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龙建  龙立荣 《心理科学》1998,21(3):283-284
本文曾得到杨洁自教授的指导,特此表示衷心感谢!1引言内隐记忆是近二十年来记忆研究的一个重要方面,研究从E.K.Warrington在遗忘症身上首先发现内隐记忆的现象开始。遗忘症是一临床综合症名称,可由酒精中毒,脑外伤和脑肿瘤等原因引起。目前一般认为,遗忘症患者内隐记忆正常,外显记忆下降,智力基本正常。记忆是智力的组成部分,内隐记忆,外显记忆与智力的关系是目前内隐记忆研究的一个方向。本文以脑外伤患者为研究对象,初步探讨了两种记忆及其与智力的关系。2研究方法2川对象随机选取武汉市六所医院因中型闭合性脑挫裂伤经非…  相似文献   

脑中风患者由于大脑局部血流供应的阻断或出血常常伴发一些心理功能障碍。除比较明显的各种各样失语外,我们过去的工作表明,这类病人的记忆功能,词语流畅性及视觉运动反应时间也存在明显损害。这些心理机能损害随着病程的转归会有哪些变化,心理作业成绩与临床疗效关系如何是本研究的目的。被试:55名被试选自1983~1988年在天坛医院神经内科住院人群。其中脑梗塞38例;脑出血17例。左侧  相似文献   

据研究发现,部分脑外伤或脑震荡病人有脑器质性损害存在,并可致神经心理活动的失调。研究还显示,脑外伤者的智力有明显改变,有关其与记忆的关系国内报道不多,为了探讨脑震荡与记忆的关系,我们于1984年10~1987年1月,对101例脑震荡后患者与74名正常人的记忆作对照研究,现报告如下。对象和方法一、对象脑震荡组:共101例。男74例,女27例。年龄16~64岁,平均33.8岁。文化程度:  相似文献   

智力超常与常态学生技术创造性思维的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究采用“中—德技术创造跨文化研究”的创造性思维测验,对134名智力超常和常态学生作了集体测验,着重考察了超常与常态学生在创造性思维、思维的独创性(新颖性)、灵活性、流畅性和精细性,及心理折叠和问题解决等方面的反应差异。  相似文献   

问题的提出早在1918年,吴伟士(Woodworth)曾使用过发散性思维和集中性思维的概念;斯皮尔曼(Spearman,1927)、卡推尔(Cattell)曾研究过流畅性因素;塞斯顿(Thurstone,1938)、泰罗(Taylor 1947)、弗勒克特(Fruchter,1948)等对词的流畅性、观念流畅性和联想流畅性作过研究;在加纳特(Garnelt,1919)、哈格雷夫斯(Hargreaves,1927)、塞斯顿(1938)等人的智力研究中,对变通性和独特性已有所触及。本世纪,五十年代美国南加州大学心理学家吉尔福特Guilford)提出了著名的智力结构模型,他认为,人类智力不仅内容有别,而且操作方式均有不同,产品也彼此各异,由此构想出一个由操作、内容、产品三个参数组成的三维智力模式。在操作这一维度上,提出有认知、记忆、聚合性思维、  相似文献   

以7~15岁儿童青少年为研究对象,考察加工速度和执行功能对流体智力的影响。研究结果表明,随着年龄的增长,感觉运动加工速度、知觉加工速度对流体智力从具有直接影响到只通过执行功能中的记忆更新成分产生间接影响,但这种影响存在年龄间的差异。在童年中期(7~9岁),知觉加工速度对流体智力不仅具有直接的预测作用,还通过记忆更新对其产生间接的影响。童年晚期(10~12岁),感觉运动加工速度和知觉加工速度不再对流体智力具有直接预测作用,都是通过记忆更新和抑制/转换合成成分间接对流体智力起作用。青春期(13~15岁),知觉加工速度对流体智力只通过记忆更新产生间接影响。  相似文献   

脑外伤患者记忆功能的双重特征:损伤与保存   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该研究探讨了中─重型闭合性脑外伤患者及对照被试(各17名)在对单个汉字不同水平的加工后,其外显记忆(自由回忆、再认)和内隐记忆(汉字补笔起动效应)的若干特点。发现:患者组外显记忆受损而内隐记忆正常;两组被试在深层意义加工中的外显记忆均强于在浅层表面加工中的外显记忆,这种语义易化现象以耗费更多的认知努力为代价,其中患者组耗费的尤多,而记忆效率却不及对照组。综上,脑外伤患者记忆功能呈损伤和保存双重性。  相似文献   

加工流畅性指完成心理任务时对其难易程度的感受,是一种主观体验。它分为知觉流畅性、语言流畅性、检索流畅性等。加工流畅性的判定标准主要有两种:一种是对流畅性的操作性定义和反应时的概念等同。另一种是主观体验困难程度的自我报告。流畅性在决策过程中有重要作用,它不仅作为直接线索影响策略的选择,还对个体的认知策略产生影响。  相似文献   

国外音乐治疗在老年痴呆症中的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧美国家中音乐治疗在老年痴呆症领域中的应用已经有半个世纪的历史,可以说已经比较成熟。美国的联邦法律甚至规定老年病医疗机构必须设有音乐治疗,可见音乐治疗在这一领域中的疗效已经为政府和社会所承认。本文简略地介绍了一些欧美国家音乐治疗在老年痴呆症治疗中的研究成果。这些研究主要在音乐治疗对于改善病人记忆功能、认知功能、行为功能、语言功能和情绪功能等方面的效果方面。  相似文献   

注意控制和短时存储对音位流畅性和语义流畅性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工作记忆的中央执行系统具有注意控制和短时存储的功能。采用双任务范式,探讨了中央执行系统的注意控制和短时存储对言语流畅性的影响。实验1考察了中央执行系统的转换和抑制功能对音位流畅性和语义言语流畅性的影响。结果表明,中央执行系统的转换和抑制功能对两种言语流畅性的影响相当。实验2考察了中央执行系统的注意控制资源和短时存储资源对两种言语流畅性的影响。结果表明,语义流畅性更依赖于短时存储资源,音位流畅性更依赖于注意控制资源。研究还发现,被试完成语义流畅性任务的策略更易受概念系统的特性影响,完成音位流畅性任务的策略更易受语言的特点影响。在实验研究的基础上,作者提出了工作记忆影响言语流畅性的理论模型  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of severe closed head injury (CHI) on the speed of information processing within semantic categories. The question of whether subjects were able to benefit from priming was also investigated. Survivors of severe CHI who were less than 1 year postinjury and survivors who were greater than 1 year postinjury were compared with neurologically normal matched controls utilizing a category judgement task. The results demonstrated slower processing within semantic memory for both groups of CHI patients compared to normal controls. Furthermore, individuals with CHI were able to benefit from priming to the same relative degree as control subjects. Overall, the results suggested semantic organization remains intact after severe CHI, but accessing semantic information is slowed.  相似文献   

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a psychological condition characterized by inattention and hyperactivity. Cognitive deficits are commonly observed in ADHD patients, including impaired working memory, processing speed, and fluid intelligence, the three of which are theorized to be closely associated with one another. In this study, we aimed to determine if decreased fluid intelligence was associated with ADHD, and was mediated by deficits in working memory and processing speed. This study tested 142 young adults from the general population on a range of working memory, processing speed, and fluid intelligence tasks, and an ADHD self‐report symptoms questionnaire. Results showed that total and hyperactive ADHD symptoms correlated significantly and negatively with fluid intelligence, but this association was fully mediated by working memory. However, inattentive symptoms were not associated with fluid intelligence. Additionally, processing speed was not associated with ADHD symptoms at all, and was not uniquely predictive of fluid intelligence. The results provide implications for working memory training programs for ADHD patients, and highlight potential differences between the neuropsychological profiles of ADHD subtypes.  相似文献   

The study's goal was to identify the beginning of 1st grade quantitative competencies that predict mathematics achievement start point and growth through 5th grade. Measures of number, counting, and arithmetic competencies were administered in early 1st grade and used to predict mathematics achievement through 5th (n = 177), while controlling for intelligence, working memory, and processing speed. Multilevel models revealed intelligence and processing speed, and the central executive component of working memory predicted achievement or achievement growth in mathematics and, as a contrast domain, word reading. The phonological loop was uniquely predictive of word reading and the visuospatial sketch pad of mathematics. Early fluency in processing and manipulating numerical set size and Arabic numerals, accurate use of sophisticated counting procedures for solving addition problems, and accuracy in making placements on a mathematical number line were uniquely predictive of mathematics achievement. Use of memory-based processes to solve addition problems predicted mathematics and reading achievement but in different ways. The results identify the early quantitative competencies that uniquely contribute to mathematics learning.  相似文献   

Speed of information processing as measured by various reaction time and inspection tasks has been shown to correlate with psychometric intelligence, and it has been suggested that general intelligence (g) is determined to some degree by the speed that information is processed. If this is so, then various measures of speed of information processing should correlate substantially with each other, and each should also correlate with a wide range of psychometric tests that load on g. Alternatively, intelligence may be considered to be a multi-faceted complex of partially related abilities with specific abilities being dependent upon specific cognitive processes. If this is the case, it should be possible to discover independent cognitive processes, some of which correlate with one facet or broad ability and some with another. This paper presents three experiments in which the relationship between intellectual ability and four speed of information processing measures was examined. These were rate of memory scanning, rate of retrieval of information from long term memory, speed of stimulus-response mapping and inspection time (IT). Results showed that correlations between IT and most reaction time measures of speed of information processing were low, and that correlations between different versions of IT were negligible. In addition, some cognitive tasks with verbal material (memory scanning rate for digits and Posner letter matching IT) correlated most substantially with Verbal Reasoning whereas non-verbal (two-line) IT consistently correlated with tests loading on g. It was thus suggested that while non-verbal IT may be a measure of a perceptual speed attribute that contributes to mental functioning, other “speed of information processing” parameters may be more specific to a subset of abilities.  相似文献   

加工速度、工作记忆与液态智力发展的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
刘昌 《心理学报》2004,36(4):464-475
有关儿童液态智力 (fluid intelligence) 发展的年龄特征早已有了较明确的一致性结论。然而,儿童液态智力发展的机制问题到现在仍知之甚少。早期零星的研究观察到,随着儿童年龄的增长,其信息加工速度变快,工作记忆能力和液态智力亦提高。由此可推测,对儿童液态智力与加工速度、工作记忆能力关系的考察有助于阐明儿童液态智力发展的机制问题。 近10多年已有不少研究分别探讨了液态智力与加工速度、液态智力与工作记忆的关系,并已开始同时探讨液态智力与加工速度和工作记忆的关系。但令人惊讶的是,有关儿童液态智力发展与加工速度、工作记忆关系问题的综合探讨几成空白,到目前为止,仅有极少量的研究 (Fry 和Hale, 1996; Miller和Vernon, 1996) 探讨了这一问题,其中Fry 和Hale (1996) 还提出了一个模型 (the developmental cascade model) 试图解释儿童液态智力发展的机制,随后Fry 和Hale (2000)进一步阐明并坚持了这一观点。Fry 和Hale的观点是,儿童液态智力的发展取决于儿童工作记忆能力的发展,而工作记忆能力的发展又进一步取决于儿童信息加工速度能力的发展。这就是说,加工速度和工作记忆是儿童液态智力发展的两个关键因素,其中加工速度又是第一作用因素。Fry 和Hale (1996, 2000) 提出了她们的观点后,后续研究在国际上仍十分少见。但来自于发展领域之外的研究似乎不支持Fry 和Hale (1996, 2000)的观点。研究发现(Conway et al., 2002),仅工作记忆能很好预测液态智力的变化,而加工速度不能很好预测液态智力的变化。 该研究从南京市中小学随机选取了243名10到18岁的健康儿童(男生127名,女生116名)。所有被试共完成7项任务,包括2项液态智力任务测试(瑞文标准推理测验和卡特尔文化公平智力测验,以原始分作为数据分析指标)、3项加工速度任务测试(数字抄写、字母串比较和符号串比较)、2项工作记忆任务(数字工作记忆和视空间工作记忆)。验证性因素分析发现这7项任务所测量的正是液态智力、加工速度和工作记忆这3个因子,且这3个因子间存在显著的相关。但随后的结构方程模型分析表明,从工作记忆到液态智力间存在显著路径,但从加工速度到液态智力并不存在显著路径,工作记忆几乎可完全解释儿童液态智力的发展变化(85.4%),且可以解释81.6%的加工速度的发展变化量。仅当不考虑工作记忆这一因素时,加工速度才能解释50%的液态智力的发展变化。这表明,工作记忆是儿童液态智力发展的基础,而加工速度则不是。这一结果在以三个变量的平均标准分数为基础所进行的层级回归分析 (hierarchical regression analyses)中亦得到了证实。 总体上,该研究并不支持Fry 和Hale (1996, 2000)的观点。工作记忆是儿童液态智力发展的关键因素,而加工速度则不是。加工速度与液态智力存在显著相关,其原因可能在于,加工速度反映的是儿童液态智力的同一年龄内个体差异而不是年龄间差异(即发展性变化)。本研究同时对工作记忆之所以是儿童液态智力发展的基础的可能原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Abstract— Processing speed, working memory capacity, and fluid intelligence were assessed in a large sample ( N = 214) of children, adolescents, and young adults (ages 7 to 19 years) Results of path analyses revealed that almost half of the age-related increase in fluid intelligence was mediated by developmental changes in processing speed and marking memory and nearly three fourths of the improvement in working memory was mediated by developmental changes in processing speed Moreover, even when age-related differences in speed, working memory and fluid intelligence were statistically controlled, individual differences in speed had a direct effect on working memory capacity which, in turn was a direct determinant of individual differences in fluid intelligence  相似文献   

The phonological processing and memory skills of 12- and 13-year-old Italian children with difficulty in learning English as a foreign language (foreign language learning difficulty, FLLD) were examined and compared with those of a control group matched for age and nonverbal intelligence. Three experiments were conducted. A dissociation between verbal and visuo-spatial working memory was observed when compared to the control group; children with FLLD showed a poorer performance in a phonological working memory task but performed to a comparable level in a visuo-spatial working memory task (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2 the word length and the response modality of an auditory word span task were manipulated in order to examine the efficiency of the phonological loop and the relevance of the spoken output. The FLLD group did not show sensitivity to the word length effect and showed no advantage in the picture pointing recall condition. In Experiment 3 children with FLLD were shown to be sensitive to phonological similarity but again they showed neither a word length effect nor a slower articulation speed. Furthermore, in all three experiments children with FLLD were shown to be less efficient in phonological sensitivity tasks and this deficit appeared to be independent of the phonological memory problem. All three experiments consistently showed that children with FLLD have an impairment in phonological memory and phonological processing, which appear to be independent from one other but both contribute to the children's difficulty in learning a second language.  相似文献   

According to the temporal resolution power (TRP) hypothesis, higher TRP as reflected by better performance on psychophysical timing tasks accounts for faster speed of information processing and increased efficiency of information processing leading to better performance on tests of psychometric intelligence. An alternative explanation of individual differences in psychometric intelligence highlights individual differences in working memory (WM) capacity which has been found to be closely associated with psychometric intelligence. A latent variable approach was applied on the data of 200 participants ranging in age from 18 to 30 years and spanning a large range of levels of psychometric intelligence. Functional relationships were examined among TRP, WM capacity, as well as reasoning and speed of processing as two important aspects of psychometric intelligence. As predicted by the TRP hypothesis, the relation between TRP and psychometric intelligence was mediated by WM capacity supporting the view that higher TRP leads to better coordinated mental operations which, in turn, result in higher psychometric intelligence. The results are discussed against the background that WM capacity and psychometric reasoning are hardly dissociable from each other and that the specific factors limiting WM capacity and accounting for the mediation effect need to be identified in future research.  相似文献   

The phonological processing and memory skills of 12- and 13-year-old Italian children with difficulty in learning English as a foreign language (foreign language learning difficulty, FLLD) were examined and compared with those of a control group matched for age and nonverbal intelligence. Three experiments were conducted. A dissociation between verbal and visuo-spatial working memory was observed when compared to the control group; children with FLLD showed a poorer performance in a phonological working memory task but performed to a comparable level in a visuo-spatial working memory task (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2 the word length and the response modality of an auditory word span task were manipulated in order to examine the efficiency of the phonological loop and the relevance of the spoken output. The FLLD group did not show sensitivity to the word length effect and showed no advantage in the picture pointing recall condition. In Experiment 3 children with FLLD were shown to be sensitive to phonological similarity but again they showed neither a word length effect nor a slower articulation speed. Furthermore, in all three experiments children with FLLD were shown to be less efficient in phonological sensitivity tasks and this deficit appeared to be independent of the phonological memory problem. All three experiments consistently showed that children with FLLD have an impairment in phonological memory and phonological processing, which appear to be independent from one other but both contribute to the children's difficulty in learning a second language.  相似文献   

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