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邢飞 《中国宗教》2020,(4):56-57
"灯"是道教的重要法器。伴随道教及道教仪式,走过了漫长的岁月。关于道教灯及灯仪的研究有李远国先生的《论道教灯仪的形成与文化功用》,詹石窗先生的《道教灯仪与易学关系考论》以及一些研究道教科仪的专论都有精彩的论述。  相似文献   

灯,是道教斋醮法事中频繁使用的法器.在斋醮坛场上,燃灯与烧香同样重要.凡举行有关燃灯祭招的仪式,即谓之灯仪,这是道教斋醮的一种常用科仪.杜光庭《太上黄篆斋仪》卷五六说:“夫礼灯之法,出金录简文.凡修斋行道,以烧香燃灯最为急务.香者,传心达信,上感真灵:灯者,破暗烛幽,下开泉夜.……  相似文献   

一顾名思义,所谓道教易学,或谓道教中的易学,或谓易学在道教中。这两个方面的内容,既相联系,又相区别。道教中的易学,范围比较广泛,它既涉及《周易》经、传及易学发展中出现的种种概念、哲学命题在道教教义思想中的运用,也包括《周易》的卦爻符号系统作为信仰的象征符号在道教中的运用等。易学在道教中,指的是作为经学的《周易》在道教中的应用、发展的情况。从道教的经籍总集《道藏》来看,尽管如元代高道李道纯作《三天易髓》,曾以《周易》中《乾》、《坤》两卦的爻辞释道教内丹修炼,且这种情况在《道藏》的其它经文中也有一定程度的存在;…  相似文献   

本文认为,道教易学是以<周易>卦爻象、卦数及历代易学中围绕着<周易>经、传及其阐释而出现的概念、命题等来对道教的信仰、教义思想进行解说的一种学术形式.道教易学主要为解决不同时期之道教教义、信仰中的人天关系问题而提出,并形成了具有不同时代特色的道教易学形式,如宋元明清时期的易学内丹学、道教易图学和道教易老学等.开展道教易学的研究,对于现代学术界探讨价值世界与现实世界的关系、人与自然的关系以及理想人格塑造、现代文化精神塑造等问题有启示意义.  相似文献   

易学与道教存在十分密切的关系,已逐步为学术界所承认。但是,过去,学者们多注意《周易》象数学对道教的影响问题,而相对忽略了义理派在道教理论建设过程中的作用。本文认为义理派对道教的影响也是极为深刻的,作者首先分析了易学义理派对道教造成影响的原因,进而具体阐述了易学义理派在经典注疏、教理建设诸方面对道教的影响。  相似文献   

正"破狱"是宋代道教黄箓斋科与炼度科仪等度亡仪式的重要内容,特指高功法师借助存思内法及一系列相关仪式打开地狱之门以拯滞济幽。这类仪式是在早期道教灯仪的基础上逐渐发展而成。在六朝时期,道教灯仪具有祈福消灾与济拔先亡两大功能。如《洞玄灵宝长夜之府九幽玉匮明真科》中用烛灯"上照九玄诸天福堂,下照九地无极世界长夜"~1。又,陆修静《洞玄灵宝五感文》述"明真斋"称:"学士自拔亿曾万祖九幽之魂。法亦于露地然(燃)一长灯,上有九大(疑为九灯),如金箓灯法,但不立坛门户之式耳。"~2"明真斋"用于道徒自拔先亡,该斋法以灯仪为主,与"金箓斋"之灯法相近,但不立重坛及诸坛门,且燃灯数量亦少于"金箓斋"。  相似文献   

<周易参同契>作为道教易学的重要代表作,其最重要的特色是会归"大易"、"黄老"和"炉火"三家之理,借<周易>言黄老说炼丹.本文将<周易参同契>置于汉代易学的背景下,从黄老道家哲学与道教仙学的发展中,来探讨<周易参同契>如何托<周易>卦爻象为象征符号来隐喻金丹道之内涵,以展示易学在道教中的传播与影响.  相似文献   

<正>第十四届道教音乐汇演在兰州举行2014年12月14日晚,第十四届道教音乐汇演在兰州举行。本次汇演由中国道教协会主办、甘肃省道教协会协办、兰州白云观和香港蓬瀛仙馆承办。兰州白云观、西安八仙宫、西安都城隍庙、武汉大道观、武当山道教武术团和香港道乐团参加演出。《中华易学全书》编纂工程接近尾声1月25日,易学经典整理研究学术研讨会暨中国易学文化研究会年会在北京师范大学举行。据了解,  相似文献   

绵阳出土西汉木胎漆盘纹饰识读及其重要意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1995年四川绵阳出土西汉木胎漆盘(Ⅰ式)是太极八卦盘,其纹饰内涵包括老子太极图、八卦六十四卦生成序、河图洛书、十月太阳历、阴阳合历、二十八宿、干支、节气、大衍数等几乎所有中国古代天文历法和《周易》数理;木胎漆盘与江淮流域各省出土的双耳S形圆图(即老子太极图)证实宋、明之际易学图书学的兴起与道家易学、道教易学传出有关,邵雍先天图、刘牧河图洛书、周敦颐太极图及阴阳鱼太极图均源自道家、道教,道家易、道教易源头在《归藏》,它们是有别于《易经》、《易传》、儒家易传承关系的另一易学传承系统;木胎漆盘的出土和识读对易学史和中国文化研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

正5月10日上午,湖北十堰武当山玉虚宫内仙乐阵阵,海内外高道大德云集,主题为"护国佑民,平安吉祥"的第四届国际道教论坛祈福法会如仪举行。在庄严神圣的武当道乐声中,海内外道教界人士分批敬献香、花、灯、茶、果五供。黄信阳道长宣读《祈祷文》。经乐师、高功法师依科演法,呈表祈福。祈福法会表达了道教界人士希望国家昌盛、人民安乐、世界和平的美好祈愿。  相似文献   

The influence of William Robertson Smith's Lectures on the Religion of the Semites on Emile Durkheim's sociology of religion was profound; and since that 1889 work was largely concerned with the origin and meaning of the institution of sacrifice, an examination of the contemporary literature concerned with that rite is of considerable value in understanding Durkheim's intentions in writing certain portions of the Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. The discussion of sacrifice is thus traced with particular emphasis on Tylor, Wellhausen, Smith, Frazer, Hubert, and Mauss. Within this intellectual context, Durkheim's treatment of sacrifice in the Elementary Forms appears a rather unlikely combination of a speculative reconstruction of early Hebrew society, an ambiguous body of Australian ethnographic data, and a reformulation of Kantian ethics. Some concluding remarks are made concerning the value of such reconstructions of intellectual context in the study of the history of the social sciences.  相似文献   

唐朝武庙是祭祀姜太公为代表的历代军事家的庙宇。武庙最初源自由姜太公个人崇拜的太公庙。唐朝开创武庙国家祭祀之先河是军功崇拜的最主要体现。唐朝武庙祭祀体系完整,礼仪规格同于文庙。虽然武庙地位在唐朝亦有反复,但举国上下对姜太公的崇拜却一以贯之。武庙倡扬了唐朝武风,对后世产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(13):15-33

In this paper Alan Bray takes us back to the work of John Boswell on the liturgical marking of friendship in the Greek Church during the Middle Ages. He begins by noting the work that has also been undertaken on the equivalent rite in the Latin west. Much of this work, however, leaves open the question of the purpose of the rite and its use within mediaeval society. Alan Bray looks at a number of theories which have been put forward and then suggests that we cannot read back into the historical situation our own contemporary concerns. He ends the paper by proposing that we need to look at the theological context of the rite and by doing this, he shows that a theological reading allows us to work around the ethical issues. Finally, he proposes this theological approach as a way of linking the mediaeval past with the contemporary situation.  相似文献   

Between 30 and 70% of children with developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) will have persistent daily functioning difficulties in adulthood (Cousins and Smyth 2003). However, few DCD studies have focussed specifically on the stage of emerging adulthood. Driving is an important rite of passage which marks the start of independence from parents. Delay, difficulty or avoidance in learning to drive may all have profound social, practical and psychological implications for the young adult with DCD. The driving experiences of 38 students with DCD and 77 typically developing students aged 17–25 years were examined using a semi-structured questionnaire. Quantitative measures indicate that fewer adults with DCD learn to drive compared to controls and that they show continuing difficulties with distance estimation and parking. Qualitative comments give a valuable insight into the learning and driving experiences of adults with DCD. Differences in the driving behaviour of adults with DCD and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are discussed, as it is the need to consider guidance on driving skills when providing a package of care for young adults with DCD.  相似文献   

For most Thai people, Buddhism serves as a base for explanations about life and death.This article focuses on Buddhist practices and the importance of ceremonies in the recovery process after the 2004 tsunami in Southern Thailand. The tsunami had devastating consequences for most people in the coastal regions. First, through the loss of life, and second, through the damage to and loss of houses, fishing boats and means of livelihood. This article analyses informants’ experiences, narratives, interpretations and actions in terms of their Buddhist beliefs. The key findings of this article are that collective ceremonies form an important part of the recovery process. One finding revealed that, in cases of ambiguous loss, a Buddhist ceremony that was unknown to most people before the tsunami became an important element of the search for missing persons. Another finding is that the common Buddhist practice of communicating across the boundary between the living and dead became the most important ritual among the surviving relatives. The ethnography is based on a long-term anthropological research project with in-depth interviews, life stories and participant observation carried out in coastal villages located mainly in Phang Nga, the worst hit province in Thailand.1  相似文献   

This study investigated political socialization in Israeli-Jewish kindergartens. Specifically, it examined the scope of conflict supporting and peace supporting themes that Jewish-Israeli kindergarten teachers transmit to children during ceremonies of national events. Sixty-eight observations in 17 state-secular and state-religious kindergartens were conducted during five ceremonies: Passover, Holocaust Day, Memorial Day for Israeli Fallen Soldiers, Independence Day, and Jerusalem Day. The findings reveal that teachers transmit messages that comply with the conflict supporting themes to the children. The most dominant themes were collective self-perceived victimization, justness of one’s own goals, positive collective self-image, ingroup security, and patriotism. These themes were more dominant in state-religious than in state-secular kindergartens. Thus, we found that the kindergarten teachers serve as agents of political socialization who transmit the hegemonic national narratives to the younger generation.  相似文献   

The consumption of makeup by teenage girls may represent a ritual critical to the rite of passage to adulthood. To explore this issue, depth interviews were conducted with 25 teenage girls in France, ages 14–18 years, about their makeup use. The data in this exploratory study suggest that putting on makeup is a ritual that plays a critical role for adolescent girls separating from their childhood and transitioning toward adulthood. Evidence of ritual dimensions (repetition, symbolic, codification, and dramaturgy) was found. The data further suggest that the traditional rite of passage associated with primitive societies is useful in identifying ritual teenage girls' makeup consumption in modern society, although with some differences. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As the religious diversity of English towns and cities has grown over the past thirty years due to the establishment in some places of sizeable communities of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs, as well as other faiths, there have been important changes to local public religion. Traditional civic ceremonies, such as Remembrance Sunday, as well as new forms of civic celebration and commemoration, are now increasingly taking account of the diversity of faiths represented in Britain. This paper examines the consequences of religious diversity for English civic religion by looking at some of the traditions of civic ceremonies in England and at the way in which they have been transformed by the changing religious landscape of towns and cities. The paper also explores some of the dilemmas and questions that have emerged both for the Church of England as well as for the other faith communities when it comes to the design and delivery of civic ceremonies.  相似文献   

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