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创业倾向影响因素研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
范巍  王重鸣 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1087-1090
本文是有关个体创业倾向与其社会环境、个性特征以及其它相关因素的研究。目的是为了探讨个体的个性特征以及环境、背景等因素对其创业倾向的影响。研究以国际前沿的理论为基础,以建立个体创业倾向的影响因素模型为目标。来研究个体创业倾向与社会环境、个性特征等影响因素的关系。  相似文献   

组织公正是员工对工作场所公正环境的心理感知, 研究层面有个体与群体之分。以往研究多集中在个体层面, 以致研究结果缺乏对群体现象的有效解释。进入新世纪学者们开始关注群体层面的公正氛围研究, 并在理论和实证方面取得了较大突破。通过回顾相关研究可以发现:(1)在理论机制上, 公正氛围的形成可以通过社会信息加工理论、吸引-选择-磨合模型、公正传染概念和公正启发理论来解释; (2)在研究视角上, 主要存在维度视角、整体视角、感知来源视角、氛围属性视角和第三方视角; (3)在研究主题上, 主要涉及领导、团队和组织三方面对公正氛围的影响, 以及公正氛围对个体、团队和组织三个层面的影响效果。未来研究可着重从多种领导行为对不同公正氛围影响的比较、其他领导因素对公正氛围的影响、不同公正氛围对结果变量影响的比较、新视角公正氛围测量方法的尝试, 以及文化因素对公正氛围的影响研究等方面入手。  相似文献   

内在动机及其前因变量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文比较系统地介绍了目前国内外关于内在动机的概念和具体影响因素诸方面的研究进展,并对未来的研究发展方向进行了展望。内在动机主要是由于活动过程本身特性或个体内发性精神需要所引发的一种活动或工作动力。相关影响因素主要涉及个体需要兴趣情感因素、工作任务本身特性、个体成就目标设置、自我效能感、组织授权与交换以及外在激励方式等方面。未来研究的方向主要在于内在动机具体结构的深入探讨以及不同影响因素的中介变量、调节变量以及诸因素交互作用综合模型的建立等方面  相似文献   

繁殖感是成年中期心理社会发展的主要任务,表现在生产能力、养育后代、人际和社会关怀以及领导能力等方面,包含关注、承诺、行动等维度,并以多种形式存在于生命周期的多个阶段。近来研究表明,繁殖感强调个体积极的存在和发展模式,对人际关系与社会和谐也具有促进作用。繁殖感的个体差异可表现在状态水平、年龄、性别角色等方面,主要受社会文化、个体内在期望以及父母教养方式等因素的影响。未来研究将从测量方法的整合,繁殖感与主观幸福感的关系等方面展开。  相似文献   

通货膨胀知觉是个体对通货膨胀的主观体验.通货膨胀知觉的认知机制主要体现在体验阶段和整合阶段.体验阶段主要涉及到个体对物价的感受性和记忆,整合阶段主要涉及到个体利用可得性启发式以及锚定和调整启发式完成对通货膨胀的最终估计.通货膨胀知觉的影响因素主要包括通货膨胀预期、框架效应、对价格公平性的认知、社会放大效应以及货币改革等.未来可以从通货膨胀知觉的信息加工方式、认知神经机制、跨文化研究以及具有较高生态效度的测量指标等方面进一步探讨.  相似文献   

青少年是自伤的高危人群,这与自伤的情绪管理功能密切相关。基于情绪管理视角,生物社会模型、回避体验模型和情绪管理模型分别从不同侧面揭示了情绪管理在自伤发生中的核心地位。综合目前关于自伤的心理学及跨学科研究成果发现,青少年自伤的影响因素主要包括基因与脑等生物学因素、家庭与学校环境中的人际因素,以及个体的人格特征。其中,基因、脑与家庭环境对青少年自伤的影响尤为关键。今后应在纵向研究、基因与环境交互作用以及脑成像技术融合等方面对自伤进行进一步探讨。  相似文献   

社会认同是个体对属于某特定社会群体的意识, 以及这种意识对个体情绪、情感的价值与意义。当前, 社交网站已逐渐渗透到了人们生活的各个方面, 改变了传统社会认同的环境。主要体现在扩展社交范围、促进信息交换、提供表达舞台、允许隐私设置和提供多重选择这五个方面。社交网站在个体社会认同的建构、表达、管理、重构和建立归属感等过程中均发挥了重要作用。未来研究仍需在研究方法、研究内容和实践应用上做进一步深化。  相似文献   

随着人们对健康、环境以及动物保护的关注, 素食主义日渐兴起。国内外对素食的心理学研究仍处于起步阶段。个体选择素食的心理过程涉及认知、情感、动机、认同感等方面, 素食行为受到个体差异、刻板印象、宏观因素的影响。未来研究有待深入探讨社会文化对素食行为的影响、中国文化情境下对素与素食的社会表征、素食的具身认知效应以及素食亚文化的动态形成过程, 以期引导对个体健康与环境有益的饮食模式。  相似文献   

当今社会个体职业生涯发展与管理的背景发生了巨大变化,无边界职业生涯应运而生,它指一种不限于单一雇佣范围的一系列就业机会的职业路径。文章在介绍概念及发展历程的基础上,综述了影响无边界职业生涯的四类因素,并指出以往研究在概念、发展现状、维度和影响广度等方面存在的争议。未来应该针对当前争议有目的地展开研究,界定更加清晰的概念,扩展对无边界职业生涯类型的研究,以及这种流动环境在更深层上对个体以及组织的影响。  相似文献   

相对剥夺感:概念、测量、影响因素及作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相对剥夺感(relative deprivation,RD)是指个体或群体通过与参照群体比较而感知到自身处于不利地位,进而体验到愤怒和不满等负性情绪的一种主观认知和情绪体验。目前,相对剥夺感的测量模型主要有个体–群体RD与认知–情感RD的二维垂直结构模型、认知–情感RD的双维结构模型、个体–群体RD的双维结构模型以及RD的三维结构模型。影响相对剥夺感的相关因素主要包括人口统计学变量、个体特征变量和社会环境变量。影响效应方面,相对剥夺感与心理健康、个体行为等个体水平变量以及群际态度、集群行为等群体水平变量的关系是当前关注的焦点。今后研究的重点应包括完善相对剥夺感的概念与结构、注重青少年及特殊群体研究、丰富研究内容和视角、强化纵向干预研究以及本土化和跨文化研究等。  相似文献   

Past measurement of vitality has included both emotional and physical components. Since aspects of physical vitality such as fatigue can be indicative of physical illness, the usefulness of existing measures of vitality to predict health is limited. This research was designed to examine the psychometric properties of a new Mental Vitality Scale and to test its associations with measures of cardiovascular health over the course of 2 years. The measure of mental vitality was administered in a two-part study using three different samples. In part 1, the reliability and validity of the scale was assessed with a student and a clinic sample. In part 2, medical data on mental and physical health were abstracted over a two-year period from 1041 patient records from a multi-specialty medical practice, and mental vitality assessed through a mailed questionnaire. The findings indicate that the Mental Vitality Scale is a valid and reliable questionnaire for measuring this construct. Mental vitality was also associated with reduced odds of several cardiovascular outcomes and prospective analyses suggest that mental vitality may serve a protective function in the development of cardiovascular disease. The results lend support for the importance of mental vitality as a construct that may be relevant for considering resilience in relation to cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this article, we examine subjective vitality, a positive feeling of aliveness and energy, in six studies. Subjective vitality is hypothesized to reflect organismic well-being and thus should covary with both psychological and somatic factors that impact the energy available to the self. Associations are shown between subjective vitality and several indexes of psychological well-being; somatic factors such as physical symptoms and perceived body functioning; and basic personality traits and affective dispositions. Subsequently, vitality is shown to be lower in people with chronic pain compared to matched controls, especially those who perceive their pain to be disabling or frightening. Subjective vitality is further associated with self-motivation and maintained weight loss among patients treated for obesity. Finally, subjective vitality is assessed in a diary study for its covariation with physical symptoms. Discussion focuses on the phenomenological salience of personal energy and its relations to physical and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

Vitality, or the energy available to the self, is a salient and functionally significant indicator of health and motivation. Previous models (e.g., Baumeister & Vohs, 2007 ) have suggested how such energy can be depleted but have focused less on how it can be maintained or enhanced. In this article, we describe a model of energy and vitality based on self‐determination theory ( Ryan & Deci, 2000 ). We review substantial evidence that, whereas the self‐controlling regulation of behavior depletes vitality and energy, the autonomous self‐regulation of behavior does not. A growing number of experimental and field studies also suggest that vitality and energy are enhanced by activities that satisfy basic psychological needs for relatedness, competence, and autonomy. Lifestyles focused on extrinsic goals are less conducive to need satisfaction and thus engender less vitality. We conclude that social psychological factors associated with need satisfaction have important implications for health and vitality and for informing interventions.  相似文献   

An analysis of psychological well-being (self-esteem and subjective vitality) of 639 Spanish university students was performed, while accounting for the amount of leisure-time physical activity. The Spanish versions of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Subjective Vitality Scale were employed. Participants were divided into four groups (Low, Moderate, High, and Very high) depending on estimation of energy expenditure in leisure-time physical activity. Men and women having higher physical activity rated higher mean subjective vitality; however, differences in self-esteem were observed only in men, specifically between Very high and the other physical activity groups.  相似文献   

Existing literature identified numerous positive consequences of vitality, including somatic health, mental well-being, and improved performance. Despite the immense scientifically proven beneficial importance of vitality, the concept has not been accurately conceptualized to ensure its uniform, comprehensive understanding and application. Through a detailed analysis of 93 qualified research studies on vitality, the present study provides a contemporary and concise scoping review of the vitality research domain, in particular how researchers addressed vitality, what aspects of vitality they explored, and how they designed their investigations on vitality. The vitality research domain appears to be composed of mainly quantitative inquiries in the field of psychology. The findings disclose vitality as a quantifiable subjective positive concept consisting of fluctuating physiological and psychological energy, which can be regulated and harnessed by a person possessing it. In addition to outlining features and measurements of vitality, the review generalized its empirically identified antecedents and consequences.  相似文献   

Integrating proactivity and creativity literatures, we argue that people can perform more creatively at work when they proactively manage their levels of vitality. Proactive vitality management is defined as individual, goal-oriented behavior aimed at managing physical and mental energy to promote optimal functioning at work. We hypothesize that this process may be facilitated by being aware of one's own state and by support from others. A total of 242 employees participated in a weekly diary study for three consecutive weeks, yielding 610 observations. Results of multilevel analyses show that participants reported more creative work performance during weeks in which they had proactively used vitality management. In addition, in line with our predictions, self-insight and social support for creativity in the workplace acted as cross-level moderators and strengthened the relationship between proactive vitality management and creativity. We conclude that a proactive approach regarding physical and mental energy is an important bottom-up strategy that may foster creativity in work settings.  相似文献   

The Mandala Model of Self (MMS) refers to the well‐functioning self leading to ultimate happiness in various cultures. This research provides the first empirical examination of the role of MMS in mental health in Confucian societies. The MMS Scale (MMSS) was developed, and its psychometric properties are described. A correlational study demonstrated that the MMSS, along with its two factors—socialized reflexivity and self‐exertion—validly measures certain mental health constructs. A quasi‐experimental study reliably distinguished persons engaged in the cultivation of the Mandala self from those who had not. Finally, a study with adolescents demonstrated that the scores of the MMSS are a better predictor of resilience than is extroversion or neuroticism. The present research provides empirical support for the theory underlying the MMS and its key contribution to mental health.  相似文献   

The current study examined the extension of an approach to self-leadership using strategies which focus on (1) constructive thoughts, (2) natural rewards, and (3) effective behavior. The suggested extension refers to strategies which improve physical vitality, fitness, and well-being. A sample of 163 students answered scale items selected and composed to measure the four categories of self-leadership strategies. Confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation modelling indicated that strategies focusing on physical vitality, fitness, and well-being represent an independent category of self-leadership strategies. Implications for research and application were discussed.  相似文献   

真实性指个体“做真实的自己”的程度。真实性是一个与自我密切相关的概念,是影响个体心理健康的重要因素。本文介绍了真实性的概念、结构、测量方法及研究焦点,指出今后应对真实性的心理结构、后果变量及其对心理健康的影响机制等方面做进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

真实自我意指个人在日常生活中,能将自己真实的想法和价值观顺畅地表达、展现出来.本文综述了西方关于真实自我的内涵、测量及其对自尊、适应和幸福感的影响.由于华人的双元自我、社会取向的自我实现和关系取向等方面与西方人不同,华人真实自我的面貌、意涵及其运作方式等方面应与西方有不同之处.未来应在华人自我对正负讯息的接受和行为表现上开展研究.  相似文献   

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