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Organizations use groups to improve performance on tasks that require problem solving. Is this belief in the problem solving benefits of groups misplaced given the process-losses often experienced by brainstorming groups? This study of 94 intact autonomous work groups performing multi-part tasks revealed that group creative performance increased multiplicatively (exponentially) with the number of highly creative group members composing the group. However, this occurred only when Team Creativity-Relevant Processes (TCRP) within the group were relatively high. When TCRP were relatively low, group creative performance decreased multiplicatively with the number of highly creative group members within it. When TCRP were about average for the sample, group performance increased only linearly with the number of highly creative members within a group.  相似文献   

Cette étude s'intéresse aux facteurs de l'efficience de groupe et à la conjonction de l'efficience de groupe et de la mixité sur las relation entre l'efficience et les résultats du groupe. On a constitué 45 groupes d'étudiants de 1° cycle ( N = 260) devant réaliser en classe deux projets en commun. Il est apparu que la performance antérieure et l'auto-efficience étaient toutes deux positivement corrélées à l'efficience de groupe. De plus, l'interaction de la mixité et de l'efficience de groupe entretenait une liaison positive avec l'efficacité de groupe (qualité du projet et cohésion du groupe). En particulier, la mixité facilitait la relation entre l'efficacité et l'efficience de groupe. Une discussion porte sur les implications de cette recherche.
This study examined the sources of group efficacy and the joint roles of group efficacy and gender diversity on the relationship between group efficacy and group outcomes. We used 45 project groups (260 undergraduate students) designed to complete two in-class group projects. We found that past performance and self-efficacy were both positively related to group efficacy. Further, the interaction of gender diversity and group efficacy was positively related to group effectiveness (project grade and group cohesion). Specifically, mixed gender groups facilitated the relationship between group efficacy and group effectiveness. Implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of a group goal on the performance of anonymous and nonin- teracting group members performing an additive group task was tested. Pro- cesses believed to mediate the effect, the role of self-set individual goals, the impact of information about the group's previous performance on the task (group knowledge of results; GRPKR) on goal commitment, and the motiva- tional basis of the goal were also assessed. Seventeen groups of three to five people performed two trials of an idea generation task. In the GOAL/GRPKR condition, group members were assigned a group goal for Session 2 and received information about the group's performance for Session 1. In the goal without knowledge of results (GOAL/NOKR) condition, group mem- bers were assigned a group goal for Session 2 without GRPKR. In the NO- GOAL condition, group members worked without a goal and without GRPKR. In each condition, group members worked on the task without talk- ing to other group members and individual contributions to the group prod- uct were unknown to others. Self-reports of effort, changes in individual performance strategies from Rial 1 to Rial 2, self-set individual goals, goal commitment, and personal challenge were collected. Results showed that (a) group members working toward a performance goal outperformed those working without a goal, b) information about the group's previous perfor- mance on the task did not influence commitment to the goal or performance, (c) changes in individual performance strategies mediated the group goal ef- fect but self-reports of effort invested in the task did not, (d) g m ~ p members working toward a group goal felt more personal challenge than group mem- bers working without a goal, and (e) self-set individual goals can not account for the group goal effect. The implications of these results for models of group goals and group performance are discussed.  相似文献   

The present effort was intended to assess how situational variables influence the relative performance of groups and individuals on creative problem-solving tasks. More specifically, a priming manipulation was used to increase the number of alternatives available for problem solving while training was used to provide groups with shared mental models bearing on the problem. It was found that having more ideas available led to better individual performance. Group performance, however, was enhanced by training appropriate to problem content that allowed for elaboration and refinement of ideas. These findings indicate that interventions intended to enhance creativity may have different effects at the individual and group level. The need to consider multiple levels of situational influences in attempts to understand creative achievement is discussed.  相似文献   

团队中专家的作用日益受到关注,而不胜任专家对于团队互动模式的影响鲜有研究。采用实验室任务团队,通过对专家胜任力进行精确操纵,研究发现不胜任专家团队条件下出现了明显的"成员补偿效应"。即普通成员的主导行为和功能性行为显著增加;影响力水平显著提升。同时,普通成员影响力水平受到领导开放性的调节。只有在高领导开放性的团队中,普通成员对不胜任专家的补偿效应才能发挥作用。  相似文献   


The author examined the influence of organizational diversity management on White men's and racial minorities' perceptions of fairness when members of their identity group were disproportionately harmed in a layoff. Using a scenario design, the author studied the reactions of 284 White male and racial minority layoff survivors under 2 different diversity contexts. White men saw the layoff as less fair to their group when other White men were laid off disproportionately in an active-diversity context versus an inactive-diversity context. Racial minorities' perceptions of fairness when other minorities were laid off disproportionately were not influenced by the diversity context, but they perceived the layoff as more fair to their group in an active-diversity context when White men were laid off disproportionately. The findings suggest that during layoffs or other significant organizational changes where job insecurity is heightened, different identity groups might perceive diversity management differently.  相似文献   

张珊珊  张建新 《心理科学》2014,37(1):140-145
基于领导-团队匹配的视角,研究以133名领导和645名成员的团队配对数据,采用二次多项式回归与响应面分析对领导工作投入与团队投入氛围的一致性匹配和不一致性匹配,以及团队满意度氛围如何影响团队绩效进行了探讨。结果发现:领导工作投入与团队投入氛围一致与不一致相比,团队绩效较好;并且一致性匹配具有加强效应,即当领导工作投入与团队投入氛围一致时,团队绩效随着双方投入的增加而提高;同时,团队满意度氛围在领导-团队投入的一致性匹配与团队绩效的线性关系中起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

The effects of number of workers (work-group size) and number of tasks (task size) on perceptions of job enrichment were investigated using a simulated assembly-line job. Forty subjects observed workers performing a job in four combinations of work-group size and task size, rating the respective jobs on dimensions taken from the Job Characteristics Model (Hackman & Oldham, 1975). The results indicated that jobs performed by smaller work groups were perceived as significantly more enriched on four of the five dimensions and had greater potential for worker motivation. Significant main effects were also found for task size on three of the five dimensions such that jobs with larger tasks were seen as more enriched and as having greater motivating potential for the workers. A significant interaction was noted for only one job dimension. An ecological perspective of the data (manning theory) supported these results and suggests theoretically useful interpretations of the data.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that job performance initially increases, plateaus, and then eventually declines. A major factor that may be relevant for explaining these performance changes is the ageing process. This study examined the within-person effect of ageing on changes in a specific type of job performance (creative performance), and whether the age of career onset is a moderator. These questions were investigated using two measures of creative performance data spanning several decades from 300 authors and analysed using hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) techniques and hierarchical generalised linear modelling techniques (HGLM). The results revealed an inverted U-shaped relationship between time and creative performance, and an inverted U-shaped relationship between ageing and creative performance when controlling for work experience. The age at which an individual starts their career was a significant moderator of the shape of performance trajectories. Findings are discussed in relation to how this study contributes to the literature on performance trajectories and the effects of ageing on performance.  相似文献   


The current clinical approach adopted by many mental health clinicians is the medical model, which, in the case of size diversity, has been connected with weight stigma. Mental health practitioners need to be exposed to the critique of the medicalized view that fat is a disease that can be cured through dieting. Weight stigma and fat-shaming may be reduced through adoption of a social justice perspective on sizeism as a form of oppression. An analysis of textbooks designed for use in graduate multicultural courses indicates that size is not currently addressed as a diversity or social justice issue within psychology. It is recommended that fat be conceptualized as a social identity that intersects with other diversity dimensions within coursework for mental health trainees as opposed to a sizeist paradigm where fat is depicted as pathological.  相似文献   

以37个工作群体中的501位员工为对象,探讨群体规模与领导行为对群体组织公民行为的影响。运用多层验证性因子分析技术对调查数据进行了检验,并在此基础上进行了最优尺度回归和偏最小二乘回归分析。结果表明,群体规模越大,群体组织公民行为的水平越低。领导的个人品德和团队维系行为对群体组织公民行为具有显著的正向影响作用,而领导的工作绩效行为对群体组织公民行为的影响作用不显著。  相似文献   

为探讨具身内隐情绪和外显情绪之间的相容性和不相容性对创造性思维的影响,实验采用情绪视频启动范式诱发被试的积极情绪或消极情绪,同时采用面部表情操纵技术诱导其具身积极情绪或具身消极情绪,然后要求被试完成创造性思维测验中的替代使用任务(AUT)与顿悟字谜测验。结果发现:在积极情绪下,情绪相容组的AUT流畅性得分显著高于情绪不相容组;而在消极情绪下,情绪相容组的AUT原创性得分与顿悟字谜得分显著高于情绪不相容组;灵活性在两种情绪条件下的差异均不显著。结果表明,面部表情和外显情绪的相容性有利于创造性思维的表现,积极情绪和消极情绪下的情绪相容性分别影响着创造性思维的不同成分。  相似文献   

Cadets at the U.S. Military Academy completed a questionnaire describing their experiences in Cadet Basic Training (CBT) and Cadet Field Training (CFT). Analyses of variance examined the impact of Group Role (Leader vs. Follower) and Perceived Group Effectiveness (High vs. Low) on group member perceptions of the extent to which each of six factors affected group performance. Significant main effects for Perceived Effectiveness were interpreted in terms of the egodefensive bias. Role main effects indicated that leaders tended to make stronger dispositional attributions than did followers. There were no signifcant Group Role × Perceived Effectiveness interaction effects. Findings support, in part, hypotheses concerning the operation of an attributional bias within the leader-member relationship.  相似文献   

以往研究发现个体为自己和为他人的创造表现存在差异,但研究结论不一致。另外,考虑到社会动机是影响“自我-他人”表现的重要因素,本研究采用2(社会动机:亲社会、利己)×2(“自我-他人”:自我、他人)混合实验设计,考察社会动机与“自我-他人”如何来影响创造性表现。结果发现,亲社会组创造性表现的新颖性、有效性和总分均高于利己组,支持了动机性信息加工理论。自我组在创造性表现的新颖性和总分上高于他人组,这与解释水平理论的观点不一致。矛盾的原因可能是在东方“紧”文化背景下,人们按照社会认可的价值体系来为他人创造时,人们对新颖性的态度是谨慎的,因此为自我创造比为他人创造更加新颖。  相似文献   

Group Performance Depends on the Majority Rule   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Some group decisions require a two-thirds or three-quarters majority of the people voting; others require only a simple majority. Does the accuracy of a group's decision making depend on which majority rule is used? A signal detection theory analysis was used to answer this question. Each member of a group was presented with a noisy display of either a signal or a nonsignal, and then each member cast a yes or no vote for the existence of a signal. The group decision was determined by a majority rule of the members' votes. Normative groups and groups of 5 or 7 people exhibited the same behavior: Performance was best when the group used a simple-majority rule and decreased when the group used more stringent rules. The worst performance was produced by a unanimous rule. Some group members adopted more liberal response criteria when the majority rule was made more stringent.  相似文献   

Structured group programming is suggested as a means for helping men deal with difficulties that result from sex-role socialization. Several such programs are illustrated.  相似文献   

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