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从个体水平研究面试考官的有效性是面试研究的一个热点问题.本研究对面试考官权重策略的类型及类型的比较进行了实证研究。研究运用线性规划策略捕捉方法,分析了公务员考试中28名考官在结构化面试和无领导小组讨论中的权重策略,研究了权重策略对评分和录用的影响,结果发现:(1)在结构化面试中存在三种策略,在无领导小组讨论中存在两种策略,这些策略大部分是规范的(符合评分规则的要求),它们会随面试情景发生变化;(2)权重策略影响了考官的评分区分度和最终考生的录用结果,规范性策略具有较高的区分度和录用预测效度。研究最后对结果的理论和实践意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

国家公务员录用面试初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文结合湖北省公务员考试的实践对公务员录用面试进行了初步研究。本研究从参与 1 997年湖北省省直公务员考试的 3 9个部门中抽取了 8个部门共 1 5 3名被试的面试数据 ,分析表明 ,在本研究所采用的结构化面试中 ,测评要素间具有较高的一致性 ,经过严格培训的考官的评分者信度是可靠和有效的。本研究还对如何设计、实施此类面试提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   

面试是一场知识与技能的竞技场,也是一个心理战的大舞台。在求职面试过程中,应试者处于一种接受提问与考察,同时又要承担自我表现的角色。这种角色往往让应试者出现两种极端倾向,或者因过于拘谨而表现不足,或者因表现过分而卖弄做作,这两种倾向都会影响面试成绩。没有良好的心理状态。是很难通过面试这一关的。  相似文献   

面试,也叫口试,通过考试人员对应试者的直接交流,得出对应试者的素质、能力的评价结论。 作为求职应试者能否获得成功,从根本上说,除自己的基本条件符合主考机关或用人单位的规定外,还取决于“面试”这一关,应试者能否充分地展示自己实际的知识才能,以个人的优势赢得考“官”们的青睐,则直接关系到求职的成败。在强手如林的竞争形势下,求职者如何成功地应对面试呢? 一要“知己知彼”。古人打仗,强调“知己知彼”方能“百战不殆”,求职的道理也是一样。一般说,录用或招聘单位的招考政策是公开的,譬如招考人员数量、职位或工种…  相似文献   

面试评分中的误差分析研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
1 问题的提出面试是在人员选拔和晋升中应用最为广泛的一种评价技术[1],根据英国一项对173家不同规模企业的调查研究[2],面试是所有被调查企业所采用的员工选拔和预测手段。就国内来说,面试不仅是国家公务员录用考试的一个必要环节,而且也是各种企事业单位在员工招聘和考核中普遍采用的一种评价手段。根据国家人事部人事考试中心1995年对我国13个省市473家企业的一项调查表明[3],目前企业在员工录用中最常用的方法是面试,在被调查企业中有51.1%的企业采用这种手段。由此可见,面试研究不仅具有一定的理论…  相似文献   

多面Rasch模型在结构化面试中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙晓敏  薛刚 《心理学报》2008,40(9):1030-1040
使用项目反应理论中的多面Rasch模型,对66名考生在结构化面试中的成绩进行分析,剔除了由于评委等具体测量情境因素引入的误差对原始分数的影响,得到考生的能力估计值以及个体水平的评分者一致性信息。对基于考生能力估计值和考生面试分得到的决策结果进行比较,发现测量误差的确对决策造成影响,对个别考生的影响甚至相当巨大。进一步使用Facets偏差分析以及评委宽严程度的Facets分析追踪误差源。结果表明,将来自不同面试组的被试进行面试原始成绩的直接比较,评委的自身一致性和评委彼此之间在宽严程度上的差异均将导致误差。研究表明,采用Facets的考生能力估计值作为决策的依据将提高选拔的有效性。同时,Facets分析得到的考生个体层次的评分者一致性指标,以及评委与考生的偏差分析等研究结果还可以为面试误差来源的定位提供详细的诊断信息  相似文献   

使用多面Rasch模型,从评分量表、评分员等层面对参与2007年八年级语文学业水平测试作文评分的17名评分员的评分情况进行了研究。结果发现:(1)评分员的评分等级所对应的能力值呈正常的变化趋势,大部分评分员有较好的内部一致性;(2)不同评分员的宽严程度有显著差异,评分员之间的一致性整体较好;(3)此外,本文还就评分内部一致性较差的几个评分员的评分做了进一步研究。  相似文献   

结构化面试是人事选拔中采用的主要评价方法之一。解释结构化面试过程中面试官和应聘者行为反应的理论观点有社会互动理论、拟剧论、行为一致性观点、特质激活理论等。一个完整的结构化面试可以划分为关系建立、题目问答和分数评定三个阶段。在结构化面试中, 面试官的行为从观察、获取、分析、回应应聘者的各种表现信息, 形成初始印象, 到参照面试评分标准评分等, 经历了一系列相互影响的心理过程。影响面试官评分的主要因素包括面试设计因素和考官自身等内部因素, 以及应聘者因素、面试环境因素等外部因素两个方面。结合应聘者反应, 探索面试官评分的心理机制是今后结构化面试研究的突破点。  相似文献   

应聘者非言语信息是影响结构化面试中面试官准确评分的一个重要因素。社会互动理论和拟剧论从面试官角度,社会影响理论和相互依赖理论从应聘者角度分别解释了非言语信息对面试官评分的影响。对非言语信息的测量,除了传统的自陈式问卷,一些新兴的计算机识别技术也被使用。为了消除非言语信息对面试评分准确性的影响,通常会从面试前、面试中和面试后三个阶段对其进行控制。未来可以基于机器学习和大数据分析,探索非言语信息对结构化面试评分的影响,建构新的理论以解释影响过程。  相似文献   

中层管理人员结构化面试测评效度的现场研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对某上市公司随机抽取的43位中层管理人员素质测评的现场研究,探讨结构化面试的信度效度问题。研究设计基于岗位分析与关键事件分析,采用3人小组面试的方法,同时实施情景面试与行为描述面试,综合测评被试岗位胜任能力。分析结果表明,评委要素评价内部一致性和评委间内部一致性都比较高,并与面试半年后上级评定的任务绩效和总体绩效显著相关,结构化面试具有较高的信度与预测效度。进一步比较情景面试和行为描述面试发现,这两种结构化面试有类似的信度,但是行为描述面试具有更高的效度。  相似文献   

A Closer Look at the Role of Applicant Age in Selection Decisions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Participants evaluated hypothetical applicants recruited from a younger (university students) or older (American Association of Retired Persons) population for 2 young-typed jobs, one more strongly young-typed than the other. Participants were given applicant information, including age and personal characteristics, that varied in the extent to which it was consistent with raters' job stereotypes. Results indicated that younger applicants were evaluated more favorably than older applicants. However, an Applicant Age × Job interaction effect indicated that the older applicant was evaluated less favorably for the more strongly compared with the less strongly young-typed job. In addition. applicants whose personal characteristics (other than age) were more consistent with raters' job stereotypes were evaluated more favorably than applicants whose characteristics were less consistent. Results also indicated that applicant age and personal characteristics interacted to influence applicant evaluations. The implications of these and other study results are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of sex (rater and ratee) on raters' accountability in the context of performance appraisal were investigated. The 130 participating undergraduates (men and women) rated a fictitious male or female's performance on a clerical task subsequent to receiving self-assessment information. As expected, raters' knowledge of a high self-assessment was followed by significantly higher performance ratings than after knowledge of a low self-assessment. Contrary to expectations, no differences were found for either raters' or ratees' sex. The results suggest that the sex of the rater or ratee is not associated with raters' accountability.  相似文献   

蒋锋 《应用心理学》2000,6(1):32-38
本研究通过对 2 1 0名大学生以个体和群体方式对两个学科评估结果的研究 ,分析了个体与群体评估方式以及不同的评估标准对评估过程和评估结果的影响。研究结果表明 :1群体评估方式有利于减少评估中的晕轮效应 ;2群体方式有利于提高对评估信息的利用水平 ;3群体方式有利于提高评估者评分倾向 ,即代表性认知的一致程度 ;4群体方式有利于提高评估者理解绩效信息意义的一致程度 ;5群体方式评估时评估者对绩效信息结构的理解更为合理 ;6提供较为详细的评估标准有利于提高对信息的利用水平 ,有利于提高评估者评分倾向的一致程度以及评估者对学科差异的敏感性。  相似文献   

Although there has been an increase in the use of telephone interviews for graduate recruitment by companies in the UK, there is little evidence attesting to their equivalence with traditional face-to-face selection interviews. A total of 70 candidates applying to a multinational oil corporation received both face-to-face and telephone interviews as the first stage of the 1996 graduate recruitment milkround. Group A (N = 41) received an initial face-to-face interview followed by a telephone interview and group B (N = 29) a telephone interview followed by a face-to-face interview. Findings indicate that candidates received significantly lower ratings when interviewed by telephone than when interviewed face-to-face (p ≤ 0.001). A significant interaction was also found (p ≤ 0.05) with candidates who received face-to-face interviews following telephone interviews demonstrating improved performance in their face-to-face interviews. The practical implications of these findings for companies wishing to use telephone interviews are discussed.  相似文献   

结合问卷和信息板技术,探讨了信息完整性和应聘者数量对不同认知闭合需要个体招聘决策过程发挥的潜在影响。结果显示:(1)高认知闭合需要招聘者平均决策时间更短,探索深度更浅,信息了解的更少;(2)信息完整条件下,招聘者平均决策时间更短,探索深度更浅;信息不完整条件下,低认知闭合需要招聘者的平均搜索时间增幅较大;(3)随着应聘者人数的增加,招聘者平均决策时间变长,低认知闭合需要招聘者平均搜索时间增幅较大,且两者探索模式都趋于属性加工。这意味着信息完整性与应聘者数量对不同认知闭合需要招聘者的决策影响不同,应注意培训招聘者的决策能力,提高员工招聘质量。  相似文献   

This study investigated raters' personality traits in relation to scores they assigned to offenders using the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). A total of 22 participants, including graduate students and faculty members in clinical psychology programs, completed a PCL-R training session, independently scored four criminal offenders using the PCL-R, and completed a comprehensive measure of their own personality traits. A priori hypotheses specified that raters' personality traits, and their similarity to psychopathy characteristics, would relate to raters' PCL-R scoring tendencies. As hypothesized, some raters assigned consistently higher scores on the PCL-R than others, especially on PCL-R Facets 1 and 2. Also as hypothesized, raters' scoring tendencies related to their own personality traits (e.g., higher rater Agreeableness was associated with lower PCL-R Interpersonal facet scoring). Overall, findings underscore the need for future research to examine the role of evaluator characteristics on evaluation results and the need for clinical training to address evaluators' personality influences on their ostensibly objective evaluations.  相似文献   

This report examines two methodologic concerns pertaining to use of the cloze procedure in studying the predictability of schizophrenic speech, scoring criteria and raters' education (at or below college level). We find that two strategies for scoring the predictions of raters, one requiring the exact word, the other permitting a reasonable synonym, do not appear to differ in distinguishing groups of patients. The accuracy of raters' guessing is, however, correlated with raters' education: the more educated the rater, the more accurate the guessing. Thought-disordered schizophrenic speech is significantly less predictable than that of nonthought-disordered schizophrenics and normal controls when scored by less educated raters. These differences diminish when more highly educated raters are used. We conclude that raters' education can influence the sensitivity of cloze analysis.  相似文献   

This study extends multisource feedback research by assessing the effects of rater source and raters' cultural value orientations on rating bias (leniency and halo). Using a motivational perspective of performance appraisal, the authors posit that subordinate raters followed by peers will exhibit more rating bias than superiors. More important, given that multisource feedback systems were premised on low power distance and individualistic cultural assumptions, the authors expect raters' power distance and individualism-collectivism orientations to moderate the effects of rater source on rating bias. Hierarchical linear modeling on data collected from 1,447 superiors, peers, and subordinates who provided developmental feedback to 172 military officers show that (a) subordinates exhibit the most rating leniency, followed by peers and superiors; (b) subordinates demonstrate more halo than superiors and peers, whereas superiors and peers do not differ; (c) the effects of power distance on leniency and halo are strongest for subordinates than for peers and superiors; (d) the effects of collectivism on leniency were stronger for subordinates and peers than for superiors; effects on halo were stronger for subordinates than superiors, but these effects did not differ for subordinates and peers. The present findings highlight the role of raters' cultural values in multisource feedback ratings.  相似文献   

100 adults, selected for cosmetic dental treatment in a general dental practice, completed a 42-item questionnaire designed, on the basis of previous research and the author's clinical experience, to measure concern for dental appearance. This had high internal consistency and was reduced to a questionnaire of 23 items with internal consistency shown by a standardised Cronbach alpha of .84. An exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation identified six factors, the main one appearing to be a measure of concern for dental appearance. The high internal consistency suggests that the total score for the revised questionnaire is a measure of a construct, concern for dental appearance. Although the simplest measure of that may be contained in the items for the first factor, a much larger sample would be necessary to confirm the complex factor structure and so the questionnaire's total score is probably the more reliable measure at present. A study is summarised showing that the total score provides a measure that, in statistical regression analysis, may predict the intentions of adults to take care of the appearance of their teeth.  相似文献   

The attractiveness bias suggests that people who are more attractive will be positively favored across life outcomes. This study sought to test whether candidate attractiveness, sex, and race, affect perceptions of candidate strength in a job recruitment task. In total, 338 White women (Mage = 20.94 ± 5.65) were asked to make judgements of a potential candidate for an administrative job (resume with candidate photograph). The vignettes differed in terms of candidate ability (strong/weak), sex (male/female), race (Black/White), and attractiveness (attractive/less attractive). Participants rated perceived candidate strength and likelihood to invite for interview. Results showed no significant main effects for attractiveness. However, there was a significant interaction for target attractiveness and race, such that attractive/White candidates were more likely to be invited for interview than less attractive/White candidates. There was also a significant main effect for race such that Black candidates were rated as stronger and more likely to be interviewed. Sensitivity analyses (with nonheterosexual women removed from the sample) also showed a main effect for target sex such that female candidates were favored over male candidates. Overall, these findings provide evidence that attractiveness, sex, and race have important, albeit complex, effects on hiring decisions in the workplace.  相似文献   

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