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王开成 《天风》2016,(2):35-37
正婆媳关系的处理,是中国社会中一个经久不息的话题,多少电视剧的主题就是"婆媳大战"。婆媳关系处理得好直接关系到家庭的幸福,若处理不妥,往往会影响两代人的融洽相处。本文将从以下四个方面来谈婆媳之间的微妙关系。一、婆媳关系的复杂性家庭的基本关系有两种:一是夫妻关系,一是亲子关系,两者构成了家庭结构的基础。其他关  相似文献   

日本著名律师丹山雅在其著作《婆婆对付儿媳77计》中说:“如果谁能想出一个绝妙的解决(婆媳关系的)办法,应该授予他诺贝尔奖金!”因为在日常生活中,婆媳之间的矛盾要比夫妻关系等其他家庭矛盾多得多,问题也严重得多。结果成为“永恒的难题”。那么,对婆媳关系到底应该持怎样的态度呢? 有人认为道德是具有理想性的,所以婆媳关系道德也应该高标准,严要求,要使婆媳亲密相处,象母女一样。可是事实上婆媳之间没有产生亲密关系的天然条件,她们没有血缘关系,她们本来不是亲人,而是外人,甚至连一般的朋友都不是。媳妇  相似文献   

万菊来 《天风》2017,(2):22-23
只要心里有真爱,最难相处的婆媳关系也能成为佳话在江西省抚州市东乡县耶稣堂有一对婆媳,婆婆名叫徐梅兰,是耶稣堂负责人兼诗班指挥,她的儿媳妇名叫陈丽燕,在教堂司琴。婆媳二人亲如母女,互相体贴,在当地被传为佳话。一、家庭生活互助手徐梅兰姊妹只有一个独生子,没有女儿。因此,她视陈丽燕为己出,对她疼爱有加。  相似文献   

马来西亚《墨洲日报》1987年10月10日载爱兰文,谈新女性对待婆媳关系的看法和如何处理这一关系的方法。第一,以平常心来看待婆媳问题。成长背景不同的两个人要建立亲密的关系是不容易调适的,婆媳之间需要更多的沟通和谅解来改善关  相似文献   

对上海市普陀区100例婆媳关系的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、调查研究的目的 家庭是社会的细胞,家庭关系是人们社会关系的一个重要方面。家庭关系包括着种种复杂的人际关系。如夫妻关系、父母子女关系、婆媳关系等等。这些关系又相互影响,相互制约。其中婆媳关系在家庭生活甲有着重要作用,具有特殊的意义。可以说,它在某种程度上能左右家庭中其他诸种国际关系,从而对家庭成员的生活产生积极的或消极的影响,以致于影响社会的安定团结。因此研究家庭生活中的婆媳关系,目的在于消除婆媳关系上的各种阴影,树立新时代婆媳关系的道德标准,以此促使正常婆媳关系的建立,不断推进社会的安定团结。  相似文献   

任军海 《天风》2002,(1):17-18
经文:弗2:14-18 世界上为什么总有冲突,战争?人类为什么不能和平共处?两次的世界大战不知道吞没了多少个生命,北约轰炸南联盟又不知道使多少人家破人亡,流离失所。现在巴勒斯坦和以色列仍有冲突,不断有人员伤亡的消息传出。还有,家庭为什么总有争吵,不和睦?婆媳关系,婚外情、夫妻冷战、离婚率越来越高等等,这些事情的发生不能不引起人们的关注与思考。但上帝就是爱,因为爱,上帝主动地寻找人“你在哪里”,因  相似文献   

《愉快地相处——婆与媳》(日) 伦理研究所 大千世界,地上人间,婆媳关系被人们普遍认为是最难相处的人际关系,这种婆媳关系打破了一般的血亲界限,是一种超出血缘关系的生命体验。 此书由公公与儿媳,婆婆与儿媳,儿媳对婆婆等二十章构成,作者绘制了一幅如同亲母女相处的生动的婆媳关系的画面,这是一部很好的生活指导性读物。  相似文献   

当不了厅长局长,当不了处长科长,那就当好家长。做不了专家作家,做不了歌唱家画家,那就做个生活家。家需要经营,也需要管理,家是个集体团队。不当家不知柴米油盐贵。要增收节支,任务挺重。人情往来,对外联络,对内安稳,婆媳矛盾,夫妻冲突,教育子女,够忙一生的。  相似文献   

在里王的教会里,传颂着一则“婆媳和”的新闻,在邻近教会也传为美谈。 金华里王村有位妇女叫冯苏莲,她与婆婆陈和珠为了家庭琐事,婆媳之间闹不团结,真是小吵天天有,大吵三  相似文献   

育儿代沟 育儿代沟,是存在于年轻妈妈与奶奶之间的育儿观念差异。婆媳之间对孩子的关注度是相同的,但由于传统观念、生活经验以及现代科学知识的接受度不同,育儿代沟往往成为婆媳矛盾的爆发因素之一。点评:世界上最难理清的矛盾就是亲人间的不和与误解,因为每一个人都在各自鲜明的观点之后跳动着一个“都是为了这个家好”的坚定信念。  相似文献   

This study explored family system influences on mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships in a South African setting. A convenience sample of 20 mothers-in-law (age range from 40 to 86) and 20 daughters-in-law (age range from 20 to 60) were informants. They had been in a mother- and daughter-in-law relationship for at least six months. The participants completed open-ended interviews on their relational experiences in the context of family. Data were analysed applying Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Five family system relational context themes emerged: positive mother- and daughter-in-law relationship, conflicted the mother-son relationship, historic experience of the mother-in-law with her own mother-in-law, and partnership in upbringing of grandchildren.  相似文献   

The unconscious fantasies in Kuprin's Duel , p.201
Animal symbolism and a boy's phobia, p.202
The mother-in-law, p.205  相似文献   

We examined marital conflict, parent–child conflict, and maternal and paternal depression symptoms as mediators and moderators in the associations between fathers' and mothers' problem drinking and children's adjustment. A community sample of 6–12-year-old boys and girls and their mothers, fathers, and teachers participated. Marital conflict, parent–child conflict, and maternal depression symptomatology each functioned as a mediator of the association between father's problem drinking and children's externalizing and internalizing problems, and maternal depression symptoms accounted partially for the link between father's problem drinking and children's social problems. For mother's problem drinking, marital conflict, parent–child conflict, and maternal depression symptoms each mediated the association with children's externalizing problems. Further, parent–child conflict explained partially the link between mother's problem drinking and internalizing problems, and marital conflict accounted for the association between mother's problem drinking and social problems. When the mediators were simultaneously examined, parent–child conflict was the most robust mediator of the association between parental problem drinking and externalizing problems, and maternal depression symptomatology was the most consistent mediator of the relation between parental problem drinking and internalizing problems. Further, parent–child conflict and paternal and maternal depression symptoms each interacted with parental problem drinking to moderate some domains of children's adjustment. The significant moderation effects indicate that parent–child conflict is a robust vulnerability factor for internalizing problems.  相似文献   

罗婷  邱茹依  陈斌  傅世敏 《心理学报》2018,50(5):473-482
无意识信息是否存在刺激表征有待解决。实验采用字母Flanker任务, 通过目标和flanker在刺激水平和反应水平上的冲突效应, 重点考察阈下flanker在刺激水平的表征。在相同的实验设计下, flanker可觉察时(实验1A), 观察到经典的刺激冲突效应和反应冲突效应; 而flanker无意识时(实验1B), 重复了反应冲突效应, 却观察到刺激冲突效应发生反转, 提示了无意识信息的反应加工及刺激加工。实验2采用符号材料促使刺激−反应的自动联结, 减少刺激−反应规则的难度, 结果重复了实验1B的发现--无意识信息引起反转的刺激冲突。刺激冲突下反转效应的一致结果表明无意识信息的刺激表征影响了认知加工。实验3考察这种影响在时间进程上的特点。无意识刺激表征的影响随反应时变化:在快速反应中观察到刺激冲突效应, 之后该效应发生反转且反转量随反应时增加而增大。相反, 无意识反应表征的影响在不同反应时下保持稳定。以上结果提供了无意识信息存在刺激表征的行为学证据并揭示了其时间特性, 提供了无意识领域中不一致研究结果的整合思路。  相似文献   

Four experimental conflict situations having theoretical implications have been reported upon with some frequency. The purpose of this study was to compare individual differences on a common measure, response latency, in order to determine the stability of behavior across these four conflict situations using a comparable latency measure. The results of this study do indicate that behavior in experimental conflict studies shows a stability of performance by individual subjects. There are also group mean differences between the four procedures that reflect situational contribution to conflict behavior.  相似文献   

Task conflicts may be beneficial for team performance whereas relationship conflicts are associated with negative team outcomes. Because the two conflict types are typically correlated within teams, it is difficult to enhance task conflicts and simultaneously avoid relationship conflicts. This study examines how importance of the conflict issue moderates the association between task and relationship conflict. In addition, the hypothesis was tested that the interaction between task conflict and issue importance on relationship conflict is mediated by task conflict emotionality. A sample of 50 teams provided data for this study. Results confirmed the buffering effect of conflict issue importance. When teams fight about important task issues, no association between task conflict and relationship conflict was found. This effect could be partially attributed to the decrease in negative emotions present in teams during important task conflicts. The implications of this study are described and directions for future research are indicated.  相似文献   

One hundred and three participants solved conflict and non-conflict versions of four reasoning tasks using a two-response procedure: a base rate task, a causal reasoning task, a denominator neglect task, and a categorical syllogisms task. Participants were asked to give their first, intuitive answer, to make a Feeling of Rightness (FOR) judgment, and then were given as much time as needed to rethink their answer. They also completed a standardized measure of IQ and the actively open-minded thinking questionnaire. The FORs of both high- and low-capacity reasoners were responsive to conflict, such that FORs were lower for conflict relative to non-conflict problems. Consistent with the quantity hypothesis, high-capacity reasoners made a greater distinction between conflict and non-conflict items on measures of Type 2 thinking, namely, rethinking time and probability of changing answers. In contrast to the quality hypothesis, however, this rethinking time did not advantage the ability of the high-capacity group to produce normative answers, except for the base rate task. Indeed, we observed that the correlation between capacity and the probability of normative answers emerged at the initial response, rather than after rethinking.  相似文献   

《Visual cognition》2013,21(4):383-408
The role of so-called critical features in the perception of ambiguous figures was examined in two experiments. In the first, selective removal of certain features was found to bias the initial perception of the wife mother-in-law figure. In the second, the position of the fixation point was found to influence the dominance of aspect of the wife mother-in- law figure. During an extended viewing period, when the fixation point was close to a critical feature (as defined in the first experiment), the tendency was for the figure to be less ambiguous, and for large figures to be less ambiguous than small. The effects are discussed with reference to the hypothesis that changes of visual attention between different features underlie the perceptual alternations of the figure.  相似文献   

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