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Prior research by Hartwig and Dunlosky [(2012). Study strategies of college students: Are self-testing and scheduling related to achievement? Psychonomic Bulletin &; Review, 19(1), 126–134] has demonstrated that beliefs about learning and study strategies endorsed by students are related to academic achievement: higher performing students tend to choose more effective study strategies and are more aware of the benefits of self-testing. We examined whether students’ achievement goals, independent of academic achievement, predicted beliefs about learning and endorsement of study strategies. We administered Hartwig and Dunlosky’s survey, along with the Achievement Goals Questionnaire [Elliot, A. J., &; McGregor, H. A. (2001). A 2 × 2 achievement goal framework. Journal of Personality &; Social Psychology, 80, 501–519] to a large undergraduate biology course. Similar to results by Hartwig and Dunlosky, we found that high-performing students (relative to low-performing students) were more likely to endorse self-testing, less likely to cram, and more likely to plan a study schedule ahead of time. Independent of achievement, however, achievement goals were stronger predictors of certain study behaviours. In particular, avoidance goals (e.g., fear of failure) coincided with increased use of cramming and the tendency to be driven by impending deadlines. Results suggest that individual differences in student achievement, as well as the underlying reasons for achievement, are important predictors of students’ approaches to studying.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of two decisional biases—framing and cost salience—on personnel selection decisions. One hundred twenty-eight graduate and undergraduate students participated in a personnel selection simulation. Framing was manipulated by inducing participants to use either a “rejecting” strategy (identify those applicants whom you would not interview) or an “accepting” strategy (list those applicants whom you would interview). Cost salience was manipulated by making selection-related costs either implicit or explicit. Results showed that “accepting” strategy subjects selected less applicants to be interviewed than “rejecting” strategy subjects, but only when selection-related costs were made salient. More time was required for subjects to make their selection decisions when selection-related costs were made salient. Framing and cost salience also influenced the success probability thresholds used by subjects to select applicants. Limitations of this research and directions for future study were discussed.  相似文献   

Ss were allowed to use zero, one, two, four, or eight markers to signify the category (positive or negative) of previously selected stimuli in an attribute identification problem. The more markers available and used, the fewer trials were required for problem solution. Ss were indifferent to marker valence (positive or negative) in disjunctive problems but showed a definite preference for (the more informative) negative markers in conditionals. Performance of Ss was correlated with their tendency to move markers from lesser to more informative instances. An interpretation of results based on individual differences in information processing activities is suggested.  相似文献   

This study tested an evolutionary hypothesis that the mere prospect of caring for a child will increase sex differences in human mate selection criteria. That is, women would adopt a stronger preference for socially dominant men when parenting had been primed and men would adopt a stronger preference for physically attractive women when parenting had been primed. Male and female university students were randomly assigned to be exposed to a parenting prime or a nonparenting prime. Following the priming procedure, participants rated the romantic appeal of a target person of the opposite sex. Exposure to the parenting prime, the target's social dominance, and the target's physical attractiveness were orthogonally manipulated. As predicted, women adopted a stronger mate preference for social dominance when parenting was at the forefront of the mind. Contrary to predictions, the parenting prime had no effect on men's mate preference for physical attractiveness.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine how response selection strategy is related to confidence ratings and to performance on general knowledge questions. In both studies subjects were asked to answer 80 general knowledge questions and to rate their confidence in the correctness of the answer selected. A pilot study, in which subjects thought aloud while answering general knowledge questions, was carried out to identify different response selection strategies. In the first study, 40 subjects were asked to indicate which of four strategies (immediate recognition, inference, intuition, or guessing) they used for selecting an answer. In Study 2, think aloud reports from 20 subjects were coded into the same four strategies. The distribution of strategies differed between the studies, but there were very similar relations among strategy, confidence, and correctness of answer in the two studies. Response selection strategy was related to correctness of answer when confidence was partialed out. More specifically, immediate recognition was associated with higher proportion correct than with the other strategies. It was also found that ratings of how difficult the knowledge questions were to fellow students of the subjects were on a much more realistic level than the confidence ratings were. It is concluded that people could improve their confidence judgments by taking into account (a) how difficult a question is to other people, and (b) the response selection strategy used for answering the question.  相似文献   

The present study examined the utility of decision making in personnel selection comparing multiple and composite criteria by discriminative efficiency, in a bricklaying training program. We have found valid predictors (aptitudes, personality and experience) with different forms of the criterion, the ERPF scale, in logistic and multiple regression analysis. Results seem indicate that there is not a better criterion, so it depends on different conditions and different aims to reach. We proposed criteria as combining measures but not opposed.  相似文献   

A series of five experimental conditions were designed to investigate the influence of minimum performance criteria and grade labels on college student academic performance. A college course in abnormal psychology was taught in an individualized manner so that each student could perform on each unit of subject matter in individual performance sessions whenever he wished. In each of the five experiments the minimum performance criteria that had to be attained before progressing to the next unit were varied during the quarter and the resulting changes in performance were recorded. In Experiment I there were no criteria; in Experiments II, III, and IV three levels of criteria (High, Medium, and Low) were varied but all of the criteria defined a course grade of "A". In Experiment V, the three criteria defined course grades of A, B, and C. The results showed that the criteria controlled performance to a high degree, so that regardless of what quality of performance had been demonstrated previously or was being produced currently, performance was immediately changed to attain new criteria put into effect. Students in Experiment I produced very poor performance compared to the other conditions.  相似文献   

Selective attention in multidimensional displays has usually been examined using search tasks requiring the detection of a single target. We examined the ability to perceive a spatial structure in multi-item subsets of a display that were defined either conjunctively or disjunctively. Observers saw two adjacent displays and indicated whether the to-be-selected items within the two displays matched in terms of their spatial structure (the identity of the corresponding items within these subsets was not relevant to the task). The observers in our study could readily perceive conjunctively defined subsets, but had great difficulty with disjunctively defined subsets. The results pose a challenge to the popular idea that attention is guided by a "priority map" that sums bottom-up and top-down factors, whereas they are directly predicted by Boolean map theory of visual attention.  相似文献   

The aim was to study important criteria for spouse selection by a sample of Iranian youth, 110 Iranian university students (60 women and 50 men; M age = 21.7 yr., SD = 1.5). Participants were single. Face-to-face interviews indicated that the order of the first 10 important criteria for the women were chastity, virtuous, religion, education, family characteristics, financial resources, job, commitment, social skills, and social prestige; for the men these were physical appearance, chastity, education, family characteristics, virtuous, religion, personality traits, social skills, housekeeping, and commitment and financial resources.  相似文献   

People tend to use different strategies to dissolve their romantic relationships (Baxter, 1982). The factors predicting selection of breakup strategies, and especially personality factors, have received relatively little attention. In five studies, using community and students samples, we revised the measure used to assess breakup strategy use, examined the outcomes of the revised strategies, and investigated the associations of these strategies with attachment dimensions. Attachment avoidance was associated with using less direct breakup strategies; whereas attachment anxiety was associated with using strategies meant to keep open the option of getting back together. In Studies 4 and 5, attachment-security primes were found to decrease these tendencies. Implications for relationship dissolution and attachment theory are discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated commonly used methods of identifying depressed children and examined the extent to which the conclusions about correlates of dysfunction vary among different selection criteria. Child psychiatric patients (N=237,ages 7–12) and their parents participated and completed measures to permit identification of depressed children on the basis of three separate criteria, including selfreport scores on the Children's Depression Inventory, parent-reported scores for the same measure, and a DSM-III diagnosis of major depression. The study examined whether depressed and nondepressed children, defined separately by the different criteria, differed in a variety of depression-related symptoms, cognitive processes, and social activity. The results indicated little overlap in the persons identified as depressed on the basis of child-or parent-completed CDI scores or DSM-III diagnosis. Depressed and nondepressed children tended to differ across all domains (depression-related symptoms, cognitive processes, and social activity) for each selection criterion. However, significant differences were evident in these domains only when the selection criterion and other domains were assessed with the same informant (e.g., self-report) and hence shared a common method (rater) component. The findings underscore the potential influence that method factors may have in influencing the conclusions that are drawn regarding the correlates of childhood depression.Completion of this research was supported by a Research Scientist Development Award (MH00353) and by a grant (MH35408) from the National Institute of Mental Health. The author is grateful to Debra Bass, Antoinette Rodgers, and Todd Siegel for assistance with this project.  相似文献   

Are older adults' decision abilities fundamentally compromised by age-related cognitive decline? Or can they adaptively select decision strategies? One study (N = 163) investigated the impact of cognitive aging on the ability to select decision strategies as a function of environment structure. Participants made decisions in either an environment that favored the use of information-intensive strategies or one favoring the use of simple, information-frugal strategies. Older adults tended to (a) look up less information and take longer to process it and (b) use simpler, less cognitively demanding strategies. In accordance with the idea that age-related cognitive decline leads to reliance on simpler strategies, measures of fluid intelligence explained age-related differences in information search and strategy selection. Nevertheless, both young and older adults seem to be equally adapted decision makers in that they adjust their information search and strategy selection as a function of environment structure, suggesting that the aging decision maker is an adaptive one.  相似文献   

The significance of Inhelder and Piaget's (1958) construct of “formal operations” depends in part on establishing the extent to which formal operations have real-world relevance beyond the narrow domain of assessment situations in which Inhelder and Piaget studied them. The present research investigates this question by examining the effect of exhibiting a concrete versus formal operational level of reasoning in an isolation of variables task on academic program selection and performance of beginning college students over a two-year period. Students who reasoned at the concrete operational level did not differ from students matched on ACT scores who reasoned at a formal operational level with respect to either number of college credits obtained or overall grade point average. When courses were broken down into three categories, however, “formals” took significantly more science/math courses and received significantly higher grades in them. No differences were found in the other two categories: liberal arts/social sciences or activities/vocational courses. A further study of beginning college students already enrolled in science/math courses confirmed that very few concrete operational reasoners were present in these courses, suggesting that a process of self-selection is in operation.  相似文献   

This study pioneered the investigation of the efficacy of the theory of mental self-government in a non-academic setting. Three hundred and thirty-three people from various business sectors in Guangzhou, PR China, volunteered to participate in the research. The participants responded to the Thinking Styles Inventory-Revised and to a range of questions concerning their actual and perceived work environments. Results indicated that the Thinking Styles Inventory-Revised is reliable and valid for assessing the thinking styles of the participants. Furthermore, the participants’ reported work environments statistically predicted their thinking styles. Results supported Sternberg’s claim that the theory of mental self-government is a general theory of styles that applies to both academic and non-academic settings. Implications of the findings are discussed for organizational psychologists, human resource management personnel, providers of management training and development, as well as for the ordinary workforce.  相似文献   

Semin and Strack (1980) demonstrated that the findings obtained by Snyder and Swann (1978) with respect to an hypothesis-confirming strategy in social interaction were due to the assigned task, and not to a person's hypothesis. In our first experiment we replicated Semin and Strack's results. In a second experiment, employing a more effective manipulation of the subject's hypothesis, support was obtained for an effect of the hypothesis factor. It was concluded that both an assigned task effect and an hypothesis effect can be demonstrated in the laboratory and probably exist in reality.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that visual deficits might hamper college students' academic success, we examined the relationship between a reliable self-report measure of visual function and semester grades. The correlation between the Everyday Vision Questionnaire scores and the grades of 331 college students was .01, which replicates and extends the historical findings of Cattell and others.  相似文献   

Competing models of attention make different predictions of how priming from recent stimulus processing could interact with intended selection. The present experiment examined the interaction between exogenous attention and endogenous priming across trial sequences. A sound cue directed attention to left, right or both sides before a dichotic syllable pair was presented. Participants were asked to report one syllable from each trial. Results showed that responses were slower on trials where one of the presented syllables had also been presented on the previous trial. Within these trials, the repeated syllable was selected less frequently, and the responses doing so were slower. Examined according to response choice on the preceding trial, syllables that had been ignored on the preceding trial tended to be ignored on the current trial (negative priming), while syllables that had been selected on the preceding trial tended to be selected on the current trial (positive priming). Responses that followed these selection biases were faster than responses that did not. Response selection was also influenced by the attention direction cue for the current trial, but not by the cue presented on the preceding trial. The results support an attentional model where traces from the preceding processing are retained, and current selection is biased to minimize cognitive conflict between recent and current processing. Negative priming appears to be due to after-effects of preceding processing, independently of the intentions behind that processing. The study accounts for positive and negative priming of dichotic listening sequences within an established, computationally viable biased competition framework.  相似文献   

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