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本研究选取初一至初三年级学生为被试,采用实验法,用数学连加数问题为实验材料,就自我反思对解题策略的影响进行了研究。比较了有反思实验组学生(24人)和没有反思控制组学生(29人)解题策略的差异,结果发现:(1)有反思的学生比没有反思的学生更多使用高效策略;(2)从测试过程策略类型的变化看,反思促进初中生逐渐获得高效策略,放弃低效策略。  相似文献   

小学2~4年级儿童数学应用题表征策略差异的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
本研究运用实验法和临床访谈法对某普通小学的123名2~4年级学生进行了数学应用题测验,以考察数学学优生和学差生在解决比较应用题时表征策略的差异。结果表明:(1)从2~4年级儿童解答一致和不一致应用题上看,学优生较多地使用问题模型策略对问题进行表征,学差生较多地使用直接转换策略对问题进行表征;(2)除学差女生的解题正确率低于学差男生的正确率,学差女生自我报告中直接转换策略的使用多于学差男生外,在其它方面,性别差异并不显著;(3)随着年级的升高,学优生在使用问题模型策略上越来越成熟,学差生并没有学会使用更加有效的问题模型表征策略,仍然停留在直接转换策略上,但他们在关于策略使用的认识上有所提高。  相似文献   

陈英和  仲宁宁  赵宏  张小龙 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1314-1317
本研究运用实验法和临床访谈法对某普通小学的123名2-4年级学生进行了不规则数学应用题测验,以考察数学学优生和学差生在解决这些应用题时表征策略的差异。结果表明:(1)从2-4年级儿童解答条件多余和条件不足应用题上看,学优生的成绩要好于学差生,口头报告分析显示学优生较多地使用问题模型策略对问题进行表征,而学差生较多使用直接转换策略对问题进行表征;(2)在三年级时,条件多余和条件不足应用题的解题正确率有所提高,但到四年级时,正确率却有所下降;(3)在解决条件多余和条件不足应用题中,性别差异不显著。  相似文献   

比较应用题解题过程的眼动研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
冯虹  阴国恩  安蓉 《心理科学》2007,30(1):37-40
采用2×2×4三因素混合实验设计,使用美国应用科学实验室(ASL)生产的504型台式眼动仪,对不同年级学生解比较应用题过程中的解题指标和眼动指标进行分析。结果表明:随着年级的增高,学生解题过程中的各种眼动指标之间的差异逐渐缩小;解题时数学成绩优生与差生的眼动模式差异显著,解一致性不同题目时的眼动指标差异显著。  相似文献   

陈幼贞  张曼曼  林秋蓉 《心理学报》2022,54(12):1491-1502
通过两个实验探讨认知负荷对小学数学学业不良生前瞻记忆及其成分的影响, 以及是否可以通过执行意向编码提高其前瞻记忆及其成分的成绩。实验1结果显示数学学业不良生前瞻记忆、前瞻成分及回溯成分正确率显著低于数学学优生, 高认知负荷条件前瞻记忆、前瞻成分及回溯成分的正确率显著低于低认知负荷条件; 实验2结果显示执行意向编码条件下, 数学学业不良生前瞻记忆成绩显著好于标准编码条件, 前瞻成分和回溯成分的正确率高于标准编码条件。结果表明数学学业不良生前瞻记忆及其成分表现差于数学学优生; 无论认知负荷高低, 执行意向编码均可通过提升前瞻成分和回溯成分改善数学学业不良生前瞻记忆表现。  相似文献   

采用参照蔡方之等(2004)所设计的图形材料,考察了不同图形排列方式对不同数学学业水平小学生数量估计的影响。35名三年级被试参加了本实验,其中优生20人,差生15人。行为数据和口头报告分析结果显示:(1)优生是更合理的数量估计者。优生数量估计的绝对误差百分比明显小于差生。(2)图形排列方式对数量估计产生了显著影响。不同图形排列方式可能会造成规则-随机数量错觉和均匀-不均匀数量错觉,从而使均匀及规则图形被高估幅度更大。  相似文献   

数学学习不良儿童视觉-空间表征与数学问题解决   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
俞国良  曾盼盼 《心理学报》2003,35(5):643-648
采用临床访谈的方法,考察了30名数学学习不良(MD)儿童和31名一般儿童的数学问题解决、视觉-空间表征策略和空间视觉化能力。结果发现:图式表征能促进数学问题的解决,图像表征则起妨碍作用;空间视觉化能力与解题正确率及图式表征策略有显著正相关,与图像表征策略有显著负相关。MD儿童的解题正确率以及使用图式表征策略的程度显著低于一般儿童,使用图像表征策略的程度则显著高于一般儿童。在解题正确率和图式表征策略这两个变量上,MD儿童和一般儿童的年级发展趋势相同,都随年级的升高而提高。但在图像表征策略的使用上,一般儿童有随年级的升高而下降的趋势,MD儿童却没有下降的趋势。两类儿童的空间视觉化能力都随年级的升高而提高。  相似文献   

作文前构思时间分配及其对写作成绩影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
通过3个分实验考察了优差生的作文前构思时间分配及其不同的构思时间分配策略对作文成绩的影响。实验1发现“优生”和“差生”在无时限写作情况下,前者花在构思上的时间更多,并运用了较好的构思策略;实验2发现“优生”和“差生在限时写作情况下,在构思时间上没有显著的差异,但他们在构思策略上仍表现出差异;实验3发现长时限构思比短时限构思能够带来更好的文本质量。作者对写作前构思的计划和管理,可能是提高作文质量的自我调控策略之一。  相似文献   

数学解题能力是衡量学生数学能力高低的一个重要指标,当前高考的能力立意命题也说明高中数学教学要更多的关注学生的数学能力。现就高中数学解题策略略谈一二。  相似文献   

运用自编估算测试材料,通过与学优生相比较,考察了数学学业不良儿童的估算情感特点及与估算能力的关系,被试为40名小学六年级学生。结果表明:1.学业不良儿童的估算情感总分明显低于学优儿童,学业不良儿童在数学自信心和估算情感认同这两个维度上表现较为消极。2.学业不良儿童的估算情感认同与他们的估算成绩之间关系更为密切。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to undertake a six-month follow-up of the communication and problem-solving skill level of those premarital couples trained in the Ridley, Avery, Harrell, Leslie, and Dent (in press) study. Fifty-nine percent of the original sample (14 experimental couples and 18 control couples) were given a behavioral assessment of communication and problem-solving ability six months after training. Results indicated that the experimental group, relative to the control group, had significantly higher pretest to follow-up scores on communication skills and the problem-solving steps. Discussions centered on the implications of skill maintenance over time and possible directions of future research.  相似文献   

The aim of our research was to study the effects of metacognition training on the performance of older adults solving mathematical word problems. A further aim was to study the links between metacognition and executive function. Thirty-two subjects aged over 60, divided into an experimental and a control group, took part in this study which involved five training sessions. Results show that metacognition training enhanced the two metacognition components (knowledge and skills) and the mathematical problem-solving capacities of the participants. They also suggest that the use of metacognition by older people to solve mathematical word problems is supported by executive functions (updating, shifting) and particularly by processing speed.  相似文献   

Testing animals individually in problem-solving tasks limits distractions of the subjects during the test, so that they can fully concentrate on the problem. However, such individual performance may not indicate the problem-solving capacity that is commonly employed in the wild when individuals are faced with a novel problem in their social groups, where the presence of a conspecific influences an individual’s behaviour. To assess the validity of data gathered from parrots when tested individually, we compared the performance on patterned-string tasks among parrots tested singly and parrots tested in social context. We tested two captive groups of orange-winged amazons (Amazona amazonica) with several patterned-string tasks. Despite the differences in the testing environment (singly vs. social context), parrots from both groups performed similarly. However, we found that the willingness to participate in the tasks was significantly higher for the individuals tested in social context. The study provides further evidence for the crucial influence of social context on individual’s response to a challenging situation such as a problem-solving test.  相似文献   

Previous evidence suggests that hand shaping during reaching is modulated by the presence and the nature of the end-goal following object’s grasp. Here we test whether such modulation is maintained in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Six participants with PD and six healthy participants took part in the study. Participants were requested to reach towards a bottle filled with water, and then: (1) grasp it without performing any subsequent action; (2) grasp it and place it accurately on a target area; (3) grasp it and pour its contents within a container. The results showed that participants shaped their hand differently depending on the presence or absence of an action following object’s grasp. However, the request to perform an action after grasp determined a modulation of hand kinematics which was delayed for PD than for control participants. Further, whereas for control participants the nature of the end-goal determined a modulation of hand shaping, for PD patients such modulation was not evident. Data are discussed in terms of the role played by basal ganglia in implementing anticipatory mechanisms for the control of manipulative activities. We contend that in PD patients these mechanisms are not totally compromised, but their implementation depends on the action information that has to be anticipated.  相似文献   


A growing body of evidence suggests that reflecting on performance is an important source of individual learning. Given the importance of creativity in contemporary business settings, reflection has also been cast as a useful strategy to facilitate creative problem-solving. Challenging this idea, we conducted a series of lab experiments to examine the effects of reflection on creative problem-solving. Drawing from theory in cognitive psychology on knowledge structures, we argue that reflection may sometimes debilitate rather than improve creative problem-solving, due to the reinforcement of existing cognitive schemas and the resulting cognitive entrenchment. To test our theoretical arguments, we developed two alternative reflection strategies, imaginative reflection and vicarious elaboration. In Study 1 (N = 101), we observed a detrimental effect of task reflection on creative problem-solving, which was offset by having participants engage in imaginative reflection. In Study 2 (N = 191), vicarious elaboration, elaborating on another’s creative experiences instead of reflecting on one’s own creative experiences, was introduced as a second strategy to counter cognitive entrenchment. In Study 3 (N = 235), we combined the reflection strategies, demonstrating that imaginative thinking was more effective when focused on one’s own experiences rather than on others’ experiences (i.e., vicarious imaginative elaboration). Together, these findings increase our understanding of the effects of different reflection strategies, but also call for further research to address an intriguing observation: none of the reflection strategies led to better outcomes as compared to a control condition without reflection, suggesting that individual reflection might not help creative problem-solving at all.


Despite the importance of individual problem solvers for group- and individual-level fitness, the correlates of individual problem-solving success are still an open topic of investigation. In addition to demographic factors, such as age or sex, certain personality dimensions have also been revealed as reliable correlates of problem-solving by animals. Such correlates, however, have been little-studied in chimpanzees. To empirically test the influence of age, sex, estrous state, and different personality factors on chimpanzee problem-solving, we individually tested 36 captive chimpanzees with two novel foraging puzzles. We included both female (N = 24) and male (N = 12) adult chimpanzees (aged 14–47 years) in our sample. We also controlled for the females’ estrous state—a potential influence on cognitive reasoning—by testing cycling females both when their sexual swelling was maximally tumescent (associated with the luteinizing hormone surge of a female’s estrous cycle) and again when it was detumescent. Although we found no correlation between the chimpanzees’ success with either puzzle and their age or sex, the chimpanzees’ personality ratings did correlate with responses to the novel foraging puzzles. Specifically, male chimpanzees that were rated highly on the factors Methodical, Openness (to experience), and Dominance spent longer interacting with the puzzles. There was also a positive relationship between the latency of females to begin interacting with the two tasks and their rating on the factor Reactivity/Undependability. No other significant correlations were found, but we report tentative evidence for increased problem-solving success by the females when they had detumescent estrous swellings.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》1996,11(3):357-373
This study is an investigation of the strategies used by preschool-aged children (ages 3 and 4) to accomplish a practical task. For the main part of the study, 24 children were engaged on three separate occasions in a mathematically oriented activity designed to test their problem-solving skills and their ability to learn from and increase their efficiency in relation to a repeated task. The exercise required participants to satisfy customer requests for orders of vegetables in a “play store” setting. Each order request in the task could be successfully satisfied by a variety of different solution strategies. The number of moves used to satisfy each order, as well as the strategy type employed, were recorded and coded. Participants also took part in extensive arithmetic pre- and posttests. After repeated exposure to the task, participants became significantly more efficient in their choice of a solution strategy: that is, they increasingly chose solution strategies requiring fewer physical moves.  相似文献   

Menopause is associated with a considerable variety of physical, psychological and social symptoms that can be treated using cognitive-behavioral techniques. In the present study, 21 women took part in an eight-week group intervention consisting of weekly two-hour sessions to address their slight symptoms related to the climacteric stage of life. The intervention included: psycho education on menopause, relaxation techniques, nutrition and fitness exercises, Kegel exercises, and problem-solving techniques. A control group was included that did not receive treatment and consisted of 28 women. The results revealed a significant reduction in most symptoms (including depression and anxiety) after intervention as compared to the baseline period. No changes appeared in the control group. The relevance of this work lies in the potential element of prevention this therapeutic package could offer to relieve various symptoms, slight and incipient, during the perimenopausal stage.  相似文献   

Twelve mentally-defective schoolboys between 14 and 16 years of age took an intelligence test (AH 4) once a week, ten times. They took also Progressive Matrices once, after they had finished the AH 4 testing. Subjects of low intelligence were chosen in order to throw some light on the findings of a previous experiment on repeated retesting, in which the subjects were intelligent adults. The main aims of the schoolboy enquiry were to ascertain how far the flattening of the progress curves observed in the earlier enquiry was due to the artificial “ceiling” imposed and how far the part played by variation within the individuals varies with the level of intelligence of the group.

The mentally-defective subjects showed a gradual improvement in test performance with little sign of flattening towards the end; their individual progress curves were far less smooth than had been those of the more intelligent subjects. Other findings included relatively high proficiency on the diagrammatic part of the test, as opposed to the verbal and numerical, and some transfer of training from AH 4 to Progressive Matrices.  相似文献   

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