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This paper considers the way mathematical and computational models are used in network neuroscience to deliver mechanistic explanations. Two case studies are considered: Recent work on klinotaxis by Caenorhabditis elegans, and a long-standing research effort on the network basis of schizophrenia in humans. These case studies illustrate the various ways in which network, simulation, and dynamical models contribute to the aim of representing and understanding network mechanisms in the brain, and thus, of delivering mechanistic explanations. After outlining this mechanistic construal of network neuroscience, two concerns are addressed. In response to the concern that functional network models are nonexplanatory, it is argued that functional network models are in fact explanatory mechanism sketches. In response to the concern that models which emphasize a network’s organization over its composition do not explain mechanistically, it is argued that this emphasis is both appropriate and consistent with the principles of mechanistic explanation. What emerges is an improved understanding of the ways in which mathematical and computational models are deployed in network neuroscience, as well as an improved conception of mechanistic explanation in general.  相似文献   

This article provides commentary on research published in the special section of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis devoted to establishing operations (EOs). Three major themes are highlighted: (a) identification of the influence of EOs on behavior in applied settings, (b) the use of EO manipulation as an assessment tool, and (c) the development of interventions based on the alteration of EO influences. Methodological issues pertaining to research on EOs are addressed, and suggestions for future investigation are provided.  相似文献   

The current study examined the effects of motivating operations on problem behavior and academic engagement for 2 students with autism. Classroom sessions were preceded by periods in which the participants had access or no access to the items functionally related to their problem behavior. Results suggested that presession access may result in lower levels of problem behavior and higher levels of academic engagement during classroom instruction.  相似文献   

近年来, 员工为了企业利益而做出的违背社会价值、道德习俗、行为规范和法律等的亲组织不道德行为(Unethical pro-organizational behavior, UPB)导致的各种悲剧不断上演。然而, 现有研究主要聚焦于UPB的影响因素和积极作用方面, 对其潜在的危害性重视不足。鉴于此, 从多层次视角研究UPB的负面效应及其作用机制。首先, 考察UPB对情绪耗竭的影响及道德认同的调节作用和内疚的中介作用。其次, 创造性地提出组织UPB的概念, 并考察其对组织长期绩效的负面效应以及企业声誉的中介效应。最后, 进一步从利益相关者的视角考察企业UPB和员工UPB对顾客主动绩效的影响以及顾客企业认同的中介效应和顾客知觉到的员工组织化身的调节效应。研究成果不仅有助于丰富UPB的相关理论, 而且对遏制这种行为的进一步漫延具有重要启示。  相似文献   

The paper explores a deductive-nomological account of metaphysical explanation: some truths metaphysically explain, or ground, another truth just in case the laws of metaphysics determine the latter truth on the basis of the former. I develop and motivate a specific conception of metaphysical laws, on which they are general rules that regulate the existence and features of derivative entities. I propose an analysis of the notion of ‘determination via the laws’, based on a restricted form of logical entailment. I argue that the DN-account of ground can be defended against the well-known objections to the DN-approach to scientific explanation. The goal of the paper is to show that the DN-account of metaphysical explanation is a well-motivated and defensible theory.  相似文献   

Studies designed to determine the respective roles of substance P, excitatory amino acids, and enkephalins in amygdaloid modulation of defensive rage behavior in the cat are presented. The basic design of these studies involved three stages. In stage I, cannula electrodes for stimulation and drug infusion were implanted into medial hypothalamic or midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) sites from which defensive rage behavior could be elicited. Then, a stimulating electrode was implanted into a site within the medial, basal, or central nuclear complex from which modulation of the defensive rage response could be obtained. Amygdaloid modulation of defensive rage was determined in the following manner: it employed the paradigm of dual stimulation in which comparisons were made of response latencies between alternate trials of dual (i. e., amygdala = medial hypothalamus [or PAG]) and single stimulation of the hypothalamus or PAG alone. Thus, stage I established the baseline level ofmodulation (i. e., facilitation or suppression of defensive rage) in the predrug stimulation period. In stage II, a selective or nonselective receptor antagonist for a given transmitter system was administered either peripherally or intracerebrally at the defensive rage site, after which time the same dual stimulation paradigm was then repeated over the ensuing 180 min postinjection period in order to determine the effects of drug delivery upon amygdaloid modulation of defensive rage. Stage III of the study took place at the completion of the pharmacological testing phase. The retrograde axonal tracer, Fluoro-Gold, was microinjected into the defensive rage site within the medial hypothalamus or PAG, and following a 6-14 day survival period, animals were sacrificed and brains were processed for histological and immunocytochemical analyses for the neurotransmitters noted above. This procedure thus permitted identification of cells within the amygdala which were labeled retrogradely and which were also immunostained positively for substance P, excitatory amino acids, or enkephalin. For studies involving substance P, defensive rage was elicited from the medial hypothalamus and for studies examining the roles of excitatory amino acids and enkephalin, defensive rage was elicited from the PAG. In the first study, facilitation of hypothalamically elicited defensive rage was obtained with dual stimulation of the medial nucleus of the amygdala. In separate experiments, the selective NK1 non-peptide antagonist, CP 96,345, was administered both peripherally as well as intracerebrally into the hypothalamic defensive rage sites in doses of 0.5-4.0 mg/kg (i. p.) and 0.5-2.5 nmol (i. c.). Following drug delivery, the facilitatory effects of medial amygdaloid stimulation were blocked in a dose- and time-dependent manner in which the effects were noted as early as 5 min postinjection. The maximum drug dose (4.0 mg/kg) employed for peripheral administration resulted in a 42% reduction in the facilitatory effects of the medical amygdala (P < 0.002). This drug, when microinjected directly into medial hypothalamic defensive rage sites at the maximum dose level of 2.5 nmol, resulted in an 84% reduction of the suppressive effects of amygdaloid stimulation (P < 0.5) at 5 min postinjection. In the next study, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist, DL-α-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid (AP-7), was administered either peripherally (0.1-1.0 mg/kg) or intracerebrally (0.2 and 2.0 nmol) into PAG defensive rage sites. Facilitation of defensive rage behavior, which was observed following dual stimulation of the basal amygdala and PAG, was significantly reduced by either route of drug administration in a dose- and time-dependent manner. At the maximum dose level of peripheral administration, AP-7 reduced amygdaloid facilitation of defensive rage by 63% (P < 0.001) for 60 min, postinjection. A smaller (i. e., 19%) but still significant (P < 0.05) reduction in facilitation was obtained following intracerebral administration of the drug. In a third study, the non-selective opioid receptor antagonist, naloxone (27.5 nmol), infused directly into PAG defensive rage sites, totally blocked the suppressive effects of central amygdaloid stimulation for a period of 30 min (P < 0.05) in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The anatomical phase of this study revealed the following relationships: 1) that large numbers of neurons projecting to the medial hypothalamus from the medial amygdala immunoreact positively for substance P; 2) that neurons projecting to the PAG from the basal complex of amygdala immunoreact positively for glutamate and aspartate; and 3) that neurons located within the central nucleus of the amygdala which project to the PAG immunoreact positively for met-enkephalin. Collectively, these observations provide new evidence which characterizes the likely neurotransmitters linked with specific amygdaloid pathways subserving the modulation of defensive rage behavior in the cat.  相似文献   

In this study, we address the construction of the first symbolic uses of objects in contexts of triadic interaction (adult–child–object). We assume that symbolic productions are based on public rules of the use of objects previously agreed by the community. The first symbols are not rooted in any literal, evident reality, but in shared rules of uses about the material world. We observed six dyads communicating and interacting together with 10 objects in a semi‐structured situation longitudinally from 9 to 15 months of age. We found that the infants gradually constructed symbolic meanings, and we identified five symbolic levels and sublevels. At 9 months, the infants attended and engaged in the symbolic uses produced by an adult even though they themselves were not yet able to produce them. At 12 months, infants began to use objects symbolically to communicate with adults. The highest percentage of these first symbolic uses was of level 1, that is, with a close relation to the conventional use of the object used to perform the symbol. At 15 months, children increased their symbolic uses and performed symbolic uses at all levels, whereas adults reduced such practices. Adult semiotic mediation and the social meanings of objects can be considered important factors in children's symbolic productions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘德鹏  高翔宇 《心理科学进展》2021,29(12):2260-2271
组织报复行为是员工因感知组织及其代理人不公正而针对他们采取的惩罚行为, 它是当今社会不可忽视的工作场所现象。总结现有综述文献, 存在缺乏系统梳理、不重视解释机制等重要问题。根据(不)公正感知类型复杂性和(不)公正感知主体两个维度提出一个新的研究思路, 并在此基础上, 进一步从解释机制角度出发, 对相关文献进行评述。未来研究可进一步探讨自我控制、情绪和资源理论等解释机制, 并整合不同解释机制, 同时增加对观察者视角的讨论。  相似文献   

主动母性行为是雌性哺乳动物在哺乳期内有效照料幼崽的一种动机行为, 对幼崽的生存和行为发展有重要影响。证据显示, 啮齿动物的主动母性行为会经历从产后早期的发动和维持到晚期衰退的动态改变, 反映了雌鼠对幼崽奖赏价值阶段性变化的适应; 这一过程不仅涉及分娩激素事件开启下丘脑内侧视前区(MPOA)-中脑腹侧被盖(VTA)-伏隔核(NA)-腹侧苍白球(VP)通路, 还需要杏仁核基底外侧核(BLA)和内侧前额皮层(MPFC)等脑区对上述通路进行实时调节。哺乳期主动母性行为动态改变及其神经机制的研究, 可以加深对行为进化和早期发展的认识, 也对人类母亲产后抑郁等临床问题的干预有借鉴意义。本文首先利用条件化位置偏好(CPP)任务的行为学证据分析幼崽奖赏价值与主动母性行为动态改变的关系; 然后系统阐述调控这一动态改变的神经机制; 最后对未来需要研究的一些重要问题或方向进行探讨。  相似文献   

Three different studies were conducted to examine the impact of heuristic reasoning in the perception of health-related events: lifetime risk of breast cancer (Study 1, n = 468), subjective life expectancy (Study 2, n = 449), and subjective age of onset of menopause (Study 3, n = 448). In each study, three experimental conditions were set up: control, anchoring heuristic and availability heuristic. Analyses of Covariance controlling for optimism, depressive mood, Locus of Control, hypochondriac tendencies and subjective health, indicated significant effect of experimental conditions on perceived breast-cancer risk (p = 0.000), subjective life expectancy (p = 0.000) and subjective onset of menopause (p = 0.000). Indeed, all findings revealed that availability and anchoring heuristics were being used to estimate personal health-related events. The results revealed that some covariates, hypochondriac tendencies in Study 1, optimism, depressive mood and subjective health in Study 2 and internal locus of control in Study 3 had significant impact on judgment of riskiness.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined interactions between the effects of food and water motivating operations (MOs) on the food‐ and water‐reinforced operant behavior of mice. In Experiment 1, mice responded for sucrose pellets and then water reinforcement under four different MOs: food deprivation, water deprivation, concurrent food and water deprivation, and no deprivation. The most responding for pellets occurred under food deprivation and the most responding for water occurred under water deprivation. Concurrent food and water deprivation decreased responding for both reinforcers. Nevertheless, water deprivation alone increased pellet‐reinforced responding and food deprivation alone likewise increased water‐reinforced responding relative to no deprivation. Experiment 2 demonstrated that presession food during concurrent food and water deprivation increased in‐session responding for water relative to sessions where no presession food was provided. Conversely, presession water during concurrent food and water deprivation did not increase in‐session responding for pellets. These results suggest that a) the reinforcing value of a single stimulus can be affected by multiple MOs, b) a single MO can affect the reinforcing value of multiple stimuli, and c) reinforcing events can also function as MOs. We consider implications for theory and practice and suggest strategies for further basic research on MOs.  相似文献   

随着健康问题越来越受到消费者的重视, 学者们对污染效应的研究和兴趣也与日俱增, 特别是在消费者的感知和偏好方面。在消费者行为研究中, 污染效应是指消费者会降低对他人接触过产品的感知价值。本研究主要回顾了在消费行为中污染效应的定义和特性, 然后从接触因素、位置因素、产品因素和社会因素等方面来探讨污染效应的前因, 并进一步归纳了污染效应对消费者行为的消极影响和积极影响。最后, 探讨了污染效应的理论基础和边界条件。在此基础上, 对污染效应在消费者行为领域的未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The rapid growth of employee assistance Programmes (EAPs) has not been matched by the accompanying research base of their efficacy. Given the inconsistent information relating to the effectiveness of EAPs in enhancing employee and organizational outcomes, the present review systematically appraised available evidence from organizational psychology and business databases and grey literature sources. A total of 17 studies examining the impact of EAPs, met the inclusion criteria. These were mostly from North America and utilized quantitative methodology and pre- and post-intervention designs. The majority of studies focused on EAPs offered by external providers and the counselling service, with the most common limitations being discrepancies in variable definitions and an absent comparable control group. Overall, this review found that utilizing EAPs enhanced employee outcomes, specifically improving levels of presenteeism and functioning. Absenteeism was most commonly investigated but produced mixed results. Presenteeism demonstrated a stronger effect size and greater improvement than absenteeism, suggesting presenteeism as a better variable for assessing EAP effectiveness. This review clarified parameters of existing evidence and highlighted the narrow range of measures used to date, omitting important constructs such as health and well-being and productivity. A broader evaluation capturing a wider range of variables is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated visual attention in human infants. In one experiment, babies looked longer at more than at less saturated colors. In a second experiment, babies looked longer at gratings aligned along the horizontal and vertical orthogonals than along the obliques. Because saturated colors and orthogonal stimulation elicit greater activity in visual system neurons and greater amplitude evoked potentials than desaturated colors or oblique stimulation, these two experiments support the hypothesis that the simple visual stimuli to which infants preferably attend are those that are particularly appropriate in stimulating the geniculostriate or primary visual system. The ethological significance of this taxic mechanism and its utility and function in perception, cognition, and aesthetics are underscored.  相似文献   

产后抑郁症是指女性分娩后一段时间内出现的严重抑郁发作现象。研究表明, 催产素不仅参与分娩过程和正常的母性行为表达, 也在调节产后抑郁的发病及患者的母性行为中起到了重要的作用。产后抑郁症患者的情绪和认知功能受损, 这可能导致了母性行为表达质量的下降; 催产素可以通过中脑边缘多巴胺系统来调控母性行为, 作用于内侧视前区(MPOA)来激活中脑腹侧被盖区(VTA)-伏隔核(NAc)环路从而影响伏隔核内多巴胺的分泌; 催产素对产后抑郁症中母性行为的调节机制可能是通过调节五羟色胺系统的功能来发挥抗焦虑作用, 也可能是通过与其它激素的交互作用来加速母性行为的表达。未来研究进一步明确催产素在中枢神经环路中的功能差异, 以及社会支持对产后抑郁症患者催产素的使用带来的影响。  相似文献   

The "sense of agency" and its underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
David N  Newen A  Vogeley K 《Consciousness and cognition》2008,17(2):523-Consciousness
The sense of agency is a central aspect of human self-consciousness and refers to the experience of oneself as the agent of one’s own actions. Several different cognitive theories on the sense of agency have been proposed implying divergent empirical approaches and results, especially with respect to neural correlates. A multifactorial and multilevel model of the sense of agency may provide the most constructive framework for integrating divergent theories and findings, meeting the complex nature of this intriguing phenomenon.  相似文献   

We conducted functional analyses of aberrant behavior with 4 children with developmental disabilities. We then implemented functional communication training (FCT) by using different mands across two contexts, one in which the establishing operation (EO) that was relevant to the function of aberrant behavior was present and one in which the EO that was relevant to the function of aberrant behavior was absent. The mand used in the EO-present context served the same function as aberrant behavior, and the mand used in the EO-absent context served a different function than the one identified via the functional analysis. In addition, a free-play (control) condition was conducted for all children. Increases in relevant manding were observed in the EO-present context for 3 of the 4 participants. Decreases in aberrant behavior were achieved by the end of the treatment analysis for all 4 participants. Irrelevant mands were rarely observed in the EO-absent context for 3 of the 4 participants. Evaluating the effectiveness of FCT across different contexts allowed a further analysis of manding when the establishing operations were present or absent. The contributions of this study to the understanding of functional equivalence are also discussed.  相似文献   

包装上的元素信息是消费者感知环境刺激的重要来源, 能对消费者决策产生重要影响。包装元素可分为非语言型包装元素和语言型包装元素两类, 它们对消费者有不同的影响。总体而言, 非语言型包装元素主要影响消费者的感知和情感偏好, 而语言型包装元素更多影响消费者的行为倾向和行为结果。同时, 两类包装元素对消费者产生影响的内在机制可从神经生理机制、认知加工机制、自我控制的转移和多感官交互几方面进行讨论。此外, 两类包装元素对消费者的影响还会受到环境特征、产品特征以及消费者个体特征的调节。未来研究可进一步探讨两类包装元素对消费者尴尬情绪、透明包装的选择以及产品评价等结果的影响。  相似文献   

黄丽芹  孙寅  罗思阳 《心理学报》2022,54(5):497-515
COVID-19疫情是一场重大的全球健康危机, 一些国家在控制COVID-19感染和死亡率上存在明显困难。我们提出, 个人主义的文化价值观不利于对疫情的控制。跨文化分析结果显示, 个人主义文化价值观正向预测COVID-19死亡数、每百万死亡数和死亡率, 独立自我建构负向预测疫情前期控制速度。演化博弈模型和跨文化实验进一步提示, 个人主义文化通过增强个体在疫情背景下的死亡恐惧, 增加个体违反疫情管控的流动性倾向, 从而降低了整体疫情控制的效率。我们的结果支持自然-行为-文化协同进化的理论模型, 提示文化对COVID-19病毒传播管控和死亡可能性的影响, 为各国应对全球公共卫生危机提供了重要科学参考。  相似文献   

哲理性概念是音乐表现的对象之一。由于音乐不具有类似语言的语义性, 对哲理性概念的理解常常成为音乐欣赏者的困扰。基于此, 本项目聚焦于听者对哲理性概念的理解。通过选取音乐训练经历不同的人群为被试, 系统考察哲理性概念加工的认知神经机制。本项目成果将揭示音乐诱发哲理性概念加工的神经机制, 厘清音乐训练对音乐外在意义加工的作用, 从而在一定程度上回答人类对音乐意义理解的普遍性问题。  相似文献   

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