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计文 《天风》2012,(10):1-1
构思这篇短文时,正遇日本政府上演"购买钓鱼岛"丑剧,从而激起了亿万中华儿女强烈的愤慨。民众"保钓"热情如火如荼,爱国热情猛烈喷发。但就在此时,少数人奉"爱国"之名干起了"打砸抢"行当,做出了一些"亲者痛,仇者快"的傻事,实在令人难以接受。于是,近日报端出现最多的一个词是"理性爱国"。"理性"与"爱",似乎难以达到统一。  相似文献   

在我国,长期以来关于社会科学研究与政治的关系问题,即所谓“科学无禁区”和“政治有原则”的关系问题,一直较难处理得当。不明了这个关系,不但社会科学家左顾右盼,难以适从;政治家也很矛盾,既希望社会科学百家争鸣,理论研究超前发展,为政治决策多提  相似文献   

我们生活于其中的工业革命时代同已成长的各种传统有一种独特的关系。极为不同的国度是在这些传统中发展起它们的文化的。在某种意义上,这一时代是一个科学的时代,科学把自己本身和自己的应用正扩展于整个世界。但正因为如此它也就成了这样一个时代,在这里不同种类的文化正愈来愈强烈地意识到其固有的根源和特色。西方基  相似文献   

社会上普遍关注PX项目、转基因、食品添加剂等多个科学发展问题。谈及色变,霎时间科技这个温和的可爱的人物似乎在谈论间变得那么不可理喻和不值得相信。然而盲从盲信甚至反智带给人们的不是温暖安全,而是更加容易为神神鬼鬼和神功异能等所俘获。掌握科学理性的方法和拥有科学质疑探索的精神将会是我们所需的抗生素,多一点科学理性,多一份美好生活。  相似文献   

国外有一则民间故事。一穷人家来了客人,穷人让妻子从地窖中拿出一个西瓜待客。其实穷人知道地窖中只剩下一个西瓜了。妻子把瓜抱来,穷人说你看这个瓜这么脏,难道不会拿一个好一点的吗?妻子心领神会,退出去把瓜稍稍擦了一遍,又重新端了出来。穷人说,这个瓜稍强些,但是难道找不出比它更好的  相似文献   

当年在北京广播学院(现在的中国传媒大学)进修,老师讲解镜头画面的组接技巧,说过这样一个例子:有3个镜头,一把枪、一张笑脸、一张恐惧的脸,按不同的顺序进行组接,会得到什么样的结果呢?  相似文献   

赞美是人际关系的润滑剂.它能使人与人之间达到心灵的认同和感知。心理学家告诉我们:人除了生存的基本需要之外,还有受到尊重的高层次需要——希望得到人们的理解、关心和赞赏等?  相似文献   

我们需要一个简洁而清新的生活环境,同样更需要一种轻松而快乐的心境。  相似文献   

生活是需要理智的。理智到底是什么呢?辞典里写道:理智是辨别是非、利害关系及控制自己行为的能力。生活告诉我们,理智乃于人于事的理性观察、认定和对待。  相似文献   

正在简谱上我们都知道每个音阶都有高低音之分,回归到生活中我发现在某件事情的处理上面,特别是有矛盾冲击的情况下,高音低音的结果会截然不同。在教育孩子的时候,我一不小心就会恨铁不成钢地生气起来,声音从开始的正常慢慢便会高几个八度上去,有时自己听着都觉得刺耳,所谓情绪上来有点身不由己,孩子皱着一张小脸委屈害怕地缩在角落里,到后来居然慢慢学会了反抗  相似文献   

My aim…is to show that the celestial machine is likened not to a kind of divine living being but rather to a clockwork. (Kepler, 1605) I consider the human body to be a machine…(Descartes, 1641)  相似文献   

“贫穷感”是个体与金钱相关的、相对稳定的内心感受,包含不安全感、焦虑感、厌恶感、不满足感和金钱关注五个维度,用以描述个体与金钱相关的认知和情绪上的差异。其概念内涵由28位心理学专家和社会学专家共同界定。贫穷感自评量表是一个15题5点Likert量表。通过问卷法对420位社会人员测量发现,贫穷感与生命史Mini-K测量结果显著负相关。贫穷感越高的个体越倾向于生命史快策略。  相似文献   

Life of Science     

This study examines the association between sense of divine involvement and sense of meaning in life. Then it proceeds to assess how this association varies by religious tradition. Using a random and national sample from the 2007 Baylor Religion Survey, this study finds that sense of divine involvement is associated with greater odds of having a sense of meaning in life. In addition, religious affiliation modifies this association. Specifically, the positive association between sense of divine involvement and the odds of having a sense of meaning in life is observed only among evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants, and Catholics, but not among other religionists and religious nones. I discuss how the results make contributions to knowledge about the link between religious beliefs, religious tradition, and mental health.  相似文献   

医学为什么会愈加凸现人文意义   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
从医学的特殊性所包含的丰富的人文价值。弘扬人文精神对医学科技正确发展的作用,论述了注重医学发展中凸现人文意义的原因。  相似文献   

Rejuvenescence has long been a topic of legend and medicine. As the body became the property of medical science, speculative fiction asked how fantastic experiments with bodies would affect the life course. In science fiction, medical breakthroughs promise or threaten to forestall or even reverse the decline from midlife through old age to senility and decrepitude. Responding to debates over evolution, eugenics, and scientific experimentation with human and animal subjects, rejuvenescence novels such as Bruce Sterling's Holy Fire (1996) ask readers whether they desire long life or heightened quality of life; the consolations of age or the hungers of youth; short-lived intensity or perpetual ennui.  相似文献   

生命科学的发展对医学的发展产生了巨大的影响.从医学模式的演进、诊断技术和仪器的不断创新、基因技术与全新的药物在各种复杂疾病诊断与治疗中的应用以及外科治疗的不断演进等方面分析了生命科学与高新技术发展对医学的影响.  相似文献   

This study investigated the physical and psychological impact of arthritis on people's quality of life. A range of variables were examined in a sample of 375 participants who comprised three groups: people with arthritis receiving a support-based service from the Arthritis Foundation of Victoria, people with arthritis receiving standard treatment, and a group of people from the general population. The results revealed that the two arthritis groups reported a significantly higher level of functional impairment, pain, and negative affectivity, and lowered mood, positive affect, and Sense of Coherence, compared to the general population group. They also reported normal levels of importance, but lower levels of satisfaction on various life domains. After statistically controlling for pain however, group differences were eliminated on all variables except for functional impairment and for all satisfaction domains except health. These data are interpreted as evidence that the combination of low domain satisfaction coupled with high domain importance yields a negative psychological state. This, then suggests the possibility of a therapy based on reducing the perceived importance of health.  相似文献   

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