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The subject of the Identity of Psychoanalysis and of its representatives belongs to the orthodox psychoanalytic movement. Since about 15 years, under the presidency of J. Sandler, the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) has tried successfully to facilitate scientific research and to promote projects. If the resistance of influential analysts against empirical investigations further decreases, psychoanalytic movement and its unfavourable concommitants will be past. The development to a scientific community will no longer be hampered by controversies on professional identity. The question of identity was dominated by the idea of the so-called “strict, untendentious psychoanalysis” (Freud 1909b, S. 104, 1919a, S. 168). It never existed and could never materialise—it was a fiction. The psychosocial dimensions and its normative implications call the concept of identity into question. Instead it is advisable to speak of a pychoanalytic attitude which has to prove its therapeutic value. This “second (professional) self” (Schafer 1983) is closely connected to the “first (personal) self”, but it is necessary and possible to separate the method from the person and to objectify changes in the patient even if taking place in an intersubjective, relational space. For many years Freud defined what Psychoanalysis is about and who is entitled to call himself an analyst. Later on, the psychoanalytic movement and the institutionalised training system fulfilled this role. The training analysis had been at the centre of all curricula. The genealogy of the training analyst determined the membership in the evergrowing family. Dissidents belong to the history of Psychoanalysis. The official acceptance of the pluralisms within the International Psychoanalytical Association demands comparisons between the various schools according to scientific criteria. Modern process and outcome research provides criteria suited to serve as a model for clinical treatment reports.  相似文献   

Journal for General Philosophy of Science - While the logical reconstruction of empirical theories is, in principle, no longer a matter of dispute, the possibility and, furthermore, the procedure...  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2022,28(4):191-207
Virtual reality (VR) is used in general health care: prevention, physical medicine, chronic and acute pain, quality of life in palliative care, and in psychiatry: anxiety, depression, addiction, psychosis. Our objective is showing VR using among elderly people in French retirement home. Virtual reality is showing efficacy as distraction, anti-pain, tranquillising, antidepressant methods. It should be an answer to many elderly health problems. VR is easy to use, with low side effects. Non-drug treatments among elderly people are recommended. Used as complementary or alternative medicine, VR must be shaped for using with old and fragile people in retirement home.  相似文献   

Als Demenz bezeichnet man St?rungen in mehreren kognitiven Dom?nen, die durch Neurodegeneration und andere Erkrankungen bedingt sein k?nnen. Ihre klinische und neuropathologische Diagnose erfolgt nach spezifischen Konsensuskriterien. Die klinische Treffsicherheit bei Verwendung revidierter Forschungskriterien und moderner Biomarker (MRI, PET, Liquoranalyse, genetische Marker) liegt für die Alzheimer-Krankheit (AK) als h?ufigste Demenzform bei 65–96 Prozent mit einer Spezifit?t gegenüber anderen Demenzen von 23–88 Prozent. Die Neuropathologie mit moderner Immunhistochemie, Molekularbiologie und -genetik gestattet bei homogenen Definitionen, harmonisierten Labormethoden und Standards für die Erfassung morphologischer L?sionen eine Diagnose/Klassifikation in bis zu 99 Prozent, ohne jedoch bisher die Ursache/?tiologie der meisten dementiven Erkrankungen aufgekl?rt zu haben. Dies liegt an der enormen Komplexit?t der Hirnver?nderungen, oft fehlender übereinstimmung zwischen klinischem Verlauf und morphologischem Befund, der Komorbidit?t im hohen Alter mit Zusammentreffen verschiedener Pathologien sowie erheblichen Unterschieden zwischen jungen und hochbetagten dementen Patienten, wobei letztere h?ufig „Demenzen ungekl?rter ?tiologie“ beziehungsweise Nicht-AK-Pathologie darstellen. Datenfusion und einheitliche, in prospektiven klinisch-pathologischen Studien validierte Kriterien sollen „Goldstandards“ für die Diagnose kognitiver St?rungen erarbeiten und ihre Abgrenzung vom „gesunden“ Hirnaltern erm?glichen, um künftige Grundlagen für Früherkennung, Prophylaxe und neu wirksame Behandlungsmethoden zu schaffen.  相似文献   

In a nationwide German postal survey study 371 psychotherapists who had studied psychology or pedagogic sciences were asked for their net income and job satisfaction levels. Of these, 303 worked in the public health insurance system and 68 worked as freelance psychotherapists not participating in the public health insurance system. The respondents who had practiced as psychotherapists in 1997 were also surveyed with regards to their previous income and job satisfaction at that time. Results indicated that, as expected, psychotherapists participating in the public health insurance system had higher incomes than those who do not. Since 1997 their net income had increased but was still much lower than those of comparable medical specialist groups. Both psychotherapist groups reported an overall high level of satisfaction with the profession. Additionally, psychotherapists practicing in the public health insurance system reported an increasing overall job satisfaction since 1997 while the psychotherapists who do not, remained on a constant overall job satisfaction level. When compared to these psychotherapists, those practicing in the public health insurance system showed higher satisfaction with their economic situation. Most of the respondents from both groups reported that they would still choose this profession today.  相似文献   

Family reunification programs in the mid-1970s, the emergence of second generation immigrants in the early 1980s (rodéos des Minguettes in 1981, the march against racism in 1983) and the new position granted immigrants in French public and cultural life beyond economic and social frameworks, have provoked a series of reactions in public opinion. The realization that France is becoming a multicultural country aroused passions and stirred up concerns within French society as of the early 1980s. The debate moved logically towards a questioning of the very foundations of national identity and over ten years, structured itself around three republican values: citizenship, nationality, and secularity. The French felt threatened by the cumbersome presence of immigrants. From the 1960s to the 1980s, the evolution of the enfranchisement issue brought discussions of citizenship to the fore. The debate on the reform of the code on nationality between the mid-1980s and the mid-1990s highlighted the notion of nationality. Lastly, since 1989, the uncertainties and concerns surrounding the wearing of veils in schools have challenged the issue of secularity.  相似文献   

As the result of dramatic cases of school shootings in Germany (Erfurt, Winnenden) extensive research into severe targeted school violence and the search for prevention strategies was initiated. In this context the program ??NETWorks Against School Shootings?? (NETWASS) has been developed to prevent severe violence in schools, focussing on early identification and reliable evaluation of warning signs to avoid a critical psychosocial development of students. Following a scientist practitioner model, a scientifically founded crisis prevention model was developed based on extensive case analyses of German school shootings, international experiences with prevention efforts and results of the previously conducted ??Berlin Leaking-Project??. The NETWASS program is currently being implemented and evaluated as an internal school approach in more than 100 schools in Germany. Additionally, a telephone hotline project (TEBESKO) has been developed in the federal state of Berlin. In the current article the crisis prevention model, its theoretical foundation and application will be described.  相似文献   

The bioethics law, adopted for the first time in 1994 and revised in 2004, is under revision again. This process has raised numerous debates at various institutional, professional and social levels. The government also organised a unique type of citizens’ consultation: the General Estates in Bioethics (GEB). Several panels of citizens had the opportunity to express their informed opinion on a selected set of topics concerning the law revision, after having received a special training by an expert committee. We have analysed the contributions of six public bodies – the Parliament Office for Scientific and Technological Choices Evaluation (OPECST), the National Consultative Ethics Committee, (CCNE), the State Council, (CE), the Biomedical Agency, (ABM), the Senate and the Parliamentary Information Mission for this bioethics law revision – as well as the final GEB's report. In this article, we present and compare their proposals on three themes: Medically assisted procreation (MAP), surrogacy and transplantation. Whereas a consensus emerged from the debates on certain issues – apart from the Senate, all institutions seem to be in favour of maintaining the current banning of surrogacy – other points are still under debate – how to open the access to MAP technologies, under what conditions should we grant access to selected data concerning gamete donors, how is death defined in the difficult conditions of a potential non heart beating donor, should the presumed consent regime for post mortem donation be revised, and if so how, – The parliament should discuss the law during 2010's first semester, and will have the difficult responsibility to take measures on issues raising medical, scientific, social, philosophical and moral questions.  相似文献   

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