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<正>2015.05第一章总则第1条为促进中国心理测验的研发与应用,加强心理测验的规范管理,根据国家有关法律法规制定本条例。第2条心理测验是指测量和评估心理特征(特质)及其发展水平,用于研究、教育、培训、咨询、诊断、矫治、干预、选拔、安置、任免、就业指导等方面的测量工具。第3条凡从事心理测验的研制、修订、使用、  相似文献   

心理测验管理条例(试行)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
心理测验管理条例(试行)[编者按]心理测验的使用是心理学服务于社会的一个重要方面。目前它已广泛地应用于医疗、教育、人事、军事等相关领域,并且。它的应用范围还在不断地扩大,可望在今后为社会做出更多的贡献。然而,心理测验的应用价值是与其科学性密不可分的。...  相似文献   

<正>凡以使用心理测验进行研究、诊断、安置、教育、培训、矫治、发展、干预、选拔、咨询、就业指导、鉴定等工作为主的人,都是心理测验工作者。心理测验工作者应意识到自己承担的社会责任,恪守科学精神,遵循下列职业道德规范:第1条心理测验工作者应遵守《心理测验管理条例》,自觉防止和制止测验的滥用和误用。第2条心理测验工作者必须具备中国心理学会心理测量专业委员会认可的心理测验使用资格。  相似文献   

心理测验主要包括智力测验和人格测验等,在心理健康诊断中有以上两种。  相似文献   

<正> 心理测验是心理科学的一项重要专业性工作,历史悠久,近年来在我国发展迅速,已越来越引起各有关部门的重视。为了正确引导本项专业性工作在我国正常健康的发展、中国心理学会经过认真讨论,广泛听取意见,起草了心理测验工作者的道德准则及心理测  相似文献   

考虑到,阐述测验的基本原理和方法较为重要,在本书正文中对心理测验的历史部分尽量从简。我们在这里要大胆地去预言今后若干年里教育和心理测验的发展趋势。实际上,我们也并不是信口开河,因为有不少趋势已经可以看出苗子了。  相似文献   

测验一:怎样面对压力如果你是个作家,面临杂志社编辑的催稿压力,正巧你又偏偏处于很忙的状况,你会怎么做?A.一口应承,再忙也要把稿子写出来。B.也会答应,然后先去发泄一下情绪才会开始写稿。C.无奈还是得做,不过,可能阿婆生子让他慢慢等。D.放在那儿,管他的,反正天塌下来也不会压到我。诊断分析选择A的人你习惯把压力往肚里吞,即便自己再忙再累也不想麻烦到别人。短期间之内的确可以让自己更坚强,不过长期的郁闷累积对自己也是一种伤害。建议你工作时可以不断要求完美,但一定要找一段时间或是利用几天连续的假期,而这几天让自己完全与工作…  相似文献   

陷入情网的人,心中充满火热的情思,不过,表达方式却因人而异,对那些毫不相关的自然风景,观赏的人也会感慨有别,赋与其千姿百态。现在,通过你对风景的印象,测验你的爱情表达方式。冬天,夏子小姐和伙伴一起去高山滑雪场,夏天也会和伙伴去这座高山野营。这幅漫画描绘了冬  相似文献   

如果一个人对人对事太敏感,那么他经常会大惊小怪,心神不定或小题大作,有时则怨天忧人,严重者影响身心健康,也会造成人际关系紧张。下面的题目可以帮助你了解自己的心理敏感程度。你的情况与题目相符者答“是”,反之答“否”。  相似文献   

心理测验是美国临床心理学家的重要活动之一。在美国有数百种不同的测验,几乎每个美国人在其一生中都要进行多次测验。如用标准化了的能力测验来测定一个孩子是否具备了上学的条件、测定他的潜在智能以及他在学校的成绩。以后,他要进行大学入学考试或参加研究生入学测验。再后,他还要参加录取雇员的甄别测验。  相似文献   

Psychological autopsies: methods and ethics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Essential knowledge on suicide is derived from studies that include interviews with survivors. In this paper, we discuss methodological and ethical issues pertaining to the interview method known as "psychological autopsy"; the discussion is based on our application of the method to three studies of suicides in Sweden and on a review of other investigations. Interviewing a survivor is a delicate matter, and the integrity of the deceased, the integrity and health of the informant, and the psychological strain on the interviewer must all be taken into consideration. The interviewer should have clinical experience in order to be prepared to deal with interviewees in grief. Contact by telephone, followed by an introductory letter, provides an opportunity to meet survivors in an empathic manner and has a low rejection rate. A 2- to 6-month interval between suicide and interview is recommended. The survivor's reactions to the interview should be evaluated in order to expand the empirical base for ethical considerations. Studies on the validity and reliability of the method are necessary.  相似文献   

A specially designed Business Ethics scale was administered to a sample of 111 high-level industrial personnel together with a comprehensive psychological test battery and a situation-specific Managerial Locus of Control scale based on Rotter's (1966) locus of control construct. Objective measures of age, education, and salary were also collected for the sample. Product-moment correlations were calculated between the scores from the Business Ethics scale and the 39 measures from the test battery, the locus of control score, and the 3 objective indices. Some relationships were found between objective measures of personal background data and business ethics orientation. The strongest association with business ethics (in the ethical direction) were obtained for the measure of internal locus of control and the measures of emotional health in the test battery. The three-way relationship between business ethics, internal locus of control, and emotional health is discussed.  相似文献   

In the first section, it is argued that a professional activity involves systematic knowledge and proficiency, a form of continuous improvement of the related bodies of knowledge and proficiency, as well as two levels of understanding: a local one, which is the ability to justify and explain professional acts, and a global one, which involves a conception of the whole profession and its ethical principles. The second section is devoted to a conceptual analysis of professional ethics. It is argued that it consists of a general conception of professionality, a particular conception of the profession under consideration, and a conception of the normative requirements made by the societal envelope of the professional activity, in particular basic norms of democracy. The third section draws conclusions with respect to the nature and limits of professional autonomy. It is shown that such autonomy is much more restricted than its apparent extent. Examples from engineering and other professions are provided.  相似文献   

The 1992 revision of the American Psychological Association's ethics code includes, for the first time, a section devoted to forensic issues. This article examines the adequacy with which the Forensic Activities section addresses fundamental ethical issues inherent in forensic practices (i.e., being competent in forensic practice, dealing with requests for service, providing informed consent, providing services, and reporting findings). We conclude that the ethics code modestly addresses important forensic ethical issues and that it too often is characterized by inconsistencies, insufficient information, omissions, and the inappropriate application of the term forensic to general standards not uniquely related to forensic practice.  相似文献   

Pastoral mental health is a topic that has only rarely been researched empirically in the psychological literature, yet a pastor’s mental health can have a significant impact on churches, communities, and even nations (Royal and Thompson, Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 31(3), 195–204, 2012). One of the thoughts prompting this research is that evangelical pastors might be expected to resist the findings of psychological research and lack understanding of specific mental illnesses they are potentially facing. Combined with historical and cultural dynamics that could influence resistance to professional psychological help, evangelical pastors have personal, internal factors that could also strengthen resistance, including the researched issues of self-disclosure flexibility and spiritual well-being. A correlational research design with multivariate regression was used to determine potentially significant or predictive relationships between the relevant factors. Among evangelical seminary students (N = 251) preparing for parish-based pastoral ministry, this research determined that no significant relationship, predictive or otherwise, existed between self-disclosure flexibility, spiritual well-being, and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. Implications include a shift in focus toward external factors influencing pastors’ help-seeking attitudes, such as the need for the mental health community to develop connections with evangelical pastors and the development of more support for Christian mental health professionals in the larger evangelical community.  相似文献   

英国心理咨询的专业化发展及其问题   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
由于英国咨询与治疗协会及其前身英国咨询协会的不懈努力,英国心理咨询业的专业化发展取得长足进步。表现在:在培训方面,统一课程要求;注重受训者的业务发展;培训对象、时间及费用上有灵活性。在督导方面,实施终身督导;尊重各种流派;坚持授权式和发展式督导,保证督导人员独立行使职责。在资格鉴定或注册方面,严格控制条件和标准。在伦理和投诉方面,出台了内容丰富、独具特色的关于咨询和治疗的伦理规范框架。英国心理咨询所面临的主要问题在于:学校心理咨询的不景气;咨询专业化要求与咨询实际不相吻合;在经济上面临挑战;资格鉴定注册及投诉上存有争议。了解他山之石,对于促进我国心理咨询专业化的健康发展不无裨益。  相似文献   

安芹  贾晓明  尹海兰 《心理科学》2011,34(2):451-455
本研究旨在了解高校心理咨询师的专业能力及专业发展。选取24名来自北京8所高校从事心理咨询的专职或兼职心理咨询师进行4个焦点小组访谈。研究发现,高校心理咨询接触到的主要问题是心理障碍,多数心理咨询师胜任工作的专业能力不足,专业训练和实践均有欠缺,专业发展的需求强烈。健全高校临床与咨询心理学学历教育,推行心理咨询师资格认证和审核制度以及完善继续教育机制是促进高校心理咨询师专业能力及专业发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

心理测验在人才测评中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了心理测验在人才测评中应用价值和存在的问题,讨论了科学的人才测评与心理测验的关系,期望可以科学的把心理测验应用到人才测评工作中,提高人才测评的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

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