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在微媒介盛行的当代社会空间中,微文化以一种崭新的文化形态应运而生,并迅速蔓延至整个社会空间。微文化因其丰富的内容、个性的话语表达方式及快捷的传播效应颇受大学生的喜爱,为提升大学生的政治认同提供了便捷的平台和方式。但微文化恰似一把双刃剑,它的产生也在一定程度上消解着大学生的政治认同。微文化中浅表性思维方式的盛行消减了大学生政治认知能力,参与主体的情绪化削弱了大学生的政治理性,多元价值思潮的广泛嵌入动摇了大学生的政治信仰。鉴于此,为有效提升大学生的政治认同,应着力净化微空间,构建大学生的认同环境;增强能力素养,树立大学生的认同自觉;凸显微文化宣传认同客体的优越性,树立大学生的认同自信。  相似文献   

政治认同发源于政治共同体成员人格中与所属共同体及亚群体有关的自我认同的叙事建构,是共同体成员对所属共同体及亚群体过去历史、当下主权、现行政体、未来使命的综合的能动性反应,包括认知层面的认可和赞同、情感层面的归属和依恋、行为层面的支持和拥护,表现为不同程度的认同状态,并且会随着人格的成长、自我认同的发展、以及共同体命运的变化而不断变化。政治认同是社会稳定的基础,已有研究多是从政治学、社会学角度对其进行论述,随着近年来大众对社会心态的日益关注,理解政治认同议题中的心理学因素愈显迫切。目前心理学视角下的政治认同研究还处于起步阶段,未来研究需进一步厘清政治认同结构、编制测量工具、探讨形成过程,关注未来预期和移情的影响、关注中国现实问题、以及政治教育的实际效果。  相似文献   

政治主体的建构是后马克思主义讨论的重要问题。拉克劳等人将后结构主义等理论方法引入社会批判领域,借助主体立场和“缺失的主体”解构传统主体,把错位视为重构认同的理论前提,通过“话语链接”和“空洞能指”建构认同,保留身份认同的开放性、差异性和否定性,以此链接多元的社会主体作为反抗力量。后马克思主义对于多元斗争主体的理论探索为我们把握普遍性问题提供了独特视角,但是多元主体和认同政治建立在唯心史观的基础上,以主体化取代主体,弱化了革命性,削弱了实践批判力度。对此,我们必须在历史唯物主义视阈下考察当代革命主体,深化政治斗争理论研究。  相似文献   

公共空间(领域)作为国家政治权力领域与市民私人领域之间的中间地带,以公共交往和理性批判为内容,为国家政治认同提供合法性支持.鲍曼以全球化为背景,对“流动的现代性时代”(后现代时期)公共空间的衰落进行了深入地分析,提出了引入“基本收入制度”、倡导“为了他者”的道德两条途径建构公共空间,重构政治认同的平台,寻求政治认同,实现社会团结.鲍曼的公共空间理论对于正在走向现代性的中国如何建构公共空间、寻求政治认同具有重要的启示.  相似文献   

社会认同理论视野下的社会认同威胁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王沛  刘峰 《心理科学进展》2007,15(5):822-827
社会认同威胁是指,在社会比较的情况下,由于群体地位的差异,某一群体的个体在认知、情感上,对自我、所属群体身份的不承认,而产生的一种心理上的疏离感和剥夺感、自卑感。社会认同威胁的结果包括3类:脱离群体、改变群体的状态、接受消极的社会认同结果。外显“社会威胁”的测量方法以问卷调查为主。测量“社会威胁”的内隐方法则以心脏血压和平均动脉血压作为测量指标。社会认同威胁的实验研究将群体分化为内群体和外群体,操纵群体地位的差异,通过模拟社会游戏来了解群体的社会认同威胁及其生理反应。未来的研究将重点关注下述问题:对社会认同威胁概念的建构、跨文化研究及其内隐过程的分析  相似文献   

个人心理成长的一个重要主题是通过对客体的认同,达到自我同一性的稳定与一致。社会文化发展的一个重要主题是对先辈文化的继承与创新。但是这么重要的主题并不会顺理成章地自然完成,都需要有一个对客体内化的过程。这个过程中既有波澜壮阔、扬眉吐气,也会危机四伏、含辛茹苦。本文从心理学精神分析的角度来解读当前中华文化面临的心理认同与危...  相似文献   

在现代化社会,产能过剩的情况下,需要个性化、自由的创意文明。在工业化状况下,涌现出以标准化、复制性生产为特征的文化产品。文化产品对于政治权利蕴含意识形态作用,在市场中的带来经济利益,实现知识精英的自我表现,还拥有巨大的社会效益。具体表现为文化产品对个体自我认同的构建,实现个体性的诉求,以及对公共领域结构的转型。  相似文献   

文化同化与冲突下的民族认同与民族偏见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别从文化、文化同化、文化冲突、民族认同及民族偏见的内涵出发,介绍了民族认同与民族偏见的研究现状;提出在文化同化与文化冲突下,个体在民族认同与民族偏见中所表现出来的四种不同的综合民族态度并对这四种态度进行了详细介绍。最后,对我国研究民族认同与民族偏见及其二者之间的关系进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

中华传统文化源远流长,多国政要引用中国古语凸显中国传统文化的重要性。孔子学院在全球遍地开花,加快了对中华传统文化的国际认同,这也使得孔子的儒家学说成为世人了解中华传统文化的桥梁。  相似文献   

This paper outlines a framework for understanding the motivation of certain creative behaviors from the perspective of symbolic interactionism. The fundamental tenets of symbolic interactionism are described, followed by a discussion of the mechanics of symbolic interactionist-based role-identity theory, and how the theory can be applied to the motivation of creative behavior. The paper also addresses directions for practical application and future research in this area.  相似文献   

Interest in the concept of identity has grown exponentially within both the humanities and social sciences, but the discussion of identity has had less impact than might be expected on the quantitative study of political behavior in general and on political psychology more specifically. One of the approaches that holds the most promise for political psychologists is social identity theory, as reflected in the thinking of Henri Tajfel, John Turner, and colleagues. Although the theory addresses the kinds of problems of interest to political psychologists, it has had limited impact on political psychology because of social identity theorists' disinclination to examine the sources of social identity in a real world complicated by history and culture. In this review, four key issues are examined that hinder the successful application of social identity theory to political phenomena. These key issues are the existence of identity choice, the subjective meaning of identities, gradations in identity strength, and the considerable stability of many social and political identities.  相似文献   

Many feminist writers have seen autonomy as a male developmental issue rather than as one appropriate for women. When a woman strives to become an equal member of society, however, her internal programming often gets in the way. Whether dealing with inequity in the workplace, with friends, or with family, many women find themselves giving up their autonomy to accommodate others. This article discusses different views of autonomy and some cognitive behavioral approaches that can help women raise their self-esteem and overcome dependency. Other methods are suggested for helping women become more autonomous without giving up such attributes as being caring and showing compassion.  相似文献   

A pilot ethnographic study of Puerto Rican male college students found a powerful connection between family, community, and self-concept as mediators in the development of a personal concept of career for the participants and for their subsequent career development and decision-making processes. Implications for the counseling process are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to formulate a comparative model of political cultures, a theory that integrates psychological, sociological and economic variables is developed. Within societies dominant political cultural themes stress particular patterns of right and obligation. These patterns simultaneously undergird social solidarity and justify an unequal distribution of rewards. Differences among political cultures exist vertically on an historical dimension of increasing moral comprehensiveness and horizontally on a dimension of moral content. Internal tensions deriving from technological development and from social discourse about the moral adequacy of norms stimulate change. A case study of American political culture, with its contrasting emphases on egalitarianism and individualism, assesses the theoretical claims.  相似文献   

From Erving Goffman's (1971) dramaturgical perspective, terrorism is interpretable as an indicator of, threat to, and frame for understanding public order. Public order emerges wherever strangers commingle. It is a foundation for social order more generally. Dramaturgically, public order is underwritten by inferences about strangers' identities based on appearances writ large. Those inferences in turn are warranted by moral assumptions that actors are who they appear to be and that apparent actors will act in dutiful ways that sustain selves and their meanings in the situation and into the future. These assumptions are warranted by the trust that persons in a common space bestow on each other. Terrorism violates the trust, moral assumptions, and identity inferences. As such, it generates an identity transitivity that weakens public order and threatens the security of identities in public space. The issue is to share cultural assumptions of self as inviolable and of appearances as trustworthy to warrant public order.  相似文献   

There have been numerous papers focusing on culture and suicide, but it seems that they have often emphasized cultural differences excessively, thus running the risk of increasing prejudice toward different cultures and reinforcing overgeneralizations. From my albeit limited knowledge and experience, it appears that there are more similarities than differences in suicide among various cultures. Most cases of suicide reflect complex human factors that are found universally among cultures. Despite the fact that some cultural differences in suicide admittedly exist in different societies and that these are important, they cannot explain every aspect of suicide. This article explains how I, as a Japanese psychiatrist, diagnose and treat suicidal patients against the backgrounds of Japanese culture by presenting my way of thinking in daily practice in order to show similarities and differences that exist in Japanese suicide, treatment, and prevention.  相似文献   

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