, display systematic double-dissociations. It appears that the more differentiation models show, the more easily they account for dissociation patterns, yet without implementing symbolic computations.  相似文献   

Traditional beliefs about two aspects of glucose regulation in the brain have been challenged by recent findings. First, the absolute level of glucose in the brain's extracellular fluid appears to be lower than previously thought. Second, the level of glucose in brain extracellular fluid is less stable than previously believed. In vivo brain microdialysis was used, according to the method of zero net flux, to determine the basal concentration of glucose in the extracellular fluid of the striatum in awake, freely moving rats for comparison with recent hippocampal measurements. In addition, extracellular glucose levels in both the hippocampus and the striatum were measured before, during, and after behavioral testing in a hippocampus-dependent spontaneous alternation task. In the striatum, the resting extracellular glucose level was 0.71 mM, approximately 70% of the concentration measured previously in the hippocampus. Consistent with past findings, the hippocampal extracellular glucose level decreased by up to 30 +/- 4% during testing; no decrease, and in fact a small increase (9 +/- 3%), was seen in the striatum. Blood glucose measurements obtained during the same testing procedure and following administration of systemic glucose at a dose known to enhance memory in this task revealed a dissociation in glucose level fluctuations between the blood and both striatal and hippocampal extracellular fluid. These findings suggest, first, that glucose is compartmentalized within the brain and, second, that one mechanism by which administration of glucose enhances memory performance is via provision of increased glucose supply from the blood specifically to those brain areas involved in mediating that performance.  相似文献   

Woodbury  Max A. 《Psychometrika》1963,28(4):391-394
An axiomatization of mental test theory is presented. The presentation deals explicitly with the following concepts: true score, parallel forms, reliability, validity, and combined test score.This project was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N6onr 270-(20) and by the National Science Foundation, Grant NSF G-642. Work now continued under Nonr 1858-(150) and NSF G-22889.  相似文献   

Kinder and Shanks report simulations aimed at describing a single-system model of the dissociation between declarative and non-declarative memory. This model attempts to capture both Artificial Grammar Learning (AGL) and recognition memory with a single underlying representation. However, the model fails to reflect an essential feature of recognition memory - that it occurs after a single exposure - and the simulations may instead describe a potentially interesting property of over-training non-declarative memory.  相似文献   

A cornerstone of contemporary research in numerical cognition is the surprising link found between numbers and space. In particular, people react faster and more accurately to small numbers with a left-hand key and to large numbers with a right-hand key. Because this contingency is found in a variety of tasks, it has been taken to support the automatic activation of magnitude as well as the notion of a mental number line arranged from left to right. The present study challenges the presence of a link between left-right location, on the one hand, and small-large number, on the other hand. We show that a link exists between space and relative magnitude, a relationship that might or might not be unique to numbers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the possible presence of dissociations in the speech and language skills of young children who do (CWS) and do not stutter (CWNS) using a correlation-based statistical procedure [Bates, E., Appelbaum, M., Salcedo, J., Saygin, A. P., & Pizzamiglio, L. (2003). Quantifying dissociations in neuropsychological research. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 25, 1128-1153]. Participants were 45 preschool CWS and 45 CWNS between the ages of 3;0 and 5;11 (years;months), with the two groups matched by age, gender, race, and parental socioeconomic status. Children participated in a parent-child interaction for the purpose of disfluency analysis and responded to four standardized speech-language tests for subsequent analyses as main dependent variables. Findings indicated that CWS were over three times more likely than CWNS to exhibit dissociations across speech-language domains, with 44 cases of dissociation for CWS and 14 for CWNS across 10 possible comparisons. Results suggest that there may be a subgroup of CWS who exhibit dissociations across speech-language domains, which may result in a greater susceptibility to breakdowns in speech fluency. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The reader will be able to: (1) summarize findings from previous studies examining differences in speech and language performance between children who do and do not stutter; (2) describe what is meant by "dissociations" in the speech and language skills of young children who do and do not stutter; and (3) discuss three hypotheses that could account for the present findings that suggest CWS, more often than CWNS, exhibit dissociations in their speech-language system.  相似文献   

A patient (M.L.) with selective disruption of sentence production is described. M.L.'s sentence production performance is characterized by the omission (and occasional substitution) of free-standing and bound grammatical morphemes. In contrast to her impaired sentence production performance, M.L. has no difficulties in sentence comprehension or production of single words including functors. Her performance is interpreted as reflecting a functional lesion to the positional level of sentence production.  相似文献   

On estimation and hypothesis testing problems for correlation coefficients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A selection of statistical problems commonly encountered in psychological or psychiatric research concerning correlation coefficients are re-evaluated in the light of recently developed simplifications in the forms of the distribution theory of the intraclass correlation coefficient (exact theory), of the product-moment correlation coefficient and of the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (approximate).  相似文献   

Double dissociations in visual and spatial short-term memory   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A visual short-term memory task was more strongly disrupted by visual than spatial interference, and a spatial memory task was simultaneously more strongly disrupted by spatial than visual interference. This double dissociation supports a fractionation of visuospatial short-term memory into separate visual and spatial components. In 6 experiments, this interpretation could be defended against alternative explanations in terms of trade-offs in resource allocation between memory tasks and interference tasks, in terms of an involvement of short-term consolidation and long-term memory, in terms of differential phonological-loop and central-executive involvement, and in terms of similarity-based interference.  相似文献   

A distinction is drawn between non-conscious (unexperienced), conscious (experienced), and meta-conscious (re-represented) mental processes. There is evidence for two types of dissociations between consciousness and meta-consciousness, the latter being defined as the intermittent explicit re-representation of the contents of consciousness. Temporal dissociations occur when an individual, who previously lacked meta-consciousness about the contents of consciousness, directs meta-consciousness towards those contents; for example, catching one's mind wandering during reading. Once meta-consciousness is triggered, translation dissociations can occur if the re-representation process misrepresents the original experience, such as when one verbally reflects on non-verbal experiences or takes stock of subtle or ambiguous experiences.  相似文献   

Computer modelling research has undermined the view that double dissociations in behaviour are sufficient to infer separability in the cognitive mechanisms underlying those behaviours. However, all these models employ multi-modal representational schemes, where functional specialisation of processing emerges from the training process. Targeted lesioning of different regions of functional specialisation leads to varied but predictable deficits in model performance. We argue that multi-modal representational schemes are not a necessary condition for the observation of double dissociations in an information processing system that shares resources across multiple tasks. Using a uni-modal representational system, we demonstrate that double dissociations may also result from stochastic processes. Lesioning experiments on a single-route, uni-modal connectionist model of regular and irregular noun and verb morphology confirm and extend earlier work demonstrating that selective impairment across tasks can result from damage to a distributed information processing system. A systematic investigation of the degree to which performance deteriorates across different inflectional classes reveals that simple and double dissociations can occur in this single-route, uni-modal model. An important prediction of the model is that double dissociations between regular and irregular inflection, resulting from stochastic processes should be extremely rare. However, they are particularly likely to occur when the researcher uses test batteries consisting of a small number of items. Given that cognitive neuropsychologists rarely provide details about the distribution of performance in a disordered population, it is concluded that a stochastic interpretation of double dissociations may have wider applicability than is normally supposed.  相似文献   

Many people are excited by functional neuroimaging as a new tool for cognitive science; many others are sceptical. In this opinion article, I describe a 'forward inference' that one can make from patterns of brain activity to distinguish between cognitive theories. I give an example of forward inferences in research on recognition memory, and outline some statistical criteria for a 'qualitative difference' in brain activity. Forward inferences resemble the dissociation logic long-used in behavioural studies of healthy and brain-damaged people, although I argue that dissociations in neuroimaging data can go beyond behavioural dissociations. Nonetheless, forward inferences are only as good as the cognitive theories to which they pertain, and are most valuable in conjunction with other types of inference.  相似文献   

The influence of word reading on Stroop color naming decreases as a function of the proportion of test items that are incongruent. This proportion-congruent effect is usually ascribed to strategies (e.g., maintaining task set) that operate at a general level to moderate the extent to which participants are influenced by word reading. However, in three experiments, effects at the level of specific items were found. Interference and facilitation were smaller for color names usually presented in an incongruent color than for color names usually presented in their congruent colors. This item-specific proportioncongruent manipulation affected the process dissociation (PD) estimate of the influence of word-reading processes but not that of color-naming processes. The results (1) indicate that item-specific, as opposed to general, mechanisms can reduce the influence of word-reading processes on Stroop performance and (2) demonstrate the PD procedure’s utility in studying Stroop phenomena.  相似文献   

Historically, psychologists and neuroscientists have distinguished between processes supporting memory for events across retention delays of several seconds (short-term memory, STM), and those supporting memory for events across longer retention delays of minutes or more (long-term memory, LTM). Dissociations reported in some neuropsychological studies have contributed to a popular view that there must be neurally distinct memory stores that differentially support STM and LTM. In this article, we review evidence from recent studies regarding dissociations between STM and LTM. We suggest that the evidence reveals problems with claims of selective STM or LTM impairments, which in turn questions whether theories of memory need to propose neurally distinct stores for short- and long-term retention. We consider alternative ways to explain the neural mechanisms of memory across different retention intervals.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the participants’ processing strategies on the mere exposure effect, object decision priming and explicit recognition. In Experiments 1, we observed that recognition and the mere exposure effect for unfamiliar three-dimensional objects were not dissociated by plane rotations in the same way as recognition and object decision priming. However, we showed that, under identical conditions, prompting analytic (part-based) processing at testing produced a large plane rotation effect on recognition and the mere exposure effect similar to that observed for object decision priming (Experiment 2). Furthermore, inducing a non-analytic (whole-based) processing strategy at testing produced a reduced plane rotation effect on recognition and object decision (Experiments 3 and 4), similar to that observed for the mere exposure effect. These findings suggest that participants’ processing strategies influence performance on the three tasks.  相似文献   

Implicit preparation over time is a complex cognitive capacity important to optimize behavioral responses to a target occurring after a temporal interval, the so-called foreperiod (FP). If the FP occurs randomly and with the same a priori probability, shorter response times are usually observed with longer FPs than with shorter ones (FP effect). Moreover, responses are slower when the preceding FP was longer than the current one (sequential effects). It is still a matter of debate how different processes influence these temporal preparation phenomena. The present study used a dual-task procedure to understand how different processes, along the automatic-controlled continuum, may contribute to these temporal preparation phenomena. Dual-task demands were manipulated in two experiments using a subtraction task during the FP. This secondary task was administered in blocks (Experiment 1) or was embedded together with a baseline single-task in the same experimental session (Experiment 2). The results consistently showed that the size of the FP effect, but not that of sequential effects, is sensitive to dual-task manipulations. This functional dissociation unveils the multi-faceted nature of implicit temporal preparation: while the FP effect is due to a controlled, resource-consuming preparatory mechanism, a more automatic mechanism underlies sequential effects.  相似文献   

People often claim that they perform better in memory performance tasks when they are more motivated. However, past research has shown minimal effects of motivation on memory performance when factors contributing to item-specific biases during encoding and retrieval are taken into account. The purpose of the present study was to examine the generality of this apparent dissociation by using more sensitive measures of experienced motivation and memory performance. Extrinsic motivation was manipulated through competition instructions, and subjective ratings of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were obtained before and after study instructions. Participants studied a series of words, and memory performance was assessed by content recall (Experiment 1) and source recall (Experiment 2). Both experiments showed dissociation between subjective ratings of extrinsic motivation and actual memory performance, so that competition increased self-rated extrinsic motivation but had no effects on memory performance, including source recall. Inconsistent with most people's expectations, the findings suggest that extrinsic motivation has minimal effects on memory performance.  相似文献   

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