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College students' acceptance of general personality interpretations was evaluated as a function of type of test and assessment device employed and interpretation favorability. Unlike previous studies, only interpretation favorability influenced acceptance. The effect of interpretation favorability upon acceptance, however, was shown to be due to the higher base-rate accuracy of favorable, relative to unfavorable, interpretations. It was concluded that the universal validity of general interpretations may supersede the effects of situational factors upon acceptance.  相似文献   

After students in different groups took one of four "personality tests" that varied in face validity, they received a generalized personality interpretation. Even though the test lowest in face validity merely required the subject to circle digits, judged accuracy of the interpretation (a) was high for all tests (76-87% of the ratings in the various test groups were good or excellent) and (b) was independent of type of test upon which the interpretation was purportedly derived. From 46-60% of the subjects in the various groups "definitely liked" or "liked" the interpretation; likability was independent of face validity of the test. Judged accuracy and likability of the interpretation correlated positively and significantly. The willingness of individuals to accept generalized statements about themselves is a researchable problem area suggested by the present research.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested that inventory responding modeled the acceptance of personality feedback. A barnum group (n=40) was asked to rate the personal accuracies of a list of personality inventory items and then an equivalent list of bogus personality feedback. The two lines of evidence which supported the model were (a) that the correlation between their inventory ratings and their feedback ratings was not only Significant (p < .001) but achieved a ceiling magnitude, as evidenced by a control group's (n = 40) data; and (b) that the variables influencing, inventory responding exerted an equal influence upon feedback acceptance, Contrary to the model, it was found that feedback was accepted more highly than were the inventory items. Conclusions were that inventory responding, as a model of feedback acceptance, is accurate with respect to individual differences but somewhat inaccurate with respect to overall levels of acceptance due to the additional influences of persuasion. It was also concluded that clients' acceptance or rejection of personality feedback is not evidence of the validity or invalidity, respectively, of assessment devices. A reformulated model of personality feedback acceptance was proposed.  相似文献   

Forty-eight handwriting specimens were rated by 6 handwriting analysts on 16 personality variables. Correlations of analysts ratings and personality inventory scores were nonsignificant. Analysis of variance shewed that there were significant differences between the analysts on their judgments of 10 of the 15 traits. Subjects were also given the reports prepared for them and a bogus report and asked to rate the analysts' assessments for accuracy. Subjects were able to choose 2 of the 15 traits with significant accuracy on the real report when considering individual traits. There were no significant differences between the accuracy ratings on the real and bogus reports on overall rating. It was concluded that the analysts could not accurately predict personality from handwriting.  相似文献   

Vestewig, Santee, and Moss have interpreted their 1976 study of graphoanalysis as wholly offensive to the validity of this system of personality assessment. But re-examination of their data reveals that some findings actually support the validity of graphoanalysis in spite of the fact that their methodology stacked the cards against the handwriting experts. Suggestions are made as to how this study could have been made comparable to those studies which show validity of handwriting analysis by the "global" or "holistic" method, and it is noted that under these conditions the results might have been quite different.  相似文献   

In a highly influential paper, Clark and Hatfield (1989) demonstrated that, whereas men were quite likely to accept a casual sexual offer from a confederate research assistant, women never did so. The current research provides a more in-depth explanation of gender differences in acceptance of casual sex offers via 4 (quasi-) experiments. First, using a person-perception paradigm, I assessed people's impressions of women and men who proposed a casual sexual encounter in the same manner that confederates in Clark and Hatfield did. Women and men agreed that female proposers were more intelligent, successful, and sexually skilled than men who made the same proposals. Second, I demonstrated that the large gender differences from the original Clark and Hatfield study could be eliminated by asking participants to imagine proposals from (attractive and unattractive) famous individuals, friends, and same-gender individuals. Next, I assessed factors associated with likelihood of agreeing to the casual sex proposal. The extent to which women and men believed that the proposer would be sexually skilled predicted how likely they would be to engage in casual sex with this individual. Finally, I examined these factors in the context of actual encounters from the participants' previous experiences, and the results were replicated in this context. Overall findings suggest that the large gender differences Clark and Hatfield observed in acceptance of the casual sex offer may have more to do with perceived personality characteristics of the female versus male proposers than with gender differences among Clark and Hatfield's participants and that sexual pleasure figures largely in women's and men's decision making about casual sex.  相似文献   

The use of transference interpretations in the individual treatment of patients with personality disorders is a controversial issue. Both expressive approaches that stress the importance of transference interpretations and supportive approaches that avoid interpretation of the transference have been advocated by dynamically oriented therapists. Literature is reviewed regarding recommendations for individual psychotherapy and the different views on interpretation of the transference. Available research that has attempted to illuminate the impact of these interventions is also summarized. Although the findings are limited by a number of methodological shortcomings, three implications have emerged. First, a strong therapeutic alliance is imperative for successful exploration of the transference. Second, transference-focused work should be balanced with supportive interventions. Third, the patient's quality of object relations and his or her ability to work within the transference should be considered. However, without further research to guide clinical decision making, clinicians will be left with a confusing array of recommendations and only their intuition.  相似文献   

J M Musser  J R Fleck 《Adolescence》1983,18(72):907-916
This study examined the relationship between father acceptance, father control, and personality adjustment of college-aged women. Women participating in this questionnaire study were 72 never-married students aged 18 to 26 who were raised with their natural father present in the home until age 16. Father acceptance and father control were assessed by means of the Children's Report of Parent Behavior Inventory (CRPBI). Personality adjustment was measured by the Adjective Check List. As hypothesized, the father's acceptance and control was found to be positively related to the daughter's level of personality adjustment. Both paternal behavior dimensions added significantly to the amount of variance of the daughter's level of personality adjustment. Implications in terms of Baumrind's (1972) model of authoritative parenting were discussed.  相似文献   

Examined subjects' acceptance of genuine, test-based personality feedback as a function of diagnostician prestige and sex, subject sex, and diagnostician. It was found that subjects of both sexes rated the feedback provided by female diagnosticians as significantly more accurate than that provided by male diagnosticians. This was attributable in part to a tendency for subjects to greatly devalue the feedback provided, by low prestige, male diagnosticians, Support for the generalizability of the present results from the social psychological literature was noted and suggestions for future research were provided.  相似文献   

《告别中医中药》一文的立论和方法是不可取的;《告别中医中药》一文的四点论据还需商榷,《告别中医中药》一文与党的中医政策和构建社会主义和谐社会有着不和谐的声音.中医和西医与其他自然科学一样在各自起作用的范围内存在和发展.  相似文献   

This paper presents a contribution to the sampling theory of a set of homogeneous tests which differ only in length, test length being regarded as an essential test parameter. Observed variance-covariance matrices of such measurements are taken to follow a Wishart distribution. The familiar true score-and-error concept of classical test theory is employed. Upon formulation of the basic model it is shown that in a combination of such tests forming a “total” test, the singal-to-noise ratio of the components is additive and that the inverse of the population variance-covariance matrix of the component measures has all of its off-diagonal elements equal, regardless of distributional assumptions. This fact facilitates the subsequent derivation of a statistical sampling theory, there being at mostm + 1 free parameters whenm is the number of component tests. In developing the theory, the cases of known and unknown test lengths are treated separately. For both cases maximum-likelihood estimators of the relevant parameters are derived. It is argued that the resulting formulas will remain resonable even if the distributional assumptions are too narrow. Under these assumptions, however, maximum-likelihood ratio tests of the validity of the model and of hypotheses concerning reliability and standard error of measurement of the total test are given. It is shown in each case that the maximum-likelihood equations possess precisely one acceptable solution under rather natural conditions. Application of the methods can be effected without the use of a computer. Two numerical examples are appended by way of illustration. This research was supported in part by The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, under Research Grant 1 PO1 HDO1762.  相似文献   

Motivation and Emotion - In the present study, we examined how different forms of achievement motive interact to predict daily flow experience and work engagement. In particular, we conducted two...  相似文献   

The concept of validity has suffered because the term has been used to refer to 2 incompatible concerns: the degree of support for specified interpretations of test scores (i.e., intended score meaning) and the degree of support for specified applications (i.e., intended test uses). This article has 3 purposes: (a) to provide a brief summary of current validity theory, (b) to illustrate the incompatibility of incorporating score meaning and score use into a single concept, and (c) to propose and describe a framework that both accommodates and differentiates validation of test score inferences and justification of test use.  相似文献   

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