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In this study, 3-year-olds matched on vocabulary score were taught three new shape terms by one of three types of linguistic contrast: corrective, semantic, or referential. A 5-week training paradigm implemented four training sessions and four assessment sessions. Corrective contrast ("This is concave, it is not square," where square is the child's label for the target) produced more learning than did either semantic or referential contrast. In addition, regardless of group, more was learned about those targets that were classified more variably at pretest. Avoidance of lexical overlap (i.e., using more than one term for the same dimension) might make it more difficult for children to learn new dimensional adjectives, and a "shape bias" might make learning shape terms easier. However, children's expectations about the speaker's communicative intent interacted with the potential benefits of contrast in the semantic condition, and children in that group learned no more than did controls.  相似文献   

以400名3到7岁城市儿童的父亲为被试,考察父亲参与教养的基本特点及其与性别角色的关系.结果发现,小学一年级儿童的父亲对子女的规则约束显著多于幼儿园小班和中班儿童父亲,父亲参与教养水平不存在儿童性别的显著差异.双性化的父亲对儿童的互动监督、规则约束、情感表达、间接支持、学业鼓励均显著多于其他性别角色的父亲;男性化的父亲对儿童的规则约束显著多于女性化的父亲;女性化的父亲在互动监督、情感表达、间接支持和学业鼓励方面均显著多于未分化的父亲.  相似文献   

Clahsen H 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》1999,22(6):991-1013; discussion 1014-60
Following much work in linguistic theory, it is hypothesized that the language faculty has a modular structure and consists of two basic components, a lexicon of (structured) entries and a computational system of combinatorial operations to form larger linguistic expressions from lexical entries. This target article provides evidence for the dual nature of the language faculty by describing recent results of a multidisciplinary investigation of German inflection. We have examined: (1) its linguistic representation, focussing on noun plurals and verb inflection (participles), (2) processes involved in the way adults produce and comprehend inflected words, (3) brain potentials generated during the processing of inflected words, and (4) the way children acquire and use inflection. It will be shown that the evidence from all these sources converges and supports the distinction between lexical entries and combinatorial operations. Our experimental results indicate that adults have access to two distinct processing routes, one accessing (irregularly) inflected entries from the mental lexicon and another involving morphological decomposition of (regularly) inflected words into stem + affix representations. These two processing routes correspond to the dual structure of the linguistic system. Results from event-related potentials confirm this linguistic distinction at the level of brain structures. In children's language, we have also found these two processes to be clearly dissociated; regular and irregular inflection are used under different circumstances, and the constraints under which children apply them are identical to those of the adult linguistic system. Our findings will be explained in terms of a linguistic model that maintains the distinction between the lexicon and the computational system but replaces the traditional view of the lexicon as a simple list of idiosyncrasies with the notion of internally structured lexical representations.  相似文献   

A false recognition task was used to compare preschool children's use of static and dynamic properties of objects in semantic processing. Four, five, and six year old children heard a list of object names, and then were tested for recognition of these words with a recognition test list that included distractor words that were static or dynamic properties of the objects on the first list. False recognition scores of dynamic properties were higher than those for static, for 4 and 5 year old children, with no differences for 6 year old children. The results argue for a functional basis for the encoding of referential terms in memory, and are discussed in terms of two models of semantic development.This research was partially supported by Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Research Service Award HD 07066 and U.S. Public Health Service Grant HD 00870 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to the Kansas Center for Mental Retardation and Human Development.  相似文献   

The relationship between the phonological characteristics of young children's unsolicited imitative and spontaneous speech was examined as a function of (1) the level of the children's linguistics development, and (2) the children's knowledge of the words imitated. A greater number of phonological discrepancies were seen in children with lexicons of fewer than 40 words than in children with larger lexical repertories. Such discrepancies were also more likely when the children displayed little comprehension of the words they were imitating. This tendency was particularly strong in the children with limited lexicons. The results are discussed in terms of a developmental shift in the bases of children's phonological organization.  相似文献   

College students and school children between the ages of 6 and 10 were asked to search four 50-word passages for instances of the target letter n. The subjects made most letter detection errors on the function words in and and, and on the suffix morpheme -ing. This “missing letter” effect showed a developmental trend, with the proportion of errors on function words and suffix morphemes increasing as a function of school grade. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that frequent linguistic entities such as word-boundary morphemes tend to be unitized in fluent reading, and that the ability to form such units is acquired gradually in the course of learning to read.  相似文献   

Lexical innovation--the creation of a word by combining existing morphemes in a novel way (e.g. "map ball" for "globe")--was evaluated as a method for circumventing word-finding difficulty in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia. Aphasic groups were matched for naming performance and compared to a control group of normal adults matched for age and education. Lexical innovations were collected during the administration of a confrontation naming test, and were then analyzed in terms of the correctness of morpheme combination, semantic accuracy, novelty, and communicative effectiveness. An innovation was considered to be communicatively effective when its intended referent was understood by a naive judge. The lexical innovations of the two aphasic groups were diametrically opposed: as compared to both Broca's aphasics and normal adults, Wernicke's aphasics innovated significantly less often, and their innovations were significantly inferior in terms of: semantic precision, the proper construction of morpheme combination, and communicative effectiveness. This pattern suggests that lack of verbal fluency may be compatible with lexical creativity, while empty logorrheic speech may be an impediment to lexical creativity. Similarly, we conclude that the agrammatism of Broca's asphasia does not interfere with lexical innovation, while the paragrammatism of Wernicke's aphasia does interfere with lexical innovation, thus suggesting that paragrammatism affects morpheme combination at the word level as well as the sentence level.  相似文献   

采用问卷法,选取755名初中生(其中流动儿童562名)作为被试,对未来取向及其与学业卷入的关系进行考察。结果表明:(1)打工子弟学校流动儿童的未来取向与公立学校流动儿童、城市儿童差异较大,具体表现为,打工子弟学校流动儿童的受教育领域未来目标显著较少,未来职业目标较多;未来计划得分显著较低;未来评价方面,打工子弟学校的流动儿童具有较少的内部归因,乐观性也较弱;(2)打工子弟学校的流动儿童未来取向主要表现出了年级差异,初一年级受教育目标显著高于初二年级,而未来职业内部归因显著低于初二年级;公立学校流动儿童则表现出了性别差异,男生在各领域上的外部归因和乐观性均显著高于女生;(3)教育计划和乐观性对流动儿童的行为卷入得分有显著的正向预测作用,教育的外部归因和未来的职业计划有着显著的负向预测作用;流动儿童的未来受教育计划、教育目标和乐观性以及职业的内部归因对其心理卷入有显著的正向预测作用。  相似文献   

A pediatric auditory version of the Stroop procedure was developed and administered to 48 normal children from 3 to 6 years of age. Our purpose was to define the developmental course characterizing interaction between auditory and semantic speech dimensions in young children. The procedure was a reaction time (RT) task that required children to respond as quickly and as accurately as possible to words spoken by a male or a female voice. Children were instructed to ignore what was said and to push the "Mommy" button if Mommy was talking or the "Daddy" button if Daddy was talking. Performance was obtained for words with neutral, congruent, and conflicting semantic content. Preschool children manifested processing dependencies that were similar to those observed in adults on the visual Stroop procedure. Conflict between semantic and auditory dimensions significantly increased RT and congruence between the two dimensions significantly decreased RT relative to the neutral condition. The pattern of results indicated that the meaning of words was processed automatically in the normal children. The magnitude of the Stroop effect reflected developmental change with increasing age.  相似文献   

Second and fifth grade children and adults were shown either pictures or words to study, and were tested with both pictures and words in a forced-choice recognition task. Prior to presentation of each study item, subjects were asked questions designed to orient them to the acoustic, schematic, or conceptual characteristics of the item, or were asked no questions at all (neutral condition). In addition, at recognition, each study item (target) was paired with a distractor related to the target either acoustically, schematically, conceptually, or not at all (neutral). The results show that deficits in the kinds of encoding operations performed are not responsible for developmental differences in memory performance, but suggest that young children differ from adults in terms of focused attention and direct access to semantic representations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether an abstract linguistic construction shows the kind of prototype effects characteristic of non-linguistic categories, in both adults and young children. Adapting the prototype-plus-distortion methodology of Franks and Bransford (1971), we found that whereas adults were lured toward false-positive recognition of sentences with prototypical transitive semantics, young children showed no such effect. We examined two main implications of the results. First, it adds a novel data point to a growing body of research in cognitive linguistics and construction grammar that shows abstract linguistic categories can behave in similar ways to non-linguistic categories, for example, by showing graded membership of a category. Thus, the findings lend psychological validity to the existing cross-linguistic evidence for prototypical transitive semantics. Second, we discuss a possible explanation for the fact that prototypical sentences were processed differently in adults and children, namely, that children's transitive semantic network is not as interconnected or cognitively coherent as adults'.  相似文献   

This research investigates issues surrounding early school children's use of the similarity between head and modifier terms in deriving interpretations for novel noun-noun conceptual combinations. In these experiments, 6- and 9-year-olds and adults were asked to formulate interpretations of similar and dissimilar conceptual combinations. Both children and adults were sensitive to the similarity aspect of conceptual combinations, although the children had some difficulty with the property interpretations that high-similarity combinations require. Next, we examined 40 popular children's books for the presence of noun-noun conceptual combinations. Adult participants provided interpretations for these combinations and rated the similarity of the head and modifier nouns. Results indicated that there were few high-similarity combinations and few combinations requiring property interpretations, suggesting that children have limited exposure to highly similar combinations and property interpretations. Further analysis of children's interpretations indicates that they may have difficulty in selecting and integrating properties of the modifier onto the head, a process required by property interpretations.  相似文献   

本研究采用注意线索范式对小学生视觉选择性注意的发展及其影响因素进行了研究.被试为小学一、三、五年级学生,研究主要考察分心物数量、线索有效性和目标新异性对小学生注意发展的影响.研究结果表明:(1)小学三年级(8~9岁)儿童表现出显著的注意阶段性波动,该结果与国外研究有一定的一致性,也有待于进一步研究证实;(2)小学阶段儿童在相同任务上的选择注意加工速度比成人慢300~1100ms;(3)分心物数量、线索有效性和目标新异性对儿童选择注意发展的影响与成人的结论一致,而且呈现持续发展趋势.  相似文献   

The effect of test-induced priming on false recognition was investigated in children aged 5, 7, 9, and 11 years using lists of semantic associates, category exemplars, and phonological associates. In line with effects previously observed in adults, nine- and eleven-year-olds showed increased levels of false recognition when critical lures were preceded by four studied items. This pattern was present with all three list types. In contrast, no effects of test-induced priming were observed in five- or seven-year-olds with any list type. The results also support those of previous studies in showing a developmental shift from phonological to semantic false memories. The findings are discussed in terms of current theories of children's false memories.  相似文献   

在阅读时,读者可以获取副中央凹处的词汇信息,副中央凹加工是构成流畅阅读的重要因素。本研究从儿童语言发展的角度,通过3个实验(共534名被试),考察了汉语视觉字词加工中2~5年级学生的字形、语音、语义预视效应。结果发现:(1)2~5年级小学生均有字形预视效应;(2)2、3年级学生没有语音预视效应,4、5年级学生有此效应;(3)2年级学生没有语义预视效应,3、4、5年级学生有此效应。这表明,低水平的视觉信息—字形信息在儿童副中央凹加工中一直稳定地发挥作用;高水平的语言信息—语音和语义信息,随着儿童年级的升高和阅读技能的提升,逐渐地在儿童的副中央凹加工中发挥作用。儿童对汉字各类型信息的获取与使用的发展模式不同于拼音文字阅读发展理论的预测。  相似文献   

Preschool children imitated two matched lists of sentences varying in length, in syntactic complexity, and in semantic complexity. Sentences on one list were acted out with toys prior to imitating them. For 3-year-olds, enactment increased retention of all sentential variables: number of words, number of frames, number of propositions, and syntax. For children younger than 3 years, enactment increased only the number of words retained, while for children older than 4 years, enactment had a minimal effect on all sentential variables. In a second experiment, prior enactment had long-term effects on the degree to which children's spontaneous stories about the toys resembled the previous sentences that they had been given to imitate. Long-term effects, however, did not extend to retention of syntax. Enactment appears to increase both young children's interest in a sentence imitation task and the amount of semantic encoding in which they engage. Its effect, however, is mediated by the degree of mastery of relevant linguistic rules.Some of these data were presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Detroit, April 1983. The authors would like to thank Lorraine Chiasson, Judith Codd, and Susan Saba for their assistance with the data analysis.  相似文献   

Children from preschool to fifth grade were given two independent series of language tasks. The first tested aural sentence memory and was designed to assess children's ability to exploit syntactic structure and semantic cohesion to facilitate sentence recall. The second tested children's syntactic awareness, as reflected in their ability to correct grammatically deviant sentences. Results showed increases with grade level both in children's syntactic awareness and in their use of linguistic structure in sentence recall. Further, syntactic awareness increased with age, independently of vocabulary age. Syntactic awareness was significantly related both to reading achievement and to the use of syntactic structure and semantic structure to facilitate sentence recall, even with the effects of vocabulary age and grade statistically controlled. Although strongly correlated with verbal ability, syntactic awareness appears to constitute a higher-order language skill that is associated with other aspects of verbal performance.This research was carried out at the University of Melbourne and was supported by a University of Melbourne Research Development Grant.  相似文献   

Davidson K  Eng K  Barner D 《Cognition》2012,123(1):162-173
We tested the hypothesis that, when children learn to correctly count sets, they make a semantic induction about the meanings of their number words. We tested the logical understanding of number words in 84 children that were classified as "cardinal-principle knowers" by the criteria set forth by Wynn (1992). Results show that these children often do not know (1) which of two numbers in their count list denotes a greater quantity, and (2) that the difference between successive numbers in their count list is 1. Among counters, these abilities are predicted by the highest number to which they can count and their ability to estimate set sizes. Also, children's knowledge of the principles appears to be initially item-specific rather than general to all number words, and is most robust for very small numbers (e.g., 5) compared to larger numbers (e.g., 25), even among children who can count much higher (e.g., above 30). In light of these findings, we conclude that there is little evidence to support the hypothesis that becoming a cardinal-principle knower involves a semantic induction over all items in a child's count list.  相似文献   

为探讨儿童所属非正式同伴团体的选择和适应过程,选择469名小3、初1学生参加了为期2年的追踪研究.儿童同伴团体和学校适应(社会行为、社会适应、学习适应)的资料取自包含同伴评定、教师评定和学校记录多种渠道.研究发现,(1)儿童选择与自己在学校适应方面相似的同伴组成同伴团体;(2)同伴团体不仅在成员构成还是在学校适应的团体特征上具有中等程度的稳定性;(3)儿童在初测时所属同伴团体的社会能力越强、社交性越高、学业成绩越优异,则其两年后在这些方面的表现也越好,如果所属同伴团体存在同伴拒绝或学业问题,则儿童在两年后被同伴拒绝和出现学业问题的可能性也越大.  相似文献   

A series of simple addition problems was presented in a reaction time, true-false verification task to subjects in Grades 2 through 4 and in college. This information-processing paradigm was used to measure the solution strategies used for problems that sometimes are solved too rapidly and accurately to allow for meaningful error analysis. A series of structural models representing different processing sequences was tested against reaction times for solution to different two-term addition problems. Young children and adults alike used a memory access process to solve highly overlearned addition problems such as 1 + 1 = 2, but solution strategies of more difficult problems differed by age. Younger children adopted a slow, effortful, implicit counting strategy, with efficiency developing in the middle elementary school years; adults performed in a manner consistent with at least some models of memory retrieval found in the literature. Children were classified into two groups, independently of grade, based on slope values from a regression equation computed on individual subject data. The two groups comprised what appeared to be "fast" and "slow" processors, who differed in terms of speed of processing as well as strategy used. Our findings are discussed in terms of models of semantic memory and the development of automatic information-processing skills.  相似文献   

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