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In this study, asymmetries in finding pictorial 3-D targets defined by their tilt and rotation in space were investigated by means of a free-scan search task. In Experiment 1, feature search for cube tilt and rotation, as assessed by a spatial forced-choice task, was slow but still exhibited a characteristic "flat" slope; it was also much faster to upward-tilted cubes and to targets located in the upper half of the search field. Faster search times for cubes and rectangular solids in the upper field, an advantage for upward-tilted cubes, and a strong interaction between target tilt and direction of lighting (upward or downward) for the rectangular solids were all demonstrated in Experiment 2. Finally, an advantage in searching for tilted cubes located in the upper half of the display was shown in Experiment 3, which used a present-absent search task. The results of this study confirm that the upper-field bias in visual search is due mainly to a biased search mechanism and not to the features of the target stimulus or to specific ecological factors.  相似文献   

Pigeon and human subjects searched for one target item amidst a number of identical distractors. Simple line forms were used. The target differed from the distractors only in terms of the presence or absence of a feature (a line or a gap); in some experimental series, the feature was present in the target; in others, the feature was in the distractors. The pigeons pecked at the target; the human subjects either reported the presence of the target or pointed to it with a light pen. The time between display onset and this response was recorded. Varied across experimental conditions were the number of distractors in the display, the nature of the stimulus forms, and certain procedural parameters; five conditions were run with pigeons and three with humans. Under all test conditions, the results from the human subjects replicated the previously reported search-asymmetry effect. That is, search speed was greater and decreased less with display size when the target bore the feature (line or gap) than when the distractors bore the feature; both yes/no and localization-response conditions yielded this effect. However, pigeons failed to show search asymmetry; neither line nor gap in a target facilitated search. The results suggest that early visual processing differs for pigeons and humans, that pigeon features differ from human features, or that search asymmetry was eliminated by the long practice given the pigeons.  相似文献   

In visual search, items defined by a unique feature are found easily and efficiently. Search for a moving target among stationary distractors is one such efficient search. Search for a stationary target among moving distractors is markedly more difficult. In the experiments reported here, we confirm this finding and further show that searches for a stationary target within a structured flow field are more efficient than searches for stationary targets among distractors moving in random directions. The structured motion fields tested included uniform direction of motion, a radial flow field simulating observer forward motion, and a deformation flow field inconsistent with observer motion. The results using optic flow stimuli were not significantly different from the results obtained with other structured fields of distractors. The results suggest that the local properties of the flow fields rather than global optic flow properties are important for determining the efficiency of search for a stationary target.  相似文献   

Umemura H  Watanabe H  Matsuoka K 《Perception》2007,36(8):1229-1243
We examined whether the position of objects in external space affects the visual-search task associated with the tilt of 3-D objects. An array of cube-like objects was stereoscopically displayed at a distance of 4.5 m on a large screen 1.5 m above or below eye height. Subjects were required to detect a downward-tilted target among upward-tilted distractors or an upward-tilted target among downward-tilted distractors. When the stimuli consisted of shaded parallelepipeds whose upper/bottom faces were lighter than their side faces, the upward-tilted target was detected faster. This result was in accordance with the 'top-view assumption' reported in previous research. Displaying stimuli in the upper position degraded overall performance. However, when the shaded objects whose upper/bottom faces were darker than their side faces were displayed, the detection of a downward-tilted target became as efficient as that of an upward-tilted target only at the upper position. These results indicate that it is possible for the spatial position of the stimulus to promote the detection of a downward-tilted target when shading and perspective information are consistent with the viewing direction.  相似文献   

Concave cusps and negative curvature minima play an important role in many theories of visual shape perception. Cusps and minima are taken to be part boundaries, used to segment an object into parts. Because of their important role in determining object structure and because there is some evidence that object structure is processed in parallel, it might be expected that concave cusps and negative curvature minima are processed preferentially. We tested this conjecture in several visual search experiments. Visual search for a target with a concave cusp among totally convex distractors yields nearly flat slopes (< 10 msec/item) for both present and absent trials. Reversing the roles of the target and the distractor results in inefficient search. The same asymmetry is found when the concave cusp is replaced by other types of concavity. We conclude, therefore, the concavities can serve as basic features in visual search experiments. This conclusion implies that the unit of selection in a visual search task is an object, rather than a location.  相似文献   

Cross-dimensional visual search for single-feature targets that differed from the distractors along two dimensions (color and orientation) was compared with intradimensional search for targets that differed from the distractors along a single dimension (either orientation or color). The design of the first three experiments differed from those of previous studies in that participants were required to respond differently to each of the targets. Experiments 1-3 were similar except that in Experiment 1, the distractors were homogeneous; in Experiment 2, two types of distractors were used in equal proportions; and in Experiment 3, two types of distractors were used but one of the distractors was a singleton. The findings, contrary to those of previous studies, revealed that cross-dimensional search is at least as efficient and for some targets even more efficient than intradimensional search. These results suggest that the details of stimulus-to-response mapping are essential in comparing intra- and cross-dimensional tasks. Experiment 4 used a priming design and did not support an explanation based on grouping processes. We outline an explanation for all the findings based on a recent cross-dimensional response selection model by Cohen and Shoup (1997).  相似文献   

Visual search asymmetries in motion and optic flow fields.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In visual search, items defined by a unique feature are found easily and efficiently. Search for a moving target among stationary distractors is one such efficient search. Search for a stationary target among moving distractors is markedly more difficult. In the experiments reported here, we confirm this finding and further show that searches for a stationary target within a structured flow field are more efficient than searches for stationary targets among distractors moving in random directions. The structured motion fields tested included uniform direction of motion, a radial flow field simulating observer forward motion, and a deformation flow field inconsistent with observer motion. The results using optic flow stimuli were not significantly different from the results obtained with other structured fields of distractors. The results suggest that the local properties of the flow fields rather than global optic flow properties are important for determining the efficiency of search for a stationary target.  相似文献   

Incidental visual memory for targets and distractors in visual search   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explored incidental retention of visual details of encountered objects during search. Participants searched for conjunction targets in 32 arrays of 12 pictures of real-world objects and then performed a token discrimination task that examined their memory for visual details of the targets and distractors from the search task. The results indicate that even though participants had not been instructed to memorize the objects, the visual details of search targets and distractor objects related to the targets were retained after the search. Distractor objects unrelated to the search target were remembered more poorly. Eye-movement measures indicated that the objects that were remembered were looked at more frequently during search than those that were not remembered. These results provide support that detailed visual information is included incidentally in the visual representation of an object after the object is no longer in view.  相似文献   

Eye movements and search time of four subjects were studied as they searched for a target dial in a 4 х 4 array of dials which were differentiated by (1) color, (2) shape, (3) a combination of color and shape, or (4) were uncoded. Subjects did not exhibit a characteristic scanpath, and method of scanning did not relate to search time. Search time varied reliably among conditions; it was generally shortest in the color condition, followed by color shape, shape, and the uncoded condition. Subjects were capable of using both shape and color simultaneously. Search time was strongly associated with the average number of fixations required for target detection but not with other measures of eye movements. Fixation duration was a particularly inconsistent measure.  相似文献   

Search for multiple targets: remember the targets, forget the search   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Models of visual search performance typically assume that search proceeds by sampling without replacement. This requires memory for each deployment of attention. We tested this assumption of memory-driven search using a multiple-target search paradigm. We held total set size constant, varied the number of targets in the display, and asked subjects to report whether or not there were at least n targets present, where n was varied by block. This allowed us to measure the time to find each subsequent target. Memory-driven search predicts that reaction time should be a linear function of n. The alternative memory-free search hypothesis predicts an accelerating function. The data falsify the memory-driven hypothesis. They were consistent with the memory-free search hypothesis but would also be consistent with memory for a small number of previously attended locations.  相似文献   

Feature analysis in early vision: evidence from search asymmetries   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  

Recent studies have shown that the prevalence of target presentation in visual search has an impact on target detection rates, and also that searching for two targets leads to a decrement in performance (the “dual-target cost”). In the present experiments, we added to previous work that has examined the interaction between the prevalence effect and dual-target cost, and also to previous work that has examined a full range of prevalence levels. We found no interaction between the dual-target cost and prevalence effect, though the response criterion in dual-target search did interact with target prevalence in an unexpected manner. Furthermore, we detected anasymmetry in the prevalence effect: It was more marked for high than low prevalence. Implications for real-world tasks are discussed.  相似文献   

Several different explanations have been proposed to account for the search asymmetry (SA) for angry schematic faces (i.e., the fact that an angry face target among friendly faces can be found faster than vice versa). The present study critically tested the perceptual grouping account, (a) that the SA is not due to emotional factors, but to perceptual differences that render angry faces more salient than friendly faces, and (b) that the SA is mainly attributable to differences in distractor grouping, with angry faces being more difficult to group than friendly faces. In visual search for angry and friendly faces, the number of distractors visible during each fixation was systematically manipulated using the gaze-contingent window technique. The results showed that the SA emerged only when multiple distractors were visible during a fixation, supporting the grouping account. To distinguish between emotional and perceptual factors in the SA, we altered the perceptual properties of the faces (dented-chin face) so that the friendly face became more salient. In line with the perceptual account, the SA was reversed for these faces, showing faster search for a friendly face target. These results indicate that the SA reflects feature-level perceptual grouping, not emotional valence.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated visual search for singleton feature targets. The critical dimension on which the target differed from the nontargets was either known in advance or unknown—that is, the critical difference varied eitherwithin a dimension oracross dimensions. Previous work (Treisman, 1988) had shown that, while the search reaction time (RT) functions were flat in both conditions, there was an intercept cost for the cross-dimension condition. Experiment 1 examined whether this cost would disappear when responses could be based on the detection ofany (target—nontarget) difference in the display (by requiring a “heterogeneity/homogeneity” decision). The cost remained. This argues that pop-out requires (or involves) knowledge of the particular dimension in which an odd-one-out target differs from the nontargets; furthermore, that knowledge is acquired through the elimination of dimensions not containing a target. In Experiment 2, the subjects had to eliminate (or ignore) one potential source of difference in order to give a positive response (displays could contain a “noncritical” difference requiring a negative response). The result was a comparatively large cost in the within-dimension (positive) condition. This can be taken to indicate that popout as such does not make available information as to the particular feature value in which the target differs from the nontargets. Experiment 3 examined whether search priorities can be biased in accordance with advance knowledge of the likely source of difference. The subjects were found to have a high degree of top-down control over what particular dimension to assign priority of checking to. The implication of the results for models of visual search and selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate age-related differences in visual search for targets defined by the conjunction of two features. In the experiments, 7- and 10-year-old children and young adults searched visual displays for a black circle among distractors consisting of gray circles and black squares. In Experiment 1 (N = 60), we compared performance in the standard search task (where an equal number of each type of distractor appeared across all display sizes) with performance in a modified search task (where the number of black squares was fixed at two and the number of gray circles increased as the display size increased). In Experiment 2 (N = 60), the ratio of black stimuli to gray stimuli was varied systematically as the display size increased. Results of both experiments indicated that all participants were able to restrict search to an appropriate subset of the display rather than conduct an exhaustive search. However, the young adults were more efficient in their ability to do so than were either the 7- or 10-year-old participants. The 10-year-olds were as efficient as the young adults when the number of black stimuli in the display was relatively small. However, these children became relatively less able to restrict search effectively as the number of black stimuli increased. Discussion focused on possible preattentive and attentive processes that may change systematically with age.  相似文献   

Failing to find a tumor in an x-ray scan or a gun in an airport baggage screening can have dire consequences, making it fundamentally important to elucidate the mechanisms that hinder performance in such visual searches. Recent laboratory work has indicated that low target prevalence can lead to disturbingly high miss rates in visual search. Here, however, we demonstrate that misses in low-prevalence searches can be readily abated. When targets are rarely present, observers adapt by responding more quickly, and miss rates are high. Critically, though, these misses are often due to response-execution errors, not perceptual or identification errors: Observers know a target was present, but just respond too quickly. When provided an opportunity to correct their last response, observers can catch their mistakes. Thus, low target prevalence may not be a generalizable cause of high miss rates in visual search.  相似文献   

Search targets are typically remembered much better than other objects even when they are viewed for less time. However, targets have two advantages that other objects in search displays do not have: They are identified categorically before the search, and finding them represents the goal of the search task. The current research investigated the contributions of both of these types of information to the long-term visual memory representations of search targets. Participants completed either a predefined search or a unique-object search in which targets were not defined with specific categorical labels before searching. Subsequent memory results indicated that search target memory was better than distractor memory even following ambiguously defined searches and when the distractors were viewed significantly longer. Superior target memory appears to result from a qualitatively different representation from those of distractor objects, indicating that decision processes influence visual memory.  相似文献   

Perception of motion speed was investigated with the visual search paradigm, using human Ss. When searching for a fast target among slow distractors, reaction time was minimally affected as the number of distractors was increased. In contrast, reaction time to detect a slow target among fast distractors was slow and linearly related to the number of distractors. The effect cannot be attributed to differences in temporal frequency, discriminability, or one type of representation that might result from spatiotemporal filtering. An alternative hypothesis that can account for the asymmetry is that speed detectors operate as high-pass filters in the velocity domain. This hypothesis is in agreement with results obtained in psychophysical studies on motion adaptation as well as data from single-cell recordings in nonhuman species.  相似文献   

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