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It is widely held that there are important differences between indicative conditionals (e.g., “If the authors are linguists, they have written a linguistics paper”) and subjunctive conditionals (e.g., “If the authors had been linguists, they would have written a linguistics paper”). A central difference is that indicatives and subjunctives convey different stances toward the truth of their antecedents. Indicatives (often) convey neutrality: for example, about whether the authors in question are linguists. Subjunctives (often) convey the falsity of the antecedent: for example, that the authors in question are not linguists. This paper tests prominent accounts of how these different stances are conveyed: whether by presupposition or conversational implicature. Experiment 1 tests the presupposition account by investigating whether the stances project—remain constant—when embedded under operators like negations, possibility modals, and interrogatives, a key characteristic of presuppositions. Experiment 2 tests the conversational-implicature account by investigating whether the stances can be cancelled without producing a contradiction, a key characteristic of implicatures. The results provide evidence that both stances—neutrality about the antecedent in indicatives and the falsity of the antecedent in subjunctives—are conveyed by conversational implicatures.  相似文献   

The evidence is mixed regarding the utility of psychometric test scores in prediction of the likelihood of sexual reoffending. This paper summarizes the research examining the relationship between psychometric measures and sexual recidivism, before detailing the findings of four large-scale studies in England and Wales, and comparing the findings of these studies to similar studies from other countries. The implications of the evidence to date are discussed, and recommendations are made for the future of psychometric testing as a way of determining risk of recidivism, dynamic risk factors, change over treatment, and the efficacy of rehabilitative programs.  相似文献   

Our aim was to develop an age-appropriate measure of early manifestations of aggression. We constructed a questionnaire about normative developmental milestones into which a set of items measuring infants' use of physical force against people and expressed anger were included. These items comprise the Cardiff Infant Contentiousness Scale (CICS). Evidence for the reliability and validity of the CICS is provided from analyses of a sample of N=310 British infants, assessed at a mean age of 6 months as part of a larger longitudinal study of the development of aggression. The informants' CICS ratings demonstrated reasonable levels of internal consistency and interrater agreement. Informants' ratings were validated by observations of infants' distress in response to restraint in a car seat. Longitudinal analyses revealed that contentiousness was stable over time and that contentiousness at 6 months predicted infants' later use of force with peers. When used in the company of other methods, the simple four-item CICS scale could serve as a useful screen for early manifestations of aggressiveness in human infants.  相似文献   

Incorporating temporal decline in predictive validity into mental testing theory is outlined. Starting from multivariate regression of criterion on repeated measurements, an analytic extension results in a weighting function for repeated measurements, replacing the beta weights. Besides optimizing, the procedure permits an evaluation of any particular prognosis setting: In cases of exponentially declining predictive validity, prognostic range can be extended if concurrent validity is nonperfect by optimal weighting (predictive filtering) of repeated measurements. Considerable gain in prognostic range over the traditional approach can be achieved if predictive validity declines concavely downwards.This work was supported by grant Dr 58/3 from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Internal and external validity tests were completed for an inventory that has been used to infer signs of temporal lobe lability. Strong, positive correlations were reported for a normal (reference) population between the numbers of responses that referred to paranormal experiences (including feelings of a "presence") and separately to religious beliefs and the numbers of spikes per minute within electroencephalographic recordings from the temporal lobe. Numbers of spikes were also correlated with the subjects' scores on the hysteria, schizophrenia, and psychasthenia scales from the MMPI. These clusters of items were not correlated with electrical activity from the occipital lobe (the comparison region). Numbers of responses to control clusters of mundane experiences were not correlated with the temporal lobe measures. A group of student poets scored higher on different subclusters of temporal lobe signs and on the schizophrenia and mania scales of the MMPI than the reference group. For both groups, there were positive correlations between the amount of alpha activity in the temporal lobe only and answers to items such as "hearing inner voices" and "feeling as if things were not real." These results demonstrate that quantitative measures of electrical changes in the temporal lobe are correlated with (or with the report of) specific experiences that are prevalent during surgical or epileptic stimulation of this brain region.  相似文献   

This article is an extension of the Ben-Porath and Butcher (1989a) study, investigating the claim that the scores and configural patterns of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) are consistent with those of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). College students (200 men and 200 women) were randomly assigned to either the original to original condition (O-O), in which they took the MMPI twice, or the original to revised condition (O-R), in which they took the MMPI and the MMPI-2. Correlations and configural patterns of the O-O condition were compared to those of the O-R condition. Results suggest some score changes between the MMPI and MMPI-2, particularly on Scales L, 5, and 8 for men and Scales L and 5 for women.  相似文献   

Much social psychological research is concerned with the question whether and how behavior changes because of a “treatment” (e.g., a situation that triggers a psychological reaction). One easy way to investigate such changes would be to analyze intraindividual differences before (Time 1) and after the treatment (Time 2). Interestingly, many scholars refrain from using difference scores because they think they are inherently unreliable. However, the bad reputation of difference scores is, in many cases, unwarranted: difference scores can be sufficiently reliable when standard deviations differ between measurement occasions, and standard deviations are likely to differ between measurement occasions because of differential treatment effects (i.e., interindividual differences in responsiveness to a treatment) and/or “strong situation” treatments. In the present article, we will (1) summarize classic and current arguments regarding the reliability of difference scores, (2) discuss the use of residual change scores as an alternative to difference scores, and (3) argue that latent difference score models are a particularly useful tool that social psychologists should consider using more frequently. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Along with examples involving vocational interests and mathematics achievement, the authors describe a multiple regression based, pattern recognition procedure that can be used to identify a pattern of predictor scores associated with high scores on a criterion variable. This pattern is called the criterion pattern. After the criterion pattern has been identified, a second regression procedure can be used to estimate the proportion of variation attributable to the criterion pattern. Cross-validation can then be used to estimate the variation attributable to a criterion pattern derived from regression weights estimated in another sample. Finally, issues of criterion pattern invariance and interpretation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores the mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between transformational leadership (TFL) and nurses’ job performance, along with the moderating effect of conscientiousness on work engagement within the TFL/performance relationship. Survey data were collected from 234 supervisor–subordinate dyads at a regional hospital in Taiwan, and linear regression modeling performed to examine the hypotheses. TFL was found to be positively correlated with nurses’ job performance; and the motivation mechanism of work engagement did mediate the relationship between TFL and job performance, but only when nurses’ conscientiousness was high. As such, the results provide new insights into both how, and why, TFL can enhance nurses’ job performance: specifically, that their work engagement and conscientiousness are key determinants of how the TFL/job performance relationship operates.  相似文献   

This preliminary study investigated whether individual differences in performance on a difficult social perception task (determining the sex of shape normalized, line drawn dynamic faces) are related to sex of observer, scores on an empathy quotient and scores on a systemizing quotient. Performance in the face perception task (N = 60) was above chance, indicating that participants could judge the sex of the degraded facial stimuli from dynamic information alone. There was a trend for women to be more accurate in their judgments of target sex than men, but regression analyses indicated that EQ scores alone predicted performance on the task. This study suggests that empathy may mediate sex differences in face perception abilities, and potentially other tasks in social perception.  相似文献   

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) results were compared in 118 psychiatric outpatients given standard instructions, instructions to exaggerate their problems, instructions to feign a disorder they did not have, or instructions to feign global psychological disturbance. The groups were comparable on demographic, occupational and diagnostic characteristics as well as intake MMPI-2 results. Experimental MMPI-2 results showed that clinical scales were generally elevated in the feigning groups, with only modest differences across dissimulating instruction sets. The feigning groups had reliably higher scores than controls on all overreporting indexes examined, although no significant differences between feigning groups were present for overreporting indexes. Classification rates using previously proposed cutting scores for outpatients on individual feigning indexes showed near perfect specificity, but low to at best moderate sensitivity. Multiple regression analyses indicated that Gough's (1954) Dissimulation Scale (Ds2) was most strongly related to feigning status, and no other feigning scale contributed a significant increment in predictive power once Ds2 was entered.  相似文献   

This preliminary study investigated whether individual differences in performance on a difficult social perception task (determining the sex of shape normalized, line drawn dynamic faces) are related to sex of observer, scores on an empathy quotient and scores on a systemizing quotient. Performance in the face perception task (N = 60) was above chance, indicating that participants could judge the sex of the degraded facial stimuli from dynamic information alone. There was a trend for women to be more accurate in their judgments of target sex than men, but regression analyses indicated that EQ scores alone predicted performance on the task. This study suggests that empathy may mediate sex differences in face perception abilities, and potentially other tasks in social perception.  相似文献   

Given the potentially harmful effects of parenting stress on parents, children, and their relationship, it is critical to have a reliable and valid measure of parenting stress in clinical and community samples. The Family Strain Index (FSI) is a brief questionnaire designed to measure stress and demand on parents of children with ADHD. The present study is the first to evaluate the psychometric properties of scores on the FSI in a general community sample. Parents (89% mothers) of 550 preschool children (aged 2–5 years; 50% boys) sampled through 17 kindergartens located in Danish cities and villages completed the FSI, the ADHD Rating Scale (RS)‐IV Preschool Version, and a background questionnaire. FSI scores were characterized by restricted range and floor effects. The scale's construct validity was not supported and the measurement repeatability after 1 month was low. The scale did have convergent validity as levels of parenting stress were associated with perceived ADHD behavior in off‐spring, but overall, results did not encourage the use of the FSI as a measure of parenting stress in the general population. Measures that include more normative events may be more appropriate when attempting to capture parenting stress in general community samples.  相似文献   

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