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去非 《管子学刊》2001,(4):86-89
东夷就是齐地,东夷齐地古有君子国之称,因而是羲农文化或羲炎文化的发祥地,君子之国,礼义之邦,故为孔墨渊源所自,太公是东夷人,故行“因俗简礼”之政,其通利未之道,而而促成“商品经济的发达”,“极女工之巧”,因而有妇女经商行贾,有“女闾”出现,行商妇女不是娼妓,不当信犬见雪而怪吠。襄公,文姜是私通内秽,无社会性,普遍性,战国秦汉间齐多神仙方术之士,但与“巫儿婚俗”则风马牛不相及,至于“桓公淫骨肉又甚于乃兄”的判谳,可待《书虚》扫除蔽目的一叶。  相似文献   

侯强 《管子学刊》2003,(3):75-79
齐“巫儿”婚俗始于春秋时期,直至汉代仍在齐地流行,是“同姓不婚”主旋律下一个不和谐的音符。关于这一点,是毋庸置疑的。关于“夷人文化”的评价,我们要用发展的和实事求是的观点。齐桓公“淫于骨肉”说是有根据的,并非空穴来风。齐“巫儿”婚俗的出现有着深刻的宗教背景。  相似文献   

侯强 《管子学刊》2001,(2):49-52
齐“巫儿”婚俗始于春秋时期,直至汉代仍在齐地流行,是周代“同姓不婚”主旋律下一个不和谐的音符。齐巫风仙气的浓郁,为齐婚俗带有“巫”的成分提供了良好的生成土壤,而商品经济的发达,又使齐地风俗体现出礼教精神淡薄,加之东夷土著习俗根深蒂固的影响,使齐婚俗明显带有地方特色。  相似文献   

文姜,是先秦史书记载中关于齐鲁亲姻关系方而颇为引人瞩目的人物。《中国人名大辞典》上说:“文姜,春秋鲁桓公夫人,齐僖公女。桓公与文姜如齐,文姜兄襄公与文姜通。公怒,文姜以告襄公,桓公被杀。”春秋时期,诸侯通婚历数不尽,兄妹乱伦、  相似文献   

郭丽 《管子学刊》2010,(4):38-41
公子诸儿、公子糺、公子小白同是齐僖公的儿子;诸儿因年长而继承王位,是为齐襄公。襄公俊美多才,有图强之心。他攻打鲁国,讨伐卫国,灭掉纪国,帮助卫惠公登上王位,齐国一时强盛。齐襄公和鲁桓公于桓公十八年在泺会见,鲁桓公夫人文姜随行。齐襄公复与妹妹文姜私通,并派力士彭生杀死鲁桓公。襄公做事随意,喜怒无常,最终被公孙无知杀死。公孙无知夺得齐国王位后,亦因暴虐被杀,齐桓公登上王位。襄公的功业,为桓公称霸打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

“文姜之乱”异议杨朝明文姜是齐僖公的女儿,后嫁于鲁桓公为夫人。由于她与其异母兄襄公通奸事,鲁桓公陪进了性命。鲁庄公时期,文姜仅生活了不足21年,但在《春秋》、《左传》中,她的名字却出现15次之多。史书中历历书载她的活动,显见她是一位在当时有很大影响的...  相似文献   

孔子称管仲以仁,称桓公以正,因其尊王攘夷之功。孔子责管仲以僭以奢,但《论语》及采毫毛之美、贬纤芥之恶的《春秋》经传不书桓、管有淫乱之行。后世或传管仲三归为娶三姓女,并由此开“娼妓之始”,是“功名之下”的“非实之加”,是书虚,是讹传,是盲从。  相似文献   

齐、鲁同是酉周初分封于东方的两个城邦,经过二百多年的发展,到春秋初期,齐、鲁由两个城邦变成两个大国。相邻大国的地理位置注定了他们既抗争又结盟的复杂关系。这里所说的“春秋初期”,指从鲁隐公元年(公元前722)春秋纪年始到齐桓七年始霸,即鲁庄公十五年(公元前679年)这一历史阶段,计四十余年。此时期,齐历僖公、襄公、桓公三朝,鲁则经过隐公、桓公到庄公。此一阶段,齐由弱到强,终成诸侯霸主;而鲁由强变弱,逐渐失去了领袖诸侯的政治地位,理清这一时期的两国关系,对于我们理解齐桓称霸的背景,以至了解整个春秋时期列国形势都有重要意义。 以下仅就《左传》所见,把春秋初期的齐鲁文化关系梳理如下:  相似文献   

公哭.~~,一一“法轮”有“功”马大不信“法伦治病”欺世害人“法轮”闹事l材功中袖野蘸公’i于巴达一法轮‘力破坏安定团绘喘一~~二瑞.露出狰狞宗教活动依法保护马大姊妹连环漫画(31)抵制邪说@颂恩  相似文献   

周郢 《管子学刊》2012,(2):79-84
楚辞中的巫山神女原型,与泰山有着密切关系——最早见于经籍的巫山在齐国泰山附近,巫山之名又源自齐地的“巫儿”风俗,而传说中之巫山神女与巫儿相比,身世、行为、职司及男女遇合都非常相似.因此可以推断,巫山神女的原型之一,即是来源于齐地巫儿,后来随着楚国北进,齐地巫儿“远嫁”荆楚,但其神格依然在故乡部分遗存.通过对历代关于泰山玉女大量文献的追索后发现,后世出现的泰山女神玉女元君形象中,便依稀可见巫山神女的影子.  相似文献   

This paper explores women’s experiences of marriage, stress, and spirit possession in the context of healing shrines. It is based on ethnographic fieldwork in three Mahanubhav temples in Maharashtra (western India). Women’s narratives emphasized the tensions and conflicts they experience in relation to marriage. These accounts about family stress were not just empirical accounts of stress but narrative devices that legitimize women’s stay in the temple. Thus, in referring to the temple as the “natal home”, women seek to access their privilege to periodically visit the temple “just as” they would visit the natal home. By making available to women alternative spaces and subject positions, these narratives of spirit possession and marriage emerge as powerful expressions of women’s agency.  相似文献   

This news article describes women's housing conditions, housing policy, and pilot programs to house poor women in Bangladesh. Although Bangladesh has a constitution that reinforces the equal status of women, in practice, men dominate and patrilineal customs determine inheritance and property rights. Religious affiliation also determines land tenure and inheritance. Muslim women can inherit 12.5% of their husband's property if there are children. 25% is inherited if wives are without children. Hindu women without sons can inherit their husband's property, but not parental property. Many families refuse to release property to women without a fight. Women, regardless of ownership of land, rarely control or use their land. The custom of requiring men to maintain wives during the marriage, and daughters until marriage, creates obstacles to women's decision making about property. Without collateral and other security women are unable to secure bank loans. Many women are also constrained by the requirement of male consent or guarantees for bank transactions. Banks do not have a gender responsive criteria for selecting loan recipients. The government does not provide sufficient housing to satisfy the growing housing needs due to population growth. Some housing is available from slum landlords. A National Housing Policy was formulated in 1993. Priority would be given to the housing needs of low income women in urban areas and women-headed households with income below the poverty line. The policy does not address the underlying factors that prevent equal access to housing for women. The government prepared a Human Settlement and Urban Development proposal for the Habitat II conference. The plan did not address gender issues. Special efforts are being made by nongovernmental groups to meet the housing needs of professional women and for some disadvantaged women.  相似文献   

Sexual, child rearing, and family attitudes of 160 Iranian immigrants in the United States (61 men, 99 women) and 97 Iranians (55 men, 42 women) in Iran were compared. Iranians in the United States in general, and women in particular, compared with their counterparts in Iran, expressed more permissive attitudes toward premarital sex and sex education, more tolerance toward homosexuality, and a greater acceptance of marital dissolution. Iranians in both countries assigned a high value to the maternal role and to family loyalty but did not endorse unrestricted freedom for youngsters. Influences of attitudinal disparity on interpersonal and family relationships are discussed, and implications for marriage counseling and family therapy are suggested.  相似文献   

We assessed career, marriage, and motherhood expectations of 118 White Women and 82 Women of Color in 1993, when they were seniors at five northeastern U.S. colleges. Sixteen years later, in 2009, 77.5 % responded to our survey and answered questions about their career, marriage, motherhood, attitudes, and life satisfaction outcomes. As seniors, they wanted it all, career, marriage, and motherhood. In 2009, nearly two thirds were employed full time, 91 % had married, nearly three quarters were mothers, and about 57 % were combining full-time employment and motherhood. Comparisons are made among three role-status outcome groups: Have It All (mothers, employed full time); Traditional (mothers, employed part time or not at all), and Employed Only (childfree, employed full time). Educational level of the women did not predict role status. Spouses’ educational level relative to the women’s predicted role status, with Have It All women more likely to be married to less educated spouses than Traditional or Employed Only women. The role-status groups did not differ in their attitudes toward women in general, but Have It All mothers had lower levels of employment-related concerns about separation from their children than Traditional mothers. Most of the women still wanted to have it all. Many Traditional women looked forward to returning to employment, and many of the Employed Only women wanted to have children. Being a mother was associated with higher life satisfaction than being childfree. Results are discussed in terms of multiple-role theory and the positive influence of having family roles in the mix.  相似文献   


In recent years, many persons have opposed sex education believing that such courses will lead to increased participation in sexual intercourse by young people, but their fears are not supported by most previous research. The influence of sex education material integrated into functional marriage and family courses, however, has not been the subject of in‐depth, scientific investigations.

An anonymous questionnaire was administered to never‐married undergraduate students enrolled in a college‐level marriage and family course at a state university. A pretest and post‐test design was utilized with experimental groups of 50 women and 26 men and comparison groups of 60 women and 28 men.

The findings indicate that the sex education content had a significant impact on the experimental groups, especially for women. Substantial increases in knowledge regarding abortion and contraception, more favorable attitudes toward masturbation, and frequency of masturbation were reported by experimental group women as contrasted with comparison group women. Experimental group men indicated increased knowledge about female hygiene and contraception in contrast to comparison group men. From these findings, sex educators should be able to better meet the criticisms of sex education opponents given this greater understanding of the impact of sex education material on the sex lives of their students.  相似文献   

Michele Hoffnung 《Sex roles》2004,50(9-10):711-723
College women's expectations for career, marriage, and motherhood were assessed during the senior year, and their outcomes were assessed 7 years later. In 1993, 118 White women and 82 Women of Color were randomly selected from 5 northeastern colleges and interviewed in person. In 2000, 178 (89%) were reached for second interviews by telephone. Results indicate that as seniors the women wanted careers, marriage, and motherhood. Career development was the priority of their 20s. At the 7-year point, marital status was unrelated to advanced degrees attained or to career status, but mothers had significantly fewer advanced degrees and lower career status than nonmothers. Socioeconomic status, race, and intentions concerning career and family were related to career status and motherhood status.  相似文献   

Gottman and Levenson (2002) report a number of post hoc ordinary least squares regressions to "predict" the length of marriage, given that divorce has occurred. We argue that the type of statistical model they use is inappropriate for answering clinically relevant questions about the causes and timing of divorce, and present several reasons why an alternative family of models called duration models would be more appropriate. The distribution of marriage length is not bimodal, as Gottman and Levenson suggest, and their search for a two-factor model for explaining marriage length is misguided. Their regression models omit many variables known to affect marriage length, and instead use variables that were pre-screened for their predictive ability. Their final model is based on data for only 15 cases, including one unusual case that has undue influence on the results. For these and other technical reasons presented in the text, we believe that Gottman and Levenson's results are not replicable, and that they should not be used to guide interventions for couples in clinical settings.  相似文献   

This study investigated the factors predictive of heavy drinking and drinking problems over the early years of marriage, focusing on premarital drinking and the relatively stable individual risk and protective factors that were present prior to marriage and on social-interpersonal factors that may change or emerge over marriage. Newlywed couples were assessed at the time of marriage and at the 1st, 2nd, and 4th anniversaries with respect to frequency of heavy drinking and the extent of drinking problems and a variety of factors that have been found to be predictive of adult alcohol problems. The results indicated that antisocial characteristics, family history of alcoholism, negative affect, and alcohol expectancies were related to heavy drinking and alcohol problems at the time of marriage. Changes after marriage were predicted by the drinking of one's partner and of one's peers and by alcohol expectancies for social/physical pleasure for both men and women. In addition, the quality of the marriage was longitudinally protective from the experience of alcohol problems for both men and women, although it was not related to changes in heavy drinking.  相似文献   

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