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老年人的用药具有特殊性和复杂性,每位医师在做出临床决策时,应具有人文精神和辩证的思维方式,使哲学思维与科学思维密切结合,应用这种方式,重点探讨了老年人的个体化用药、注重整体、顺势而治、侧重治未病与自然疗法,从而为老年人提供人性化的最优化治疗,降低药源性损害.  相似文献   

浅论《周易》思维方式的诗性特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诗性思维不具有清晰的、严格的逻辑形式,它是一种与知性思维异质的思维方式。这种思维方式的核心特征即是整体性、不确定性以及意象性。《周易》的思维方式典型地具有诗性特点,并对中国传统文化产生了重要影响,使之具有了不同于西方文化的特色。  相似文献   

分层整群抽取2867名大学生,采用双因子模型探讨中庸思维方式量表(ZYTSC)的一般性与特殊性。结果表明,相较于局部因子,全局因子占主导地位,但多方思考与和谐性分别造成了23%、26%的方差变异,表明多方思考与和谐性等特殊成分的存在;中庸思维方式双因子模型的跨性别和跨年级强等值性得到支持。中庸思维方式量表同时测量了中庸思维方式的共同性和特异性成分,研究对理解和正确使用中庸思维方式量表具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

论取象思维方式──易学文化精神及其现代价值讨论之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取象思维方式是中国传统的思维方式之一。这种思维方式是指在思维过程中离不开物象,以想象为媒介,直接比附推论出一个抽象事理的思维方法。它发展形成于《易经》,其本质是一种比附推论的逻辑方法,与整体思维互补并具有模糊性等特点。这种思维方式与抽象思维、形象思维、顿悟思维有联系又有区别,在中国传统哲学、文学艺术等领域发挥着不可替代的作用。取象思维方式是易学文化精神在现代思维方式中极具价值的部分。  相似文献   

从毛泽东到邓小平思维方式的继承和变迁陈志良毛泽东代表着中国从落后中奋起,把马克思主义和中国革命实践结合起来的中国社会主义的早期探索,他奠定了思维方式走向现代的一切基础。邓小平在新的历史条件下,继承和发展了毛泽东所创导的思维方式,使之具有了新的历史特点和现代意义。毛泽东实现了中国人从旧的思维方式向现代思维方式的根本转轨:由唯心史观向唯物史观的转变,形成了实事求是的思维方式;”由无主体向有主体的思维方式的变革,与中国国情相结合的矛盾特殊性的认识方法成为思维方式的出发点;实现了中国传统辩证思维方法与马克思主义辩证方法的历史性结合,战略与策略相结合的辩证思维方法成为中国人思维方式中的特色;实现了先进分子思维方式与广大群众思维方式的不断转化,一切依靠群众、相信群众、走群众路线的工作方法成为最基本的思维方式。邓小平把中国人的思维方式推向当代,推向世界,实现了思维方式的现时代化。邓小平继承了毛泽东倡导的实事求是、分析矛盾特殊性、辩证思维和群众路线的思维方式和工作方法。邓小平在思维方式上也实现了变革:第一,把社会主义、唯物主义与发展生产力结合起来,实现了以发展生产力为主要内容的思维方式的转轨;第二,把科学技术作为生产力发展  相似文献   

大学生思维方式与应对方式的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
运用思维方式问卷和应对方式问卷对663名大学生进行测试,旨在从文化视角探讨大学生思维方式的特点及其与应对方式的关系。结果表明:(1)大学生思维方式在专业、地域、年级等人口统计变量上存在显著差异:文科生思维的整体性显著高于理工科和艺术类;南方人思维的变化性显著高于北方人;大二学生思维的整体性显著高于大一和大三,大一思维的变化性显著高于大四年级。(2)思维方式对应对方式具有显著的预测作用。其中,协变性对积极应对正向作用显著、对消极应对中的自责和合理化负向作用显著;矛盾性对积极应对负向作用显著、对消极应对正向作用显著。思维的整体性和变化性针对性较强:整体性有助于解决问题的积极应对,变化性可有效避免自责、幻想、合理化的消极应对方式。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,习近平总书记坚持马克思主义宗教观,着眼于国家总体安全和新疆社会稳定与长治久安大局,对做好新时代新疆宗教工作作出了系列重要论述。其主要内容包括:加强党对新疆宗教工作的领导;坚持新疆伊斯兰教中国化方向,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,实现宗教健康发展;依法治疆,切实提高新疆宗教工作的法治化水平;强化新疆宗教工作的“三支队伍”建设;坚决打击宗教极端主义。习近平总书记关于做好新疆宗教工作的重要论述,体现了政治思维、创新思维、战略思维、辩证思维以及系统思维等思维方法。习近平总书记关于做好新疆宗教工作的重要论述,是新时代党的治疆方略的重要组成部分,具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

中国传统思维方式中蕴含着丰富的培育和践行核心价值观的经验。"家国一体"的传统思维方式倡导国家、社会和个人三个层面一体化;"一多相容"的传统思维方式坚持一元性与兼容性相结合;"循序渐进"的传统思维方式重视青少年核心价值观的养成;"知行合一"的传统思维方式强调"培育"和"践行"相统一。这对于我们今天培育和践行社会主义核心价值观具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

传统看法,将易学分为义理派和象数派。如果从治《易》的思维方式来分,则可分为发挥派和本义派。一、《周易》本身就是不断发挥的产物  相似文献   

一、关于思维方式和中国传统思维方式的简单界定当代中国的文化讨论热潮具有极其广泛的主题,中国传统思维方式的特点、价值、意义,正是从中派生出来的重要主题之一。然而目前理论界对什么是思维方式、什么是中国传统思维方式等等前提性问题的认识还停留在歧义繁多的水平上。因此本文首先企图对思维方式和中国传统思维方式等研究前提作一番界定。  相似文献   

Social phobia, a relatively obscure disorder, is receiving increased attention due to evidence suggesting that it is more prevalent and debilitative than once thought. The purpose of this article is to help counselors better understand the nature of and treatments for this disorder. Effective behavioral and pharmacological approaches are reviewed, and counseling implications are discussed to increase counselors' confidence in providing treatment to people with social phobia.  相似文献   

Only a small proportion of people who experience psychological distress seek professional psychological help. Treatment fearfulness is one of a number of factors thought to influence people's tendency to seek or avoid mental health treatment. The aim of the present study was to provide additional validity information on the Thoughts About Therapy Survey (TAPS) (Kushner & Sher, 1989), and to determine whether fear of therapy and psychological distress were predictive of help-seeking. A non-clinical student sample completed measures of their treatment fears, expectations, anxiety, psychological distress and help-seeking likelihood. Concurrent and construct validity was confirmed for TAPS. Image Concerns, Stigma Concerns, Coercion Concerns and psychological distress were related to the likelihood that subjects would seek professional psychological help. Results are discussed in relation to educational approaches for reducing treatment fearfulness and the potential for increasing appropriate professional help-seeking.  相似文献   

Four studies tested the hypothesis that the emotion of benign envy, but not the emotions of admiration or malicious envy, motivates people to improve themselves. Studies 1 to 3 found that only benign envy was related to the motivation to study more (Study 1) and to actual performance on the Remote Associates Task (which measures intelligence and creativity; Studies 2 and 3). Study 4 found that an upward social comparison triggered benign envy and subsequent better performance only when people thought self-improvement was attainable. When participants thought self-improvement was hard, an upward social comparison led to more admiration and no motivation to do better. Implications of these findings for theories of social emotions such as envy, social comparisons, and for understanding the influence of role models are discussed.  相似文献   

The rebound effect associated with thought suppression has been found following attempts at suppressing both novel stimuli and stereotypical thoughts. However, research examining the suppression of self-relevant thoughts has been less successful in demonstrating the rebound effect. A potential factor that has not yet been fully explored in research on thought suppression is how different types of distracter thoughts may influence the ability to suppress unwanted thoughts. One type of distracter that people may use while attempting to suppress unwanted self-relevant thoughts is information related to other aspects of their lives. To the extent that these other aspects are more likely to be associated in memory with the unwanted thoughts, rebound should be more likely to occur. Thus, we expected and found that people lower in self-complexity (i.e., those with fewer self-aspects that are more interrelated with one another) revealed greater rebound following thought suppression that involved self-relevant distracting thoughts than did people greater in self-complexity. Implications of these findings for thought suppression, self-complexity, depression, and the experience of affect are discussed.  相似文献   

民本思想是齐文化的重要组成部分,也是管仲施政思想的基石,其言论.行动中都展示着民本思想的精华。而体现管仲思想的《管子》一书,对人才思想有较系统的论述。本文试以管仲为例,以《管子》一书为中心,来探析其人才思想中的民本因素,即“任其所长,不任其所短”的人才原则,包括其产生原因、表现方式、对后世所带来的社会影响等。  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that auditory hallucination is closely related to thought insertion. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the external misattribution of thought and auditory hallucination-like experiences. We used the AHES-17, which measures auditory hallucination-like experiences in normal, healthy people, and the Deese–Roediger–McDermott paradigm, in which false alarms of critical lure are regarded as spontaneous external misattribution of thought. We found that critical lures elicited increased the number of false alarms as AHES-17 scores increased and that scores of AHES-17 predicted the rate of false memory of critical lures. Furthermore, we revealed that the relationship between AHES-17 scores and the rates of false alarms to critical lures was strictly linear. Therefore, it might be said that individual differences in auditory hallucination-like experiences are highly related to the external misattribution of thought. We discussed these results from the perspective of the sense of agency over thought.  相似文献   

Intuition may be a critical component of creative thought. To test this hypothesis, a measure of individual differences in intuition was developed. After completing this measure, 320 undergraduates were asked to work on a domain-relevant creative problem-solving task under conditions where positive and neutral affect were induced and they were exposed to 1 of 3 different types of training. It was found that intuitive people produced more creative problem solutions, but that positive affect and training offset the advantage intuitive people showed in creative problem-solving. The implications of these findings for understanding the nature of intuition, and its role in creative problem-solving, are discussed.  相似文献   

Male and female researchers separately interviewed the male and female heads of household in each of 159 homes in three villages in northern India. Analyses revealed consistent gender differences, such that women, compared to men, rated their homes more negatively, experienced more physical symptoms, and thought the supply of resources was insufficient. Surprisingly, women also believed that their homes could house more people and were significantly more likely to want more children. In other words, women reacted negatively to crowding but also appeared to like having many people in the household. Possible reasons for this apparent contradiction are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, it has become apparent that knowledge is a critical component of creative thought. One form of knowledge that might be particularly important to creative thought relies on the mental models people employ to understand novel, ill-defined problems. In this study, undergraduates were given training in the use of causal relationships in applying mental models in creative problem-solving. A pre-post design was used to assess the effects of this training on mental models and creative problem-solving. It was found that causal analysis training resulted in the acquisition of better mental models (in terms of subjective and objective attributes) and better solutions (in terms of quality, originality, and elegance) to problems calling for creative thought among high-ability participants. The implications of these findings for understanding the role of mental models in creative problem-solving are discussed.  相似文献   

Because people must organize information and combine or reorganize categories to produce creative solutions, there is reason to suspect that concepts play an important role in creative thought. Unfortunately, little is known about the kind of concepts that contribute to the success of people' s creative problem-solving efforts. Accordingly, 135 college students were presented with a series of novel, ill-defined problems in which they were asked to select a set of concepts they thought would help them solve these problems. These indices of concept preferences were then correlated with the quality and originality of the solutions obtained on a set of two creative problem-solving tasks. The use of concepts organized around long-term goals was positively related to indices of solution quality and originality. The implications of these findings for understanding the kind of concepts that contribute to creative thought are discussed.  相似文献   

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