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This paper makes a theoretical analysis of the process of formation of neural associations among sensory changes produced in the brain by environmental stimuli; it also analyzes the origin of classical and instrumental conditional reactions. It has been proposed that sensory traces of stimuli “intermingle,” forming patterns of associations in “polymodal” structures of the brain. The sensory traces of stronger stimulus dominate over the sensory traces of weaker stimulus in the pattern. An activation of a pattern of associations by any of the stimuli involved releases a reaction typical of the stronger stimulus (called a reinforcing or unconditional stimulus) before the latter is presented. That type of reaction, called classical conditional reaction, is dispensable; it is one of post-reinforcement origin and therefore, is not represented in the pattern of associations. When a physiological act, such as a definite movement (e.g., pressing a bar) must precede the obtaining of the reinforcing stimulus, this physiological act, called an instrumental conditional reaction, is also evoked each time the pattern of associations has been activated. The instrumental conditional reaction is indispensable and, because of its pre-reinforcement origin, belongs, through its sensory feedback, to the pattern of associations.  相似文献   

The effect of the body transfer illusion on the perceived strength of self- and externally-generated “tickle” sensations was investigated. As expected, externally generated movement produced significantly higher ratings of tickliness than those associated with self-generated movements. Surprisingly, the body transfer illusion had no influence on the ratings of tickliness, suggesting that highly surprising, and therefore hard to predict, experiences of body image and first-person perspective do not abolish the attenuation of tickle sensations. In addition, evidence was found that a version of the rubber hand illusion exists within the body transfer illusion. We situate our findings within the larger debate over sensory attenuation: (1) there is an attenuation of prediction errors that depends upon the context in which sensory input is predicted (i.e., efference copy), and (2) sensory attenuation is a necessary consequence of self-generated movement irrespective of context (i.e., active inference). The results support the notion of active inference.  相似文献   

The present article contributes a critical post-humanist analysis of emotion, education, and human–animal relations, including a reinterpretation of previous research on “shared suffering” (Haraway, 2008, Porcher, 2011) in human–animal instrumental encounters. Considering how formal education, particularly a professional education program such as veterinary medical education that relies heavily on scientific “facts” about animals and biotechnology, recruits bodily and sensory affect to mediate techniques of animal exploitation, the article asks how we can begin to make sense of such an affective animal didactics? Drawing on ethnographic material from three events in theoretical and practice-oriented veterinary education, the article explores how bodily and sensory human/animal/technology intimacy enters education as a pedagogical device and as a subtle reinforcement of bio-economic parasitism on farmed animals' productive and reproductive capacities. The article reworks the notion of “shared suffering” into forms of modulation and distribution of affect to conceptualize a particular didactics of incorporating human/nonhuman interaction in the bio-economic microphysics of education.  相似文献   

Bredo C. Johnsen 《Synthese》2014,191(5):961-988
Central elements of W. V. Quine’s epistemology are widely and deeply misunderstood, including the following. He held from first to last that our evidence consists of the stimulations of our sense organs, and of our observations, and of our sensory experiences; meeting the interpretive challenge this poses is a sine qua non of understanding his epistemology. He counted both “This is blue” and “This looks blue” as observation sentences. He took introspective reports to have a high degree of certainty. He endorsed outright Hume’s “skeptical” argument concerning induction. His naturalized epistemology is simply naturalistic, or scientific, epistemology stripped of the project of rational reconstruction, and is thoroughly normative. Quine was unconditionally a scientific philosopher who took our theories to be answerable ultimately to our perceptual experiences (sensations)—and conditionally an empiricist, empiricism being a scientific theory that has no competitors worthy of the name. I attempt to make all of this clear, and conclude by offering a concise formulation of his epistemology.  相似文献   

A client's problem can be conceptualized as a values problem. Yet there is still much confusion surrounding the concept of values, and closely related issues have not been adequately defined or researched. This article reviews various meanings of values and the authors' preferred distinction between terminal and instrumental values. A case illustration describes the usefulness of the Rokeach Value Survey and of the “method of self-confrontation” in value therapy. Research on the Value Survey and the method are summarized, with suggestions for their use with different types of clients and in different settings. C. Gilbert Wrenn gives his personal reactions to the article. These range from “frustrating” to “most satisfying.”  相似文献   


The author starts from the apparently outdated James-Lange theory of emotion to rediscover elements of modernity for contemporary psychoanalysis: from James’ bodily-sensory dimension to Damasio’s “feeling of what happens,” to Bucci’s attention to the patient’s visceral narrative in session. William James stated that bodily sensations are the first elements on the path toward consciousness. Damasio emphasizes that “Consciousness is rooted in the representation of the body”. Bucci presents a framework for identifying linkages between bodily and symbolic states and to observe the various degrees of patients’ “visceral speech” in session. These parallels support a sensibility to listen to language as the voice of the body: the relationship between the patient’s narrative and the bodily-sensory dimension can be grasped through the patient’s “imagery” which may reference earlier somatic experience. Particular emphasis is given to the story-telling of trauma.  相似文献   

Many epistemologists and philosophers of science, especially those with “naturalist” inclinations, argue that if there is to be any such thing as normativity or rationality in these domains, it must be instrumental—roughly, a matter of goal satisfaction—rather than something involving normative “oughts” that are independent of the satisfaction of our epistemic, cognitive, or other ends. This paper argues that while such an instrumental conception of epistemic rationality is perfectly respectable, even insofar as it concerns specifically epistemic ends, it cannot be the whole story about such normativity. Rather, it must be accompanied by a “categorical,” goal‐independent sort of normativity that cannot be reduced to instrumental rationality, both because instrumental rationality itself depends on a noninstrumental relationship between a belief/claim/theory and the evidence that renders it rational, and because the epistemic rationality of many beliefs is independent of the goals of their believers.  相似文献   

The motivational systems underlying the behavior of recalcitrant and verbally uncommunicative patients are viewed and discussed in terms of emerging self with other. The painful sensations and misperceptions of bodily experience in infancy can reoccur during treatment or have become a habitual way of being in the world. They must be understood and worked through in order to facilitate symbolization and sufficient distance from bodily sensations to allow renewed psychological growth. Five motivational systems are said to aid and express needs such as help in sustaining physiologic requirements, need for attachment, assertion of preferences, development of healthy assertion, and the need for sensual enjoyment. Affective experiences associated with each system in infancy set the pattern for later behavior. It becomes clear that during treatment patients reclaim and begin to understand such “sensation” language. The therapist is then called upon to translate the arising metaphors.

Ten “principles of psychoanalytic technique” are then offered. Every effort is made to comprehend the patient's affective experience, either during recall of experiences or in the present. Of particular interest is the stance of the therapist during such therapeutic encounters. Rather than adopting the traditional position of interpreting the present in terms of the past, empathic attention is given to affect and emotion in the here and now.  相似文献   

This paper tracks the affective intensity and emergent potential that is part of making contact with Richie, a local Creole villager from Walliceville, Belize. Tourists and expats are drawn to Richie and seduced by him, his colorful language and personality. My attention in this paper is directed to the spatialized force fields of contact between tourists, expats and local creole villagers, like Richie, by attending to the way these contact fields conjure forces of wild vitality that both agitate and fascinate social life in Belize. I focus on how Richie acts as a powerful representation of tropical “no worries” Creole life. But more than that, he carries a sensory charge, seducing tourists and expats into crazy moments of abandon, a “sensing beyond security” (Manning, 2007: 134–161), that exceeds the work of Caribbean tourist representations to become moments when forces are activated as impacts that provoke things, for better or for worse. I argue that such moments spawn worlds that build forms of attachment and become the vital fields of sensations that incite life as emergent forces coming into play in this postcolonial state of emergency taking shape as neo-liberal exception, on the edge of global empire, in Belize.  相似文献   

Earlier bases for differentiating between classical and instrumental conditioning are considered. These include Konorski’s recent proposal that only those responses which are mediated by the “central behavioral system” may be instrumentalized, as well as Skinner’s notion of respondent versus operant behavior. A new proposal, based upon the suggestions of Kozak and Westerman and of Razran, is made; namely, if the reinforcement of one reflex with another results in classical or instrumental changes depends basically upon the ease with which the first reflex is habituated. The principal basis of differences in “habituability” between classical and instrumental conditioning procedures is suggested to be the variability of stimulation which elicits the first reflex.  相似文献   

This research examined the psychological underpinnings of concern for national symbols and ritualistic‐ceremonial activities or “symbolic involvement.” We propose and test a distinction between symbolic and “instrumental” involvement or concern for the functionality of national institutions and their capability to provide instrumental benefits to citizens. Items comprising the two constructs were found to be empirically distinct, evidenced by statistically reliable and orthogonal dimensions in exploratory factor analysis. Moreover, evidence based on divergent patterns of relations with various forms of national membership indicates that symbolic and instrumental involvement are rooted in distinct motivational concerns related to identity expression and object appraisal, respectively. These findings suggest that national symbolism evokes a psychological attachment to the nation as an abstracted social entity, but not as a concrete functional system.  相似文献   

Hegel's discussion of the concept of “habit” appears at a crucial point in his Encyclopedia system, namely, in the transition from the topic of “nature” to the topic of “spirit” (Geist): it is through habit that the subject both distinguishes itself from its various sensory states as an absolute unity (the I) and, at the same time, preserves those sensory states as the content of sensory consciousness. By calling habit a “second nature,” Hegel highlights the fact that incipient spirit retains a “moment” of the natural that marks a limitation compared to “pure thought” but that also makes perceptual consciousness possible. This makes Hegel's account analogous in important respects to John McDowell's “naturalism of second nature.” But Hegel's account of habit can be seen as a version of a Kantian synthesis of the productive imagination—and hence presupposes a given material that can become one's own by means of habit. This does not mean that Hegel falls into the Myth of the Given, but it does suggest that an appropriate account of second nature might be committed to something McDowell wants to deny: that nonconceptual states of consciousness play a role (even if not a justificatory role) in perception.  相似文献   

Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a sensory-emotional phenomenon in which specific sensory stimuli (“ASMR triggers”) reliably elicit feelings of relaxation and tingling sensations on the head, neck, and shoulders. However, there are individual differences in which stimuli elicit ASMR and in the intensity of these responses. In the current research, we used resting-state fMRI to examine the functional connectivity associated with these differences. Fifteen individuals with self-reported ASMR completed the ASMR Checklist, which measures sensitivity to different ASMR triggers, and a resting-state fMRI scan. Checklist scores were entered as covariates to determine whether the functional connectivity of eight resting-state networks differed as a function of participants’ sensitivity to five categories of triggers. The results indicated unique patterns of functional connectivity associated with sensitivity to each ASMR trigger category. Sensitivity to two trigger categories was positively correlated with the dorsal attention network, suggesting that ASMR may involve atypical attentional processing.  相似文献   

Based on the concepts of Sándor Ferenczi on trauma and vincularity, the author examines the operation of the mechanisms of dreaming in the processing of early traumatic situations and their clinical utilization. The difference is established between dreams of “repetition”, which lack dream imagery and contain a great amount of anguish, consisting of bodily sensations which may last on awakening, and the “secondary dream” with imagery, into which the first type can be transformed when the capacity of the psychic apparatus to process the traumatic situation is increased through therapeutic work. This “secondarization” of the repetitive dream has a traumatolytic effect, allowing the patient to reach psychoanalytically the mechanisms and mental states prevailing in the traumatic situation, through the mechanism of dream autorepresentation described by Silberer. In some cases, as illustrated in the clinical material, it is possible to anticipate the event of episodes of somatic disease before they become clinically evident.?The detailed analysis of dreams in patients with these characteristics is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to investigate the phenomenology of learning — people”s attitudes toward their learning experiences that have inherent worth in themselves (i.e., ontological learning) or have value outside of the learning itself (i.e., instrumental learning). In order to explore this topic, 58 participants from the U.S., Russia, and Brazil were interviewed with a central question derived from the science fiction writer Isaac Asimov’s short story “Profession”: whether participants would take a “Magic Learning Pill” (MLP) to avoid the process of learning, and instead magically acquire the knowledge. The MLP would guarantee the immediate learning by skipping the process of learning while achieving the same effect of gaining skills and knowledge. Almost all participants could think of some learning experiences for which they would take MLP and others for which they would not. Many participants would not take MLP for ontological learning, which is learning experiences that have inherent value for the people, while they would take MLP for instrumental learning, which is learning that mainly serves some other non-educational purposes. The main finding suggests that both instrumental and ontological types of learning are recognized by a wide range of people from diverse cultures as present and valued in their lives. This is especially significant in light of the overwhelmingly instrumental tone of public discourse about education. In the context of formal education, ontological learning was mentioned 35 times (28.0%) while instrumental learning was mentioned 74 times (60.2%). Although ontological learning was often mentioned as taking place outside of school, incorporating pedagogy supporting ontological learning at school deserves consideration.  相似文献   

For a number of perceptual continua, it has been shown in previous studies that subjects use only one quantitative comparison between two sensory impressions of a pair of stimuli, irrespective of whether they are instructed to judge “ratios” or “differences”. This comparison can be described by algebraic subtraction. The present study was designed to investigate whether this one-operation theory for psychophysical judgment also applied to the sensory continuum of sweetness. Subjects were presented with pairs of fructose solutions, and judged “ratios” of, or “differences" in, perceived sweetness intensities. The pairs were constructed on the basis of a factorial judgment design. The results showed that the reported “differences” could be adequately described by a difference response model, and that the reported “ratios” could be adequately described by a ratio response model. However, the reported “ratios” and reported “differences” were monotonically related, and the marginal means of the log-transformed response matrix of “ratios” were a linear function of the marginal means of the response matrix of “differences”. These results are incompatible with the notion that subjects judged differences when instructed to judge “differences”, but ratios when instructed to judge “ratios”. The consistency of the ratio response model with “ratio” judgments is probably caused by a comparative operation based on “differences” in combination with an exponential response output function. It may be concluded that subjects judge only “differences”, and not “ratios”, between perceived sweetness intensities.  相似文献   

The paper reviews traditional attributional explanations for the over-justification effect in task motivation, isolates their weaknesses, and proposes an alternative account based on the notion that individuals process task information schematically. It is proposed that task information relating to motivation is interpreted by cognitive schema or “templates,” which identify tasks as being either instrumental or expressive in nature. When the expressive template is evoked, the task is perceived to be playlike and is experienced as inherently motivating. When the instrumental template is evoked, the task is perceived as a means to an end and task motivation results from the perceived value of the task for attaining intrinsic and/or extrinsic rewards. Structural characteristics of these templates are proposed. According to this account, overjustification effects occur when the perceived characteristics of tasks change such that the expressive template is replaced by the instrumental template and expressive motivation is transformed into instrumental motivation.  相似文献   

Abstract: We argue that there is a interesting connection between the old problem of the Speckled Hen and an argument that can be traced from Russell to Armstrong to Putnam that we call the “gradation argument.” Both arguments have been used to show that there is no “Highest Common Factor” between appearances we judge the same – no such thing as “real” sensations. But, we argue, both only impugn the assumption of epistemic certainty regarding introspective reports.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the joint influence of peripheral neurophysiological factors and higher-order cognitive and affective processes in triggering or modulating a variety of phantom limb experiences, including pain. Part 1 outlines one way in which the sympathetic nervous system may influence phantom limb pain. A model involving a sympathetic-efferent somatic-afferent cycle is presented to explain fluctuations in the intensity of sensations referred to the phantom limb. In part 2, the model is extended to explain the puzzling finding that onlyafter amputation are thoughts and feelings capable of evoking referred sensations to the (phantom) limb. While phantom pains and other sensations frequently are triggered by thoughts and feelings, there is no evidence that the painful or painless phantom limb is a symptom of a psychological disorder. In part 3, the concept of a pain “memory” is introduced and described with examples. The data show that pain experienced prior to amputation may persist in the form of a memory referred to the phantom limb causing continued suffering and distress. It is argued that two independent and potentially dissociable memory components underlie the unified experience of a pain memory. This conceptualization is evaluated in the context of the surgical arena, raising the possibility that under certain conditions postoperative pain may, in part, reflect the persistent central neural memory trace left by the surgical procedure. It is concluded that the experience of a phantom limb is determined by a complex interaction of inputs from the periphery and widespread regions of the brain subserving sensory, cognitive, and affective processes.  相似文献   

Individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder describe “not just right experiences” as a constant uncomfortable feeling of imperfection toward sensory stimuli. This study examined the relation between “not just right experiences,” obsessive-compulsive disorder and sensory over-responsivity symptoms. Sixty college students participated in the in vivo “not just right experiences” assessment. This included four tasks for which participants rated pre-task discomfort, post-task discomfort, and urge to counteract auditory, visual, and tactile stimuli. “Not just right experiences” scores significantly correlated with obsessive-compulsive disorder scores. Tactile, auditory, and visual sensory over-responsivity scores were correlated with specific “not just right experiences” scores. Sensory over-responsivity is rarely addressed in obsessive-compulsive disorder while it contributes to symptomatology and participation.  相似文献   

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