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胡治洪 《周易研究》2001,26(2):20-29
本文通过对帛书易传<二三子问>、<易之义>、<要>、<缪和、昭力>四篇的分析,认为帛传四篇为孔子<易>论,其中包涵着<论语>、<孔子集语>、传世本<易传>等反映孔子思想的传世文献所隐微罕见的天人道德观念;帛传四篇表现了孔子在涵括三代以至春秋新旧天人观念的基础上对于天人内涵的初步的哲学改造,反映了孔子将传统的主宰之天转化为道德之天、并将传统的主体对于形上存在的外在超越关系转化为内在超越关系的致思取向,从而凸显了孔子作为当时敏锐而深邃的思想家的形象;帛传四篇所涵具的孔子天人道德思想补足了三代天命德政观与思孟天道性命思想之间的逻辑缺环,是经由曾子(<天圆>)而达致<中庸>、郭店儒家简、<孟子>乃至传世本<易传>所体现的天道性命思想高峰的理论根据.  相似文献   

<周易程氏传>是北宋著名的理学大师程颐在对传统易学扬弃的基础上,创造性地用义理对<周易>进解说,其中蕴含着丰富的思想.如对于"节"卦,他认为体现出了"尚中"的哲学思想、"节以制度"的政治思想、"养正于蒙"的教育思想,等等.这些思想至今仍闪着智慧的光芒,给我们带来很大启发.  相似文献   

本文旨在对<太极图>的作者问题提出个人的看法.首先,本文从比较<太极图>与<太极图说>对"五行"思想的不同表达入手,指出二者所论的"五行"思想分别属于不同的流传系统.其次,本文较深入的比较了这两种"五行"思想的异同之处,进而指出基于这一矛盾可以初步判断,<太极图>与<太极图说>决非一人所做.  相似文献   

<吕氏春秋>是以道家思想为主体兼采阴阳、儒墨、名法、兵农诸家学说而贯通完成的一部晚周巨著.<吕氏春秋>集先秦道家之大成,是秦道家的代表作.本文论述了秦道家思想的特点,由此证明以<吕氏春秋>为代表的秦代新道家之说是能够成立的.  相似文献   

在由秦入汉的学术转折中,陆贾<新语>是不容忽视的.<新语>折射了不少经学信息,其中包括易学.由其用<系辞>文字的特点即可见<系辞>在汉以前流传颇广;陆贾以"仁义"说<易>,显示了较为独特的视角;其易学重义理,首开汉初学者以义理说<易>的风气,在孔门易学中居承前启后地位.  相似文献   

本文反对王弼以老庄思想解释<周易>这一传统观点,因为他除了用老庄道家思想解释<周易>之外,王弼也运用儒家思想来解释<周易>,而且运用儒家思想解释的内容大于运用道家思想解释的内容.本文分析了王弼为何同时运用儒家和道家思想解易的原因,并提出<周易注>的绝大多数内容是以<易传>的思想和汉代的注易方法来解释<周易>.  相似文献   

<老子>五千言的思想源自殷易<坤乾>(即<归藏>),不是源自<周易>.理由有三一、<老子>书中不见首乾次坤的思想,倒是首坤的思想明显居多;二、<老子>的辩证思维模式属于与<周易>古经不同的另一类;三、关于宇宙生成问题,<老子>的主张也与<周易>古经不是一路.  相似文献   

<太玄>是模仿<周易>而作,无论是在形式上还是内容上,<太玄>的模仿痕迹都很明显.从性质上看,<太玄>像孟、京易学一样,是一种天人之学.<太玄>的独创性在于体例上采用"三、九"系统;赞辞以生动形象的比喻直接说明事理;<太玄数>所说的筮法仅是扬雄的一个小把戏,没什么实际用途,而他又把五刑、律吕、月令等方面的内容引入<太玄>,以使其也具有"以卜筮者尚其占"的功用.  相似文献   

郭简<五行>篇具有重要的研究价值,本文主要对其对儒学形而上体系之建构作出理解和诠释,着重通过对<五行>篇的内在结构的分析,阐明<五行>所建立的儒学形而上体系的内部结构,说明和论证此体系正是儒学的"一以贯之"的内在结构和形而上体系,<五行>的思想是思孟之间一个不可或缺的重要的过渡环节,它继承孔子以来儒学的内在精神,使儒学的形而上体系得以明晰,并为孟子进一步继承和发展,从而推动了儒学的进一步发展.通过<五行>"形于内"和"不形于内"的分析,对天人合一也作出新的理解.  相似文献   

王弼易学的特点是以<老>解<易>,以他在<老子注>中所阐发的玄学本体论思想为基础来解释<周易>,这主要体现在他的<周易略例>当中.而他对"大衍之数"的解释,也使"大衍义"在其思想体系中占有重要地位.联系<周易略例>我们就能看出,"大衍义"是连接王弼玄学中老学和易学的桥梁,它体现了王弼玄学的体用观念,为王弼思想由老学向易学的过渡打下了基础.  相似文献   

灵棋课法的由来及其符号解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将灵棋占法当作"易占"的一个支派加以研究.作者以<道藏>本及<四库全书>本中的<灵棋经>为基本文献,考察"灵棋课法"的由来与归属.作者认为,从道书记载情形看,灵棋课法早先应该属于道教使用的一种卜筮技艺.在分析了灵棋课法与易学的关系之后,作者从神明崇拜的角度进一步考察灵棋课法的道教色彩,阐述了该法所蕴含的思想旨趣,发掘其象征底蕴.  相似文献   

Daoism has often been misunderstood as moral nihilism or anti-moralism, but the true Daoism indeed adopts a positive attitude towards morality. At the foundation of its universal sentiment is an affirmation of morality. Daoism takes all things as the starting point of its values in moral philosophy, and ziran 自然 (sponstaneously so) as the foundation of its philosophy with the universal commitment. Daoism hopes to use “Dao to create the best environment for survival, and to fulfill individual responsibility for all things in the world. This is a universal and open attitude towards values. The attraction of Daoist universal sentiment is that it takes ziran as its path, and “objectless desire, “unprincipled knowing, “non-coercive action as ways and means to ensure the transfer of the universal value to all things, while ensuring that they realize their true values and make contributions to the whole society.  相似文献   

李存山 《哲学研究》2012,(3):38-48,127
<正>中国古代的气论思想内容非常广泛,我曾将其概括为"一气涵五理",即"气"概念中包含着哲理、物理、生理、心理和伦理等方面的内容。(参见李存山,2006年)从气论在哲理上的意义而言,它是中国哲学自然观的主要形态。因为中国哲学的一个主要特点是"天人合一"或"推天道以明人事",所以气论与儒家的仁学、道家的道论等等共同构成了中国哲学的基本倾向或特质。本文就此而  相似文献   

This paper is principally a re‐evaluation of the meaning of Denken in the puzzling third paragraph of the Preface to Wittgenstein's Tractatus. It shows that there is a uniform misreading of this paragraph throughout the literature and suggests a corrected reading and some of its implications. The paper asserts that the influential “New Wittgenstein” reading of the Preface as containing Wittgenstein's all important “framing” thoughts on the Tractatus, is correct. However it also argues that the anti‐metaphysical reading the New view draws by way of its frame thesis is incorrect since it is still premised on the incorrect reading of the Preface's third paragraph. With the correct reading of the third paragraph, the paper shows the anti‐metaphysical reading of the Tractatus lacks substantive support.  相似文献   

赵建永 《周易研究》2004,4(2):42-50
儒道释对<周易·复卦>的特殊关注,集中在用复卦初爻"一阳来复"表征的"天地之心"上.复见天地之心即复人之本心的认知模式,鲜明体现了中国文化内在超越的特质,奠定了中国文化发展的基调.从对复卦不断翻新的诠解中,可以看出儒道释三教由差异到会通的过程.儒道释异中之同在都用复的方法论;但各自所推崇的本体内容却有层次上的差异:儒家是复性;道家是复命;佛家是复其真如本源心,此为同之异.  相似文献   

Perhaps the most crucial single utterance of the Second Vatican Council, at least in terms of impact on our shared experience as Catholics, occurs at paragraph 14 of the Council's constitution on the liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium. This was the first of the conciliar documents to be promulgated, and in many ways its most bloodily contested production. The paragraph in question runs like this:  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the influence of level of focal attention--text or lexical--on benefits from lexical repetition in speeded oral reading of coherent texts and random word lists. Experiment 1 showed that with coherent targets, direction of attention to the text level resulted in benefit only from a previous reading of the same coherent paragraph. However, when attention was directed to the lexical level, equal benefit resulted from a previous reading of either the same coherent paragraph or a scrambled version of the paragraph. Experiment 2 showed that level of focal attention did not influence benefit with scrambled targets. Thus, the linguistic structure of the target is important to repetition benefits and their modulation by attentional strategies.  相似文献   

<周易参同契>作为道教易学的重要代表作,其最重要的特色是会归"大易"、"黄老"和"炉火"三家之理,借<周易>言黄老说炼丹.本文将<周易参同契>置于汉代易学的背景下,从黄老道家哲学与道教仙学的发展中,来探讨<周易参同契>如何托<周易>卦爻象为象征符号来隐喻金丹道之内涵,以展示易学在道教中的传播与影响.  相似文献   

This article builds upon and expands an earlier research project on the moral panic that surrounded the Harry Potter books and movies from 1997 through the first decade of the twenty-first century. Soulliere focused on the publications and public pronouncements of religious groups and leaders, media, and research organizations linked together by “the promotion of traditional values and a conservative ideology as well as a Judeo-Christian worldview, primacy of the family, and emphases on biblical foundations and authority” (Soulliere paragraph 14), which he refers to as the Christian Right. The current study seeks to discover the degree to which, if any, this moral panic extended beyond the Christian Right into the pulpits of mainstream Protestant denominations.  相似文献   

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