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正读书是一个人生命的沉淀,是一个民族未来的希望,读书的好处自然不言而喻!我国古人以读书分类:"万般皆下品,唯有读书高。"有人视读书为功成名就、出人头地的方式,于是有了这样的吟诵:"读,读,读,书中自有黄金屋;读,读,读,书中自有颜如玉。"也有人视读书为高山流水觅知音,淡泊了名利,只为实现鸿鹄之志。细细想来,不以物喜又不以己悲的读书之人,岂能不忧国忧民忧天下?读书在每一个时代都有其烙印。现代人的生活  相似文献   

读书贵疑,这是古今学者的共同体会和宝贵经验。为什么读书要重视“疑”呢?首先,读书有疑,方始是学。我们读书都有个体会,如果读一本书或一篇文章,什么疑问也没产生,什么问题也没发现,平平常常就读完了,这说明根本没有读进去,没什么烙印,没什么收获;反之,如果产生一大堆疑问,使你放不下书,这才是读进去了,收获也是大的。因此,无疑,表明是停在字面上;有疑,方读进内容中。宋代学者朱熹归纳了这一体会说:“读书,始读,未知有疑;其次,则渐渐有疑,中则节节有疑。过了这一番,疑渐渐释,以至融会贯通,都无所疑,方始是学。”一个  相似文献   

催人奋进的读书联李春碧,李洪金近日重读江泽民同志“学习学习再学习”的讲话,深感读书学习意义重大。由此令笔者想起些许内涵深遂、富有哲理、催人奋进的读书对联来。中华民族历来以崇尚读书著称于世。古时有这样两副烩炙人口的对联:“祖宗传克勤克俭;子孙法唯读唯耕...  相似文献   

<正>《语文课程标准》中指出:“要重视培养学生广泛的阅读爱好,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,提高阅读品位,提倡少做题,多读书,好读书,读好书。读整本的书。”著名教育家叶圣陶曾说过:“读整本的书,不仅可以练习精读、速读,有利于养成好的读书习惯;还可以进行各种文学知识与文体阅读的训练;学生阅读的心理会更加专一,阅读效果也会更好。它可以收‘一石多鸟’之效。”可见,提升学生语文核心素养,培养学生广泛的阅读爱好,就要指导学生读整本的书。  相似文献   

包智敏 《天风》2009,(8):46-47
不知从何时起,教会内有人反对读书,认为读一本圣经已经足够了,可是保罗不是这样。保罗读"皮卷"(圣经)也叫提摩太把"那些书"带来阅读(参提后4:1 3),可见,有效的牧养需要传道人多读书,信徒的成长也需要多读书、读好书。  相似文献   

读书如吃药。我国西汉时期的刘向就最早提出这样的观点:“书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。”如果从医学的角度来看,读书不仅是医愚之良药,也是治病的良药。《唐诗纪事》  相似文献   

成轩 《思维与智慧》2009,(10):16-16
年少时,为考试读书;年轻时,为职业考试和职称晋升而读书。那一类读书,实在说有些无趣。恍忽中,我已人到中年,却在闲下来的日子,读一些闲书,反而尽得读书之乐。  相似文献   

杜甫有诗云:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,谈的是读书对于写作的重要作用。但是,写文章如果单凭“读破万卷书”是不行的,重要的还在于要对客观事物有深刻了解,掌握第一手材料。因此,古代有见识的文章家都主张读“无字之书”。清人王葆心转引廖燕《答谢小谢书》云:“昔者亦常有学矣,于古人书无所不读,然皆古人之糟粕,无所从入。退而返之于心而有疑焉。意者其别有学乎?然后取无字书而读之。无字书者,天地万物是也。古人常取之不尽而尚留于天地  相似文献   

读书让人聪明,也让人犯傻。纯粹的读书人,不存在犯傻,因为傻也是修得的正果之一。大智大愚,正是读书最高境界的两面。本文所说的犯傻,是专门针对我辈读了点书的人而言的。读了点书的人与读书人,是两个完全不同的概念。  相似文献   

正作为一个受人尊敬的人,一辈子都在修为。修身养性极为重要的方法和途径就是读书。关于读书,后来和他成了忘年交的爷爷给过他和学校不一样的教育:"学堂那些书读下去是有用的,像盖房子砌墙角。"但砌墙角不等于盖房子,"盖房子要靠以后不停读课外的书。""有的读书人蠢,一辈子砌墙角,一间房子都没盖成。"爷爷所说的读课外书其  相似文献   

Lacking the size, talent, and speed to play shortstop for the New York Yankees, I chose instead to become a psychologist/psychoanalyst. Yet, baseball and psychoanalysis share much in common. Each is played in the inner diamonds of one's mind, values the past and what is passing, and requires a strong work ethic. Both are timeless and involve an almost boring leisureliness between occasional moments of crisis. Then too, each calls for an attitude of consistency and patience and a responsibility to do one's best. From my parents and brother to my wife and son and his family, from my teachers and supervisors to my colleagues, and from Menninger to the Society for Personality Assessment (SPA), I feel deeply grateful for the partners and teammates I have and have had.  相似文献   

Abstract. Social animals are provisioned with prosocial orientations that operate to transcend self‐interest. Morality, as used here, describes human versions of such orientations. We explore the evolutionary antecedents of morality in the context of emergentism, giving considerable attention to the biological traits that undergird awareness and our emergent human forms of mind. We suggest that our moral frames of mind emerge from our primate prosocial capacities, transfigured and valenced by our symbolic languages, cultures, and religions.  相似文献   

Samples of letters written by college students are excerpted to demonstrate the deterioration of students' writing skills. The relative unimportance many college students and graduates attach to the art of writing letters of inquiry is emphasized. A checklist is provided to assist students in preparing letters requesting information from colleges and universities.  相似文献   

Images are mental representations accommodated by grammatical structures. These structures order sensori-input of information as well as provide for articulated ways of expressing motor sequences associated with images. The psychological process of perception is reflected in the development of paradigmatic structures. The psychological process of action (behavior and its mental representations) is reflected in the development of syntagmatic structures. Forming and expressing imagery requires both paradigmatic and syntagmatic structuring. The former relates to logical issues of identity of objects and to the formation of concepts. The latter relates to the solution of psycho-logical questions of causality through articulation of grammatical roles in sentences. Two issues affecting the formation of a model to account for imagery are examined: (1) The tendency to explain imagery as a result of motor sequences and to utilize performance grammar. (2) The impact of ontogenesis on social processes affecting the logical and psycho-logical concerns facing the person at different stages of development. The grammar of imagery is seen as broader than one of performance. The epistemology of imagemaking does not reflect a linear ontogenetic development which precludes attention to problems of creating the logical structures of an object.  相似文献   

Minors' competence to consent to abortion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the light of legal restrictions in some states, the psychological evidence for whether adolescents are competent to give informed consent to abortion is reviewed. It would be important to know whether competence to decide on pregnancy outcome reflects maturity to be a parent; further, whether degrees of maturity can be traced throughout adolescence. Research shows that parents, not peers, are major sources of advice for minors' abortion decisions. Younger and less competent minors are more likely to consult parents than older, mature minors. There is no evidence that adolescent issues or developmental tasks influence pregnancy decisions. Decision making competence does not differ from that of adults, except as affected by the living situation of the adolescent. Decision performance does differ: minors are more likely to consider their present family's opinion, and not consider future risks, than are adults. The sparse research available on this problem provides no basis for restricting minors' decision making on the ground of competence alone.  相似文献   

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