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Although social problem-solving abilities have been consistently associated with indicators of behavioral health, this work has been largely confined to tests of specific theoretical issues. Research has yet to demonstrate how the separate elements of the social problem-solving model relate to different patterns of adjustment, particularly among persons who live with chronic disease. We studied the occurrence of different profiles of social problem-solving abilities observed among persons living with diabetes mellitus. We then examined differences between clusters on measures of life satisfaction and depression. Results indicate that distinct profiles in problem-solving abilities do occur and these groupings can be distinguished by their different patterns of adjustment. Implications for theoretical models of problem solving and clinical assessment and interventions for persons with diabetes are discussed.  相似文献   

中学生问题解决策略的基本特征研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
实验通过人—机界面,对中学生解决几何问题策略的基本特征进行探讨。对学习成绩优、差学生,在解决问题的程序上和解决问题结果的正确与错误上的差异比较后显示:学习成绩优、差学生在解决问题的程序上,尤其在问题解决的思考推理方向上没有类似专家和新手之间的显著差异;学习成绩的优、差对解决问题结果的正确与错误上具有直接的影响;问题解决规则的选择对问题解决过程具有间接影响;对问题解决规则的掌握对问题解决的结果具有重要影响。  相似文献   

社会性问题解决是指个体在真实的社会情境中,有效地识别日常生活中遇到的特定问题或生活境遇,积极地面对问题,分析问题,发现有效解决方案的自我导向的认知、情感和行为过程。首先分析了社会性问题解决的概念,介绍了相应的测量工具,然后着重分析了社会性问题解决的影响因素(如个性特点),最后总结了社会性问题解决的影响效果。今后的研究需进一步探讨:社会性影响因素、相关研究的拓展和社会性问题解决疗法的应用等问题。  相似文献   

学习困难儿童的问题解决特点研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究选取学习困难儿童和正常儿童各 3 2名 ,设置河内塔问题解决的情境 ,采用临床观察法 ,对学习困难儿童在问题解决中的特点作了初步的探究。研究发现 :1与正常儿童相比 ,学习困难儿童在发现和有效运用策略方面明显不足 ,但当学习困难儿童对问题情境比较熟悉后 ,有明显的进步 ;2一定的提示并不能帮助学习困难儿童最有效地应用策略。  相似文献   

和美君  刘儒德 《心理科学》2012,35(3):642-646
情境模型与问题模型是数学问题解决研究中的两个重要概念,前者是对问题所述情境的日常化的定性表征,后者是基于图式知识对问题关键变量的数量关系表征。本文介绍了两种模型的发展历史以及目前存在的争议,并提出了未来研究需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

问题解决的表征态理论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
邓铸 《心理学探新》2003,23(4):17-20
问题解决的表征态理论(简称RST)认为问题解决就是问题的表征态连续、非线性的变化的过程,其中存在数据驱动和概念驱动两种方式。在问题表征态变化的过程中,问题解决者所掌握的专业知识起着重要的作用,它是问题解决者对问题情境信息进行同化的基础,也是对问题结构进行心理建构的基础。RST的假设及其推论在中学生物理问题解决过程中得到检验。  相似文献   

The effects of self-observation on children's problem solving were investigated. Children (N = 124) aged 6-8 years attempted to solve the 3-disc Tower of Hanoi problem. After pretesting, children were grouped into those who (a) practiced solving the problem independently, (b) received instruction on the most efficient solution, (c) observed a videotape recording of their previous attempt, and (d) served as a control. Subsequently, children were immediately tested on the 3-disc problem and a more difficult 4-disc problem. They were tested again 1 week later. Performance was most improved for children in the practice and video conditions on the 4-disc problem. Improvements were maintained over the 1-week interval. Unique characteristics of video self-observation are discussed.  相似文献   

问题表征、工作记忆对小学生数学问题解决的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋广文  何文广  孔伟 《心理学报》2011,43(11):1283-1292
以104名小学六年级学生为被试, 采用4个相对独立的研究探讨了工作记忆广度、问题表征方式与小学生数学应用题解决的关系。结果表明:(1)言语工作记忆广度只影响高难度应用题的解决, 在低难度、中等难度的应用题解决上, 高、低言语工作记忆广度者不存在显著差异; (2)视觉-空间工作记忆广度对低难度、中等难度、高难度应用题的解决都存在影响; (3)问题表征方式影响数学应用题的解决, 应用题的解题成绩与问题表征方式的使用有关; (4)言语工作记忆广度对应用题的表征方式没有影响, 高、低言语工作记忆广度者在三种难度水平应用题的表征方式上不存在显著差异; (5)视觉-空间工作记忆广度对应用题的表征方式存在影响, 高、低视觉-空间工作记忆广度者在三种难度水平应用题的表征方式上均存在组间差异。  相似文献   

本实验致力于回答两个问题 :(1 )在何种任务限制下 ,专家表现出对新手的解题优势 ;(2 )可以采用何种实验手段 ,来细致刻画解题过程中运用的程序性知识 (“条件 -行动”)。本实验以物理学领域的“欧姆定律”为研究内容 ,采用专家 -新手比较范型 ,对被试的言语报告进行编码与分析 ,进而描绘了解题活动所依赖的“条件 -行动”关系 ,从中展现了专家解题相对于新手的整体优势。对这些优势的进一步个案分析表明 ,物理学解题专长的实质在于 :(1 )条件化操作 (从已知条件得出复杂关系 ) ;(2 )精致化知识 (比例公式与嵌套公式 )。  相似文献   

Family members have a considerable impact on the health and well-being of others in the family. The characteristics of family caregivers that relate to care recipients' positive and negative outcomes associated with chronic disease have received scant empirical attention. We reasoned that family caregiver social problem solving abilities would be associated with depression and life satisfaction reported by persons with congestive heart failure (CHF). Correlational analyses found that caregiver negative orientation toward solving problems was significantly predictive of higher depression and with decreased life satisfaction of persons with CHF. These findings indicate that family caregiver problem solving abilities are important factors in adjustment following CHF. Implications for clinical interventions and theoretical models of problem solving are discussed.  相似文献   

杨光伟  范劲松 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1104-1106,1103
通过对40名小学生解决故事问题的过程分析,研究表明:(1)中等生与学困生在解题结果和解题过程2个方面都存在显著差异;(2)中等生和学困生的认知差异体现在,前者的特点主要是"比较"、"编码"和"目标定向",而后者的特点是"联结"和"比较"。  相似文献   

成人期人际性问题解决的策略取向研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用开放式问卷,考察252名25至75岁的成人解决人际性问题的策略取向。结果表明:总体上中国成人偏重于二级控制取向;成人前期个体较其他年龄段成人表现出更多的一级控制取向;情境因素对成人的策略取向有较大影响,并且这种影响对不同年龄段成人所产生的效应存在明显差异。  相似文献   

从困境到超越:顿悟的脑机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在1913~1920年间,德国心理学家苛勒进行了有关顿悟的经典实验。苛勒发现挑战了当时占主导地位的“尝试-错误”学习理论,表明问题解决行为可以以一种突发的形式产生,并在一瞬间获得对于问题情境的全新的思考和把握。但是直到最近心理学家才开始逐渐认识顿悟的大脑机制。该文介绍了近期围绕顿悟过程开展的脑成像研究,介绍了有关的研究方法,并讨论了参与顿悟过程的各个关键脑区的功能  相似文献   

大学生日常问题解决能力的特点及相关因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用自我评价与他人评价相结合的方法 ,对 664名大学生日常问题解决能力进行调查分析。结果表明 ,大学生日常问题解决能力有较强的领域特性和对象特性 ;人际能力、自我调控能力及自我管理能力是构成大学生日常问题解决能力的三大因子 ;在不同因子上存在年级或性别差异 ,且与身体健康、经济状况等因素具有显著的相关性。  相似文献   

Based on L. S. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, previous scaffolding studies have examined some factors associated with adjustment of parental support during collaborative problem solving. However, a factor that remains unexplored in the literature is the potential relationship between parental empathy and parental support in collaborative problem solving. The present study addresses this question through the observation of 45 preschool children and their mothers cooperating in a problem‐solving task with two levels of difficulty. Teachers rated the children's fine motor skills, and sampled mothers reported their empathy levels towards their children. Consistent with the notion of scaffolding, negative correlations were found between observed maternal verbal support (cognitive, autonomy, and emotional) and child age, and between observed maternal cognitive support and teacher reports of child motor skills. An analysis of covariance revealed significant empathy‐by‐difficulty interactions for physical and cognitive support after controlling for the effect of child motor skills. Implications of these findings are discussed in terms of the role of child motor skills and the importance of parental empathy in collaborative problem solving. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new visual representation for insight problems permits 22 new quantitative measures; which leads to a detailed diagnosis of a person's (or team's) creative weaknesses; which then leads to prescribing targeted, effective counter‐techniques for each weakness. Currently, only two measures are consistently used for insight problem solving: the number of problems solved and the time to solve the problems. These coarse measurements do not reveal the intricate dynamics of solving insight problems. Furthermore, four commonly used creativity measures (i.e., fluency, originality, flexibility, and elaboration) are often not applied to insight problems. This new visualization permits the easy application of all four creativity measures. I challenge creativity researchers to help determine which of the 22 proposed quantitative measures are the most diagnostic for insight problem solving in isolation and, in a weighted linear combination, which might yield an effective quotient (i.e., overall measure) of insight problem solving ability.  相似文献   

Three participants were trained on 6 target algebra skills and subsequently received a series of 5 instructional interventions (cumulative practice, tiered feedback, feedback plus solution sequence instruction, review practice, and transfer training) in a multiple baseline across skills design. The effects of the interventions on the performance of 5 problem-solving tasks that required novel combinations of 2 or more of the target skills were evaluated. Results showed that cumulative practice of the skills and a combination of feedback with solution sequence instruction led to limited performance increases on some of the problem-solving tasks, with one task meeting the mastery criterion following the solution sequence intervention. The introduction of the transfer training resulted in more consistent improvements across tasks such that participants achieved the performance criterion on all remaining problem-solving tasks during a final baseline condition. The findings suggest that a structured intervention designed to transfer stimulus control from previously established discriminative stimuli to more complex, novel stimuli can facilitate problem solving without extensive direct instruction on the higher-level skills. This research was funded in part by a contract with the Florida Department of Children and Families. The content and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Department of Children and Families. We thank Tim Vollmer for suggestions made throughout this study and for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. We also thank Linda Meckler for her assistance with data collection. Kristin H. Mayfield, now at iLearn, Inc., Marietta, GA, USA.  相似文献   

合作学习小组的认知风格对其问题解决的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以认知风格为依据,将合作学习小组分为场依存同质组、场独立同质组及异质组,通过小组对开放问题以及逻辑问题的解决,考察不同认知风格个体、不同类型小组的问题解决水平。结果表明:(1)个体认知风格的作用依任务性质不同而不同。(2)异质组中存在的个体之间的差异会成为有效沟通合作的障碍,进而影响异质组的问题解决水平,影响程度受到问题本身对沟通合作要求程度的影响。(3)异质分组能更好解决开放性问题。  相似文献   

提高学生解决问题能力已经成为现代教育的一个重要目标。问题解决就是由一定情境引起的,按照一定的目标,应用各种认知活动、技能等,经过一系列思维操作,使问题得以解决的过程。本文界定了问题和问题解决的概念内涵,构建了问题解决的过程模型,进而提出了问题解决的教学模式和教学策略。  相似文献   

摘要 采用顿悟-分析自我报告范式,以远距离联想任务为实验材料,从工作记忆容量和工作记忆负荷两个角度考察了工作记忆对顿悟和分析型问题解决的影响。结果表明,高工作记忆容量个体分析型问题解决的表现优于低工作记忆容量者,但在顿悟表现上无显著差异;工作记忆负荷较小时个体分析型问题解决表现更佳,但对顿悟表现没有影响。说明通过分析解决创造性问题的表现依赖于工作记忆的支持,而通过顿悟解决问题的表现与工作记忆无关。  相似文献   

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