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Forty-eight moderately intellectually-handicapped, institutionalized adults were randomly assigned to a behavioural social-skills training (BSST), a cognitive social-problem-solving (SPS), attention-placebo control (APC) or no-treatment control (NTC) group. Significant improvement in basic social-skill performance was found for the BSST group but not for the SPS, APC or NTC groups, whereas significant increases in the generation of alternative solutions were found for the cognitive SPS group but not the BSST, APC or NTC groups. Neither training approaches produced lasting benefits, nor were skill improvements associated with changes in global ratings of social competence made by staff. The implications for future intervention with intellectually-handicapped adults are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared four treatments for unipolar (non-psychotic) depression: Amitriptyline, Social-Skills Training (SST) + Amitriptyline, SST + Placebo and Psychotherapy + Placebo. In addition, 25 normal women were assessed on the behavioral measures in order to evaluate the ecological validity of the dependent measures and the changes produced by treatment. The four treatments, conducted by experienced clinicians, all produced statistically-significant and clinically-meaningful changes in symptomatology. However, there were several notable differences. The SST groups had greater improvement on measures of social skill, and were more similar to the normal women after treatment. In addition the SST + Placebo group had the lowest level of attrition and had the highest proportion of patients who were significantly improved. Significance of the results for future research on SST and role-play measures of social skill was discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the Miller-Dollard hypothesis (Social learning and imitation, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941) that verbal labels increase distinctiveness of cues, generalization gradients to pure tones were obtained before and after label training. One group was trained to label all seven tones in an array and another only the middle tone. Three additional groups controlled for nonverbal factors. Before training, gradients were characterized by progressive loss of stimulus control with exposure to the generalization test stimuli. The main effect of possession of labels was to retard this loss, but only in tests where S+ was a labeled stimulus. While the specificity of label effects was in line with the Miller-Dollard hypothesis, the finding that labels did not confer a clear advantage at the start of testing was not. It was suggested that the unlabeled stimuli may have been sufficiently distinct to mask label effects and that interference generated by the test stimuli reduced distinctiveness to levels needed for such effects to emerge.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effectiveness of a staff training and management package on nutritional practices in two community-based group homes serving adults with developmental disabilities. Food storage, menu development, and meal preparation were trained in a multiple baseline format, followed by supervisor feedback. All staff behaviors increased after training and were maintained for up to 1 year. Biological indices reflected collateral improvements in the health of consumers, and surveys of staff and parents established social validity.  相似文献   

Ten school-leavers were allocated either to an interview-training group (E) or a discussion control group (C) for three sessions. For E group a combination of modelling, coaching, roleplay, feedback and discussion was used to train both verbal and non-verbal interview skills. An attempt was made to programme generalization of treatment effect into training and subjective evaluations of interview skill were made by an experienced Personnel Officer to assess the social importance of the skills trained. After C group had completed three sessions to control for the non-specific effects of being in therapy, they received the same training as E group. Subjects were assessed using videotaped roleplayed interviews at the beginning and end of each training phase. After training E group showed significant improvements on both global and specific ratings of interview skill compared to C group; there was evidence of generalization and maintenance of treatment effect and the social importance of the skills trained was substantiated by the subjective evaluation data. C group then went on to replicate the changes in E group.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the between-measure consistency of general and specific social-skills assessment strategies. Nineteen mentally retarded adults were assessed using both common and newly devised measures of social skills: (1) specific (molecular) behavior ratings from role-play assessments, (2) general (molar) ratings based on the role plays, staff (3) molar and (4) molecular predictions of client social skills use in the described role-play situations, (5) peer sociometric ratings, and molecular in vivoobservations conducted in (6) cafeteria and (7) party settings. For all molecular measures, the subjects were assessed on eye contact, response relevance, response latency, voice volume, and appropriate affect, which allowed for direct comparisons to be made between each of these assessment modalities. In addition, the role-play assessment was conducted under two distinct conditions to determine whether role-play performance varied between standard and reinforced administrations; however, multivariate analyses (MANOVA) revealed no differences between the two assessments. Correlations between the molar and the molecular measures suggested a substantial overlap between the measures, with staff ratings having the highest consistency with the other measures. Furthermore, MANOVAs calculated between role-play ratings and those of staff revealed little difference between the two. The limitations on and practical significance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Three naive and three nonnaive pigeons key pecked for food on a multiple variable-interval 1-minute variable-interval 1-minute schedule with a black zero-degree vertical line on a white surround associated with one component and a black line shifted 30 degrees to the right (+30 degree) associated with the other component. Subsequently, a signalled-reinforcer procedure was introduced in the +30 degree component, i.e., whenever the reinforcer was available for the next response, the key changed to blank white. Following this training, the original unsignalled-reinforcer condition was re-instated. Line orientation generalization tests were given at the end of signalled-reinforcer training and after the second unsignalled-reinforcer condition. The signalled-reinforcer procedure reduced response rate in the +30-degree component in all subjects but facilitated responding during the zero-degree component (behavioral contrast) for two of the naive subjects only. However, average generalization gradients following signalled-reinforcer training indicated peak shift in two subjects and area shift in all five subjects that completed the experiment. There was no apparent relation between contrast and peak shift or degree of area shift. The data were interpreted as supporting the notion that the signalled-reinforcer procedure segments a variable-interval schedule into extinction and fixed ratio 1 segments.  相似文献   

It is well established that performance on standard mental rotation tasks improves with training (Peters et al., 1995), but thus far there is little consensus regarding the degree of transfer to other tasks which also involve mental rotation. In Experiment 1, we assessed the effect of mental rotation training on participants' Mental Rotation Test (MRT) scores. Twenty-eight participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: a "One-Day Training," "Spaced Training," or "No Training" group. Participants who received training achieved higher scores on the MRT, an advantage that was still evident after 1 week. Distribution of training did not affect performance. Experiment 2 assessed generalization of mental rotation training to a more complex mental rotation task, laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgical skills were assessed using Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) tasks. Thirty-four participants were randomly assigned to a "Full Mental Rotation Training, MRT and FLS," "MRT and FLS," or "FLS-only" group. MRT results from Experiment 1 were replicated and mental rotation training was found to elicit higher scores on the MRT. Further, mental rotation training was found to generalize to certain laparoscopic surgical tasks. Participants who obtained mental rotation training performed significantly better on mental-rotation dependent surgical tasks than participants who did not receive training. Therefore, surgical training programs can use simple computer or paper-based mental rotation training instead of more expensive materials to enhance certain aspects of surgical performance of trainees.  相似文献   

Unassertive psychiatric patients matched on age, diagnosis, and self-reported assertiveness were assigned to one of five conditions, with 10 subjects in each group: Test-Retest, Practice-Control, Practice-Control with Generalization Instructions, Modeling and Instructions, Modeling and Instructions with Generalization Instructions. All subjects were videotaped (Pre- and Post-Test) while responding to ten interpersonal situations requiring assertive responses. Following the Pre-test, subjects in the experimental groups received training on five of the ten situations (training scenes). On the remaining five situations subjects received no training (generalization scenes). Results indicated that the Modeling and Instructions groups effected the greatest changes on seven of the eight components for the training scenes but on only five of the eight components for the generalization scenes. No differences were found between either of the two Practice-Control groups and the the Test-Retest group. Although transfer of training effects were obtained on the generalization scenes, these effects were minimal on an independent in vivo test of generalization. Moreover, an instructional set designed to facilitate generalization to different situations was only partially effective.  相似文献   

Different groups of pigeons received discrimination training in which the reinforcement-associated and extinction-associated stimuli were respectively either (a) a line tilt vs a blank key, (b) a blank key vs a line tilt, or (c) two different line tilts. The high response rates that developed to the positive stimulus in all groups during discrimination learning were maintained over 64 sessions of training. After these sessions, all subjects were tested for stimulus generalization along the line-tilt dimension. Gradients of relative (per cent) generalization around the stimulus associated with reinforcement (so-called excitatory gradients) and around the stimulus associated with extinction (so-called inhibitory gradients) were as steep as they typically are after much briefer training periods. These results do not support several of Terrace's predictions on the basis of the hypothesis that emotional responses develop to the stimulus associated with extinction during discrimination learning with errors, but eventually dissipate after extended training.  相似文献   

This study developed and evaluated a program for teaching a verbal problem-solving strategy to mildly mentally handicapped adults. Six general areas were targeted for training: Community Awareness, Authority Figures, Peer Issues, Stating One's Rights, Emergencies and Injuries, and Safety. The program features response-specific feedback, modeling, self-monitoring, positive reinforcement, response practice, self-correction, and individualized performance criterion levels. The experimental group (N = 3) received baseline, training, probes, and pre/posttraining generalization assessments, whereas the control group (N = 3) received only the pre/posttraining assessments. The generalization and probe assessments contained situations that were both similar and dissimilar to the training situations. The three month posttraining results revealed that the experimental subjects' problem-solving skills had generalized to both types of situations, whereas the control group showed little overall change. Furthermore, the experimental group's three month scores were comparable to those of a group of nonhandicapped individuals. Issues related to these results and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of reinforcement and extinction on response variability and stimulus generalization in the punching and kicking techniques of 2 martial arts students were evaluated across drill and sparring conditions. During both conditions, the students were asked to demonstrate different techniques in response to an instructor's punching attack. During baseline, the students received no feedback on their responses in either condition. During the intervention phase, the students received differential reinforcement in the form of instructor feedback for each different punching or kicking technique they performed during a session of the drill condition, but no reinforcement was provided for techniques in the sparring condition. Results showed that both students increased the number of different techniques they performed when reinforcement and extinction procedures were conducted during the drill condition, and that this increase in response variability generalized to the sparring condition.  相似文献   

Interactions between the youths and group home parents in 10 group homes were directly observed during a 2-hour session in each home. These observations were compared to questionnaire measures of the youths' self-reported delinquency while in the group home, and their evaluation of the group home program. The results indicated that over the 10 homes there was a strong inverse correlation between mean self-reported delinquency and the average amount of time youths spent taking to (r s =–.95)and in proximity to (r s =–.81)their group home parents. Talking to group home parents also showed a positive correlation with the youths' evaluation of their group home program. Similar trends were found when the correlations were computed over individual youths, although the magnitudes were reduced. These data may have implications for our understanding of the relationship between parenting behaviors and delinquency, as well as for the improvement of group-home treatment programs.This research was supported by Grant MH20030 and by a postdoctoral research fellowship (Grant MH15200, awarded to the first author) from the National Institute of Mental Health (Center for Studies in Crime and Delinquency). These grants were made to the Bureau of Child Research and the Department of Human Development, University of Kansas. The authors wish to thank Susan Whitely for her statistical consultation, and Jay Atwater, Carol Cramer, and Lynette Forbes for their help in the data analysis. Appreciation is also extended to the many teaching-parents whose cooperation made the research possible.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to compare the short- and long-term efficacy of behavioral social-skills training and interpersonal-problem-solving with a control condition (non-directive treatment) with a clinical population of 61 socially-maladjusted outpatient boys. Treatment consisted of 12 weekly 1-hr sessions, with follow-up conducted at 12 months. A comprehensive assessment strategy was employed which included direct behavioral observations, parent, teacher, peer, self-report and academic performance measures. The results of this social-skills comparative outcome study indicated that the behavioral and interpersonal treatments resulted in changes on parent, teacher, self-report and peer sociometric ratings at post-treatment. At the 1-yr follow-up, the behavioral treatment maintained it's gains and continued to show modest improvement. Conversely, the interpersonal treatment manifested significant declines, as did the control group. These findings and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Five related experiments investigating stimulus generalization following go/no-go discrimination training of educable retarded children are reported. Experiment 1 employed an Extradimensional paradigm in which generalization testing was on the hue dimension following training on an independent (orientation) dimension. Following True discrimination training only 25% of children showed a decremental stimulus generalization gradient on the hue dimension, though all children exhibited flat gradients in Pseudodiscrimination and S+ only control groups. An increase in difficulty of the orientation discrimination in Experiment 2 did not increase the number of decremental gradients. In Experiment 3, children who exhibited decremental gradients in Experiments 1 and 2 underwent further generalization testing with modified stimuli to establish a symmetrical gradient peaked at a hue S+ to be employed in Experiments 4 and 5. In these experiments an Intradimensional paradigm was employed with S+ and S? stimuli drawn from the hue dimension. Excitatory control by S+ and inhibitory control by S? were demonstrated, as were inhibitory consequences of S? such as peak and area shift.  相似文献   

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