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This paper describes and analyzes an “Integrating Seminar” capstone course for undergraduate religious studies majors, which has the following goals for student learning: (1) to reflect on the cumulative achievement of their studies of religion; (2) to take stock of their learning in liberal studies coursework; and (3) to explore the connections between these specialized and general learning experiences. Readings provided by the instructor and the students and discussions around them lead toward a final paper on this question: “In the context of becoming an educated person, what is religion, how do you know, and why do you care?” The paper concludes with some reflections on ways to better prepare students for this kind of integrated thinking through advising and ongoing colloquia.  相似文献   

Ninian Smart and the Phenomenological Approach to Religious Education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This essay reviews and assesses Ninian Smart's contribution to religious education. Attention is given to his account of the nature and purpose of religious education as expressed and developed in a series of works published between the late 1960s and the early 1970s, beginning with The Teacher and Christian Belief (1966) and ending with Schools Council Working Paper 36, Religious Education in the Secondary School (1971), which was produced under his direction. Continuities and tensions in his thought are identified and discussed in the context of recent debates within religious education and the academic study of religion. Smart’s case for non-confessional religious education is considered, as is his support for a phenomenological approach to religious education. Although serious criticisms are raised, it is concluded that his work is of abiding significance and relevance to both British education and beyond.  相似文献   

Employee Empowerment: An Integrative Psychological Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An integrative psychological approach to employee empowerment was developed based on the premise that the psychological experience of power underlies feelings of empowerment. This research extends existing perspectives on empowerment by incorporating the empowering effect of valued goals, such as those provided by transformational leadership. Goal internalisation was identified as a major component of the psychological experience of empowerment, in addition to the two traditional facets of perceptions of control over the work environment and perceptions of self‐efficacy or competence. Standard measure development procedures using a sample of employed individuals from Quebec, Canada and subsequent validation with an organisational sample from Ontario, Canada yielded a three‐factor scale of psychological empowerment corresponding to these three dimensions. The implications of defining empowerment as a psychological state and the need for multiple measures of empowerment are also discussed.  相似文献   

Current knowledge provides ample evidence of widespread neurological and developmental impairments underlying the behavior of psychotic youngsters. Occupational Therapy can now assess, treat, and make "sense" of the psychotic child's disturbed systems. A case study of a severely disturbed, self-abusing, childhood schizophrenic patient is presented. The treatment process and behavioral changes are discussed and augmented with statistical analysis.  相似文献   

Researchers using survey data to study religious commitment often create additive indices in which respondents receive a "point" on the scale for each behavior in which they engage, implicitly assuming that each activity is equally normative in each religious tradition. This has led some scholars to suggest that these scales can be "biased" in favor of evangelicals. In this paper, we introduce a unique series of survey questions asking respondents how important various activities are "for people of your religion". We use these new measures to generate tradition-specific weights for each component of a religious commitment scale according to the activity's perceived importance. We then present a method for constructing scales when such "importance" items are not available, using the frequency of behavior within each religious tradition as a surrogate for importance. We find that constructing religious commitment scales that take into account the normative differences across religious traditions produces statistically significant differences in the levels of commitment by religious tradition, especially among Roman Catholics. However, the substantive significance is less evident. When various measures of religious commitment are included as independent variables in multivariate models of political attitudes, their performance is remarkably similar. It appears that the standard additive indices of religious commitment commonly utilized by scholars of religion and politics are adequate for most analyses of social and political attitudes.  相似文献   

《中庸》新论:哲学与宗教性的诠释   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文在一个中西比较的视域中,结合新出土的历史文献,对《中庸》中“诚”、“性”、“情”、“礼”和“教”等最为重要的观念及其之间的内在关联进行了细致的分析,揭示了《中庸》所蕴涵的一个完整连贯的结构的哲学意义以及不同于西方的独特的宗教性。  相似文献   

对大学生、特别是对有宗教信仰或受宗教信仰影响很深的大学生如何进行科学世界观的教育?是一个非常值得关注的话题。我们发表戚甫娟同志这篇文章,希望能引起大家的关注和讨论。  相似文献   

With a clientele reflecting the profound demographic changes taking place in the United States, counselors in the 1990s need to acquire a practical understanding of religious beliefs that may be new and different to them. In their religious research and study, counselors must avoid the pitfalls of bias and stereotyping. The phenomenological method is proposed as a means of studying religion with minimum distortion from personal prejudices and presuppositions.  相似文献   

该文主要根据James R.Averill(1997)等人的观点,从整合的角度探讨了情绪问题,阐述了情绪分析的框架。此框架由6个情绪变量组成,分五个水平。在阐述了这五个水平及其关系之后,又从下向上论述了处于不同情绪组织水平上的成份反应、情绪状态、情绪症侯群和气质特征。  相似文献   

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