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There exists a conceptual bifurcation at the core of psycho-analysis. It has been viewed from differing vantage points and portrayed as subsuming various dichotomies (oedipal-preoedipal, conflict-deficit, one person-two person, classic-romantic, and so on). While each such conceptual pair has its own heuristic accompaniments, these dichotomies share a profoundly important element. They have divergent effects upon the analyst's mode of listening and the nature of his or her interventions. These and other related technical implications are the topic of this paper. With the help of three clinical vignettes and by coalescing the isolated voices of many distinguished theoreticians, the author attempts to elucidate and heal this split. This paper proposes three levels of increasingly sophisticated resolution of the technical divergence resulting from this schism. The paper recommends an informed oscillation between the two polarities of psychoanalytic technique, an oscillation that must remain in consonance with the patient's shifting ego organization. The paper concludes by highlighting the developmental bases for the proposed technical conceptualizations.  相似文献   

Contrary to the notion that individual and group therapy tap differing psychic functions, developmental levels, or therapeutic goals, in this paper the two modalities are seen as parts of an integrated whole, to be understood via the metaphorical and symbolic communications in each; each is a holographic reflection of the whole, the two together being internally consistent. Different levels of defensive operations may be observable in each, but taken together they reflect the entirety of the patient's psyche. The group's developmental level as well as the active use of this integrative approach by the therapist are also important. Clinical illustrations are presented.Paper presented at the Xth International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, Amsterdam, August 1989. The author acknowledges with gratitude the numerous invaluable contributions by Ms. Anna Aragno in the preparation of this paper.  相似文献   

Asghari  Amir 《Synthese》2019,196(11):4657-4677
Synthese - This paper proposes a reading of the history of equivalence in mathematics. The paper has two main parts. The first part focuses on a relatively short historical period when the notion...  相似文献   

While transgenderism as a cultural phenomenon seems to be based on a collective taste for the sensational, its emergence represents a collective shift towards a new or more differentiated way of experiencing and expressing sex and gender, a movement of world soul. This paper attempts to explore that emergence from a Jungian perspective. The paper utilizes clinical examples which illustrate how dissociated aspects of the personality are seeking assimilation and expression in order to move the personality towards greater wholeness. In that sense, it attempts to understand the teleology of transgenderism on an individual and collective level. The paper is intended as a starting‐off point for discussion and explores gender as fantasy, anima/animus dynamics, the psyche/soma relationship, the role of hormones/biochemistry in our experience of ourselves and what transgender people carry and suffer for our culture.  相似文献   


Research is a ‘core activity’ of ‘central importance in improving mental health and social care’ (NIME, CAMHS National Conference, 2005 CAMHS National Conference. January 2005. Research in CAMHS Conference Handbook January,  [Google Scholar]). This paper examines the philosophical issues confronted when considering psychoanalytic clinical research. It is argued that a well-suited partnership can be formed between psychoanalytic clinical research and Grounded Theory. The methodological issues encountered when using Grounded Theory to analyse qualitative clinical data are explored. The well-suited partnership formed between Grounded Theory and psychoanalytic clinical research has the capacity to provide explanatory mechanisms, findings that are translatable to routine clinical practice, and to discover new ways of grouping young people so that they are alike in the most significant aspects of their mental health presentations. This makes further clinical trials more reliable. Psychoanalytic clinical findings are used together with a range of material from different sources to develop concepts and theory that are readily accessible to the wider professional community. Illustrations will be provided from the author's doctoral research into Risk-Taking, Dangerous Behaviour.

Selon l'Institut National de la Santé Mentale en Angleterre [NIME], la recherche est une “activité fondamentale” d'une “importance cruciale pour l'amélioration des soins en santé mentale et dans le cadre social” [Colloque National des Services de Santé Mentale pour Enfants et Adolescents, 2005]. Dans cet article, l'auteur étudie les problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les chercheurs en clinique psychanalytique. Il affirme qu'un partenariat tout à fait opportun peut être établi entre la recherche clinique psychanalytique et la théorie inductive ancrée dans le réel (“grounded theory”). Il explore les difficultés méthodologiques que soulève cette théorie inductive appliquée à l'analyse des données cliniques qualitatives. Ce partenariat tout à fait opportun entre la théorie inductive et la recherche clinique psychanalytique est capable de fournir des mécanismes explicatifs et des résultats qui peuvent être mis en application dans la pratique clinique ordinaire; en outre, il permet d'envisager de nouveaux regroupements par catégorie basés sur les aspects les plus significatifs de la pathologie présentée par les jeunes. Les contrôles cliniques complémentaires sont alors plus fiables. Les observations cliniques psychanalytiques sont associées à un éventail de matériel de sources différentes pour développer des concepts et des théories à la portée de tous les intervenants de ce secteur. L'auteur illustre ses propos à partir de sa thèse de doctorat de troisième cycle portant sur la prise de risque et les comportements dangereux.

Mots-clés: Recherche clinique psychanalytique, méthodologie de la théorie inductive ancrée dans le réel (“grounded theory”), philosophie de la science, psychothérapeute d'enfants, spécialiste de Niveau 3 des Services de Santé Mentale pour Enfants et Adolescents, refuges

Riassunto: La ricerca è ‘attività principale’ di ‘importanza centrale per il miglioramento della salute mentale e dell'assistenza sociale’ (NIME, CAMHS National Conference, 2005). Questo articolo esamina le questioni filosofiche che si incontrano quando si considera la ricerca clinica in campo psicoanalitico. Si sostiene che un buon rapporto di partnership possa essere stabilito tra la ricerca clinica psicoanalitica e la Grounded Theory. Vengono esplorate le questioni metodologiche che si incontrano quando si usa la Grouded Theory per analizzare dati clinici qualitativi. Il rapporto di partnership che si stabilisce tra Grouded Theory e la ricerca clinica psicoanalitica ha la capacità di fornire meccanismi di spiegazione, risultati che sono traducibili nella pratica clinica di routine, e di scoprire modi nuovi di raggruppare i giovani in modo che siano simili per gli aspetti pi[ugrave] significativi della loro presentazione in salute mentale. Tutto ciò rende pi[ugrave] affidabili ulteriori prove cliniche. I risultati clinici psicoanalitici vengono usati con una serie di materiali di origini diverse per sviluppare concetti e teorie che siano facilmente accessibili alla pi[ugrave] ampia comunità dei professionisti. Verrà fornito del materiale dal lavoro di dottorato di ricerca dell'autore sul comportamento di rischio e sul comportamento pericoloso.

Parole chiave: ricerca clinica psicoanalitica, metodologia della Grounded Theory, filosofia della scienza, psicoterapia infantile, Tier 3 Specialist CAMHS, rifugi

Forschung ist eine ‘zentrale Aktivität’ von besonderer Wichtigkeit in der Verbesserung von psychischem Wohlergehen und Sozialfürsorge’ (NIME, CAMHS Nationalkonferenz 2005) Dieser Artikel untersucht philosophische Fragestellungen, mit denen man konfrontiert wird, wenn man psychoanalytische klinische Forschung in Betracht zieht. Es wird argumentiert, dass eine gut funktionierende Partnerschaft zwischen psychoanalytischer klinischer Forschung und grounded theory hergestellt werden kann. Es werden die methodologischen Fragen, auf die man stösst, wenn man grounded theory benutzt, um qualitative klinische Daten zu analysieren, exploriert. Die gut funktionierende Partnerschaft zwischen ‘grounded theory’ und psychoanalytischer klinischer Forschung hat die Fähigkeit, Erklärungsmechanismen und Ergebnisse bereitzustellen, die routinemässig in klinische Praxis übersetzt werden können, und neue Arten der Gruppierung von jungen Leuten zu entdecken, sodass sie sich in den signifikantesten Aspekten ihrer Präsentierung ähneln. Weitere klinische Versuchsreihen werden dann mehr verlässlich. Es werden klinische Ergebisse zusammen mit einer Reihe von Materialien von verschiedenen Quellen benutzt, um Konzepte und Theorien zu entwickeln, die für die weitere professionelle Gruppe leicht zugänglich sind. Es werden Illustrationen aus der Doktorarbeit der Autorin über das Eingehen von Risiko und gefährlichen Verhaltensweisen gegeben.

Keywords: Psychoanalytische klinische Forschung, Methodologie der ‘grounded theory’, Wissenschaftsphilosphie, Kindertherapeut, Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrischer Dienst, Zufluchtsorte  相似文献   

Freud was conflicted in relation to his religious background. On the one hand, he was very clear on his adherence to a scientific Weltanschauung. On the other, he was fascinated by the Moses figure and one may see a Judaist structure in his way of thinking. The aim of this paper is to reflect on this conflict and the question of faith in psychoanalysis. After looking at object and method in religion and psychoanalysis, the authors go into the concept of ‘psychic reality’ and its change in the history of psychoanalysis. Through an analysis of Freud’s A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis and the function of literature, it is claimed that faith may be seen as a condition for the sense of experiential reality.  相似文献   

Loewald believes that psychoanalytic concepts can be redefined and reinterpreted, seen anew in the face of new data and ways of seeing, thus becoming transformed and transformative. Although he anticipated much of what is new in psychoanalysis in the last thirty years, he also anticipated a more recent integrative trend and a return to classical theory--a return to Freud. This paper summarizes and discusses Loewald's major writings, and argues that his work demonstrates the authentic meaning of psychoanalytic metapsychology.  相似文献   

To achieve a coherent theory of mental functioning, psychoanalysis cannot continue to explicate its observations through the "complementary" use of models based on differing premises. Moreover, the current profusion of plausible theories is unmanageably prolix; it is true, however, that theory must account for the complexity of constant shifts of developmental levels in terms of currently used adaptive devices. The simplest possible clinical theory will add to existing theories of motivation and development only the concepts needed to explicate reasons for these shifts in modes of functioning. Motivations are preprogrammed in the brain, so that theories of motivation must be congruent with neurophysiological knowledge. But the current status of a person's organismic motivations can only be inferred on the basis of the affective reactions they generate. The acquisition of symbolic capacities changes the infant from an organism automatically striving to fulfill a preprogrammed ground plan into a creature of self-awareness able to formulate wishes and to establish those priorities among them best called "self-organization." Thenceforth various wishes may come into conflict; the need to avoid the resultant discomfort gives rise to defensive operations. Defense may take the form of regression, although the latter is generally based on established deficits in the adaptive repertory--"apraxias." If developmental progress takes place, superseded modes of behavioral organization remain forever available for contingencies wherein they are advantageous. The theory presented meets the criteria of "Occam's razor"; it remains to be seen, however, whether it does so at the cost of some reductionism.  相似文献   

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