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Relations between locus of control, coping strategies and emotional well-being in persons with traumatically acquired spinal cord lesion (SCL) were examined. The sample included 132 community-residing adults. Structural equation modelling, including confirmatory factor analysis, was used. A model was hypothesized based on the transactional theory of stress and coping where coping strategies mediated the relation between locus of control and emotional well-being. The model showed acceptable fit to the data and was compared with five alternative models. The alternative models fitted the data less well or were difficult to interpret. In the preferred model, persons indicating internal control reported more coping strategies (Acceptance, Fighting spirit) related to increased well-being, whereas persons indicating external control reported a coping strategy (Social reliance) related to poorer well-being. The findings support the stress and coping framework in medical rehabilitation and illustrate why some persons need coping effectiveness training to enhance emotional adjustment.  相似文献   

Research has documented elevated levels of depression and suicide in the spinal cord injured (SCI) population, with the majority of suicide attempts occurring within 12 months of injury onset. Social support has been linked with depression and suicidal intent, and this study aimed to determine the impact of the quality and quantity of social support on levels of depression and hopelessness, an indirect indicator of suicide risk in the SCI population. Fifty-three individuals with traumatic SCI at Week 6 of their rehabilitation, and 42 at Week 18, with an approximate male to female ratio of 4:1, completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), and Social Support Questionnaire. Stepwise multiple regression analyses revealed that high quality of social support was associated with low hopelessness and depression scores, being more pronounced at Week 18 postinjury. The impact of social support on psychological well-being demonstrates the importance of fostering and integrating social support in rehabilitation following spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Although many persons with spinal cord injuries (SCI) are at risk for preventable complications, very little research has examined the health behaviors of these individuals. In this study, we examined self-reported health behaviors of persons with recent-onset SCI. We also studied the association between health behaviors and social problem-solving abilities. The results indicated that positive problem-solving characteristics were associated with more adaptive wellness and accident prevention behaviors. A negative orientation toward problem solving and avoidant and impulsive/careless styles was associated with increased traffic and substance risk taking. Implications are discussed in terms of health education, research, and prevention programs.  相似文献   

Coping effectiveness training (CET), based on R. S. Lazarus and S. Folkmans (1984) theory of stress and coping, teaches appraisal and coping skills. It has been adapted for use with people with spinal cord injuries and the effect of this intervention on coping, anxiety and depression and self perception has been investigated. Using data from P. Kennedy, J. Duff, M. Evans, and A. Beedies (2003) study, the psychological characteristics of people who benefited from CET (no increase in depression and anxiety at the end of CET and 6 weeks after) were compared with those who did not benefit. Coping strategies were not predictive factors but differences in some self-perception items were found between the two groups. Age, gender, level, and type of injury were not shown to be predictive but time since injury was, suggesting that the effectiveness of a CET programme could be maximized by reducing the time between onset of injury and the start of CET.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the indirect effect of received social support on distress severity (i.e., posttraumatic stress and depression symptom severity) among 89 combat veterans. Through integrating the social support deterioration deterrence model and the enabling hypothesis, mediating roles of perceived social support and self-efficacy specific to postdeployment adaptation were investigated. Results showed that (a) received social support and perceived social support were not related, and (b) both received and perceived social support indirectly predicted distress severity (posttraumatic stress and depression symptom severity) through postdeployment coping self-efficacy. Specifically, high received and perceived social support independently predicted high postdeployment coping self-efficacy, and high postdeployment coping self-efficacy predicted lower distress severity levels. Theory enhancement and future research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

This study considers the interrelationships among coping, conflictual social interactions, and social support, as well as their combined associations with positive and negative mood. Research has shown that each of these variables affects adjustment to stressful circumstances. Few studies, however, examine this full set of variables simultaneously. One hundred forty HIV-infected persons completed a questionnaire containing measures of coping, social support, conflictual social interactions, and positive and negative mood. Factor analyses showed that perceived social support and conflictual social interactions formed separate factors and were not strongly related. Compared to perceived social support, social conflict was more strongly related to coping behaviors, especially to social isolation, anger, and wishful thinking. Conflictual social interactions were more strongly related to negative mood than was perceived social support. Coping by withdrawing socially was significantly related to less positive and greater negative mood. The findings point to the importance of simultaneously considering coping, supportive relationships, and conflictual relationships in studies of adjustment to chronic illness. In particular, a dynamic may occur in which conflictual social interactions and social isolation aggravate each other and result in escalating psychological distress.  相似文献   

处于不支持行为压力下的下岗人员的心理中介研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究以 3 2 4名下岗人员为被试 ,考察不支持行为、应付方式、控制感与心理健康之间的关系。结果表明 ,情感不支持 ( β =0 .46)可以直接影响心理健康 ,同时情感不支持 ( β=0 .2 6)又通过自责 ( β =0 .3 1 )和发泄 ( β =0 .1 4 )两种应付方式和人际关系控制感 ( β=-0 .1 0 )而间接影响心理健康 ,下岗人员的应付方式和控制感在不支持行为和心理健康之间起重要中介作用。  相似文献   

A substantial body of research has found that spinal cord injury (SCI) patients have relatively high degrees of energy, impulsivity, and risk-taking (W. Fordyce, 1964; G. P. Taylor, 1970; B. Woodbury, 1978). The present study endeavors to extend our knowledge to the personality disorder (PD) domain. Forty SCI participants and 40 matched controls were given a semistructured diagnostic interview and a self-report personality disorder instrument. Findings indicated that 27.5% of SCI patients, and a similar number of controls, have PDs. Unexpectedly, impulsive/externalizing disorders (histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, and borderline) were not unusually high in SCI patients, and were not higher than controls. Avoidant and depressive disorders were unexpectedly high.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, hundreds of studies have examined the construct of coping and its role in the stressor-strain relationship. Although coping is commonly viewed as a buffer in the stressor-strain relationship, multiple alternative models—buffering and direct effects—have been proposed. This study reviews alternative models of coping and then discusses the nature of the empirical support for these models. As a means of efficiently testing the relative soundness of these models, 3 work-related variables that represent a subset of all possible coping mechanisms, stressors, and strains (coworker support, workload, and emotional exhaustion, respectively) are employed. The results suggest that coping resources tend to serve as direct deterrents of strain and, thus, are general health maintenance mechanisms independent of preexisting levels of stressors.  相似文献   

Investigations of the individual and interpersonal coping resources of depressed persons are underrepresented in the field of research on depression. Whereas some studies have been conducted on depressed couples evaluating individual coping or social support from others, only a few studies have addressed the topic of dyadic coping, or the way both partners cope together. In the present effort, male and female participants with a current or past diagnosis of depression, all of whom were married or cohabiting in a close relationship, reported on their individual and dyadic coping and were compared on these variables with a matched group of control participants. Results corroborate previous findings on deficits in individual coping, and to a lesser degree in dyadic coping.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between posttraumatic stress (PTS) symptoms, posttraumatic growth (PTG), and coping styles in a very unique and difficult-to-access Jewish ultra-Orthodox population. The study was conducted with 88 women who spent time in the only shelter in Israel for battered women from the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community; data were collected almost 6 years on average after they left the shelter. No association was found between PTS symptoms and PTG. In addition, coping style was not found to have an indirect effect on the relationship between these variables. The theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Although there is a strong and consistent association between social support and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the directionality of this association has been debated, with some research indicating that social support protects against PTSD symptoms, whereas other research suggests that PTSD symptoms erode social support. The majority of studies in the literature have been cross-sectional, rendering directionality impossible to determine. Cross-lagged panel models overcome many previous limitations; however, findings from the few studies employing these designs have been mixed, possibly due to methodological differences including self-report versus clinician-administered assessment. The current study used a cross-lagged panel structural equation model to explore the relationship between social support and chronic PTSD symptoms over a 1-year period in a sample of 264 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans assessed several years after trauma exposure. Approximately a third of the sample met criteria for PTSD at the baseline assessment, with veterans’ trauma occurring an average of 6 years prior to baseline. Two separate models were run, with one using PTSD symptoms assessed via self-report and the other using clinician-assessed PTSD symptoms. Excellent model fit was found for both models. Results indicated that the relationship between social support and PTSD symptoms was affected by assessment modality. Whereas the self-report model indicated a bidirectional relationship between social support and PTSD symptoms over time, the clinician-assessed model indicated only that baseline PTSD symptoms predicted social support 1 year later. Results highlight that assessment modality is one factor that likely impacts disparate findings across previous studies. Theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed, with suggestions for the growing body of literature utilizing these designs to dismantle this complex association.  相似文献   

Social support represents an important recovery factor for individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Nevertheless, partners, family, and friends who take on the role of caregiver for individuals with PTSD might face multiple difficulties. For example, they are at risk for developing anxiety and depressive symptoms, which could negatively affect their ability to offer support. This study examined the associations between the difficulties of individuals with PTSD (i.e., symptoms and level of functioning), their caregivers’ (partners, family, and friends) anxiety and depressive symptoms, and social support behaviors according to 2 variables: relationship status and gender. Sixty-five individuals with PTSD and either their partner, family member, or friend filled out questionnaires and participated in a trauma-oriented discussion. Social support behaviors were coded. Results revealed no associations between the difficulties of individuals with PTSD and their caregivers’ symptoms. However, caregivers’ depressive symptoms were negatively associated with the quality of some of their social support behaviors. Moreover, relationship status and gender were significant moderators, indicating stronger negative associations between anxiety and depressive symptoms and some social support behaviors of men and caregiving partners. Male caregivers could have difficulties offering appropriate support and responding to traditional masculine roles (e.g., being strong and self-reliant) when they report symptoms themselves. Partners are particularly involved in the everyday life of individuals with PTSD. Thus, they could have difficulties keeping an optimal emotional distance to offer support when they report symptoms themselves. Future directions as well as clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Many veterans with mental health problems do not adequately utilize needed care. Research has focused on identifying barriers to mental health care in veterans. The current study adds to existing literature by examining whether perceived need for treatment and social support affect treatment utilization in a national longitudinal survey of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans (n = 1,090). The Health Beliefs Model (HBM) postulates that a key reason why patients fail to obtain needed care is their belief “it’s up to me to handle my own problems.” This view was endorsed by 42% in the current national sample of veterans and was found in multivariate analysis to predict less treatment seeking in the next year. Mediation analysis revealed that veterans with higher ratings of social support were less likely to believe they needed to solve mental health problems on their own, indirectly equating to higher odds of treatment use. Simultaneously, findings indicated that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) had a direct effect on more mental health visits but was also associated with higher endorsement that one needed to handle one’s own problems and thus had an indirect effect of reducing mental health visits. Both social support and PTSD affected veterans’ perceptions of needing to solve one’s own problems, significantly predicted follow-up with mental health care. As a result, the findings indicate that clinicians’ should explore veterans’ belief systems about perceived treatment need as well as investigate the role of social support to improve mental health treatment utilization.  相似文献   

李金钊 《心理科学》2004,27(4):980-982
该研究采用中学生应激源量表、中学生应对方式量表、领悟社会支持量表和症状自评量表(SCL-90)对852名初一至高三的学生进行了调查。通过单因变量多维交互效应的方差分析,结果表明:消极应对方式对中学生的心理健康影响较大;积极应对方式与心理健康的相关不显著;社会支持对心理健康的影响同时具有主效应和缓冲效应;心理压力与心理健康之间存在着显著相关;应对方式和社会支持在心理压力与心理健康的关系中彼此独立起作用,两者之间的交互作用不明显。  相似文献   


Two possible motives for sensation seeking behavior, escape from self-awareness and compensatory self-regulation, were investigated in two studies. In Study I a questionnaire was developed to identify the putative escape and compensation motives suspected to contribute to sensation seeking behaviors. In Study II the factor structure of this new measure, called the Risk and Excitement Inventory (REI), was cross-validated using confirmatory factor analysis, and construct validity was examined. Together these studies suggest that the REI comprises two reliable factors, compensation and escape from self-awareness. Study II showed that these factors have a reasonable degree of construct validity. Limits of the measure and the model are discussed, and suggestions are offered for future research.  相似文献   

为了探讨多节段后纵韧带骨化伴颈椎间盘突出的无骨折脱位型颈髓损伤的治疗,回顾了本院收治的4例多节段后纵韧带骨化伴颈椎间盘突出的无骨折脱位型颈髓损伤患者的临床资料,并结合相关文献报道进行分析。结果显示,4例患者均早期行前后路联合手术椎管减压,3例患者行预防性气管切开,4例患者术后随访时间6个月~48个月,平均随访24个月。固定节段均获骨性融合,内固定物无松动、断裂;后路手术无再关门现象。术后神经功能评价按Frankel分级,均有1个~2个级别恢复,术前A级2例,B级2例;术后B级2例,C级1例,D级1例。提示对于多节段后纵韧带骨化伴颈椎间盘突出的无骨折脱位型颈髓损伤早期行前后路联合手术减压;预防性气管切开可获得良好的治疗结果。  相似文献   

The present study examined the associations of personal factors and social resources with coping and affective reactions to simulated stressful encounters. The study tested coping strategies and assessments of affect in the context of 'health' and 'work' threats described in 2 vignettes in a sample of 147 community residents. They also completed the Monitor-Blunter Style Scale (MBSS) and a perceived social support scale. The results showed positive associations between active coping and positive affect, and negative associations between avoidant coping and negative affect, replicating previous findings. Most interestingly, neither monitoring/blunting nor social support were directly related to either negative or positive affect, but were differentially related to coping strategies. Monitoring and social support were positively correlated with active coping and support-seeking in both vignettes, while blunting was related positively to avoidant coping, and social support was related negatively to this coping strategy. These results suggest that personal factors and social resources affect the use of coping strategies, rather than the affective reactions to threats, and contribute to our understanding of the stress and coping process.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling was used to examine the relationships between selected psychological variables and pain perceptions in 103 individuals experiencing chronic pain following traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Previous studies have suggested strong relationships between psychological variables and chronic SCI pain, but further delineation of such relationships is needed in order ultimately to develop more effective pain management strategies for individuals afflicted with such pain. Anger was found to be significantly related to perceptions of pain (p < .05), but neither guilt nor anger suppression was significantly associated with perceived pain. Internal health locus of control was associated with decreased pain perceptions (p < .05), but there was no significant relationship between internal health locus of control and anger. Punishing responses from significant others to pain complaints were related to feelings of guilt (p < .05) and perceived pain (p < .05), but this relationship was not mediated by guilt.  相似文献   

Scant previous research has examined associations of proactive coping and psychopathology, although two preliminary findings suggest that proactive coping might be negatively associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and general depression symptom level. This study examined associations of proactive coping with PTSD and anhedonic depression in a sample of 169 traumatized undergraduates. As expected, women tended to report more severe PTSD symptoms and less life threat than men. No other gender differences were found. Most important, proactive coping and posttrauma state gratitude were independently negatively associated with PTSD symptom level, after controlling for trauma history and female gender. Further, proactive coping was independently negatively associated with anhedonic depression, beyond the effect of traumatic life threat. The implications of the findings for models of posttrauma psychopathology development are discussed.  相似文献   

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