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Earlier studies on human avoidance learning showed that an avoidance response reduces the expectancy that a warning stimulus (WS) will be followed by an unconditioned stimulus (US). This modulation can transfer to WSs with which the avoidance response did not occur in the past. Recent studies suggest that transfer of modulation is selective in that it is stronger for WSs that previously went together with other avoidance responses than for WSs that never went together with an avoidance response. This finding has been interpreted as providing unique support for an occasion setting account of avoidance learning. We put forward alternative explanations of selective transfer of modulation in terms of the rate with which a WS was reinforced in the absence an avoidance response. In support of the alternative explanations, we found that transfer of modulation depended not on whether a WS previously went together with another avoidance response but on the rate with which the WS was reinforced in the past. We conclude that selective transfer of modulation in avoidance learning does not provide (unique) support for the occasion setting account. Our findings are in line with a revised expectancy model of avoidance learning.  相似文献   

Using a conditioned suppression preparation, the authors investigated sequential (X --> A+/A-) versus simultaneous (XA+/A-) feature positive (FP) discrimination learning in humans. The sequential discrimination was expected to be resolved by means of a Feature X Modulated Target A-US association and the simultaneous discrimination by a feature X-US association. After sequential FP training, extinction of Feature X did not affect discriminative X --> A/A responding (Experiment 1), and X transferred its modulatory ability only to new targets, B, that had also been modulated (Experiment 2). This suggests that the sequential FP discrimination indeed resulted in occasion setting. Unlike expected, Feature X Extinction did not affect discriminative XA/A responding after simultaneous FP training (Experiment 3), while at the same time Feature X did show the predicted nonselective transfer to new targets, B (Experiment 4). J. M. Pearce's (1987) configural learning theory can account for most but not all findings of Experiments 3 and 4.  相似文献   

Using a conditioned suppression task, we investigated simultaneous (XA−/A+) vs. sequential (X → A−/A+) Feature Negative (FN) discrimination learning in humans. We expected the simultaneous discrimination to result in X (or alternatively the XA configuration) becoming an inhibitor acting directly on the US, and the sequential discrimination in X becoming a negative occasion setter acting indirectly on the A-US link. After simultaneous FN training, X+ training completely abolished discriminative XA/A responding (Experiment 1), and X transferred inhibition to new targets B regardless of their training history (B+ or YB−/B+) (Experiment 2), suggesting X became a simple inhibitor. After sequential FN training, X showed the predicted selective transfer to a target B that also had been modulated (Y → B−/B+), not to a simple excitor (B+) (Experiment 4), but turning X into an excitor (X+) likewise disrupted discriminative X → A/A responding (Experiment 3). This suggests that X acquired a combination of modulatory and direct inhibitory properties, and that the joint contribution of both components is necessary for the suppression of the target-induced US activation.  相似文献   

In two experiments rats received feature-positive discrimination training in which brief conditioned stimuli (CSs) were paired with food during presentations of an extended feature stimulus, and non-reinforced in its absence. In Experiment 1 a novel feature was trained in compound with a second, pretrained feature. Acquisition of control over responding to the CS by the novel feature was blocked if the pretrained feature had also been trained in a feature-positive discrimination, compared to a group for whom the pretrained feature had been accompanied by uncorrelated presentations of CSs and food. Experiment 2 employed a within-subjects design. It demonstrated that the feature from a feature-positive discrimination with a particular CS, x, blocked acquisition of control by an added, novel feature over responding to x, compared to the control acquired by the same novel feature over a novel, CS y.  相似文献   

Research on visual detection with tachisto scopically presented multiple-element displays has indicated that a nonrandom sample of the elements is processed on any trial. The effect of learning on the sample composition was assessed with a task in which S reported whether matrices of nine letters contained one or two Xs. After a first session involving two-signal displays with signal pairs oriented either horizontally or vertically, two groups of nine Ss saw only one signal-pair orientation, while a comparison group continued to see all display types. The group that switched to all-vertical orientation significantly out-improved and outperformed the comparison group on the vertical two-signal displays, demonstrating that the central processing mechanism may adapt to take advantage of display pattern regularities.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined conditioned suppression of the Proboscis Extension Response (PER), unconditionally released by sucrose stimulation of gustatory tarsal receptors, in young (7-day-old), middle-aged (30-day-old) and old (50-day-old) Drosophila melanogaster males, reared at 25°C. Individual flies were trained in a differential conditioning procedure in which a white stimulus signalled a quinine reinforcer, whereas a black stimulus was non-reinforced. When trained from the outset with the discriminative procedure, flies of all ages acquired the discrimination, although the acquisition of PER suppression to the white stimulus was retarded in middle-aged and old flies. The retardation of the acquisition of PER suppression in middle-aged and old flies was replicated in a second study in which the flies received simple conditioning to the white stimulus prior to discrimination training.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the role of the dorsal hippocampus (dHIPP) in occasion setting with diffuse contextual and discrete light stimuli serving as occasion setters in classical fear conditioning with rats. Both sham-operated and dHIPP-lesioned animals readily learned a L→T+, T? serial feature-positive discrimination in which a light (L) “set the occasion” for reinforcement of a tone (T+). dHIPP-lesioned animals were deficient, however, in acquiring a similar discrimination in which different contexts (A and B) served as occasion setters, i.e., A(T+) and B(T?). The lesioned animals also failed to discriminate between a context in which a tone had been partially reinforced and a context in which no conditioning had taken place, whereas sham-operated animals froze more to the tone in the conditioned context than in the novel context. Collectively, the data indicate that the dorsal hippocampus is important in processing information about the signaling value of contextual, but not discrete, stimuli.  相似文献   

Summary Dependence in visual feature processing was studied with two identification experiments using briefly exposed stimuli. The basic stimuli consisted of two orthogonal line segments which formed either one of the four angles of a square, and the subject had to identify the location of the horizontal and vertical line segment making up a stimulus. In the first experiment, the two orthogonal line segments were sometimes separated by a gap. In the second experiment, either a 45° diagonal or a 135° diagonal or both were added to the right angles. With the observed response frequencies two forms of independence in feature detection were tested. Feature detection is called state independent if the detection of a feature is independent of the detection of another feature. According to context independence the detection of a feature is independent of the orientation and location of other features in the stimulus. Feature detection was shown to be context dependent whereas the hypothesis of state independence was not rejected, and state independence was unrelated to the size of the gap between the two orthogonal line segments in the first experiment. It was argued that the context effects obtained (context dependence) had occurred early in processing during the automatic activation of representational units corresponding to features before controlled search, interpretation and decision processes became involved.  相似文献   

The acquisition and transfer of stimulus control in discrete-trial operant feature positive and feature negative discriminations was examined in two experiments with rats. When the feature and target cues were presented simultaneously on compound training trials, the feature appeared to acquire simple excitatory or inhibitory control, which readily transferred to other target cues and which was substantially reduced by post-training counterconditioning. Conversely, when the feature preceded the target during training, the feature's control was relatively more specific to responding in the presence of its original target and less influenced counterconditioning. These results are comparable to outcomes of analogous experiments (previously reported) that used Pavlovian conditioning procedures.  相似文献   

Aerial respiratory behavior in the pond snail Lymnaea was operantly conditioned so that snails learned not to perform aerial respiration in a hypoxic environment. Snails were trained in either the standard context (no food odorant) or a carrot (food-odorant) context. An operant training procedure of two 45-min training sessions with a 1-h interval between the sessions followed by a third 45-min training session 18 h later was sufficient to produce associative learning and long-term memory (LTM) that persisted for at least 5 days. If, however, following the third operant training session snails received three 45-min extinction training sessions, with each extinction session separated by at least a 1-h interval, LTM was not observed when tested the following day. That is, the memory was extinguished. Extinction, however, did not occur if the context of the extinction training was different from the context of the associative training. That is, in the snails trained in the standard context, extinction did not occur if the extinction training sessions were performed in the food-odorant context and vice versa.  相似文献   

The transfer of negative occasion setting and conditioned inhibition across conditioned stimuli (CSs) and unconditioned stimuli (USs) was examined in four experiments that used Pavlovian appetitive feature negative discrimination training procedures with rats. After training with simultaneous compounds (A+, XA-), X inhibited conditioned responding (CRs) elicited by other CSs and CRs supported by other appetitive USs that had not been involved in discrimination training. After training with serial compounds (A+, X----A-), X's power to set the occasion for nonresponding transferred across CSs and USs only if those events had also been involved in serial feature negative discrimination training. The results supported the suggestion that the acquisition of negative occasion setting involves the representation of individual events in a higher order memory system, separate from that involved in simple association, and that negative occasion setters act only on events that are represented in that system.  相似文献   

The efficiency of traditional levers and of modern touchscreen technology for training rats on a computerized visual discrimination was studied in a series of observations. When compared with a lever-based discrimination procedure, the use of touchscreens supported the faster development of signal tracking behavior and acquisition of a two-stimulus simultaneous visual discrimination. It did not affect the final level of accuracy. Factors related to spatial proximity of the responses with the stimuli, sign-tracking, and increased ease of touchscreen motor responses were suggested as possible reasons for the touchscreen training advantage. This increased efficiency allows large numbers of animals to be tested quickly, a necessary requirement for studies involving genetic and physiological interventions.  相似文献   

Although the existence of implicit motor learning is now widely accepted, the findings concerning perceptual implicit learning are ambiguous. Some researchers have observed perceptual learning whereas other authors have not. The review of the literature provides different reasons to explain this ambiguous picture, such as differences in the underlying learning processes, selective attention, or differences in the difficulty to express this knowledge. In three experiments, we investigated implicit visual learning within the original serial reaction time task. We used different response devices (keyboard vs. mouse) in order to manipulate selective attention towards response dimensions. Results showed that visual and motor sequence learning differed in terms of RT-benefits, but not in terms of the amount of knowledge assessed after training. Furthermore, visual sequence learning was modulated by selective attention. However, the findings of all three experiments suggest that selective attention did not alter implicit but rather explicit learning processes.  相似文献   

Is sequence learning an autonomous process that relies on independent resources? In this paper, I attempt to answer this question by exploring whether sequence learning occurs even despite the availability of reliable explicit information about the material to be learned. I report on a series of experiments during which participants performed a sequential choice reaction task. On each trial, participants were exposed to a stimulus and to a cue of varying validity which, when valid, indicated where the next stimulus would appear. Participants could therefore optimize their performance either by implicitly encoding the sequential constraints contained in the material or by explicitly relying on the information conveyed by the cue. Some theories assume that implicit learning does not rely on the same processing resources as those involved in explicit learning. Such theories would thus predict that sensitivity to sequential constraints should not be affected by the presence of reliable explicit information about sequence structure. Other theories, by contrast, would predict that implicit learning would not occur in such cases. The results are consistent with the former theories, but simulation work meant to enable the implications of these contrasting theories to be explored suggests that such results are also obtainable in architectures in which two processing pathways share resources.  相似文献   

Brain complexity varies across many orders of magnitude between animals, and it is often assumed that complexity underpins cognition. It is thus important to explore the cognitive capacity of widely used model organisms such as Drosophila. We systematically investigated the fly’s ability to learn discriminations involving compound olfactory stimuli associated with shock. Flies could distinguish binary mixtures (AB+ CD-), including overlapping mixtures (AB+ BC-). They could learn positive patterning (AB+ A- B-) but could not learn negative patterning (A+ B+ AB-) or solve a biconditional discrimination task (AB+ CD+ AC- BD-). Learning about the elements of a compound (AB+) was not affected by prior conditioning of one of the elements (A+ AB+): flies do not exhibit blocking in this task. We compare these results with the predictions from simulation of several well-known theoretical models of learning, and find none are fully consistent with the overall pattern of observed behaviour.  相似文献   

Competition-based models of visual attention propose that perceptual ambiguity is resolved through inhibition, which is stronger when objects share a greater number of neural receptive fields (RFs). According to this theory, the misallocation of attention to a salient distractor--that is, the capture of attention--can be indexed in RF-scaled interference costs. We used this pattern to investigate distractor-related costs in visual search across several manipulations of temporal context. Distractor costs are generally larger under circumstances in which the distractor can be defined by features that have recently characterised the target, suggesting that capture occurs in these trials. However, our results show that search for a target in the presence of a salient distractor also produces RF-scaled costs when the features defining the target and distractor do not vary from trial to trial. Contextual differences in distractor costs appear to reflect something other than capture, perhaps a qualitative difference in the type of attentional mechanism deployed to the distractor.  相似文献   

The effect of learned stimulus associations on visual discrimination was measured in four experiments. The stimuli were visual shapes which had been scaled for similarity. Two shapes were selected as discriminanda, and each S was pretested and posttested for discrimination of these briefly presented simultaneous pairs of “same” and “different” shapes. During the training, each discriminandum was paired with another simultaneously presented associated shape on a paired-associate response-learning task. The two associated shapes were very similar, intermediate in similarity, or very dissimilar. There was more improvement in posttest discrimination following training with dissimilar associates. We conclude that learned stimulus associations affect visual discrimination.  相似文献   

It is hypothesised that threatening stimuli are detected better due to their salience or physical properties. However, these stimuli are typically embedded in a rich context, motivating the question whether threat detection is facilitated via learning of contexts in which threat stimuli appear. To address this question, we presented threatening face targets in new or old spatial configurations consisting of schematic faces and found that detection of threatening targets was faster in old configurations. This indicates that individuals are able to learn regularities within visual contexts and use this contextual information to guide detection of threatening targets. Next, we presented threatening and non-threatening face targets embedded in new or old spatial configurations. Detection of threatening targets was facilitated in old configurations, and this effect was reversed for non-threatening targets. Present findings show that detection of threatening targets is driven not only by stimulus properties as theorised traditionally but also by learning of contexts in which threatening stimuli appear. Further, results show that context learning for threatening targets obstructs context learning for non-threatening targets. Overall, in addition to typically emphasised bottom-up factors, our findings highlight the importance of top-down factors such as context and learning in detection of salient, threatening stimuli.  相似文献   

In the experiments described in this paper we examined the effects of contextual stimuli on pigeons’ recognition of visual patterns. Experiment z showed acontext-superiority effect. Specifically, two target forms that were identical except for location in the visual field were not discriminated when presented alone, but the compounds formed when each of these targets was placed between a nearby pair of flanking stimuli were readily discriminated. The size of the context-superiority effect decreased with increasing target-flanker separation. In Experiments 2 and 3 the two targets differed in form rather than spatial location and were readily discriminated in the absence of Hankers. Under these circumstances, adding an identical pair of flankers to each target resulted in a content-inferiority effect; that is, the two target-plus-Hankers compounds were less readily discriminated than the targets atone. The size of the context-inferiority effect decreased with increasing target-flanker separation. The observed effects of context are predictable from the Heinemann-Chase (1990) model of pattern recognition.  相似文献   

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