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This interdisciplinary article takes a philosophical approach to The Interpretation of Dreams, connecting Freud to one of the few philosophers with whom he sometimes identified – Immanuel Kant. It aims to show that Freud's theory of dreams has more in common with Bion's later thoughts on dreaming than is usually recognized. Distinguishing, via a discussion of Kant, between the conflicting ‘epistemological’ and ‘anthropological’ aspects of The Interpretation of Dreams, it shows that one specific contradiction in the book – concerning the relation between dream‐work and waking thought – can be understood in terms of the tension between these conflicting aspects. Freud reaches the explicit conclusion that the dream‐work and waking thought differ from each other absolutely; but the implicit conclusion of The Interpretation of Dreams is quite the opposite. This article argues that the explicit conclusion is the result of the epistemological aspects of the book; the implicit conclusion, which brings Freud much closer to Bion, the result of the anthropological approach. Bringing philosophy and psychoanalysis together this paper thus argues for an interpretation of The Interpretation of Dreams that is in some ways at odds with the standard view of the book, while also suggesting that aspects of Kant's ‘anthropological’ works might legitimately be seen as a precursor of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

This project explores what dreams might reveal about the collective psyche’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in its first year, before the development of vaccines. A brief survey, distributed to Jungian colleagues and organizations, and to various social media sites, invited people to submit online a dream related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Four hundred and thirty-six dreams were submitted. Forty additional Russian dreams were collected and submitted by Russian colleagues. Using qualitative research methods based on phenomenological hermeneutics, the researchers categorized and counted the range of COVID imagery. In addition, the researchers describe a range of psychic responses to the pandemic, including horror, grief, sickness, social discord, and violence, but also images of healing and transformation, increased sense of community, and spiritual renewal. Several healing nightmares are presented. Healing alchemical and anima/animus imagery is described. Twelve dreams are introduced and presented. It is concluded that the collective psyche, rooted in the Self, is a healing resource for social and cultural trauma. This project supports Beradt’s (1968) inspirational study of dreaming in Nazi Germany, as well as recent studies of COVID-related dreams and recent publications on the social nature of dreaming.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Nightmares—vivid, emotionally dysphoric dreams—are quite common and are associated with a broad range of psychiatric conditions. However, the origin of such dreams remains largely unexplained, and there have been no attempts to reconcile repetitive traumatic nightmares with nontraumatic nightmares, dysphoric dreams that do not awaken the dreamer, or with more normative dreams. Based on recent research in cognitive neuroscience, sleep physiology, fear conditioning, and emotional-memory regulation, we propose a multilevel neurocognitive model that unites waking and sleeping as a conceptual framework for understanding a wide spectrum of disturbed dreaming. We propose that normal dreaming serves a fear-extinction function and that nightmares reflect failures in emotion regulation. We further suggest that nightmares occur as a result of two processes that we term affect load—a consequence of daily variations in emotional pressures—and affect distress—a disposition to experience events with high levels of negative emotional reactivity.  相似文献   

2020年8月27日,国家宗教事务局、外交部、公安部、文化和旅游部、国家卫生健康委员会、海关总署、国家市场监督管理总局、中国民用航空局令公布了《伊斯兰教朝觐事务管理办法》(以下简称《办法》),自2020年12月1日起实施。《办法》的公布实施,对于深入贯彻落实新修订《宗教事务条例》,规范伊斯兰教朝觐事务管理,保持朝觐活动正常秩序,维护民族团结和社会和谐,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Lynne Hume 《Zygon》2004,39(1):237-258
Australian Aboriginal cosmology is centered on The Dreaming, which has an eternal nature. It has been referred to as “everywhen” to articulate its timelessness. Starting with the assumption that “waking” reality is only one type of experienced reality, we investigate the concept of timelessness as it pertains to the Aboriginal worldview. We begin by questioning whether in fact “Dreaming” is an appropriate translation of a complex Aboriginal concept, then discuss whether there is any relationship between dreaming and The Dreaming. We then discuss Aboriginal ceremonial performance, during which actors are said to become Dreaming Ancestors, using as a frame of reference the “flow” experience explicated by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi together with Alfred Schutz's “mutual tuning‐in relationship.”  相似文献   

中医和中国哲学中身体的意义:以梦为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对梦这个精神现象的考察可从多个角度进行,中国医学和哲学范围内的几种释梦思路反映出对精神状态的一贯重视,但这种重视必须联系身体观念才构成完整的体察。中医把梦视为身体疾病的信号,道家的"至人无梦"说和宋代理学对"孔子梦周公"问题的讨论则涉及两种释梦思路间的转移,即从视梦为精神状态和精神修养的指针到兆示吉凶的征兆。脱离身体的精神化解读暴露的中国古典身体观念和崇圣传统之间的张力,是造成这一转移的主要因素。  相似文献   

To the rabbis, dreams were a serious theological challenge. While in the Hebrew Bible dreams could be prophetic and therefore a source of authority, rabbinic authority was based on textual interpretation rather than direct revelation. This article examines one rabbinic strategy for responding to this challenge: the Talmudic dream ritual of Berakhot 55b. Through this ritual the rabbis place the dreamer in the position of a supplicant. Dreaming becomes like an illness or curse rather than a revelation. Instead of telling the dream, the dreamer prays for its healing. This article argues that this ritual itself is a form of interpretation, both of the dreamer’s dream and of the biblical texts about dreaming, in which the biblical idea of revelation through dreams is retained but the dream itself is stripped of any specific prophetic meaning. Through the performative speech of this ritual the dreamer places the dangerous dream under the power of rabbinic authority.
Devorah SchoenfeldEmail:

Devorah Schoenfeld   is the Ike Wiener Chair of Jewish Studies at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.  相似文献   

After examining the identity issues in Freud's Irma dream, Erik Erikson (1954) concludes that workable dream solutions may be not only ego-syntonic but also ethno-syntonic. Dreams may therefore open a window onto private, unconscious perceptions of the especially significant others upon whom we depend for security and satisfaction. The author examines a number of dream texts from this angle. Through these examples, he illustrates the way in which dreams may depict a person's sense of unconscious connection and responsibility to family, to community, and, in special cases, to one's nation. Dream life may thus illuminate a person's unconscious citizenship.  相似文献   


Since Freud's Dream Interpretation and his additional writings on the analysis of dreams, the technique of handling a dream report within the analytic session has remained nearly unchanged. It is characterised by dream-centred associations and their interpretation in regard to dream content and to transference. This approach constitutes an alien element within contemporary interactional psychoanalytic technique and tends to provoke resistances in the analytic dialogue. This article stresses the function of dream reporting during the session with respect to the interactional process. It is concluded that sufficient attention should be given to interactional analysis of dream reporting in accordance with the questions: Why does the patient at this point of the process tell a dream, and why does he tell this very dream instead of another?  相似文献   

This article reports on the Boundaries in Practice (BIP) Scale developed to measure knowledge, comfort, ethical decision making, and experience. Few instruments used in studies conducted on professional/?client boundaries have been validated. The BIP demonstrated sound face, content and construct validity, and adequate internal consistency reliability. The BIP Scale provides the first reliable and valid means of investigating multiple boundary domains across health disciplines and teams. The sensitivity and complexity of boundary issues and the serious consequences of breaches highlight the importance of a valid and reliable measure in building empirical knowledge in this field.  相似文献   

In his monograph Dreaming (1959), Normal Malcolm puts forward the following three theses:
(1) The temporal location of dreams as taking place in one's sleep is not an empirical fact, but determined by grammar.
(2) This grammatical determination does not allow dreams a precise date in physical time.
(3) Dreams do not consist of mental occurrences.
I argue that (1) is indeed perfectly true, whereas (2) is false; (3) is not borne out by Malcolm's verificationist main argument, although it can be shown to be largely true for other considerations.  相似文献   

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