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这个专栏的意图在于,通过几位作者、译者的努力,提醒人们对马克思与浪漫主义关系的重思,对古典反讽、浪漫反讽和马克思的反讽异同关系的重思。这个问题在国内学界很不受重视,或者被当作马克思不成熟的表现,把浪漫主义视为负面的、招致马克思思想不成熟的东西。维塞尔在《马克思、浪漫派的反讽、无产阶级》一书中力图纠正这种不符合历史事实的传统看法,陈开华特意节译了该书第五章,以凸现“反讽”在马克思思想中的重要地位。我也提供了小文一篇,力图阐明马克思试图扼制虚无主义时从浪漫主义处寻求的思想资源,并在告别了意识内在性之后仍保留和改造了另一种内在性:价值内在性;而它与浪漫派的反讽存在密切关系。罗晓颖的论文则针对马克思的博士论文为了理解哲学与现实的关系而对苏格拉底反讽广泛涉猎的事实,以《游叙弗伦》篇为例对苏格拉底的反讽作出自己的分析,这对理解马克思的反讽,理解古典反讽与现代反讽的关系与区别,会提供一个很好的基础,很值得阅读。  相似文献   

反讽往往因与修辞相涉而被理解为某种语言表达方式,其形而上学的意蕴常被忽略.但事实上,反讽理论在其得以产生的原初形态中就与哲学结下了不解之缘.从古希腊罗马时期到十九世纪初期的德国,进而延至现当代,反讽始终秉持着语言学意义上的修辞传统,但在其理论逻辑的衍化中却始终自享着与形上之思难以厘界的关联.在长时间遗忘苏格拉底反讽理论的哲学旨趣之后,德国早期浪漫派又再次赋予了反讽以哲学、美学、艺术与诗等规定相互交融的多重意义,而克尔凯郭尔以存在主义的视域超越了这一错综复杂的含混界定,他将反讽理解为人的生存境遇中的“立场”,这就将反讽提升至了纯粹的哲学层面.美国学者维塞尔虽无意承接克尔凯郭尔所规定的反讽的实践性,却在对马克思阶级理论别出心裁的阐释中将无产阶级视为反讽在现实世界中的肉身化,这成就了反讽由修辞到理论、再到实践的内在意蕴的提升过程.  相似文献   

本文着重在于论述南禅作为佛教的一种存在形态,与一般的宗教形态,甚至与佛教之间都存在着显著的差别。这种差别的深刻根源就在于南禅所特具的超越性和内在性。而这种超越性和内在性,恰恰又正是南禅作为宗教形态不断更新、发展和作为一般文化形态不断世俗化、普遍化的真正原因。  相似文献   

自18世纪德国浪漫主义将反讽确立为抵抗机器文化、管控理性宰制的价值力量以来,反讽成为欧洲审美话语中的基本思想诉求和理论立场。然而,德国古典美学因过度依赖理性而忽视了反讽的感性效能,思想上用理性驱逐感性,理论上以反思拒斥反讽,造成了德国古典美学审美现代性的内在危机。马克思恢复了反讽的现代性文化生命,使审美现代性摆脱了德国古典美学的内在危机。之后,尼采、克尔凯郭尔等思想家又为反讽注入新鲜元素。而在当代,反讽则进一步发展为晚期资本主义社会微观政治生活中的一种调控策略和言说功能。  相似文献   

张能 《世界哲学》2023,(2):107-116+161
德勒兹毕生的思想与“内在性”难解难分。德勒兹在不同时期对“内在性”都有其艰深的探索,尤其在后期重要著作《什么是哲学?》《内在性:一个生命……》中,德勒兹又重思“内在性”这一课题。德勒兹对“内在性”一直萦萦于思,但就其每个时期的单个思想文本而言,所朝向内在性的方式是迥异的。总体上,根据德勒兹系列的思想文本,内在性本身以不同的形式或方式显现于其哲学的内部,并将其勾连为一套完整的独属于德勒兹的哲学体系。正是在这个意义上,我们可以说,内在性就是为了实现内在性而进行无限创造的努力活动。对于我们来说,关键是如何充分地呈现和利用内在性,而不是将其作为研究对象进行陈述表达。因为内在性本身就是必须被思考,但是又无法被思考。毋宁说,它不是一种知识或者理论,而是一种触摸。它超越了一切理论知识的纯粹沉思,它指向的是一种纯粹潜能或者思想道路。  相似文献   

马克思哲学的本体论基础在很大程度上仍然是蔽而不明的。无论是第二国际的理论家,还是西方马克思主义的早期领袖都严重地误解了这一基础,并使之局限于现代形而上学的总体框架之中。为了从这种粗疏混乱中摆脱出来,有必要思及马克思在同一方向上(亦即对现代形而上学的本体论批判上)有决定性开展的"同时代人",而这样的同时代人将特别包括海德格尔。现代形而上学的本质性在于"意识"的存在特性,这种存在特性是通过主体性被规定的,从而现代形而上学作为"我思"哲学或主体性哲学是以意识的内在性(Immanenz)来作为基本建制的。因此,对于意识或一般主体之内在性所持的本体论立场,便成为决定某种哲学是否从属于现代形而上学的基本尺度。在这一主题上马克思与海德格尔的积极"对话",将开启出一个从根本上超越现代形而上学的批判性视域,而马克思哲学的本体论基础只有通过这样的视域才能得到真正深入的阐明。  相似文献   

本文在关联理论认知语境观基础上,研究反讽话语中语境信息的激活模式。反讽话语所表达的命题与理解时同时激活的语境信息之间都存在着不相容性,识别话语中的反讽意图,在很大程度上依赖于听者对这些不相容性的探察。本文通过对有关的认知语境进行分类,证明了语境信息激活模式在文本分析中的有效性,同时为解读反讽艺术的独特魅力提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

反讽是小说创作的一种重要的艺术手法,反讽的恰当运用有助于人物刻画,情节发展和主题深化。内拉·拉森是哈莱姆文艺复兴的重要人物之一。她的作品侧重写混血儿的生存状况及其挣扎历程。在其代表作《流沙》中,拉森熟练运用反讽艺术来进行人物刻画,推进情节发展和深化小说主题。反讽的运用也使得这部小说更有吸引力,更深刻,更令人难忘。  相似文献   

意识的内在性问题是近代哲学的轴心问题."我思"是绝对的前提和唯一出发点.科耶夫认为"我思"本身需要一种前提,即"我"的存在."我"不仅是向内的意识,而且是向外的欲望."我欲"洞穿"我思".马克思所开创的历史唯物主义认为生产活动不仅构成了现实的人的存在方式,而且创造了人类历史.相对于个体性的欲望而言,社会性的生产更为本源.就此而言,马克思比科耶夫更为深入的触及到了社会历史的本质性维度.  相似文献   

表明上看来,尼采和列维纳斯的伦理思想似乎是截然对立的。因为尼采否定了一切超越性的维度,坚持内在性的原则,并且提出了主人道德和超人,而列维纳斯坚持一种面向他者的伦理学,并且试图重建伦理学的超越性维度。不过,从更深层的视角来看,尼采与列维纳斯的伦理思想并非只有纯粹的对立,而是有着很多基本的共识。首先,他们的出发点都是对于人的内在性领域的肯定。对于尼采来说,这个内在性的领域就是权力意志及其所创造的意义、价值或真理,而在列维纳斯看来,这一领域就是主体通过享受和劳动所建立的内在性世界或家。其次,他们都肯定了一种无法被内在化的外在性维度,这一外在性维度在尼采的哲学中就是“偶然性”或“命运”,而在列维纳斯的哲学中则是“他者的面容”。不同之处在于,尼采所肯定的外在性没有伦理维度,而列维纳斯则明确地强调了外在性的伦理维度,并且将它理解为一种伦理意义的超越性。  相似文献   

There is a persisting tendency in attempts to define spirituality, to adopt a dualistic point of view which sees the spirit as somehow impenetrably inner, innate and introspectively perceived, interacting with the outer world through the body. As well as a strong intuitive sense of the correctness of this philosophical point of view, it also is supported by psychotherapeutic perspectives that speak of the private inner being. In this paper I will argue that this view is logically, epistemologically, morally, and psychologically problematic. It will be argued that the concept of an inwardness to our mental life can be distinguished from the view of that life as interior. The perspective that we have of our inward selves is learned and conditional upon a sense of an outer self, functioning and communicating in the public world. Rather than an ego centric conceptualization of spirituality based on the idea of the spirit as inner and logically inaccessible, I we might adopt a sociocentric perspective in which the supremacy of the ego is dissolved in favour of an understanding in which we see ourselves as part of the social and natural outer world in which we exist.  相似文献   

The article explores a text of the poet R.M. Rilke in the manner of Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority (PDI). PDI, developed mainly in the writings of Wolfgang Giegerich, refers to the ‘speculative turn’ within analytical psychology. The speculative turn involves an interpretative stance that strictly adheres to Jung's seminal insight into psychology's lack of an empirically‐objective, Archimedean vantage‐point outside of or beyond the psyche. The paper aims to demonstrate that, for all its beauty, the account of interiority that is celebrated in the passage from Rilke is self‐contradictory. This is due to its being naively conceived as the undialectical opposite of an external viewpoint that it is unable to overcome. Whereas Rilke merely imagines interiority by means of the visual image of his getting inside a dog as one passes by, the interpretative approach taken in this article thinks interiority by reflecting Rilke's text into itself in the speculative manner that is provided for and required by Jung's insight into psychology's lack of an Archimedean vantage‐point. If we interpret the text in this way, an understanding of interiority that is truly in accord with its concept is opened up and a main aspect of psychology as the discipline of interiority is performatively demonstrated.  相似文献   

This paper explores the experience of working as a Jungian analyst through the various phases of the global COVID-19 pandemic, examining the importance of the physical containing space alongside the analyst’s internal mind and how technology can both help and hinder understanding. A number of clinical vignettes illustrate the challenge of communicating over a distance, paying particular attention to the way countertransference phenomena can become re-attuned. Reference is made to mythology and symbols of hope, and consideration given to the meaning and purpose of the pandemic.  相似文献   

Barbara Forrest 《Zygon》2000,35(4):861-880
Science undermines the certitude of non-naturalistic answers to the question of whether human life has meaning. I explore whether evolution can provide a naturalistic basis for existential meaning. Using the work of philosopher Daniel Dennett and scientist Ursula Goodenough, I argue that evolution is the locus of the possibility of meaning because it has produced intentionality, the matrix of consciousness. I conclude that the question of the meaning of human life is an existentialist one: existential meaning is a product of the individual and collective tasks human beings undertake.  相似文献   

Since Jung’s death in 1961, scholars have attempted to integrate growing biological science data into Jungian concepts such as the collective unconscious, instincts and the archetypes. This enterprise has been challenging due to persistent false dichotomies of gene and environment occasionally arising. Recent works by Roesler (2022a, 2022b) for example, have raised objections to the biological theory of archetypes, but the objections are plagued by such dichotomies. The concept of phenotypic plasticity, however, helps to both avoid this problem as well as bridge the gap between competing theories into a more integrated model with solid biological foundations.  相似文献   

This article draws on Winnicott’s concept of the good enough mother to discuss how to know whether a therapeutic situation is good enough to continue or bad enough to end. This dilemma is explored in terms of clinical syndromes, such as anorexia and pathological gambling, but focuses mainly on analyst-initiated endings, which are termed the ‘Casablanca dilemma’, based on an amplification of the ending of the film Casablanca. The author goes on to discuss such one-sided endings, drawing on interviews with 40 analysts and therapists about their clinical experience. A typology of bad enough endings is presented. The psychological differences between a good enough analysis as opposed to a bad enough one are explored through the ideas of Winnicott and Neumann.  相似文献   

Summary  Is there any argument for scepticism? The epistemic problem of the possibility of error. Arguments for scepticism rest on the assumption that knowledge claims are fallible. For this reason the concept of knowledge appears to be questionable. Since it is necessary to distinguish doubts from possible doubts, the arguments for scepticism appear to be unconvincing. If we take it into account that we know something that is immune to doubt, we should draw the conclusion that, contrary to scepticism, knowledge claims have to be compatible with being fallible. Thus any knowledge claim is capable of being doubted.  相似文献   

In August 2020, John Beebe and Steve Myers met via Zoom to discuss their differing interpretations of psychological typology and the different sources within Jung’s writings that influenced their books: Integrity in Depth: Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type (Beebe), and Myers-Briggs Typology vs Jungian Individuation (Myers). The discussion centred on Spitteler’s epic poem Prometheus und Epimetheus, which forms the basis of chapter V of Psychological Types. This is both the largest chapter and one of two chapters that Jung highlighted in the Argentine foreword as containing the essence of the book. Jung’s book is primarily about the transformation of personality rather than the categorization of people. Although it contains a critical psychology that deconstructs the nature of consciousness, that is only one half of the book and a stepping-stone to the other half, which is the reconciliation of opposites with particular emphasis on the relation of consciousness and the unconscious. Jung assumed that readers were already familiar with Prometheus und Epimetheus, an understanding of which sheds light on the nature of the transformation that Jung described – the development of a new attitude towards attitude itself.  相似文献   


This article reviews Biblical sources pertaining to the elderly, particularly the frail elderly. Founded on these sources, implications for elderly with Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia are addressed through a personal perspective informed by writings of Christian mystics.  相似文献   

In this paper, I will explore the role of art-making, the experience of trauma and dissociation, and the process of working with self-states from an analytic and creative frame. Relevant literature on dissociation, trauma, and the use of art will be discussed. A case involving my work with an adolescent girl who had experienced sexual abuse from a family member will be shared, with an emphasis on the meaningful role images played during the therapeutic process. Both Jungian and psychoanalytic models of conceptualizing and working with dissociation are included, following Donald Kalsched’s (2013) recommendation for a “binocular stance” to treatment, including both a focus on the inner, intrapsychic world and the interpersonal, relational realm, and how art images both illuminated and expressed these realms. Within the therapeutic process, art images allowed the therapist a view into the client’s unconscious process, and created a meeting ground for dissociative barriers to be gradually seen, felt and known, by both therapist and client. The experience of dissociation, in images and in session, provided a reference point for myself and my client, Taylor, to develop a shared understanding and a framework for growth.  相似文献   

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