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青少年的自我意识及其与社会适应行为的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
运用问卷调查法对439名中学生进行调查,探讨青少年社会适应行为与自我意识之间的关系。结果发现:(1)青少年自我意识的总体发展水平比较好,年级差异显著,性别差异不显著。(2)青少年自我意识对其社会适应行为具有较好的预测性,能够解释良好适应行为13.50%~39.40%的变异,解释适应不良行为5.90%~14.90%的变异;(3)自觉性和品德评价对良好社会适应行为总体和学习适应的正向预测作用具有跨年级和跨性别的稳定性;(4)在不同年级样本中,焦虑感是神经症行为的稳定和强有力的正向预测因素,自制力是社会性不良行为的稳定和强有力的负向预测因素。在不同性别样本中,自制力是独立生活和经济活动的稳定正向预测因素。  相似文献   

父母消极抚养方式与父母冲突和青少年社会适应的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以720名小学、初中和高中生为被试,采用问卷法,探讨父母消极抚养方式与父母冲突和青少年社会适应的关系,并检验父母消极抚养方式在父母冲突与青少年适应间的中介作用。结果发现:(1)与孩子有关的父母冲突显著多于与父母自身有关的冲突,初中生报告的两种冲突显著多于小学生;母亲消极抚养显著多于父亲,父母对男生的消极抚养显著多于女生,父母对初中生的消极抚养显著多于小学生;青少年的抑郁、学习问题较多,在抑郁、不良行为上存在显著的性别主效应,女生抑郁多于男生,男生的不良行为多于女生。在抑郁、学习问题和不良行为上存在显著年级主效应,初、高中生的抑郁、学习问题和不良行为显著多于小学生;(2)与孩子或父母有关的冲突越多,父母消极抚养越多;(3)父母消极抚养越多,青少年抑郁、不良行为、学习问题越多;(4)父母消极抚养在父母冲突与青少年社会适应中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

小学生课堂问题行为与心理素质的关系:一项观察研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为科学、客观的了解小学生课堂问题行为的现状并探讨与心理素质的关系,采用Martin等人提出的TPOT观察范式对重庆市潼南区某小学4-6年级117名学生的课堂问题行为进行录像、编码,并施测小学生心理素质问卷简化版。结果表明:(1)T-POT观察范式在本研究中具有适用性;(2)任务偏移是小学生最常见的课堂问题行为;(3)小学生课堂问题行为的表现存在显著的性别、年级差异;(4)在控制了年级、性别、班级环境变量后,心理素质能够显著负向预测课堂问题行为。  相似文献   

采用独裁者博弈(DG)探讨了群体偏好对不同年级小学生利他惩罚行为的影响。研究1对450名小学生利他惩罚行为的年级发展特点进行了测查。研究2以168名小学生为被试,考察了在独裁者博弈中与独裁者的关系、性别与年级对小学生(第三方)利他惩罚行为的影响。研究3以180名小学生为被试,考察了在独裁者博弈中与接受者的关系、性别与年级对小学生(第三方)利他惩罚行为的影响。结果发现:(1)利他惩罚行为在1至3年级之间有显著增长,3至5年级之间不仅没有增加反而有所下降。(2)3年级小学生开始表现出明显的群体偏好。(3)利他惩罚行为的性别差异不明显,与女生比男生更利他的预期相左。结论:小学生至少在6岁就已经出现了利他惩罚行为且逐渐表现出群体偏好;小学生道德行为发展中可能存在“3年级现象”;女生可能更愿意通过非惩罚的方式达成公平。  相似文献   

7~11岁儿童分享行为的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用同伴评价、自我评价、教师评价法,考察小学一、三、五年级共128名7—11岁儿童分享行为的发展。结果发现:(1)由教师评价的小学儿童的分享行为在小学一、三年级无显著差异,从三年级到五年级,得分显著下降;学生自我评价的分享行为在一、三年级呈上升趋势,在三、五年级问呈下降趋势;(2)根据教师评价,一年级小学生在游戏分享和物品分享上的得分最高,学习分享次之,心理分享最少;对三、五年级小学生来说,游戏分享与物品分享行为逐渐退居次要位置,而让位给心理分享和学习分享行为;(3)教师对小学生分享行为的评价与学生自我评价之问有0.26的相关;教师评价与同伴提名之间有0.37的相关:而学生自我评价与同伴提名之间无显著的相关。  相似文献   

小学生攻击性行为的心理分析及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赵建华 《心理科学》2005,28(4):965-968
本研究采用同伴提名法对宁波市560名小学生进行调查,探讨了小学生攻击行为的类型特点及其年级差异,结果发现:(1)小学生言语攻击的比率最高,其次是直接身体攻击,间接攻击的发生率最低。(2)小学生三类攻击行为的比例均存在显著的年级差异。(3)小学生各年级之间既有存在显著性差异,也有不存在显著性差异。同时,本研究进一步分析了小学生攻击性行为产生的原因及其教育干预的对策。  相似文献   

用代币制矫正一小学生课外作业潦草行为的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用代币制矫正一小学生课外作业潦草行为的个案研究边玉芳,邵春辉.(杭州大学教育系)1引言运用行为矫正技术对儿童的不良行为进行矫正,特别是正常儿童不良行为的矫正,其意义是巨大的.近几年来,在正常儿童中,存在各种各样的行为问题并有上升趋势(其原因是多方面的...  相似文献   

以303名2~6年级小学生为被试,通过测查儿童对婚姻冲突的感知、认知评价和儿童问题行为,探讨婚姻冲突与儿童问题行为的关系,并针对认知因素在婚姻冲突影响儿童问题行为过程中的作用,比较认知中介和认知缓冲两种模型。结果发现:认知评价在儿童感知的婚姻冲突与其内部问题行为之间起中介作用;儿童感知的婚姻冲突直接影响儿童外部问题行为。最后,结合认知中介和认知缓冲模型的本质对结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

采用班级整群抽样法选取1847名3~6年级小学生(男生987名;平均年龄10.73±1.16岁)及其家长为被试,采用问卷法考察父母心理控制与小学生欺负行为的关系,同时探讨敌意归因和冷酷无情的中介作用。结果发现:(1)父母心理控制显著正向预测小学生的欺负行为;(2)冷酷无情在父母心理控制与小学生欺负行为间的关系中存在中介作用,敌意归因不发挥中介作用;(3)父母心理控制对小学生欺负行为影响的中介机制不存在显著的性别差异和学段差异。本研究结果表明,冷酷无情是父母心理控制影响小学生欺负行为的重要机制,但敌意归因不是。研究者和实践者应注重对欺负者情感加工能力的关注和干预。  相似文献   

采用班级整群抽样法选取1847名3~6年级小学生(男生987名;平均年龄10.73±1.16岁)及其家长为被试,采用问卷法考察父母心理控制与小学生欺负行为的关系,同时探讨敌意归因和冷酷无情的中介作用。结果发现:(1)父母心理控制显著正向预测小学生的欺负行为;(2)冷酷无情在父母心理控制与小学生欺负行为间的关系中存在中介作用,敌意归因不发挥中介作用;(3)父母心理控制对小学生欺负行为影响的中介机制不存在显著的性别差异和学段差异。本研究结果表明,冷酷无情是父母心理控制影响小学生欺负行为的重要机制,但敌意归因不是。研究者和实践者应注重对欺负者情感加工能力的关注和干预。  相似文献   

本研究的目的是比较小学生与大学生在口算时间和广度上的差异。30名大学生和30名6年级小学生接受了口算实验。结果显示:(1)大学生口算的广度明显大于小学六年级学生的口算广度。数字广度也大于小学生,但两者差异不显著;(2)在减法和除法的口算时间上,大学生明显短于小学六年级学生,但在乘法口算上无显著差异。  相似文献   

刘俊升  赵燕 《心理科学》2013,36(3):632-637
摘要:采用同伴评价和教师评价对733名小学3年级儿童进行为期两年的追踪研究,通过结构方程模型,考察受欺负与两类问题行为的相互预测关系。结果发现:(1)受欺负与外化问题行为和内化问题行为呈显著正相关。(2)受欺负在两年之间呈现较高的稳定性;而外化问题行为和内化问题行为则表现出较低程度的稳定性。 (3)结构方程模型结果表明,三年级时的受欺负可以显著预测五年级时的外化问题行为,而三年级时的外化问题行为不能显著预测五年级时的受欺负;三年级时的内化问题行为可以显著预测五年级时的受欺负,而三年级时的受欺负不能显著预测五年级时的内化问题行为。在受欺负与问题行为的相互预测关系中,内化问题行为更有可能成为受欺负的触发因素,而外化问题行为则更有可能是对受欺负的回应。  相似文献   

工作记忆对小学三年级学生解决比较问题的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
研究工作记忆与小学生解决比较问题成绩之间的关系。实验1运用双任务作业研究一致问题和不一致问题的工作记忆负荷是否有显著差别,被试为34名小学三年级学生。实验2运用工作记忆测验研究成功解题者与不成功解题者的工作记忆容量是否有显著差别,被试为37名小学三年级学生。结果表明;(1)小学生解决比较问题的成绩受问题类型的影响,他们在一致问题上的成绩显著优于不一致问题。(2)一致问题和不一致问题的工作记忆负荷水平不同,不一致问题的工作记忆负荷大于一致问题。(3)成功解题者的工作记忆容量大于不成功解题者的工作记忆容量。本研究结果说明工作记忆对小学生解决比较问题有重要影响。  相似文献   

The present study examines reciprocal associations between marital functioning and adolescent maladjustment using cross-lagged autoregressive models. The research involved 451 early adolescents and their families and used a prospective, longitudinal research design with multi-informant methods. Results indicate that parental conflicts over child rearing predicted adolescent depressive symptoms and delinquency. In turn, these adolescent problems exacerbated parental conflicts over child rearing. Furthermore, conflict over child rearing served as the nexus through which more generalized marital dissatisfaction and adolescent adjustment problems were reciprocally interrelated. This research replicates earlier observations that marital problems intensify adolescent maladjustment and extends the literature by demonstrating that adolescent problems also predict marital conflict and ultimately marital dissatisfaction. In sum, the present study demonstrates that marital dissatisfaction, conflict over child rearing, and early adolescent adjustment difficulties are interwoven in a dynamic family system marked by reciprocity along these dimensions.  相似文献   

This 6-year longitudinal study extended earlier findings of contextual influences on adolescent adjustment problems by examining relationships between adolescent emotional and behavioral problems and late adolescent personality among more than 400 youths who were followed from 7th grade to the last year of high school. Results suggest that psychological distress and behavioral problems experienced during the adolescent years (7th–10th grades) are significantly related to personality structure during the final year of high school (12th grade). Psychological distress in adolescence was primarily related to the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) superfactors of negative and positive emotionality, whereas delinquency and substance use problems were primarily related to the MPQ superfactor of constraint. These relationships remained significant even when personality characteristics in 9th grade were taken into account. That is, emotional and behavioral problems predicted change in personality traits during the adolescent years. Moreover, both initial level and change in distress and problem behaviors were predictive of late adolescent or early adult personality. This finding suggests that personality formation is a dynamic process, dependent on the growth or decline, as well as the magnitude of earlier developmental problems. Because earlier research has shown that these developmental problems are affected by both distal and proximal environmental contexts as well as by the formative nature of adolescence, intervention efforts aimed at the reduction of maladjustment and the enhancement of healthy personality development should target early adolescent social contexts. Other theoretical implications of the findings also are discussed.  相似文献   

This research investigates repetitive problem behavior (in-school problems and mild delinquency) in Japanese junior high school students from their first to third year (12–15 years old) and examines the risk factors for repetitive problem behavior among parent–child relationships, school, individual, and lifestyle factors. An analysis of the longitudinal data of 470 students (Data Set 1) found that repeated problem behavior in school was affected by low self-control, poor relationships with teachers, and lack of parental monitoring. Repeated mild delinquent behavior was affected by parental violence, poor relationships with mothers, less sleep duration, and not belonging to club activities. Some students exhibited both mild delinquency and in-school problems. Students who experienced problem behavior 10 times or more in their second year had often experienced some problem behavior (1–9 times) in their first year. Analysis of the longitudinal data of 368 students (Data Set 2) showed that in many cases, students who exhibited repeated delinquent behavior in their second year continued to exhibit problem behavior after they became third-year students. Though the number of students with repetitive mild delinquency that was totally remedied in their third year was small, a low incidence of parental violence was seen as an antecedent factor for students who did not commit mild delinquency in their third year in spite of a high frequency of delinquency in their second year.  相似文献   

Evaluated the outcomes of 130 indicated preventive interventions (secondary prevention) mental health programs for children and adolescents that seek to identify early signs of maladjustment and to intervene before full-blown disorders develop. Results indicate such programs significantly reduce problems and significantly increase competencies. In particular, behavioral and cognitive-behavior programs for children with subclinical disorders (mean ESs in the 0.50s) appear as effective as psychotherapy for children with established problems and more effective than attempts to prevent adolescent smoking, alcohol use, and delinquency. In practical terms, the average participant receiving behavioral or cognitive-behavior intervention surpasses the performance of approximately 70% of those in a control group. Of particular interest was the high mean effect (0.72) achieved by programs targeting incipient externalizing problems which are customarily the least amenable to change via traditional psychotherapeutic efforts when they reach clinical levels. Priorities for future research include greater specification of intervention procedures, assessment of treatment implementation, more follow-up studies, and identifying how different participants respond to early intervention.  相似文献   

Delinquent behavior has consistently been shown to be related to adverse outcomes later in life, ranging from educational difficulties to mental health problems and even premature mortality. Although previous studies have found social, family, and personality factors all contribute to delinquency, the majority of these studies have focused on either male or clinical samples. The current study goes beyond past research by examining how the subscales of callous-unemotional traits and impulsivity relate to emerging adult delinquency in females (N = 155) in a non-clinical population. Undergraduate student participants completed self-report measures of delinquency, impulsivity, and callous-unemotional traits as part of a larger test battery. As expected, general callous-unemotionality and impulsivity were positively correlated with delinquency; however, follow-up analyses revealed that only Callousness and Motor Impulsiveness subscales were significantly correlated with delinquency. All remaining subscale correlations were nonsignificant. A post-hoc backward stepwise regression analysis supported the correlational results, as Callousness and Motor Impulsiveness were the only significant predictors of delinquency. Limitations of the current study and future areas of research are also discussed.  相似文献   

The article shows that the registered juvenile delinquency has decreased in recent years. Serious violent crime partially exists, but this is only a small part of the overall juvenile delinquency. Forms of appearance of these violent crimes are outlined. With the help of a dark field study it is illustrated that there is a great variety of delinquency among young people. There are young people showing mostly law-abiding behavior, infrequent offenders and a group with a significant burden of crimes.  相似文献   

采用GNAT实验范式,以小学四年级、初一和高一学生为被试,探讨了中小学生数学内隐态度的年级差异。结果发现,小四、初一和高一学生的数学内隐态度存在显著差异;男生和女生的数学内隐态度差异不显著。表明数学内隐态度存在年级差异但不存在性别差异。  相似文献   

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