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初中生的多元目标与学习策略、学业成绩的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初中生的多元目标与学习策略、学业成绩的关系研究表明:高掌握/低成绩目标组和高掌握/高成绩目标组在学习策略和学业成绩上不存在显差异,但两组在学习策略和学业成绩上均显高于低掌握目标组。  相似文献   

钱玉英 《学海》2001,(6):143-146
以德治国与社会稳定有着极为密切的关系.为了改革和社会主义现代化建设的顺利进行,我们必须维护社会的稳定.社会稳定不仅需要法治,而且也离不开德治.今年年初以江泽民为核心的党中央提出了"以德治国"的重要治国方略,这对维持社会的稳定将产生深远的影响.本文力求阐明以德治国在维护当代中国社会稳定中的地位和功能,旨在从理论和实践的结合上探讨把社会稳定问题进一步纳入国家道德控制的机制.  相似文献   

长江上游地区宗教现状与社会稳定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章对长江上游地区的宗教现状、结构及发展趋势作了综合性的探讨,对当代宗教研究有参考价值.  相似文献   

城市贫困人口心理和社会稳定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
由于社会转型,产业结构的调整以及个人等方面原因产生了下岗职工、农村进城务工人员和贫困大学生等大量的城市贫困人口。笔者从城市贫困者的个人社会等级评定、对贫富分化现状的态度以及分化程度的容忍度上分析城市贫困者心理差异对社会稳定的影响。  相似文献   

多元嵌套结构下的情理行动——中国人社会行动模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在对以往关于中国人社会行动(行为)模式的研究成果进行梳理的基础上,从结构的角度对该问题进行研究,认为"人"与"事"是分析中国人社会行动模式的主要变量,并从基本关系、问题性质、责任结构、共事经验四个角度分析中国人的社会行动模式.本文将时间视角引入对问题的分析,指出上述四个角度都具有时间的性质,从而提出"多元嵌套结构"的概念,并以此来解释中国人的社会行动模式,最后形成关系-问题-责任-经验四位一体的影响中国人社会行动模式的理论模型.  相似文献   

在我国西部边疆社会现代化进程中,该地区的民族宗教文化原有的神秘性、神圣性、全民性和独特性等特征呈现出弱化趋势,其世俗化趋向日益明显;达赖集团、“东突”组织等极端民族主义者利用轮回转世、末日审判、天堂地狱等教条,将之作为奖惩方式来吸引和控制不明真相的信徒,不断挑起分裂事端,企图以此重新攫取曾经拥有的社会控制力、政治特权及其物质利益;在处理西部边疆民族宗教文化与现代化之间的关系时,坚持保护与发展并举的原则,有利于维护该地区的社会稳定局面.  相似文献   

正确处理好民族宗教问题关涉中国西部社会的稳定,而西部社会的稳定又是涉及国防建设乃至国家统一的大事。本文对此作了一些思考。  相似文献   

该研究试图考察北京大学生的整体自尊、多元自尊的特点,探讨整体自尊的结构,考察它与抑郁等消极情绪的关系。研究采用华人多元自尊量表、华人整体自尊量表,在北京地区18所高校中,随机选取300名大学生施测。结果显示:1)多元自尊存在性别差异和年级差异;2)在北京大学生的多元自尊中,个人独立与能力自尊、人际关系与人缘自尊以及家世背景与经济自尊是自尊结构中的主要维度,能够有效预测整体自尊;3)整体自尊与焦虑、抑郁、以及消极情绪的强度与频率都存在显著的负相关。  相似文献   

我国是统一的多民族国家,民族问题始终是关系社会稳定和建设大局的重大问题,在这样一个多民族国家里,没有各民族的大团结,就没有社会的和谐稳定。社会是人组成的,人是分属不同民族的。如果搞不好民族团结,就不可能有国家的安宁和社会的和谐。江泽民同志曾经指出;国家统一、民族团结、则政通人和,人民幸福;国家分裂、  相似文献   

成就目标定向与社会认知的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,社会认知模式已成为教育、体育、工作管理等领域内成就动机和成就行为研究的基础,这种模式集中地体现在对成就活动中决定个体认知与行为的成就目标定向的分析。该文回顾社会认知过程在成就目标定向与结果变量之间的中介作用研究,并对此进行了简要评述。  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive analysis of continuity and change in social goals using the interpersonal circumplex (IPC) model across adolescence (ages 11–16). Five complementary definitions of stability were examined: structural, rank‐order, absolute, individual, and ipsative. Data were taken from a longitudinal study of early adolescent problem behavior. Social goals were assessed during each wave, with data collection occurring at three annual intervals (Wave 1, ages 10–12). A community sample of adolescents (N = 387) was recruited. Adolescents were evenly split on gender, and a majority (82.7%) was White. Results suggest a modest increase in stability across social goals, yet significant interindividual heterogeneity. Although levels of Agentic and Communal factors increase over time, these patterns were driven by decreases in the Submissive and Separate octants. This offers evidence for the utility of examining lower‐order facets of interpersonal dispositions, as it provides a nuanced picture of adolescent personality development. Furthermore, findings suggest that change and continuity in social goals may both be relevant in this developmental period. The difficulty is accounting for trait stability as well as change, and the IPC model may be particularly useful for meeting this challenge.  相似文献   

This article is designed to assist new practitioners and those returning to activity group work to develop behavioral goals which are reimbursable and socially developmental across five levels of participation. It presents examples of activities appropriate for five levels of social group development. In addition, it provides an example of an activity group protocol directed toward a specific group level. Finally, it includes suggested strategies for activity group leaders in schools, clinics, and hospitals.  相似文献   

Little work has studied achievement goals in social interaction situations. The present experiment aimed at contributing to this matter by showing the potential of social interaction (in particular disagreement) to moderate the effects of achievement goals on learning. Participants were led to think they interacted with a partner, sharing opinions about a text that they were studying. Mastery and performance goals were manipulated. During the “interaction,” they received either disagreement or agreement from this bogus partner. Results showed that a condition in which mastery goals were induced led to better learning than a performance goal condition only when the partner disagreed. No differences between goal conditions were observed when the partner agreed. Implications for achievement goal research are discussed. Part of this work was conducted during Céline Darnon’s doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Fabrizio Butera, and was written during Céline Darnon’s post-doctorate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, thanks to a Fulbright fellowship.  相似文献   

The hypotheses of a multiple goals theory of conflict were supported in a study in which 264 American students reported on a conflict that they had experienced. The results showed that 95% of subjects had more than 1 goal during the conflict; social goals were more strongly activated than resource goals; subjects' tactical behavior was determined by the social goals; and effects of personal and situational variables on tactical choice were mediated by activated goals. Factor analyses identified 6 goals and 4 types of tactics.  相似文献   

Goal contagion occurs when a perceiver interacts with a partner whose behavior implies he/she is pursuing a particular goal and the perceiver accurately infers and subsequently pursues the partner's goal. Goal contagion was assessed in conversations between unacquainted individuals. In 2 experiments, the ways in which goal specificity, inference accuracy, and goal pursuit efficiency play a role in goal contagion were examined. In Experiment 1, goal contagion increased as perceivers accurately inferred a partner's goal, but only for an abstract information‐seeking goal. In a moderated mediation analysis, Experiment 2 demonstrated that goal pursuit efficiency fostered inference accuracy, which in turn encouraged goal contagion; the magnitude of this indirect effect was strongest for an abstract information‐seeking goal.  相似文献   

李晓东  张炳松 《心理科学》2001,24(1):54-58,95
本研究以152名初中二年级学生为被试,采用问卷法研究了成就目标、社会目标、自我效能及学习成绩与学业求助的关系。结果表明:(1)自我取向的成就目标的确可以区分出自我一趋向型目标和自我一逃避目标,它们对学业求助的影响模式是不同的,自我一逃避型目标对学业求助有更大的负面作用。(2)社会目标与学业求助有显著关系,支持本研究的假设。(3)自我效能低及学习成绩差的学生更不愿求助,支持脆弱假说。  相似文献   

Adolescents approach social situations with different social achievement goals (i.e., social development goals, demonstration‐approach goals, and demonstration‐avoid goals). Applying a latent profile analysis (LPA), a person‐centered approach, this study identified four groups of adolescents with distinct social goal profiles: approach‐oriented, undifferentiated high, demonstration‐oriented, and undifferentiated low. Observed differences in various indicators of social adjustment, including social anxiety, friendship quality, prosocial behavior as well as aggressive behavior, indicated that the approach‐oriented and undifferentiated high profiles showed most adaptive outcomes, whereas the demonstration‐oriented and undifferentiated low profiles showed maladaptive patterns of social outcomes. Profiles with high levels of social development goals showed the most adaptive social outcomes regardless of the level of demonstration‐oriented goals (i.e., demonstration‐approach and demonstration‐avoid goals). These findings suggest that focusing on high‐quality relationships and developing social competence leads to adequately contending with social challenges, and it provides protection against the negative effects of demonstration‐oriented social goals.  相似文献   

Plural Reference     
J.R. Cameron 《Ratio》1999,12(2):128-147
A plural referring expression ('the F s' or 'Tom, Dick and Harriet') may be used to refer either distributively, saying something which applies to each of the F s individually, or collectively, to the F s taken as a single totality. Predicate Logic has to analyse both uses in terms of singular reference, treating them quite differently in so doing; but we think of such an expression as functioning in basically the same way in both kinds of use. This understanding can be vindicated if we recognise that what a plural referring expression picks out is not either an aggregate simpliciter or a set, but a plurality – an aggregate taken relative to a principle for individuating its constituents; this admits of being seen either as many things or as one. In any given case, it is the nature of what is being said about the plurality which tells us whether the reference to it is to be taken as distributive, collective, or a combination of the two. Talk about pluralities is extensional. Augmenting Predicate Logic to accommodate the distinctive inference-pattern associated with distributive plural reference is simple – and arguably necessary, to cope with cases in which distributive and collective reference are essentially combined (e.g., attributions of concerted action).  相似文献   

It has been claimed in the literature that collective intentionality and group attitudes presuppose some “sense of ‘us’” among the participants (other labels sometimes used are “sense of community,” “communal awareness,” “shared point of view,” or “we-perspective”). While this seems plausible enough on an intuitive level, little attention has been paid so far to the question of what the nature and role of this mysterious “sense of ‘us’” might be. This paper states (and argues for) the following five claims: (1) it is neither the case that the sense in question has the community (or “us”) in its content or as its object nor does the attitude in question presuppose a preexistent community (or “us”) as its subject. (2) The “sense of ‘us’” is plural pre-reflective self-awareness. (3) Plural pre-reflective self-awareness plays the same role in the constitution of a common mind that singular pre-reflective self-awareness plays in the individual mind. (4) The most important conceptions of plural subjects, collective persons, or group agents in the current literature fail to recognize the nature and role of plural self-awareness, and therefore fall short in important respects. (5) In spite of the striking similarities between the plural and the singular mind, there are important differences to consider. The authority of the singular first person point of view has no equivalent in the plural case.  相似文献   

Plural Agents     
Genuine agents are able to engage in activity because they find it worth pursuing—because they care about it. In this respect, they differ from what might be called “mere intentional systems”: systems like chess‐playing computers that exhibit merely goal‐directed behavior mediated by instrumental rationality, without caring. A parallel distinction can be made in the domain of social activity: plural agents must be distinguished from plural intentional systems in that plural agents have cares and engage in activity because of those cares. In this paper, I sketch an account of what it is for an individual to care about things in terms of her exhibiting a certain pattern of emotions. After extending this account to make sense of an individual's caring about other agents, I then show how a certain sort of emotional connectedness among a group of people can make intelligible the group's having cares and thereby constitute that group as a plural agent. Alternative accounts of social action, by ignoring the difference between mere intentional systems and genuine agents, and so by leaving out these emotional entanglements from their accounts of social action, thereby fail to capture a whole range of social phenomena involving plural agents.  相似文献   

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