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We assessed calibration of perception and action in the context of a golf putting task. Previous research has shown that right-handed novice golfers make rightward errors both in the perception of the perfect aiming line from the ball to the hole and in the putting action. Right-handed experts, however, produce accurate putting actions but tend to make leftward errors in perception. In two experiments, we examined whether these skill-related differences in directional error reflect transfer of calibration from action to perception. In the main experiment, three groups of right-handed novice participants followed a pretest, practice, posttest, retention test design. During the tests, directional error for the putting action and the perception of the perfect aiming line were determined. During practice, participants were provided only with verbal outcome feedback about directional error; one group trained perception and the second trained action, whereas the third group did not practice. Practice led to a relatively permanent annihilation of directional error, but these improvements in accuracy were specific to the trained task. Hence, no transfer of calibration occurred between perception and action. The findings are discussed within the two-visual-system model for perception and action, and implications for perceptual learning in action are raised.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine effects of time pressure on mechanisms of speech production and self-monitoring. The most widely accepted monitoring theory (Levelt, 1989) suggests that monitoring proceeds through language perception, that is, speech error detection is primarily based on the parsing of one's own inner and overt speech. Twenty-four subjects described visual networks at two different rates (normal and fast). The time pressure manipulation affected a number of temporal characteristics: the error to cutoff and cutoff to repair times were shorter in the fast than in the normal condition. The results indicate that the monitor adjusts its speed of error detection and repair planning to the faster speech output rate. The time pressure manipulation did not affect the accuracy of error detection. The implications for the perception theory of monitoring are discussed.  相似文献   

I discuss top-down modulation of perception in terms of a variable Bayesian learning rate, revealing a wide range of prior hierarchical expectations that can modulate perception. I then switch to the prediction error minimization framework and seek to conceive cognitive penetration specifically as prediction error minimization deviations from a variable Bayesian learning rate. This approach retains cognitive penetration as a category somewhat distinct from other top-down effects, and carves a reasonable route between penetrability and impenetrability. It prevents rampant, relativistic cognitive penetration of perception and yet is consistent with the continuity of cognition and perception.  相似文献   

An erroneous response is not always accompanied by the conscious perception of the error being made. We examined whether increased response interference on a manual task improved the conscious perception of erroneous eye movements on a concurrent oculomotor task. In the first experiment, we examined whether a correlate of response interference, increased task difficulty alone, could improve perception of errors. We found no effect of task difficulty on self-monitoring. Results from a second experiment suggested that participants’ ability to monitor their eye movements improved with increased response interference, but post hoc analyses indicated that this was due to a decrease in corrective behaviors. Experiment 3 required participants to report directly on whether they had made an eye movement error, and we found that response interference perturbed, rather than improved, participants’ ability to report on their errors. Together, these findings contribute to models of error monitoring, revealing little support for the view that general increases in response interference or task difficulty are signals that contribute to the conscious detection of errors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to extend the investigation of surface color perception to several age levels. The 108-item color perception test, originally used with young children, employs six Munsell hue matrices divided into nine combinations each of low, mid, and high chroma and low, mid, and high value across two levels of hue difficulty. The pattern of error results are the same across the age groups comprising kindergartners, fifth graders, high school sophomores, nonartist adults, and professional artists: the lower the chroma and value, the higher the error rate; the higher the chroma and value, the lower the error rate. In hues, green and red are most difficult; orange and yellow are easiest. The frequency of error is linear with respect to age: the younger the group, the higher the error. The latency data differ with respect to age: adults are slowest, followed by kindergartners and fifth graders. High school sophomores are the fastest. The remaining latency results parallel the error results: the lower the chroma and value, the longer the latency and the more difficult the hue, the longer the latency. A set of surface color perception rules are generated.  相似文献   

Adults rapidly learn phonotactic constraints from brief production or perception experience. Three experiments asked whether this learning is modality-specific, occurring separately in production and perception, or whether perception transfers to production. Participant pairs took turns repeating syllables in which particular consonants were restricted to particular syllable positions. Speakers’ errors reflected learning of the constraints present in the sequences they produced, regardless of whether their partner produced syllables with the same constraints, or opposing constraints. Although partial transfer could be induced (Experiment 3), simply hearing and encoding syllables produced by others did not affect speech production to the extent that error patterns were altered. Learning of new phonotactic constraints was predominantly restricted to the modality in which those constraints were experienced.  相似文献   

A systematic error is reported in orientation estimation, in that on average, estimates are closer to the vertical axis than are the stimuli by up to 6°. This systematic error results from a specific mechanism that may be related to depth perception, and that is avoided in certain circumstances or when other mechanisms take over. For example, the estimates of one observer who was a welltrained professional draughtsman did not show this systematic error. Furthermore, for all observers tested, estimation of clock time is not subject to the regular orientation estimation error. Rather, observers tend to estimate timesas slightly further from the quarter hour than they really are. Orientation judgment channel capacity was also studied under various conditions. The number of discriminable orientations is far above the magic number “7“ limit, reaching over 20 in optimal circumstances. The distribution of discriminable orientations is nonlinear, in that these are more closely packed about the horizontal and vertical axis than at the oblique.  相似文献   

Elevations in exclusion error rates (i.e., responding with the target stimulus despite instructions to the contrary) in experiments with masked, briefly presented stimuli have been attributed to unconscious perception. The present studies tested the validity of exclusion methods for studying unconscious perception. Experiment 1 replicated Merikle, Joordens, and Stolz (1995; Experiment 1) by showing more exclusion errors (exclusion failure) for masked word stimuli in a stem completion task. However, this experiment did not replicate the finding of fewer exclusion errors (exclusion success) at long stimulus durations. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that exclusion errors are accompanied by significant discrimination sensitivity to the target stimulus, which suggests conscious perception of the target stimulus. Experiments 3 and 4 demonstrated that the exclusion errors obtained from stem completion tasks depend in part on the exclusion method. Altogether, elevated exclusion failure does not provide an unambiguous demonstration of unconscious perception.  相似文献   

Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 The influence of refractive error on movement sensitivity was determined for a range of stimulus durations in the fovea and periphery. At short durations, threshold is determined by a constant displacement of the stimulus. At longer durations, a constant velocity is required. The correction of peripheral refractive error increases movement sensitivity in the displacement (short duration) component, but does not influence sensitivity in the velocity (long duration) component of the motion threshold. Implications concerning the mechanisms underlying motion perception are discussed.  相似文献   

Perception should change if an error in perception is detected. Yet how can information that comes through the senses ever indicate that those very senses aren't accurate? Knowledge of objects that arises independently of sensory experience can be used to check the sensory information for errors. For instance, an a priori constraint that one object cannot be in two places at the same time would lead to error detection if the sensory systems suggest that one object is in two places. Variants on the classic prism-adaptation phenomenon have revealed new rules about changes in space perception. These variants involve specifying new unusual mappings between visual space and motor (proprioceptive) space, and testing for generalization to novel untrained locations. The research has suggested that there is a preference for changes in space perception that shift space rigidly everywhere, that shrink or expand space uniformly, and that preserve the one-to-one relationship between modalities. Finally, this review discusses the issue that perception must change to remain accurate in the face of childhood growth and adult drift.  相似文献   

Visual orientation estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A systematic error is reported in orientation estimation, in that on average, estimates are closer to the vertical axis than are the stimuli by up to 6 degrees. This systematic error results from a specific mechanism that may be related to depth perception, and that is avoided in certain circumstances or when other mechanisms take over. For example, the estimates of one observer who was a well-trained professional draughtsman did not show this systematic error. Furthermore, for all observers tested, estimation of clock time is not subject to the regular orientation estimation error. Rather, observers tend to estimate times as slightly further from the quarter hour than they really are. Orientation judgement channel capacity was also studied under various conditions. The number of discriminable orientations is far above the magic number "7" limit, reaching over 20 in optimal circumstances. The distribution of discriminable orientations is nonlinear, in that these are more closely packed about the horizontal and vertical axis than at the oblique.  相似文献   

《Brain and cognition》2006,60(3):258-268
We investigate how vision affects haptic performance when task-relevant visual cues are reduced or excluded. The task was to remember the spatial location of six landmarks that were explored by touch in a tactile map. Here, we use specially designed spectacles that simulate residual peripheral vision, tunnel vision, diffuse light perception, and total blindness. Results for target locations differed, suggesting additional effects from adjacent touch cues. These are discussed. Touch with full vision was most accurate, as expected. Peripheral and tunnel vision, which reduce visuo-spatial cues, differed in error pattern. Both were less accurate than full vision, and significantly more accurate than touch with diffuse light perception, and touch alone. The important finding was that touch with diffuse light perception, which excludes spatial cues, did not differ from touch without vision in performance accuracy, nor in location error pattern. The contrast between spatially relevant versus spatially irrelevant vision provides new, rather decisive, evidence against the hypothesis that vision affects haptic processing even if it does not add task-relevant information. The results support optimal integration theories, and suggest that spatial and non-spatial aspects of vision need explicit distinction in bimodal studies and theories of spatial integration.  相似文献   

Medical images constitute a core portion of the information a physician utilizes to render diagnostic and treatment decisions. At a fundamental level, this diagnostic process involves two basic processes: visually inspecting the image (visual perception) and rendering an interpretation (cognition). The likelihood of error in the interpretation of medical images is, unfortunately, not negligible. Errors do occur, and patients’ lives are impacted, underscoring our need to understand how physicians interact with the information in an image during the interpretation process. With improved understanding, we can develop ways to further improve decision making and, thus, to improve patient care. The science of medical image perception is dedicated to understanding and improving the clinical interpretation process.  相似文献   

Two aspects of visual speech processing in speechreading (word decoding and word discrimination) were tested in a group of 24 normal hearing and a group of 20 hearing-impaired subjects. Word decoding and word discrimination performance were independent of factors related to the impairment, both in a quantitative and a qualitative sense. Decoding skill, but not discrimination skill, was associated with sentence-based speechreading. The results were interpreted such that, in order to represent a critical component process in sentence-based speechreading, the visual speech perception task must entail lexically induced processing as a task-demand. The theoretical status of the word decoding task as one operationalization of a speech decoding module was discussed (Fodor, 1983). An error analysis of performance in the word decoding/discrimination tasks suggested that the perception of heard stimuli, as well as the perception of lipped stimuli, were critically dependent on the same features; that is, the temporally initial phonetic segment of the word (cf. Marslen-Wilson, 1987). Implications for a theory of visual speech perception were discussed.  相似文献   

The Enhanced Cognitive Interview (ECI) has been widely studied. However, research has overlooked witnesses' attitudes toward the interview and how error estimate and memory capacity relate to report quality. Participants watched a mock robbery video and were interviewed 48 hours later with either the Portuguese version of the ECI or a Structured Interview (SI). Participants interviewed with the ECI provided more information without compromising accuracy, particularly in free recall. Report accuracy was stable across interview phases and information categories. A higher perception of interview appropriateness (how witnesses evaluate the appropriateness of the interview procedure used) was linked with more detailed reports and more interest in being an interviewee. Participants over‐estimated their error rate, and their memory capacity was not related to witnesses' recall. It is essential to take into account their perception of interview appropriateness and use alternative methods to evaluate report quality. Major implications for real‐life investigations are discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An active kinesthetic-to-visual matching task was performed by 15 children aged 5-10 years and five young adults. The task required the participants to locate the target visually while performing center-out drawing movements to the located visual targets in the absence of visual feedback of hand/pen motion. Movement time (MT), terminal end-point position error (EPE), and initial directional error (IDE) were measured. The general finding is that the end-point error variability, representing the joint localization probability distributions for proprioceptive localization of the hand and visual localization of the target, was largest for the youngest children, but did not differ from one another for the older age groups. The localization distributions, as characterized by principal component analysis, showed that both errors in extent and direction were significantly larger in the youngest children. These error distributions could not be accounted for by initial localization errors prior to movement onset in the children. It is likely that at least some portion of the increased movement variability seen during sensorimotor development in young children can be attributed not only to immature control mechanisms per se, but also to partial, not yet stable, forward representations for hand localization which are used for movement perception, planning, and control.  相似文献   

Genetically informative data can be used to address fundamental questions concerning the measurement of behavior in children. The authors illustrate this with longitudinal multiple-rater data on internalizing problems in twins. Valid information on the behavior of a child is obtained for behavior that multiple raters agree upon and for rater-specific perception of the child's behavior. Rater-disagreement variance varsigma2(rd) accounted for 35% of the individual differences in internalizing behavior. Up to 17% of this varsigma2(rd) was accounted for by rater-specific additive genetic variance varsigma2(Au). Thus, the disagreement should not be considered only to be bias/error but also as representing the unique feature of the relationships between that parent and the child. The longitudinal extension of this model helps to make a distinction between measurement error and the raters' unique perception of the child's behavior. For internalizing behavior, the results show large stability across time, which is accounted for by common additive genetic and common shared environmental factors. Rater-specific shared environmental factors show substantial influence on stability. This could mean that rater bias may be persistent and affect longitudinal studies.  相似文献   

A new theory of mind–body interaction in healing is proposed based on considerations from the field of perception. It is suggested that the combined effect of visual imagery and mindful meditation on physical healing is simply another example of cross-modal adaptation in perception, much like adaptation to prism-displaced vision. It is argued that psychological interventions produce a conflict between the perceptual modalities of the immune system and vision (or touch), which leads to change in the immune system in order to realign the modalities. It is argued that mind–body interactions do not exist because of higher-order cognitive thoughts or beliefs influencing the body, but instead result from ordinary interactions between lower-level perceptual modalities that function to detect when sensory systems have made an error. The theory helps explain why certain illnesses may be more amenable to mind–body interaction, such as autoimmune conditions in which a sensory system (the immune system) has made an error. It also renders sensible erroneous changes, such as those brought about by “faith healers,” as conflicts between modalities that are resolved in favor of the wrong modality. The present view provides one of very few psychological theories of how guided imagery and mindfulness meditation bring about positive physical change. Also discussed are issues of self versus non-self, pain, cancer, body schema, attention, consciousness, and, importantly, developing the concept that the immune system is a rightful perceptual modality. Recognizing mind–body healing as perceptual cross-modal adaptation implies that a century of cross-modal perception research is applicable to the immune system.  相似文献   

In the Discourse on Metaphysics Leibniz writes, 'Our perceptions are always true, it is our judgments that come from ourselves that deceive us' (section 14). Leroy Loemker in his 'Leibniz's Doctrine of Ideas' criticizes this account of error. His main worry can be presented in the form of the following syllogistic argument, which he derives from Leibniz's doctrine of ideas: (a) There cannot be a false perception; (b) All judgments are perceptions; and therefore (c) There cannot be a false judgment. However, in this paper I argue that Leibniz can distinguish between a perception and a judgment in their semantic aspect. The sense in which a perception turns out to be false (or true) for Leibniz is different from the sense in which a judgment turns out to be false (or true). This is because, while a perception, understood in Leibniz's terms, lacks truth-conditions, a judgment, in being representational, has such conditions. Thus while a perception remains true always, a judgment can be false. Pointing to the equivocal use of 'false' in (a) and (c) above, I conclude that (c) does not follow from (a) and (b).  相似文献   

The present study explored the intrinsic event-related potential (ERP) features of the effects of acute psychological stress on the processing of motion-in-depth perception using a dual-task paradigm. After a mental arithmetic task was used to induce acute psychological stress, a collision task was used to evaluate motion-in-depth perception. The error value and average amplitude of late slow waves (SW) were significantly larger for the earlier colliding spheres’ than for the later colliding spheres. The P1 peak latency in the left occipital region was significantly shorter than that of the right occipital region in the motion-in-depth perception task. Compared to the control condition, the estimated value of residual time-to-collision and error value were significantly reduced, and the N1 peak amplitude and the SW averaged amplitude were significantly increased in the stress condition. Longer motion-in-depth time improved discrimination accuracy and decreased the investment of cognitive resources. Acute psychological stress increased behavioral performance and enhanced attention resources on the motion-in-depth perception task together with greater investment of cognitive resources.  相似文献   

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