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黄侃 《哲学动态》2012,(7):98-104
认知主义(cognitivisim)曾一度成为20世纪50年代起统治着心理学、语言学、哲学、计算机科学等学科的核心范式。70年代后期,认知科学的兴起、发展和演变,尤其是人工智能(以下简称AI)在发展中遇到的挑战,促使研究者开始反思认知主义范式是否需要被取代。在所有替代性方案中,具身认  相似文献   

表演心理学是20世纪70年代在美国兴起的新的心理学研究思潮。表演心理学在对主流心理学挑战的基础上提出了发展式表演的理论,该理论致力于唤起人们对生活中表演维度的注意,并试图通过发展式表演来改进人类生存环境、提高人类的生活质量。当前关于表演心理学的研究主要集中在社会治疗、教育改革与社会变革等方面。作为一种新的研究取向,表演心理学还有其不完善之处,但其发展式表演的理论及其应用正被更多的人所接受。  相似文献   

决定论的终结和心理学的走向   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
长期以来心理学深受实证主义哲学的影响,并和决定论思想有着密切的关系,总希望能用确定性的规律来描述和预测人的行为,其结果导致心理学的研究越来越远离真实的人的心理.在70年代兴起的非线性动力学用统计性和概率论的思想来反映世界的本质,这在方法论上对心理学的发展带来了重大的影响,使得心理学在经历了哲学思辨和实证研究之后将走向一个新的理论综合阶段.  相似文献   

以时间和标志性事件为参照标准,环境心理学于20世纪70年代初在北美兴起。纵观环境心理学发展脉络,其研究主题随时代发展而发生流变。20世纪60年代末到70年代初,心理学家关注环境污染  相似文献   

有关发展心理学的研究,近年来出现了许多特殊的分支,其中之一就是发展心理病理学.发展心理病理学,顾名思义,它应当包含许多不同领域的研究成果,特别是一般的发展心理学、传统的经院心理学,以及精神病临床科学和临床心理学.发展心理病理学从70年代起开始作为一门独特的学科而出现,但在此以前的十年中,心理科学和医学都还作为不同的分支科学而各自向前发展.  相似文献   

学校心理学(School Paychology)是心理学的一个分支学科。它是研究学校教育实践中各种成员的心理活动规律及其相互关系的,是对中小学生进行心理服务的一门应用性学科。该学科19世纪末期在美国萌芽,20世纪40—50年代成型。20世纪70年代以来,在世界许多国家得到了迅速发展。在我国则尚未正式建立这门学科。本文拟对学校心理学的产生和发展、学科体系以及在我国建立和建设这门学科的必要性、可能性进  相似文献   

国内外教师心理研究述要   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教师心理是教育心理学的一个重要组成部分。因为教师在教育、教学中起主导作用,教师只有充分发挥这种主导作用,学生的心身才能朝着社会要求的方向发展;而教师主导作用的实现依赖于教师自身的条件。所以,教育心理学在研究学生和学习心理的同时,也应当研究教师心理,研究教师充分发挥主导作用的自身心理条件。近代教育心理学兴起以来,关于  相似文献   

认知研究的现象学趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
费多益 《哲学动态》2007,18(6):55-62
关于认知的研究,从心理学进展来看,20世纪70年代占主导性地位的是认知主义(cogni-tivism),或称为符号的研究定向;80年代兴起了联结主义(connectionnism),或称为网络的研究定向,它是以神经的网络加工系统为理论基础的,或者说是通过脑的生物活动来类比人的认知活动。认知心理学以其丰富的实验成果迅速改变着心理学的面貌,但与此同时也遭到诸多批判。这些批判主要反映在对其方法论的否定。美国心理学家汤普森认为,认知心理学的个体主义方法论把一切都还原为个人的认知活动,现实的行为被看成是个体的认知操作,而不是社会和历史构造的产物。[1]这…  相似文献   

后现代心理学与心理咨询概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受后现代文化思潮的冲击,后现代心理学作为一种新的心理学思潮在西方心理学界逐渐兴起并传播开来。后现代心理咨询也以其认识论的改变和研究范式的转移成为后现代思潮的表现形式之一。尽管人们对后现代心理学和后现代心理咨询还有诸多争论,但这一思潮却能引发我们推进心理学研究的本土化、扩大心理学的视野、深化心理学的实际应用,从而树立大心理学观。  相似文献   

职业心理学的历史回顾与当前发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业心理学的早期研究产生于本世纪20年代的美国,但正式的、赖以使其成为一门独立学科的研究则发始于50年代后期,70年代末以后得到广泛传播.目前,在西方工业化国家,职业心理学的理论已广泛应用于职业咨询、人员招聘、员工考核等实践中.随着我国改革开放政策的继续实行,我国的员工招聘、考核等制度势必要发生一场变革.竞争机制的逐渐引入,一方面增强了面临着职业竞争的广大青少年的危机感,迫使他们努力选择  相似文献   

Linguistic diversity is an irreducible characteristic of the world we live in today, yet the study of language remains relatively neglected in mainstream and critical social psychologies alike. In order to argue for a renewed confrontation between language and critical social psychology, this study presents an overview of both the absence of language from mainstream, experimental social psychology and of the emergence, since the 1970s, of the social psychology of language as a distinctive subfield in the discipline. It is argued that although the social psychology of language made the subject perceptible as a speaking and above all accented subject, foregrounding language as an index of class, ethnicity and race, it achieved this perceptibility without challenging the basic ideological coordinates according to which experimental social psychology conceptualises the world and subjects in relation to language. For this reason, the social psychology of language, despite its important contributions, reproduces an essentially national and monolingual imagination of language related phenomena and linguistic subjectivities. The task for a critical social psychology of language, it is argued, is to 'demythologise' and 'disinvent' language and language ideologies in the discipline.  相似文献   

《Psychological inquiry》2013,24(4):303-305
In 1957, Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance burst on the scene and revitalized social psychology with its deft blend of cognition and motivation. For the next two decades, the theory inspired an extraordinary amount of exciting research leading to a burgeoning of knowledge about human social behavior. The theory has been referred to as "the most important single development in social psychology to date" (Jones, 1976, p. x). But, by the mid-1970s the allure of the theory began to wane as interest in the entire topic of motivation faded and the journals were all but overwhelmed by the incredible popularity of purely cognitive approaches to social psychology. Recently, social psychologists seem to have rediscovered motivation and several mini- theories have emerged blending cognition with motivation-in much the same way that Festinger did some 35 years ago. This article traces the history of these developments and attempts a synthesis of some of the newer theories with the dissonance research of the late 1950s and early 1960s.  相似文献   

Current controversies in social psychology have sparked the promotion of new rules for evidence in the field. This “crisis of evidence” echoes prior concerns from the 1970s about a so-called “crisis of social psychology”, with such issues as replication and statistical significance once more under examination. I argue that parallel concerns about the relevance of our research, raised but not completely resolved in the 1970s crisis, also deserve a fresh look. In particular, the advances made in the current crisis of evidence came about because of changes in academic career incentives, particularly publishing. Today, many voices in psychology urge greater respect for relevance in topics, methods and communication, but the lack of clear and concrete incentives to do so has stood in the way of answers. I diagnose the current incentive structures, propose partial solutions that are within the reach of journal editors and professional societies, and conclude by discussing the links between relevance and evidence, as well as special challenges to the relevance of social psychology post-2016.  相似文献   

Psychological thinking in China originated 2000 years ago when Chinese philosophers debated about the goodness and evilness of human nature. In the 16th and 17th centuries the Jesuit missionaries introduced the Catholic scholastic psychology into China. Modern Chinese psychology was mainly introduced from Germany, America, and Japan in the early 20th century. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Chinese psychology tried to stage a reform by taking the psychology of the Soviet Union as its model. During the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) psychology was abandoned due to its Western roots. In the late 1970s psychology was rehabilitated and new fields were opened up for study. Currently, Chinese psychology is adopting a multi‐dimensional approach to meet the demands of China's modernization movement.  相似文献   

表演心理学与社会治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从后现代主义心理学思潮中脱颖而出的社会治疗最初是由美国心理学家弗莱德·纽曼创建于20世纪70年代,其理论基础是路易斯·赫兹曼等人提出的表演心理学。表演心理学融合了当前学科研究的趋势,是对主流心理学的挑战。表演心理学的社会治疗观并不是直接帮助人们解决现有问题,而是通过发展创造性的表演活动为人们构建一种全新的生活形式。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来美国法律社会心理学在陪审团、证人证言、公民对犯罪的态度等方面的研究取得了一些新成果。从这些新成果可以看出,该领域的研究者们更注重将社会心理学与法学的观点和研究视角相结合,使自己的理论成果更符合实践要求。  相似文献   

When Congress created the National Medal of Science in 1959 to be awarded by the president of the United States, psychology was not among the eligible sciences. A concerted lobbying effort in the late 1970s changed that situation, adding social and behavioral sciences to the listing of eligible disciplines. This article describes how the award program was created with more restricted eligibility and the behind-the-scenes actions that led to eligibility being broadened, noting particularly the efforts of one very prominent psychologist who was angry about the exclusion of his science.  相似文献   

孝道的心理学研究现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
孝道是中国家庭文化的核心,但直到20世纪70年代,心理学家才开始对其进行实证研究。本研究简要论述了孝道的内涵及其社会心理学观,在综述前人有关研究的基础上,评述了目前孝道的心理研究在方法及内容上的不足,指出孝道是我国心理学中丞待加强的研究课题。  相似文献   

社会治疗兴起于上个世纪70年代的美国,它有别于传统心理学领域内的各种心理治疗。社会治疗的后现代属性主要源于后现代人本主义与建构主义在心理治疗领域内的应用,要准确把握社会治疗的后现代属性必然离不开对其后现代人本主义与建构主义二重性的研究。  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, psychologists around the world have questioned the ‘social relevance’ of psychology in their societies. Curiously, the matter of ‘social relevance’ is under-theorized in the discipline, a state of affairs this paper attempts to correct. First, it describes how disagreements about psychology's cognitive interest – and subject matter – create an environment in which accusations of ‘social irrelevance’ can flourish. Second, it asserts that applied psychology's reliance on basic psychology for its scientific authority makes debates about ‘social relevance’ inevitable. And third, it claims that the discipline's longstanding antithesis to the social domain leaves it vulnerable to these debates – particularly in recent decades that have witnessed rapid social change. The paper reflects further on the rise of ‘market relevance’ in the global academy and its significance for psychology today.  相似文献   

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