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In 3 experiments, the authors compared duration judgments of filled stimuli (tones) with unfilled ones (intervals defined by clicks or gaps in tones). Temporal generalization procedures (Experiment 1) and verbal estimation procedures (Experiments 2 and 3) all showed that subjective durations of the tones were considerably longer than those of unfilled intervals defined either by clicks or gaps, with the unfilled intervals being judged as approximately 55%-65% of the duration of the filled ones when real duration was the same. Analyses derived from the pacemaker-switch-accumulator clock model incorporated into scalar timing theory suggested that the filled/unfilled difference in mean estimates was due to higher pacemaker speed in the former case, although conclusively ruling out alternative interpretations in terms of attention remains difficult.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in an educational setting to investigate affective reactions occurring at different phases of the delivery of a service. An eight-minute delay caused more negative affective reactions when it occurred either before the service started (preprocess) or after the service had terminated (postprocess) than when it occurred in the middle of the service encounter (in-process). No differences were observed for positive affect. Field theory is proposed as a theoretical framework to account for the results, and practical applications for addressing the social problem of structuring waiting environments are discussed.  相似文献   

Pace alteration and estimation of time intervals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This experiment examined the effects on participants' estimates of interval duration of altering the pace of auditory stimuli contained within "filled" intervals. Because most previous studies on the filled interval effect have utilized visual displays, auditory stimuli were used to assess whether the effect would be present. In addition, previous studies compared two intervals, one of which was filled and the other unfilled. In the present study, both intervals were filled with tones at one of three rates (or "paces"): slow, medium, or fast. 25 participants (20 women) ages 18 to 29 years (M = 20.4, SD = 2.3) were recruited from psychology courses and programs. Participants first heard a "training" interval filled with tones at one of the three paces and then attempted to reproduce the duration of that training interval in the "test" interval. The pace of stimuli in each pair of training and test intervals was varied so participants received all possible combinations of paces of auditory stimuli during the training and test trial sets. Analysis showed that, when training pace was fast and test pace was medium or slow, participants' estimates were longer than the actual test interval durations. Conversely, when training pace was slow and test pace was medium or fast, participants' estimates were shorter than actual test interval durations. In addition, when judging shorter intervals, participants estimated more time had passed than actually had, while they estimated that less time had passed than actually had for longer intervals, thus providing support for Vierordt's law.  相似文献   

空白间隔对汉字知觉干扰效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用辨认残缺汉字的方法考察空白间隔对汉字知觉干扰效应的影响。两个实验分别考察了空白间隔的长短和不同的插入位置对汉字知觉干扰效应的影响,结果发现:(1)适当长度的空白间隔(大于等于600ms)能导致干扰效应的消失;(2)该空白间隔的位置越接近递进进程最后阶段,残缺汉字的辨认成绩越好,越不容易出现干扰。实验结果支持竞争激活假说,不支持失匹配假说。  相似文献   

Social exclusion is known to induce an immediate threat to one’s perceived sense of control. The sense of agency is an important human experience, strongly associated with volitional action. Healthy participants perceive the temporal interval between a voluntary action and its effect to be shorter than the same interval when it separates an involuntary action and effect. This temporal illusion is known as intentional binding and is used experimentally to index the implicit sense of agency. The current study investigated whether activating memories of social exclusion alters intentional binding. Results show that action-effect interval estimates are significantly longer after remembering an episode of social exclusion than after remembering an episode of social inclusion, or a no priming baseline condition. This study is the first to demonstrate the link between feelings of social exclusion and the pre-reflective sense of agency.  相似文献   

Although the ability of subjects to judge the duration of a temporal interval has been investigated using a variety of paradigms, most of the studies have used very short intervals ranging from a few hundred milliseconds to several seconds. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine the psychophysical relationship between judged and actual durations of longer intervals ranging from months to years. In Experiment 1, college students were asked to estimate the ages of 12 major news events which had occurred during the previous 5 years. Analysis of median estimates of each item showed that subjects underestimated the ages of the oldest items and overestimated the ages of the most recent items. To determine whether this regression effect was due to a response bias or to the context effect produced by other items on the questionnaire, Experiments 2 and 3 systematically varied the range of allowable response alternatives and the age of the background items that formed the context in which the experimental items were judged. Although the range of allowable response alternatives had a significant effect upon the estimates, no evidence was obtained for an item context effect. The data are interpreted in terms of a memory-based hypothesis which suggests that the subjects were attempting to recall the time of occurrence of the items and then deriving elapsed time rather than directly judging duration.  相似文献   

We analyzed the effects of the Colorado Medicaid Capitation Program on the duration and services of over 21,000 outpatient mental health episodes for young children. The study spanned a three year period before and after capitation was implemented, and compared episodes of outpatient care for children from 14 capitated Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) with those from three CMHCs that remained fee-for-service. Proportional hazards regressions revealed that capitation resulted in an increase in outpatient episode duration, over and above similar effects for the comparison fee-for-service episodes. The hypothesis that there were longer capitated episodes for children who were hospitalized was not supported. Children with behavioral and anxiety disorders had longer capitated episodes. Service intensity decreased over time in the managed care sites. Changes in case mix may have had an impact on changes in episode duration and service intensity. That outpatient episode duration increased over time while costs were lowered in the capitated agencies indicates some effects of capitation in changing patterns of care.  相似文献   

Humans perceive time with millisecond precision. However, when experiencing negative or fearful events, time appears to slow down and aversive events are judged to last longer than neutral or positive events of equal duration. Feelings of control have been shown to attenuate increases in arousal triggered by anxiety-provoking events. Here, we tested whether feelings of control can go as far as influencing people’s perception of the world, by modulating the perceived duration of aversive events. Observers judged the duration of images depicting positive or negative content, and we manipulated the amount of control experienced by participants. Crucially, participants never had any real control over events. All control was illusory. Results showed that when participants experienced low levels of control, negative images were judged as lasting longer than positive images. However, when participants illusorily experienced high levels of control, they no longer experienced aversive negative images as lasting longer than positive images.  相似文献   

This study examined picture recognition of concrete common objects and abstract random shapes under two presentation conditions: The durations of the unfilled intervals (off-time duration) that followed the presentation of the pictures were varied either randomly or in blocks. The major findings were: (a) recognition of the concrete pictures was better than recognition of random shapes, (b) the off-time duration did not influence recognition of either type of picture under the random presentation condition, and (c) under the block presentation condition, recognition of the concrete pictures increased as a function of off-time duration, whereas the effect of off-time duration was not found for the abstract shapes. The results were interpreted as suggesting that a longer off-time duration is necessary for abstract shapes so that stimulus differentiation, verbal encoding, visual analogizing, and rehearsing may be utilized in processing.  相似文献   

This study examined picture recognition of concrete common objects and abstract random shapes under two presentation conditions: The durations of the unfilled intervals (off-time duration) that followed the presentation of the pictures were varied either randomly or in blocks. The major findings were: recognition of the concrete pictures was better than recognition of random shapes, the off-time duration did not influence recognition of either type of picture under the random presentation condition, and under the block presentation condition, recognition of the concrete pictures increased as a function of off-time duration, whereas the effect of off-time duration was not found for the abstract shapes. The results were interpreted as suggesting that a longer off-time duration is necessary for abstract shapes so that stimulus differentiation, verbal encoding, visual analogizing, and rehearsing may be utilized in processing.  相似文献   

Power differentials are a ubiquitous feature of social interactions and power has been conceptualised as an interpersonal construct. Here we show that priming power changes the sense of agency, indexed by intentional binding. Specifically, participants wrote about episodes in which they had power over others, or in which others had power over them. After priming, participants completed an interval estimation task in which they judged the interval between a voluntary action and a visual effect. After low-power priming, participants judged intervals to be significantly longer than judgments after high-power or no priming. Thus, intentional binding was significantly changed by low-power, suggesting that power reduces the sense of agency for action outcomes. Our results demonstrate a clear intrapersonal effect of power. We suggest that intentional binding could be employed to assess agency in individuals suffering from anxiety and depression, both of which are characterised by reduced feelings of personal control.  相似文献   

Estimation of duration has been shown to be a function of the amount and manner of organization of information processed during an interval. It was assumed that the use of an organizational schema to encode information reduces the actual amount of information stored. It was predicted that the use of an organizational schema will result in relatively shorter estimates of duration. Eighteen undergraduate subjects made estimates of intervals (.58 to 3.0 sec.) during which they watched film animations of moving geometric forms. In a second condition the same subjects were instructed to organize the animation as representing social interaction. An interaction showed that the use of an organizational schema to encode information resulted in smaller estimates for the longer intervals.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested humans on a memory for duration task based on the method of Wearden and Ferrara (1993), which had previously provided evidence for subjective shortening in memory for stimulus duration. Auditory stimuli were tones (filled) or click-defined intervals (unfilled). Filled visual stimuli were either squares or lines, with the unfilled interval being the time between two line presentations. In Experiment 1, good evidence for subjective shortening was found when filled and unfilled visual stimuli, or filled auditory stimuli, were used, but evidence for subjective shortening with unfilled auditory stimuli was more ambiguous. Experiment 2 used a simplified variant of the Wearden and Ferrara task, and evidence for subjective shortening was obtained from all four stimulus types.  相似文献   

We investigated the discrimination of two neighboring intra- or inter-modal empty time intervals marked by three successive stimuli. Each of the three markers was a flash (visual—V) or a sound (auditory—A). The first and last markers were of the same modality, while the second one was either A or V, resulting in four conditions: VVV, VAV, AVA and AAA. Participants judged whether the second interval, whose duration was systematically varied, was shorter or longer than the 500-ms first interval. Compared with VVV and AAA, discrimination was impaired with VAV, but not so much with AVA (in Experiment 1). Whereas VAV and AVA consisted of the same set of single intermodal intervals (VA and AV), discrimination was impaired in the VAV compared to the AVA condition. This difference between VAV and AVA could not be attributed to the participants' strategy to perform the discrimination task, e.g., ignoring the standard interval or replacing the visual stimuli with sounds in their mind (in Experiment 2). These results are discussed in terms of sequential grouping according to sensory similarity.  相似文献   

This article discusses two experiments on the discrimination of time intervals presented in sequences marked by brief auditory signals. Participants had to indicate whether the last interval in a series of three intervals marked by four auditory signals was shorter or longer than the previous intervals. Three base durations were under investigation: 75, 150, and 225 ms. In Experiment 1, sounds were presented through headphones, from a single-speaker in front of the participants or by four equally spaced speakers. In all three presentation modes, the highest different threshold was obtained in the lower base duration condition (75 ms), thus indicating an impairment of temporal processing when sounds are presented too rapidly. The results also indicate the presence, in each presentation mode, of a 'time-shrinking effect' (i.e., with the last interval being perceived as briefer than the preceding ones) at 75 ms, but not at 225 ms. Lastly, using different sound sources to mark time did not significantly impair discrimination. In Experiment 2, three signals were presented from the same source, and the last signal was presented at one of two locations, either close or far. The perceived duration was not influenced by the location of the fourth signal when the participant knew before each trial where the sounds would be delivered. However, when the participant was uncertain as to its location, more space between markers resulted in longer perceived duration, a finding that applies only at 150 and 225 ms. Moreover, the perceived duration was affected by the direction of the sequences (left-right vs. right-left).  相似文献   

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with disrupted relationships with partners, family, and peers. These problems can precipitate the onset of clinical illness, influence severity and the prospects for recovery. Here, we investigated whether individuals who have recovered from depression use interpersonal signals to form favourable appraisals of others as social partners. Twenty recovered-depressed adults (with >1 adult episode of MDD but euthymic and medication-free for six months) and 23 healthy, never-depressed adults completed a task in which the gaze direction of some faces reliably cued the location a target (valid faces), whereas other faces cued the opposite location (invalid faces). No participants reported awareness of this contingency, and both groups were significantly faster to categorise targets following valid compared with invalid gaze cueing faces. Following this task, participants judged the trustworthiness of the faces. Whereas the healthy never-depressed participants judged the valid faces to be significantly more trustworthy than the invalid faces; this implicit social appraisal was absent in the recovered-depressed participants. Individuals who have recovered from MDD are able to respond appropriately to joint attention with other people but appear to not use joint attention to form implicit trust appraisals of others as potential social partners.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate short temporal intervals was examined in a dyslexic adult (E.C.) and six matched controls. Listeners had to decide whether the second interval was shorter or longer than a standard (target) interval. Each interval was defined as the silent duration between two successive brief tones. Eight target intervals were used, ranging from 100 to 1,200 ms in duration. At each target interval, the differential threshold (DL) for duration was assessed, with the use of an adaptive psychophysical procedure. The results show that E.C.'s differential threshold values were much larger than those of controls. Moreover, the slope estimates covering the duration range from 100 to 800 ms indicated that in comparison to controls, E.C.'s differential threshold increased dramatically as the target duration increased. Thus her timing impairment becomes more pronounced with increasing duration. This timing deficit is consistent with other studies that have found temporal processing deficits associated with dyslexia.  相似文献   

An emotional experience can last for only a couple of seconds up to several hours or even longer. In the present study, we examine to which extent covert intrapersonal actions (cognitions both related and unrelated to the emotion-eliciting stimulus) as well as overt interpersonal actions (social sharing) account for this variability in emotion duration. Participants were asked to report the duration of their anger, sadness, joy, and gratitude episodes on a daily basis during five days. Furthermore, information was collected with regard to their cognitions during the episodes and their social sharing behavior. Discrete-time survival analyses revealed that for three of the four emotions under study, stimulus-related cognitions with the same valence as the emotion lead to a prolongation of the episode; in contrast, both stimulus-related and stimulus-unrelated cognitions with a valence opposite to the emotion lead to a shortening. Finally, for the four emotions under study, social sharing was associated with a prolongation. The findings are discussed in terms of a possible process basis underlying the time dynamics of negative as well as positive emotions.  相似文献   

34 participants judged the duration of a 4-sec. interval which was preceded by a contextual interval of 2, 6, 10, or 14 sec. Underestimations of the test interval when the contextual intervals were longer suggested temporal durations are affected by a mechanism of comparing and contrasting analogous to the one producing some visual illusions.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of familiarity on the duration of mutual gaze, and other measures of visual interaction, e.g., duration of unilateral gaze and discrepancy in duration between partners, 14 male-female dyads discussed unconditional positive regard for 8 min., after individually studying the topic for 10 min. Mutual gaze duration was significantly longer during the last 2 min. of the discussion than during the first 2 min. This suggests that, after some exposure at least, participants maintain longer durations of mutual gaze. Further, if the duration of mutual gaze is interpreted as a measure of intimacy, even a relatively short social interaction appears to increase the intimacy between two individuals of opposite sex. However, it is not clear whether these findings could be generalized to male-male and female-female dyads.  相似文献   

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