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Suicidal ideation during adolescence is quite common. Longitudinal ideation patterns may predict adolescents at greatest risk of progressing to more serious suicidal behaviors. We enumerated suicidal ideation trajectory subgroups and estimated subgroup association with later suicidal plans and attempts using data collected across a 13‐year period from 552 Caucasian adolescents. Three subgroups were found: non‐ideators (no ideation), decreasers (ideation decreased), and increasers (ideation persisted or increased). Probability of planning a suicide was greatest among increasers (females: .54, males: 51, p < .01). Probability of attempting suicide was greatest among male decreasers (.36, p < .01) and female increasers (.25, p < .01).  相似文献   

The relevance of a clinical diagnosis of depression for explaining the discrepant relationships of hopelessness and depression with suicidal ideation was studied. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Hopelessness Scale (BHS), and the Scale for Suicide Ideation (SSI) were administered to 1,306 (72.8%) patients with at least one DSM-III-R mood disorder and 488 (27.3%) patients without any mood disorders. A multiple regression analysis was conducted, and hopelessness was 1.3 times more important than depression was for explaining suicidal ideation. The interactions of the BDI and BHS with diagnostic group were not significant.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2021,52(5):1105-1113
Previous research has demonstrated that both suicidal ideation (SI) and eating disorders (EDs) are associated with poor interoceptive awareness (IA). Suicidality research has demonstrated that the IA dimension of lower body trust is associated with SI, suicide plans, and suicide attempts. Similarly, in ED samples, recent research supports that low body trust has been the most robust dimension of IA associated with eating pathology. However, to date, research is lacking in how dimensions of IA may be associated with SI in an ED sample, above and beyond the impact of eating pathology on SI. Thus, in a clinical ED sample, the present study sought to determine which IA dimensions predict the presence and severity of SI, above and beyond ED symptoms. Participants (N = 102) completed a clinical interview assessing SI and self-report assessments including the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA). Results demonstrated that patients with current SI reported greater ED psychopathology, lower MAIA Attention Regulation, MAIA Self-Regulation, and MAIA Trusting scores compared to patients without SI. Higher ED psychopathology and lower MAIA Attention Regulation, Self-Regulation, and Trusting subscale scores were all significantly associated with the presence of SI. However, only low MAIA Trusting scores predicted the presence of SI, above and beyond covariates (age, depression, and eating pathology). No MAIA subscales were correlated with the severity of SI. Consistent with previous research, results suggest low MAIA Trusting scores may be associated with SI in ED samples and highlight the need for future research on mechanisms of these associations.  相似文献   

The association between current level of suicidal ideation and physical activity was tested in a broad sample of veterans seeking care from the Veterans Health Administration. It was hypothesized that the two variables would be significantly inversely related. It was further hypothesized that the relationship would be mediated by depressive symptoms, disturbed sleep, and a measure of heart rate variability based on existing research regarding physical activity and sleep. Due to the first hypothesis not being supported, the second could not be tested. Post hoc correlation analyses did find associations between physical activity and depressive symptoms, in expected directions, and are discussed. Possible explanations for the negative findings along with recommendations for future research to continue exploring links between suicide risk and physical activity are presented. We conclude by suggesting that physical activity may have promise as a risk reduction intervention and that prospective data are more likely to yield significant results than the cross‐sectional methodology employed in the current study.  相似文献   

Associations between the satisfaction of basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness with current suicidal ideation and risk for suicidal behavior were examined. Two logistic regressions were conducted with a cross‐sectional database of 440 university students to examine the association of need satisfaction with suicidal ideation and risk for suicidal behavior, while controlling for demographics and depressive symptoms. Suicidal ideation was reported by 15% of participants and 18% were found to be at risk for suicidal behavior. A one standard deviation increase in need satisfaction reduced the odds of suicidal ideation by 53%, OR (95% CI) = 0.47 (0.33–0.67), and the odds of being at risk for suicidal behavior by 50%, OR (95% CI) = 0.50 (0.37–0.69). Young adults whose basic psychological needs are met may be less likely to consider suicide and engage in suicidal behavior. Prospective research is needed to confirm these associations.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of exposure to violence to suicidal ideation, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology in 94 young adolescents from an inner-city school. Participants completed self-report measures of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire—Junior, Adolescent Psychopathology Scale—Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Subscale, and the Exposure to Violence Questionnaire. Using a hierarchical multiple regression design, exposure to violence demonstrated a unique relationship with PTSD symptomatology. Specifically, the relationship between violence exposure and PTSD symptomatology remained significant after controlling for depression and suicidal ideation severity. Controlling for PTSD symptomatology resulted in nonsignificant relationships between violence exposure and depression and suicidal ideation in adolescents. Additional analyses suggest that PTSD functions as a mediating variable between exposure to violence and depression and suicidal ideation. The implication of these results and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSI) was administered to 121 inpatients between 12 and 17 years old who were diagnosed with mixed psychiatric disorders. Twelve background and clinical characteristics, previously found to be associated with adolescent suicidal ideation, were entered into a multiple regression to estimate the BSI scores, along with the Beck Anxiety Inventory, the revised Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), and the Youth Self-Report. The BHS and the BDI were the only two variables that contributed unique variance to the explanation of the BSI scores.  相似文献   

Very few studies have prospective information, especially regarding males, on the prediction of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in adulthood from psychiatric disorders in childhood. Certain childhood disorders, however, have notably similar features in common with BPD. In particular, the affective dysfunction, hostility and interpersonal conflict of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and the impulsivity of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in particular may be indicative of an early developmental path towards BPD. The present study uses longitudinal data from a clinical sample of 177 boys, initially between the ages of 7 and 12, who were followed up annually to age 18, and who were reassessed at age 24 (n = 142). The study examines the prediction from repeated childhood measures of psychopathology measured annually through adolescence to BPD symptoms assessed at age 24, accounting for the effects of covariates including substance use, other personality disorders at age 24 and harsh physical punishment. The prevalence of BPD in this sample was consistent with other population estimates. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and ODD were the only child psychiatric disorders to predict BPD symptoms, and the oppositional behavioral dimension of ODD was particularly predictive of BPD. These results indicate possible developmental links between early psychiatric disorders and BPD.  相似文献   

The high rates of suicide among older men are cause for concern, and have prompted the investigation of factors that might explain these elevated rates. The current research examined whether the gender role construct agency was associated with depression and suicidal ideation among older adults. The results, based on self‐report data from a sample of older Australian men (n = 69) and women (n = 90), indicated that depression mediated the relation between agency and suicidal ideation. In addition, for older men only, agency moderated the depression‐suicidal ideation relation. The results suggest that older adults, and particularly men, with low levels of agency should be the targets for interventions aimed at increasing levels of agency and improving mental health.  相似文献   

We examined the relations between depression, emotional autonomy quality-related constructs of separation and detachment, and suicidal ideation, focusing on the unique and common contribution that depression, separation and detachment made to suicidal ideation. We also examined gender differences. 403 adolescents, 196 boys and 207 girls, completed self-report measures of depression, separation and detachment, and suicidal ideation. The data showed a significant relation between depression and suicidal ideation both for boys and girls, and between detachment and suicidal ideation only for boys. Results for boys supported an additive model such that depression and detachment each contributed unique variance to boys’ suicidal ideation, and an interactive model such that detachment contributed to exacerbate the risk of suicidal ideation when boys were already at risk because of depression. The data for girls supported an interactive, but not additive, model such that depression and detachment did not contribute independently to girls’ suicidal ideation but in a joint way.  相似文献   

Older adults’ mental health needs are often unmet across care settings (e.g., primary or residential care) for a variety of reasons, such as mental health stigma and mental health care professionals’ lack of awareness of age-related changes in mental disorders. Screening, when coupled with access to evidence-based interventions, is effective at identifying and reducing anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and substance misuse in older adults across care settings. Unfortunately, due to lack of training many mental health care professionals may be unsure about what or how to screen, as well as which screening measures are available for use with older adults. Following professional guidelines recommended for older adults, we provide an overview of screening measures for anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and substance misuse that are evidence-based and meet pragmatic criteria identified by stakeholder research. Specific pragmatic criteria include screening measures developed with older adults (unless unavailable) as well as brief in length (items ≤30), time for administration (≤15 minutes), scoring (<5 minutes), and interpretation (<5 minutes). Other pragmatic criteria include screening measures readily available on the internet at no cost and usable across diverse settings (e.g., community, primary care, and/or residential care). For each measure, we also review relevant psychometric properties (e.g., reliability, cut-scores, sensitivity, specificity, and construct validity). Lastly, we discuss strategies to facilitate screening with older adults and direct mental health care providers to internet resources that can be used to learn more about assessment with older adults.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern for identifying individuals at risk for suicidal behaviors. Suicidal ideation, that is, the thoughts and cognitions one has about suicidal behaviors and intent, may be considered a primary marker for the risk of more serious suicidal behaviors. This investigation examined the reliability and validity of the Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (ASIQ; Reynolds, in press-a), a 25-item self-report suicidal ideation measure designed for adults. Subjects were 474 college students from two Midwestern universities. Results indicated high internal consistency (r alpha = .97) and test-retest (rtt = .86) reliability of the ASIQ with college students. Significant correlations (rs = .38 to .60) were found with measures of depression, hopelessness, anxiety, and self-esteem. For the total sample, a multiple correlation of .67 was found between the ASIQ, the independent variables just noted, and history of prior suicide attempt. Factor analysis of the ASIQ produced a four-factor solution. Psychometric support for the utilization of the ASIQ in clinical and research settings is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern for identifying individuals at risk for suicidal behaviors. Suicidal ideation, that is, the thoughts and cognitions one has about suicidal behaviors and intent, may be considered a primary marker for the risk of more serious suicidal behaviors. This investigation examined the reliability and validity of the Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (ASIQ; Reynolds, in press-a), a 25-item self-report suicidal ideation measure designed for adults. Subjects were 474 college students from two Midwestern universities. Results indicated high internal consistency (rα = .97) and test-retest (r[sub tt] = .86) reliability of the ASIQ with college students. Significant correlations (rs = .38 to .60) were found with measures of depression, hopelessness, anxiety, and self-esteem. For the total sample, a multiple correlation of .67 was found between the ASIQ, the independent variables just noted, and history of prior suicide attempt. Factor analysis of the ASIQ produced a four-factor solution. Psychometric support for the utilization of the ASIQ in clinical and research settings is presented and discussed. There is a growing concern for identifying individuals at risk for suicidal behaviors. Suicidal ideation, that is, the thoughts and cognitions one has about suicidal behaviors and intent, may be considered a primary marker for the risk of more serious suicidal behaviors. This investigation examined the reliability and validity of the Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (ASIQ; Reynolds, in press-a), a 25-item self-report suicidal ideation measure designed for adults. Subjects were 474 college students from two Midwestern universities. Results indicated high internal consistency (rα = .97) and test-retest (r[sub tt] = .86) reliability of the ASIQ with college students. Significant correlations (rs = .38 to .60) were found with measures of depression, hopelessness, anxiety, and self-esteem. For the total sample, a multiple correlation of ...  相似文献   

The study examined gender effects on PTSD symptoms to predict of suicidal ideation in a sample of South African police. A male (N = 161) and a female group (N = 56) of South African police officers were assessed by means of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale and a short version of the Adult Suicide Ideation Questionnaire. Linear and stepwise regressions were used to determine which PTSD symptom criteria best predict suicide ideation. Hyperarousal was the primary predictor of suicide ideation in males. For females, intrusive memories was the primary predictor of suicide ideation, and of general problems.  相似文献   

The present prospective study tested a portion of the interpersonal–psychological theory of suicide (IPTS) in an adolescent clinical sample. Participants were 143 adolescents consecutively admitted to a partial hospitalization program who completed assessments at intake and discharge from the program. Results partially supported the IPTS and suggest that (1) perceived burdensomeness may be an important socially based cognition for understanding concurrent risk for suicidal ideation (SI); (2) thwarted belongingness affects depression symptom severity over time, which indirectly predicts SI over a short follow‐up time frame; and (3) the IPTS constructs may function differently in a high‐risk clinical adolescent sample, compared to adults, although findings are preliminary.  相似文献   

Based on the responses of 5,557 Chinese secondary students in Hong Kong, the relationships among perceived hopelessness, family functioning, and suicidal ideation were examined. Results showed that suicidal ideation was positively related to hopelessness, but negatively related to parent‐adolescent communication. Compared with father‐adolescent communication, mother‐adolescent communication generally had a stronger association with adolescent suicidal ideation. It was further found that the linkage between hopelessness and adolescent suicidal ideation was stronger under a low parent‐adolescent communication condition, thus suggesting the moderating effect of parent‐adolescent communication on the effect of hopelessness on suicidal ideation. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Relations between (a) serious suicidal ideation and attempts and (b) demographics, trauma history, assault characteristics, post‐assault outcomes, and psy‐chosocial variables were examined among female adult sexual assault survivors. Younger, minority, and bisexual survivors reported greater ideation. More traumas, drug use, and assault disclosure related to greater attempts, whereas perceived control over recovery was related to fewer attempts. Child sexual abuse and some assault characteristics predicted suicidal behavior. Depression was related to suicidal behavior until psychosocial variables were accounted for. Specifically, using substances to cope and self‐blame predicted greater ideation, whereas receiving aid/information support was related to less ideation. Implications for research and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

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