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The study examined similarities and differences between sex-role orientations of college students and their same-sex parents. College undergraduates filled out the Bem Sex-role Inventory twice: once to describe themselves and the second time to describe their same-sex parents. The inventory was also used to obtain parental self-reports. Compared to their perceptions of their same-sex parents, male students described themselves as more feminine and female students described themselves as more masculine. Also, male students described their fathers as less feminine and female students described their mothers as both less masculine and less feminine than the parents described themselves. Students' femininity scores correlated significantly with the parental femininity scores both actual and perceived, however, no consistent relationship was found for the masculinity scores. Androgynous students and students with the reversed sex-role orientation perceived their parents as androgynous and reversed, respectively.  相似文献   

In an attempt to test Kandell's proposition that internet dependents used the internet as a coping mechanism against underlying psychological issues, this study investigated the extent to which the fifth and sixth Eriksonian crises (identity, intimacy), were related to internet dependence (online chatting, gaming) among college students. Students spending more than 10 hours per week on chatting/gaming were classified as dependents. On the basis of a national sample of freshmen in Taiwan, this study found that the dependents scored significantly lower on most of the measures that reflected the successful resolution of the crises, and higher on the measures that reflected unsuccessful resolution of the crises. Kandell's proposition was supported.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eighty-two college undergraduate and graduate students, including 81 males and 201 females, responded to an on-line survey measuring relationship satisfaction, body image distortion and body dissatisfaction, self esteem, and thoughts about weight loss. A modified Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMSS) queried respondents about their relationship satisfaction as well as their perception of their partner’s satisfaction with the relationship. Respondents checked one of 17 figural drawings indicating their perceived and ideal size as well as judgments of perceived and ideal size of their partner. Females had greater body image size distortion and body dissatisfaction, lower self esteem, and more frequent thoughts about weight loss. Males were more dissatisfied with their partner’s size. Respondent’s body size distortion predicted perceived partner relationship satisfaction, with greater size distortion predicting less perceived partner relationship satisfaction. Greater perceived partner relationship satisfaction predicted increased respondents’ relationship satisfaction. Perceived partner’s dissatisfaction with respondent’s body size only approached significance as a predictor of respondent’s relationship satisfaction. However, the strength of this variable as a predictor warrants further examination of its potential role in relationship satisfaction.  相似文献   

大学生人际关系中的普遍性缺陷及产生的原因与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当代大学生面临着人际交往的困惑。本文阐述了大学生人际关系中的普遍性缺陷,并从生理、思想观念、心理、经济条件、生活环境以及社会文化等各方面深入探讨了大学生人际关系缺陷产生的主要原因,并为解决大学生人际关系缺陷问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

A values survey eliciting judgments of the morality of 50 behaviors was administered to 93 college students and both of their parents. Among students, who were generally more lenient in their judgments than their parents were, sex differences were virtually nonexistent. By contrast, mothers were more severe in their judgments than fathers across a wide range of behavior. Students' subscale and total severity scores were generally positively, though modestly, related to the corresponding scores of both their parents, with mother-child correlations being somewhat higher than father-child correlations, and with strengths of relationships varying as a function of domain of judgment and sex of student.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of perfectionism among college students and their biological parents in a sample of 188 undergraduates from intact families. Ratings (self vs. other) showed the greatest degree of convergence when daughters were either the target or the rater. Levels of self-oriented perfectionism in students were positively associated with the levels characterizing the same-sex parent, but unrelated (father-daughter) or negatively related (mother-son) to the levels characterizing the opposite-sex parent. Finally, parents' other-oriented perfectionism was not significantly related to students' socially prescribed perfectionism.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the relationships between self-reports of agoraphobic-like anxiety (fear of open, crowded places), panic experiences, childhood separation anxiety, and family interaction patterns in a college student population. The research was conducted in two parts. Correlational analyses of the results of Study 1 revealed significant relationships between anxiety, difficulties in managing life transitions, and measures of family interaction (intergenerational and peer individuation, intergenerational and peer intimacy) as measured by the Personal Authority in the Family System (Questionnaire (Williamson, Bay, Harvey, & Malone, 1985). In Study 2, we observed significant correlations between agoraphobic anxiety and measures of childhood separation anxiety, state and trait anxiety, and patterns of family enmeshment. The results were interpreted in the context of a broad perspective, which includes the role of developmental and interactional variables in the onset and maintenance of agoraphobic anxiety.  相似文献   

IntroductionNumerous studies have focused on the association of dating violence (DV) and alcohol use. However, little research has as yet assessed their co-occurrence in short timeframes.ObjectiveThis study aims to investigate alcohol use in the two hours preceding DV and in the two hours following DV.MethodCollege students (n = 649, 71% females, mean age = 19.8) reported their experience of DV and their hazardous drinking on self-administered questionnaires. They also reported their alcohol use in the two hours preceding – as well as following – a specific DV event (i.e. insult between dating partners).ResultsChi-square tests outline that alcohol use in the two hours preceding an insult is associated with alcohol use in the two hours following an insult. Regressions show that higher scores of hazardous drinking puts students at risk of insulting or being insulted in a context of alcohol use.ConclusionThe findings can contribute to DV prevention programs among college students.  相似文献   

This research investigates individual and contextual differences underlying postdissolution friendships by considering communication with former romantic partners among individuals in new romantic relationships. Two studies demonstrate the prevalence, determinants, and implications of former partner communication for the current relationship. Study 1 showed that approximately 40% of individuals in relationships communicate with a former partner and highlighted differences between those who communicate and those who do not. Study 2 factor analyzed reasons why people communicate with former partners and examined how the reasons are differentially associated with current relationship functioning. In general, results support the notion that under certain circumstances and for certain individuals, communication with former partners can have deleterious influences on one's current relationship.  相似文献   

The relationship between sex role stereotypes and characteristics perceived as necessary for management success was examined among male and female undergraduate management students and compared with results of managers today as well as with those of managers studied 15 years ago. Male management students, similar to their managerial counterparts in the 1980s and 1970s, still adhere to the male managerial stereotype and perceive that successful middle managers possess characteristics, attitudes, and temperaments more commonly ascribed to men in general than to women in general. Female management students, similar to today's female managers, no longer sex type the managerial job, a change from the female managers of the 1970s. Implications of these outcomes for undergraduate management education are discussed.Portions of this research were funded by a Gettysburg College Institutional Self Renewal Grant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the existence of the intergenerational transmission of loneliness between parents and children, including an examination of its stability and of gender differences. The study consisted of an evaluation of loneliness in mothers ( n = 834), fathers ( n = 661) and their 10-year-old children ( n = 981). Parent's self-reported loneliness was measured once, and their children's social and emotional loneliness were assessed at three time-points. The stability analysis indicated average stability in children's loneliness, especially their social loneliness. Boys were found to experience more emotional loneliness than girls. Structural equation modeling indicated no direct relationship between mothers'/fathers' loneliness and their children's loneliness. However, mothers' and fathers' loneliness reduced their daughters' peer-evaluated cooperating skills, which consequently predicted higher levels of both social and emotional loneliness.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between existential attitudes and professional quality of life among a sample of South African nursing students (N = 150; mean age = 21.19, SD = 2.77; female = 90%). The student nurses completed the Life Attitudes Profile-Revised (LAP-R) and the Professional Quality of Life Scale (PROQoL). The data were analysed using the Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. Existential attitudes significantly predicted scores on the PROQoL. The findings suggest that existential attitudes are an essential personal resource that could serve as a potential buffer against compassion fatigue and burnout while enhancing compassion satisfaction.  相似文献   

社会心理服务体系建设要求用心理学理论和方法开展精细化社会治理, 而在多元主体共商共治的过程中出现了群体决策质量无法得到有效评估的问题。群体决策“过程-结果模型”认为应该从“双过程” (信息加工过程和人际互动过程)和“双结果” (客观结果和主观感受)两个方面综合评估群体决策质量。基于该模型建构的群体决策质量问卷自评法和录像他评法被应用于大学生和社区居民一些真实问题解决的群体决策质量评估。研究结果显示群体决策质量自评问卷效度良好, 适合作为群体决策质量的自评工具; 录像他评法与问卷自评法结果相互印证能够全面地反映群体决策质量, 可应用于更广阔的社会治理领域中。  相似文献   

Approximately 40% of college students reported engaging in heavy episodic or "binge" drinking in the 2 weeks prior to being surveyed. Research indicates that college students suffering from depression are more likely to report experiencing negative consequences related to their drinking than other students are. The reasons for this relationship have not been well-studied. Hence, the purpose of this study was to determine whether use of protective behavioral strategies (PBS), defined as cognitive-behavioral strategies an individual can use when drinking alcohol that limit both consumption and alcohol-related problems, mediated the relationship between depressive symptoms and alcohol-related negative consequences among college students. Data were obtained from 686 participants from a large, public university who were referred to an alcohol intervention as a result of violating on-campus alcohol policies. Results from structural equation modeling analyses indicated that use of PBS partially mediated the relationship between depressive symptoms and alcohol-related negative consequences. Implications for clinicians treating college students who report experiencing depressive symptoms or consuming alcohol are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between sex-role and nontraditional major choice. The sample included 693 male and female students enrolled in traditional and nontraditional majors. In addition to exploring this relationship the study had a methodological intent: Could scales derived from previous factor analyses of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory delineate this relationship as readily as the traditional Bem scoring method. Results indicate significant distributional patterns in sex-role and choice of major, which vary by sex. Men tend to choose male-dominated majors, regardless of sex-role. Patterns for females are more complex. The factored scales used in cross-validated discriminate analysis procedures did demonstrate some power to discriminate students in the two majors, suggesting certain implications for sex-role transcendence in vocational settings.  相似文献   

The role of cognitive complexity in the career maturity of college students was investigated. Simple and multiple correlational analyses were performed upon data from 99 college students who were administered the Attitude Scale and Competence Test of the Career Maturity Inventory, the Bieri Repertory Test, and the Bodden Cognitive Differentiation Grid. Results generally supported the prediction that career maturity would be found to be positively associated with cognitive complexity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to increase our insight into older employees' achievement motivation by examining the prevalence of dominant achievement goals among a “unique” group of 172 Dutch workers who remained active after their post-statutory retirement age. Moreover, we investigated how their dominant achievement goals were linked to motivation-related outcomes (i.e., work engagement and meaning of work). Our results showed that, relative to younger workers, a significantly higher amount of older workers endorsed dominant mastery-avoidance goals. In addition, as expected, older workers with dominant mastery-approach goals scored highest, while the workers with dominant mastery-avoidance goals scored lowest in work engagement, social and personal meaning of work. Theoretical as well as practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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