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Impairment of postural control is a common consequence of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Increasing evidences demonstrate that the pathophysiology of postural disorders in PD includes deficits in proprioceptive processing and integration. However, the nature of these deficits has not been thoroughly examined. We propose to establish a link between proprioceptive impairments and postural deficits in PD using two different experimental approaches manipulating proprioceptive information. In the first one, the subjects stood on a platform that tilted slowly with oscillatory angular movements in the frontal or sagittal planes. The amplitude and frequency of these movements were kept below the semicircular canal perception threshold. Subjects were asked to maintain vertical body posture with and without vision. The orientations of body segments were analyzed. In the second one, the postural control was tested using the tendon-vibration method, which is known to generate illusory movement sensations and postural reactions. Vibrations were applied to ankle muscles. The subject’s whole-body motor responses were analyzed from center of pressure displacements.In the first experiment, the parkinsonian patients (PP) were unable to maintain the vertical trunk orientation without vision. Their performances with vision improved, without fully reaching the level of control subjects (CS). In the second experiment, the postural reactions of the PP were similar to those of the CS at the beginning of the perturbation and increased drastically at the end of the perturbation’s period as compared to those of CS and could induce fall.These results will bring new concepts to the sensorimotor postural control, to the physiopathology of posture, equilibrium and falls in PD and to the role of basal ganglia pathways in proprioception integration. Nevertheless, in order to assess precisely the role played by sensorimotor integration deficits in postural impairments in PD, further studies establishing the links between clinical features and abnormalities are now required.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to compare valid and invalid cue conditions for peripheral and central cues. Experiments 1, 3, and 4 used reaction time (RT) as the dependent variable. Experiment 2 used a threshold measure. Peripheral and central cues were presented on each trial. The peripheral cue was uninformative in all experiments. The central cue was informative in Experiments 1 and 2, where it predicted stimulus side on 70% of the trials. Experiment 3 included 50% and 100% central-cue prediction conditions as well as the 70% treatment. Experiment 4 included 60%, 75%, and 90% central-cue prediction conditions. The effects of the central and peripheral cues were independent and additive in all four experiments, indicating that: (1) both cue types can act simultaneously, and that the relationship between them is additive under the conditions used in these experiments, (2) informativeness is not a necessary condition for attentional effects with peripheral cues, and (3) covert visual orientation influences sensory thresholds and RT in similar ways. The results of Experiments 3 and 4 demonstrated that the facilitation associated with peripheral cues was insensitive to manipulations which demonstrate that subjects use the informational value of the central cue to direct voluntary attention. The results are discussed with reference to two issues; first, the proposition that central and peripheral cues exert their influence on performance in independent information-processing stages, following the additive factor method, and, second, the problems raised for additive factors method when cues elicit both an “explicit” response—regarding the presence or absence of a specified letter—and an “implicit response”—involving the planning and possible execution of eye and hand movements.  相似文献   

Intuitively, a broad stance (i.e., standing with the feet farther apart than usual) should significantly improve postural stability. However, this intuition was not confirmed in quiet stance. Hence, a motion analysis system (markers attached to the trunk and head) and a force platform were used to investigate 13 healthy, young adults who performed 8 trials in standard and broad stances. In broad stance, the medialateral center of pressure (COP) sway mean power frequency was expected to be greater, whereas the variability (standard deviation) of COP, head, and trunk sway and the mean velocity of head and trunk sway was expected to be significantly lower. Accordingly, adoption of a broad stance significantly increased the medialateral mean power frequency of COP sway; decreased the standard deviation of medialateral COP, trunk, and head sway; and decreased the medialateral mean velocity of head sway. A broad stance was also associated with lower variability for head and COP sways in the anteroposterior axis. Unexpectedly, an effect of trial repetition was found for the variability of medialateral trunk sway. This was probably due to the break halfway through the study. In practical terms, broad stance conditions can improve postural control in the medialateral and anteroposterior axes.  相似文献   

Visual orientation judgments were made during right head tilt, left body tilt, and left trunk tilt, each of 30 deg. In these postures the otolith, neck, and trunk systems are stimulated in pairs. The hypothesis that the visual vertical during trunk tilt is equal to the algebraic sum ofthose in the same direction ofbody tilt and the opposite head tilt was tested and accepted. This result demonstrates the interaction of these postural systems in visual orientation, and complements the confirmation of the same hypothesis for the visual aftereffect following prolonged tilt.  相似文献   

Van Der Zant  T.  Reid  J.  Mondloch  C. J.  Nelson  N. L. 《Motivation and emotion》2021,45(5):641-648

Perceptions of others’ traits (e.g., trustworthiness or dominance) are influenced by the emotion displayed on their face. For instance, the same individual appears more trustworthy when they express happiness than when they express anger. This overextension of emotional expressions has been shown with facial expression but whether this phenomenon also occurs when viewing postural expressions was unknown. We sought to examine how expressive behaviour of the body would influence judgements of traits and how sensitivity to this cue develops. In the context of a storybook, adults (N?=?35) and children (5 to 8 years old; N?=?60) selected one of two partners to help face a challenge. The challenges required either a trustworthy or dominant partner. Participants chose between a partner with an emotional (happy/angry) face and neutral body or one with a neutral face and emotional body. As predicted, happy facial expressions were preferred over neutral ones when selecting a trustworthy partner and angry postural expressions were preferred over neutral ones when selecting a dominant partner. Children’s performance was not adult-like on most tasks. The results demonstrate that emotional postural expressions can also influence judgments of others’ traits, but that postural influence on trait judgments develops throughout childhood.


Self-referential stimuli such as self-face surpass other-referential stimuli in capture of attention, which has been attributed to attractive perceptual features of self-referential stimuli. We investigated whether temporarily established self-referential stimuli are different from other-referential cues in guiding voluntary visual attention. Temporarily established self-referential or friend-referential shapes served as central cues in Posner's endogenous cueing task. We found that, relative to friend-referential cues, self-referential cues induced smaller cueing effect (i.e., the difference in reaction times to targets at cued and uncued locations) when the interstimulus interval was short but larger cueing effect when the interstimulus interval was long. Our findings suggest that temporarily established self-referential cues are more efficient to capture reflexive attention at the early stage of perceptual processing and to shift voluntary attention at the later stage of perceptual processing.  相似文献   

We investigated optic and somesthetic contributions to perceived body orientation in the pitch dimension. In a within-subject factorial design, each of 12 subjects attempted to set his/her body erect or 45° back from erect while restrained in a movable bed surrounded by an adjustable box The box provided a visual environment consisting of either a grid pattern, two luminous lines, or complete darkness. Both the grid pattern and the luminous lines were effective at-biasing settings of body position when the box was pitched; the pitched grid was more effective than the pitched lines. Although the pitch of the box influenced orientation to both goals, the effect was greater for the diagonal goal than for the erect goal. We present a model of postural orientation in the median plane that involves vestibular, somatosensory, and visual inputs.  相似文献   

One approach to investigating sensorimotor control is to assess the accelerations that produce changes in the kinematic state of the system. When assessing complex whole-body movements, structuring the multi-segmental accelerations is important. A useful structuring can be achieved through a principal component analysis (PCA) performed on segment positions followed by double-differentiation to obtain “principal accelerations” (PAs). In past research PAs have proven sensitive to altered motor control strategies, however, the interrelationship between PAs and muscle activation (surface electromyography, sEMG) have never been determined. The purpose of the current study was therefore to assess the relationship between PAs and sEMG signals recorded from muscles controlling the ankle joint during one-leg standing trials. It was hypothesized that medium correlation should be observed when accounting for neurophysiologic latencies (electro-mechanical delay). Unipedal balancing on a level-rigid ground was performed by 25 volunteers. sEMG activities were recorded from the tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius medialis, and soleus muscles of the stance leg. The first eight PA-time series were determined from kinematic marker data. Then, a cross-correlation analysis was performed between sEMG and PA time series. We found that peak correlation coefficients for many participants aligned at time delays between 0.116 and 0.362 s and were typically in the range small to medium (|r| = 0.1 to 0.6). Thus, the current study confirmed a direct association between many principal accelerations PA(t) and muscle activation signals recorded from four muscles crossing the ankle joint complex. The combined analysis of PA and sEMG signals allowed exploring the neuromuscular function of each muscle in different postural movement components.  相似文献   

The role of orientation cues in vernier acuity was investigated in five experiments that varied the salience of different possible reference systems: (1) retinal, (2) subjective (vestibular), and (3) stimulus-defined (“intrinsic”). We compared the eight possible combinations of presence and absence of the three types of information about vertical by changing the orientation of the vernier stimulus, by changing the angle between the two segments of the stimulus, by reducing the stimulus to two dots rather than two lines, and/or by tilting the subject’s head or by having the subject lie in a supine position. The results show that vestibular vertical plays no important role in vernier discriminations, whereas retinal vertical and, to a lesser degree, the intrinsic reference do. A control experiment excluded the possible role of a fourth possible reference system, the frame of the monitor. Our results are compatible with a model of vernier acuity detection based on oriented receptive fields with inhibitory surrounds. They show further that observers can produce, in the case of two-dot stimuli, an internal standard for comparison and detect deviations from this standard with high precision.  相似文献   

It has been reported that the tuning function relating masking of a vertical line to the orientation of a masking line differs in form depending upon whether the mask is presented with the target (simultaneous masking) or before it (forward masking). From such evidence, it might be concluded that different mechanisms are implicated. Lovegrove (1976) suggested that lateral inhibition mediates the simultaneous effect, whereas postexcitatory suppression (adaptation) mediates the successive effect. The six experiments reported here show that apparent motion cues reduce the effectiveness of successive masking when single-line stimuli are used, but that when such motion cues are eliminated, the two tuning functions are similar in form. It is, thus, unnecessary to invoke separate mechanisms in the two cases.  相似文献   

Occlusion cues defining a contour in a 2-D stimulus pattern were shown to contribute to the accuracy of orientation judgments of that contour. The stimulus pattern was altered so that the occlusion cues became ambiguous, by introducing a textured background suggesting transparency of the stimulus pattern. Orientation judgments then became significantly less accurate. This finding shows that occlusion cues in 2-D patterns can be behaviorally relevant, in addition to generating the subjective percept commonly known as an illusory contour. The disruptive effect of the textured background on orientation judgments remained when no texture elements were present in the vicinity of the contour. This suggests that the generation of occlusion-defined contours relies as much on an evaluation of the surfaces at either side of the contour as being opaque as it does on local encoding of occlusion cues close to the contour. Finally, orientation sensitivity measured with contours defined by other than occlusion cues was not altered after the introduction of a textured background.  相似文献   

Postural responses, triggered by sensory feedback, are present very early in a child's development. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the ability of children to anticipate postural disturbances caused by self-initiated movements and their ability to coordinate anticipatory postural adjustments with movement execution. Children (N = 32) aged 4 to 14 years were asked to stand quietly on a stable force plate and to raise their right arm forward (or backward) to the horizontal position after a visual stimulus. Changes in the center of pressure beneath the feet were recorded before and during the arm raise. The anticipatory (feedforward) postural patterns seen before the arm movement, and noted in a previous study of adults, were present in the youngest of the children (4 years, 2 months). Longer reaction times and inconsistent postural responses (in the anteroposterior direction) suggest that children are less capable than adults of coordinating the anticipated postural adjustment with the forthcoming limb movement, however. In the lateral plane, anticipatory postural responses were initiated more consistently.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of diminished plantar cutaneous sensation induced by cooling on postural control during double- and single-limb quiet standing. 32 healthy adults were tested on an intervention day and control day. The intervention consisted of 10 min. of ice immersion of the plantar aspect of the feet prior to balance testing. Dependent variables were center of pressure velocity and area during double- and single-limb stance with eyes open and closed. Significant interactions were found between sensation and vision for double-limb center of pressure area, with a significant reduction in area of center of pressure excursions after reducing sensation with eyes closed but not with eyes open. The area of center of pressure excursions may have been reduced in an effort to curtail exploratory postural behavior given the altered afferent input from plantar receptors. There were no significant differences for plantar hypoesthesia in single-limb stance.  相似文献   

The haptic perception of vertical, horizontal, +45°-oblique, and +135°-oblique orientations was studied in adults. The purpose was to establish whether the gravitational cues provided by the scanning arm—hand system were involved in the haptic oblique effect (lower performances in oblique orientations than in vertical—horizontal ones) and more generally in the haptic coding of orientation. The magnitude of these cues was manipulated by changing gravity constraints, and their variability was manipulated by changing the planes in which the task was performed (horizontal, frontal, and sagittal). In Experiment 1, only the horizontal plane was tested, either with the forearm resting on the disk supporting the rod (“supported forearm” condition) or with the forearm unsupported in the air. In the latter case, antigravitational forces were elicited during scanning. The oblique effect was present in the “unsupported” condition and was absent in the “supported” condition. In Experiment 2, the three planes were tested, either in a “natural” or in a “lightened forearm” condition in which the gravitational cues were reduced by lightening the subject’s forearm. The magnitude of the oblique effect was lower in the “lightened” condition than in the “natural” one, and there was no plane effect. In Experiment 3, the subject’s forearm was loaded with either a 500- or a 1,000-g bracelet, or it was not loaded. The oblique effect was the same in the three conditions, and the plane effect (lower performances in the horizontal plane than in the frontal and sagittal ones) was present only when the forearm was loaded. Taken together, these results suggested that gravitational cues may play a role in haptic coding of orientation, although the effects of decreasing or increasing these cues are not symmetrical.  相似文献   

Three-month-olds are sensitive to orientation changes of line drawings when they have a three-dimensional (3-D) interpretation and when the changes are defined by both 3-D depth and two-dimensional (2-D) picture plane cues [Bhatt, R. S., & Bertin, E. (2001). Pictorial cues and three-dimensional information processing in early infancy. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 315-332]. In the current study, we examined whether 3-month-olds are sensitive to pictorial line junction cues that signal orientation changes solely in the 3-D depth plane. The results revealed that infants discriminated a misoriented elongated cube in an array when the stimuli contained both shading and lines (Experiment 2) but not when only lines depicted the elongated cubes (Experiment 1). Testing with comparable 2-D images revealed that, even in the presence of shading information, detection of orientation changes is specific to images that have a 3-D interpretation. Together, the results suggest that 3-month-olds are sensitive to pictorial line junction cues that signal orientation changes in the 3-D depth plane to adults provided that shading information is available and the images have a 3-D interpretation.  相似文献   

Mental rotation, as a covert simulation of motor rotation, could benefit from spatial updating of object representations. We are interested in what kind of visual cue could trigger spatial updating. Three experiments were conducted to examine the effect of dynamic and static orientation cues on mental rotation, using a sequential matching task with three-dimensional novel objects presented in different views. Experiment 1 showed that a rotating orientation cue with constant speed reduced viewpoint costs in mental rotation. Experiment 2 extended this effect with a varied-speed rotating orientation cue. However, no such benefit was observed with a static orientation cue in Experiment 3. These findings indicated that a visually continuous orientation cue is sufficient to elicit spatial updating in mental rotation. Furthermore, there may be differences in the underlying mechanisms of spatial updating on the basis of constant-speed rotating cues and varied-speed rotating cues.  相似文献   

Consumers generally prefer products that are easy to interact with. In three studies, we show that this preference arises from the fit between product orientation and monitored situational constraints. Flexible right-handers, who monitor situational constraints, recall product orientations better and prefer products for which the handle is oriented in the direction of the hand used for grasping. When their ability to monitor situational constraints is impaired, the preference for easy-to-grasp products is attenuated. The findings highlight that motor fluency is a relevant cue for decision making when consumers assess how to interact with a product. The implications of these results for embodiment and fluency research are discussed.  相似文献   

A substantial amount of empirical and theoretical debate remains concerning the extent to which an ability to orient with respect to the environment is determined by global (i.e., principal axis of space), local (i.e., wall lengths, angles), and/or view-based (i.e., stored representation) accounts. We developed an orientation task that allowed the manipulation of the reliability of the principal axis of space (i.e., searching at the egocentric left- and/or right-hand side of the principal axis) between groups while maintaining goal distance from the principal axis, local cues specifying the goal location (i.e., short wall left, short wall right, and obtuse angle), and visual aspects of the goal location consistent across groups. Control and test trials revealed that participants trained with a reliable principal axis of space utilized both global and local geometric cues, whereas those trained with an unreliable principal axis of space utilized only local geometric cues. Results suggest that both global and local geometric cues are utilized for reorientation and that the reliability of the principal axis of an enclosure differentially influences the use of geometric cues. Such results have implications for purely global-based, purely local-based, and purely view-based matching theoretical accounts of geometry learning and provide evidence for a unified orientation process.  相似文献   

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