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For 55 students (13 men, 42 women) there was a significant inverse correlation for scores on the Self-acceptance Scale and scores on the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, thereby giving credence to the construct validity of both scales, that is, the more one accepts oneself, the less negative evaluation there is of oneself.  相似文献   

The present study introduces the Verbal Associated Pairs Screen (VAPS) as a new measure for assessing performance validity in pediatric populations. This study presents initial data on psychometric properties and establishes construct validity for the VAPS in a sample of 30 adolescent healthy controls and 206 youths with traumatic brain injury (TBI: moderate/severe, N = 30; mild, N = 176). The control group’s age (M = 14.93, SD = 1.8) was significantly higher than the moderate/severe TBI (M = 13.9, SD = 2.8), t(68.508) = ?3.038, p = .003, and mild TBI (mTBI) groups (M = 14, SD = 2.8), t(54.147) = 2.038, p = .046. The TBI groups were administered the VAPS in accord with other established performance validity tests (PVTs) and well-established memory tests as part of routine clinical evaluations. The healthy control group was administered the VAPS only. VAPS score distributions for the control group were negatively skewed and highly kurtotic. VAPS scores from the moderate/severe TBI and control groups were indistinguishable for Trial 2 (U = 274, p < .01) and the Delay (U = 396, p = .218). In the mTBI group, convergent and divergent validity was established with other well-validated PVTs and memory tests, respectively. ROC curve analyses identified optimal cutoff scores for the VAPS Total Score, with acceptable sensitivity (55%) and excellent specificity (100%), as well as strong detectability (AUC = .829, 95% CI: 0.731 – 0.928, p < .001). Clinical applications, limitations, and directions for future research with the VAPS are discussed.  相似文献   

Projective and semiprojective techniques are both tools and tests. A schema for assessing the validity of projective devices is proposed: (1) Primary, consisting of (a) construct validity i.e., the soundness of the techniques vis-a-vis its underlying concepts; and (b) criterion-related validity, i.e., the concordance between tool results and specified external criteria. (2) Secondary, viz., pragmatic validity, i.e., the usefulness of the instrument in applied fields. Discussion then focuses on the construct validity of the conceptually-based, semiprojective Rosenzweig P-F Study. specifically the evidence on (a) the self-consistency of its conceptual dimensions; (b) the sequential. social development of the Types and Directions of Aggression; (c) levels of behavior elicited; (d) sensitivity to scorable changes after induced frustration: and (e) physiological correlates oft he aggression categories. In each of these areas evidence exists in support of the validity of the P-F Study.  相似文献   

The Life Orientation Test (LOT; Scheier & Carver, 1985) is a common measure of optimism. Previous studies of the convergent and discriminant (vis-à-vis neuroticism) validity of the LOT have relied solely on questionnaires. Our Study 1 was a multitrait, multimethod investigation of the LOT incorporating Gottschalk and Gleser's (1969) method of content analysis of speech samples as a nonquestionnaire assessment method. The LOT did not correlate significantly with the Gottschalk Hope Scale (Gottschalk, 1974) derived from speech samples. Study 2 was an initial attempt to determine the nature of the differences between these alternate measures of optimism. In particular, it was hypothesized and found that the LOT was more fakable than the Hope Scale. Participants who received special instructions to "fake good" scored significantly higher on the LOT than did control participants who received no special instructions. Faking instructions did not significantly affect scores on the Hope Scale.  相似文献   

The construct validity of the short form of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency for the assessment of gross and fine motor skills was assessed in 377 nondisabled Greek preschool and primary school children (age range 5 yr. to 8:3 mo.) from urban areas of northern Greece. Analysis showed the three factors accounted for 54.1% of the total score variance, agreeing with the earlier findings. Moreover, the item scores had statistically significant relationships with the total short-form score, except for that of copying a circle with the preferred hand. This latter item was also the only one with a small effect size. Age confirmed a statistically significant effect on the scores of the half items of the test battery, also an earlier finding. This test seemed to be a valid test of motor proficiency in normal Greek preschool and primary school children.  相似文献   

Construct validity of the Concern For Appropriateness scale (CFA; Lennox & Wolfe, 1984), a measure of the tendency to adopt protective self-presentation styles, is examined using a multitrait-multimethod approach. Self-ratings on the CFA and ratings by suitemates constitute the two methods, and concern for appropriateness, interpersonal trust, and boredom susceptibility are assessed with each. Multitrait-multimethod analysis shows that the CFA scale exhibits convergent validity against peer ratings and discriminant validity against boredom susceptibility, the only other variable demonstrating convergence. Results indicate that the CFA exhibits construct validity and might therefore prove useful as an operationalization for self-presentation tendencies.  相似文献   

Construct validity of the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chara (1989) recently questioned the construct validity of the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire (VVIQ) on empirical grounds. Unfortunately, Chara in that paper has erroneously construed construct validity as independent of criterion-related validity. This error is compounded by Chara and Verplanck's 1986 assumption that the VVIQ assesses purely memory imagery. Further problems arise from Chara's 1989 selective reporting of the relevant literature. Comprehensive review of the VVIQ literature in its totality is necessary before conclusions are possible concerning the questionnaire's construct validity.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to explore the construct validity of the Kendrick Battery by using an American sample and psychometric tests as indexes of diffuse organicity, depression, and normality. Institutionalized residents (N = 53) were tested twice (6-week interval). When organicity was defined by disorientation and memory deficits, then both the Object Learning test and the Digit Copying test were accurate in differentiating preestablished criterion groups. When organicity was defined more broadly, including sensorimotor function, the Digit Copying test alone was more accurate when depression was defined in terms of irritability, restlessness, and despair. These data suggest that although the Kendrick scales appeared to be sensitive to organicity and depression in this sample, their validity varied with the criteria for each when such were defined psychometrically.  相似文献   

Kemper CJ  Lutz J  Bähr T  Rüddel H  Hock M 《Assessment》2012,19(1):89-100
Using two clinical samples of patients, the presented studies examined the construct validity of the recently revised Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (ASI-3). Confirmatory factor analyses established a clear three-factor structure that corresponds to the postulated subdivision of the construct into correlated somatic, social, and cognitive components. Participants with different primary clinical diagnoses differed from each other on the ASI-3 subscales in theoretically meaningful ways. Specifically, the ASI-3 successfully discriminated patients with anxiety disorders from patients with nonanxiety disorders. Moreover, patients with panic disorder or agoraphobia manifested more somatic concerns than patients with other anxiety disorders and patients with nonanxiety disorders. Finally, correlations of the ASI-3 scales with other measures of clinical symptoms and negative affect substantiated convergent and discriminant validity. Substantial positive correlations were found between the ASI-3 Somatic Concerns and body vigilance, between Social Concerns and fear of negative evaluation and socially inhibited behavior, and between Cognitive Concerns and depression symptoms, anxiety, fear of negative evaluation, and subjective complaints. Moreover, Social Concerns correlated negatively with dominant and intrusive behavior. Results are discussed with respect to the contribution of the ASI-3 to the assessment of anxiety-related disorders.  相似文献   

The relations between the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI; Lilienfeld & Andrews, 1996) and 4 theoretically related constructs (empathy, aggression, work ethic, and borderline personality disorder) were examined. Additionally, the relation between the PPI and heroism was explored. One hundred male inmates were administered the PPI, the Questionnaire Measure of Emotional Empathy (Mehrabian & Epstein, 1972), the Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, 1992), the Protestant Ethic Scale (Mirels & Garrett, 1971), the Self-Report for Borderline Personality Scale (Oldham et al., 1985), and the Activity Frequency Inventory (Lilienfeld, 1998). As predicted, the PPI was significantly negatively correlated with empathy and significantly positively related to aggression and borderline personality. Contrary to prediction, the correlation between the PPI and work ethic was not significant. Eight of 11 hypotheses regarding the relations of the PPI subscales to these 4 constructs were corroborated. Results support the construct validity of the PPI in a correctional sample. The exploratory analysis of the relation between the PPI and heroism revealed no significant relations.  相似文献   

Strelau's reinterpretation of Pavlov's concept of nervous system properties has gained increasing attention in Western personality research, both with regard to the psychometric properties of the Strelau Temperament Inventory (STI) and with regard to the interrelations between STI and Western personality dimensions. The present study investigated the construct validity of the Strength of Excitation scale by examining its relationship to experimental indices of strength of the nervous system. Secondly, data on the convergence between STI, EPQ, SSS IV, and trait anxiety measures are presented, using German translations of all the questionnaires. The results confirmed the correlation between strength of excitation and a reaction time based measure of strength of the nervous system. A factor analysis on the questionnaire scales identified two factors. Factor I (activity/stimulation seeking) consisted of extroversion, mobility, strength of excitation and the sensation seeking scales whereas Factor II (instability vs control) was composed of anxiety/neuroticism/ psychoticism and strength of excitation/strength of inhibition/social desirability. These findings agree with Eysenck's and Strelau's theoretical predictions regarding the interrelations of Pavlovian properties and Western personality dimensions.  相似文献   

Interest has been growing in the mental health benefits of self-compassion. Whereas, most research on this topic has been conducted with the 26-item Self-Compassion Scale (SCS), a briefer 12-item version of the instrument, the Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form (SCS-SF), also exists. The SCS-SF has demonstrated good validity and reliability in non-clinical samples, but it has not been used often in research with psychotherapy clients. This study was designed to examine the factor structure and construct validity of the SCS-SF in a clinical population. Data for this study were collected from 1609 college students receiving services at 10 campus counseling centers. The previously proposed factor structure of the SCS-SF was not supported. Instead, analyses revealed two factors, Self Care and Self Disparagement. Evidence for the construct validity of these factors was found via expected relationships with indices of depression, anxiety, social anxiety, hostility, academic distress, eating concerns, family distress, maladaptive perfectionism, suicidality, self-injurious behavior, and social support. SCS-SF scores were unrelated to various measures of substance use. Implications for clinical work and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The group version of the Holtzman Inkblot Technique (HIT), the IPAT Anxiety Scale Questionnaire (ASQ), the Manifest Hostility Scale (MHS), and the Hand Test (HT) were administered to 72 college subjects in an attempt to clarify the nature of the HIT Anxiety (Ax) and Hostility (Hs) scores. The Ax score was found to correlate significantly with the ASQ total score which represents both overt and covert anxiety. The Hs score was found to correlate significantly with the MHS, which is sensitive to moderate levels of verbal hostility, but not with the HT Acting Out Ratio (AOR), which is strictly a measure of overt aggressiveness. The HIT Ax and Hs scores were concluded to relate most closely with measures that encompass a wide spectrum of the variable in question.  相似文献   

Construct and concurrent validity of the Korean Career Indecision Inventory were examined. Data were collected from 238 South Korean college students. A confirmatory factor analysis supported the original five-factor model. As hypothesized, scores were significantly correlated with various variables such as scores on the Korean versions of the Career Decision Scale (r =.49), the Vocational Identity Scale in My Vocational Situation (r=-.63), the Career Decision-making Self-efficacy Scale (r=-.47), and Negative Affectivity (r=.37). These results support construct validity inventory. Students who indicated they were undecided about their careers had significantly higher scores than those who indicated they had decided on a career, supporting concurrent validity. Implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

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