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Roberto Cignoli 《Studia Logica》1991,50(3-4):375-384
The infinite-valued logic of ukasiewicz was originally defined by means of an infinite-valued matrix. ukasiewicz took special forms of negation and implication as basic connectives and proposed an axiom system that he conjectured would be sufficient to derive the valid formulas of the logic; this was eventually verified by M. Wajsberg. The algebraic counterparts of this logic have become know as Wajsberg algebras. In this paper we show that a Wajsberg algebra is complete and atomic (as a lattice) if and only if it is a direct product of finite Wajsberg chains. The classical characterization of complete and atomic Boolean algebras as fields of sets is a particular case of this result.This research was partially supported by the Consejo Nacional Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina (CONICET).  相似文献   

I. Bruna Seu and M. Colleen Heenan (eds) (1988) Feminism and Psychotherapy: Reflections on Contemporary Theories and Practices, London: Sage, $14.99 (pb)  相似文献   

With rapid advancement in cellphones and intelligent in-vehicle technologies along with driver’s inclination to multitasking, crashes due to distracted driving had become a growing safety concern in our road network. Some previous studies attempted to detect distracted driving behaviors in real-time to mitigate their adverse consequences. However, these studies mainly focused on detecting either visual or cognitive distractions only, while most of the real-life distracting tasks involve driver’s visual, cognitive, and physical workload, simultaneously. Additionally, previous studies frequently used eye, head, or face tracking data, although current vehicles are not commonly equipped with technologies to acquire such data. Also those data are comparatively difficult to acquire in real-time during traffic monitoring operations. To address the above issues, this study focused on developing algorithms for detecting distraction tasks that involve simultaneous visual, cognitive, and physical workload using only vehicle dynamics data. Specifically, algorithms were developed to detect driving behaviors under two distraction tasks – texting and eating. Experiment was designed to include the two distracted driving scenarios and a control with multiple runs for each. A medium fidelity driving simulator was used for acquiring vehicle dynamics data for each scenario and each run. Several data mining techniques were explored in this study to investigate their performance in detecting distraction. Among them, the performance of two linear (linear discriminant analysis and logistic regression) and two nonlinear models (support vector machines and random forests) is reported in this article. Random forests algorithms had the best performance, which detected texting and eating distraction with an accuracy of 85.38% and 81.26%, respectively. This study may provide useful guidance to successful development and implementation of distracted driver detection algorithms in connected vehicle environment, as well as to auto manufacturers interested in integrating distraction detection systems in their vehicles.  相似文献   

Are the phonological representations of printed and spoken words isomorphic? This question is addressed by investigating the restrictions on onsets. Cross-linguistic research suggests that onsets of rising sonority are preferred to sonority plateaus, which, in turn, are preferred to sonority falls (e.g., bnif [symbol: see text] bdif [symbol: see text] lbif). Of interest is whether these grammatical preferences constrain the recognition of auditory and printed words by speakers of English--a language in which such onsets are unattested. Five experiments compare phonological lexical decision responses to nonwords, including unattested onsets, through either aural or visual presentation. Results suggest that both hearers and readers are sensitive to the phonotactics of unattested onsets. However, the phonotactic generalizations of hearers and readers differ on their scope and source. Hearers differentiated all three types of onsets (e.g., bnif, bdif, and lbif), and their behavior implicated both grammatical and statistical constraints. In contrast, readers were able to differentiate only those structures similar to attested English onsets from dissimilar structures (i.e., bnif vs. bdif or lbif), and their preferences reflected statistical knowledge alone. These findings suggest that the phonological representations informing lexical decision to spoken and printed words are not isomorphic.  相似文献   

The idea that the synagogue originated in the Babylonian exile has been so frequently repeated over the centuries that, despite the fact that this consensus broke down over 20 years ago, some researchers still quote it as if it were an incontestable historical fact. The present study analyses the history of scholarship on the origins of the synagogue, from the first century writings of Philo to the recent work of Lee Levine. Challenging old assumptions and ideas, it takes a new approach to the study of the synagogue and proposes a radical solution to this ancient riddle.  相似文献   


From a humanistic point of view psychotherapy is a creative transformational process in which therapists assist clients’ intrinsic self‐healing tendencies. However the nature of the self‐healing process is poorly understood. I briefly consider two theories of self‐healing, Rogers’ self‐actualization theory and dialectical theory, but focus on Gendlin's theory of experiencing as providing a more complete explanation. I consider the fundamentally implicational nature of change and portray personal change as “paradigm evolution” rather than paradigm revolution. I conclude with an examination of the self‐healing process in therapies that provide minimal prosthetic assistance to the client: client‐centered therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, and focusing‐oriented therapy. I conclude that the self‐healing/self‐change process occurs when intellectual, “top‐down” cognitive and self‐critical activity is interrupted, and when clients adopt a receptive, listening attitude towards inner experience.  相似文献   

This research focused on personal practical theories of Finnish student teachers, on how they argued for them and what they contained, and the data were analysed using Korthagen’s ‘onion’ model of reflection (e.g. 2004). The framework of this research consists of reflection and personal practical theories (PPTs). Personal practical theories are viewed as important for a teacher’s identity: they guide the teacher’s work, action, and reactions before, during, and after a teaching event. Reflecting on teaching, then again, has been one of the most significant issues and focus of numerous studies for several decades. This is a case study of six elementary school student teachers, who had constructed their PPTs before the practicum. We examined their reflections using the onion model of reflection, according to which a person reflects on different levels. The data were collected by interviewing the student teachers after their final practicum. The results show that most of their reflection focused on Environment and Behaviour, so it was located mostly in the outer layers of the onion model. The categorization of the reflection also showed that Competence was the smallest category.  相似文献   

Research has shown that cognitive representations of mergers influence intergroup evaluations. This paper extends this research by studying how cognitive representations of mergers (one group, dual identity, and two groups) interact with performance feedback (success and failure) to affect intergroup evaluations. Two competing hypotheses were tested, which made different predictions in case of superordinate group salience combined with subgroup salience after merger failure: The subgroup‐salience‐hypothesis predicts that subgroup salience during a merger generally results in pre‐merger ingroup bias toward the pre‐merger outgroup (i.e., two groups and dual identity). The superordinate‐ salience‐hypothesis predicts that subgroup salience only results in pre‐merger ingroup bias if superordinate group salience is low (i.e., two groups). Both hypotheses predict low levels of ingroup bias after merger success. Study 1 confirmed the second hypothesis using a 3 (merger representation: one group, dual identity, and two groups) × 2 (merger feedback: failure and success) design with interacting groups. Study 2 replicated the results in an adapted minimal group paradigm. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

From Han Yu’s yuan Dao 原道 (retracing the Dao) to Ouyang Xiu’s lun ben 论本 (discussing the root), the conflicts arising from Confucianists’ rejection of Buddhism were focused on one point, namely, the examination of zhongxin suo shou 中心所守 (something kept in mind). The attitude towards the distinction between mind and trace, and the proper approach to erase the gap between emptiness and being, as well as that between the expedient and the true, became the major concerns unavoidable for various thinkers to integrate the two teachings and to propel academic development. “To understand by mind” and “to blame for matter” were of crucial methodological significance for transcendence in both Confucianism and Buddhism. The arguments of Confucian scholars like Zhang Zai and the Cheng brothers on the identity of mind and trace and the unity of void and solid are mutually manifested. The same mind with the same principle means “mind is principle.” The “common axis of Confucianism and Buddhism” exists in the emphasis on mind beyond trace. The unification of mind and trace or the accordance of body and function has actually become the cardinal foundation for the possible mergence of the Three Teachings.  相似文献   

Stefania Centrone 《Synthese》2013,190(18):4095-4116
This paper analyzes Mally’s system of deontic logic, introduced in his The Basic Laws of Ought: Elements of the Logic of Willing (1926). We discuss Mally’s text against the background of some contributions in the literature which show that Mally’s axiomatic system for deontic logic is flawed, in so far as it derives, for an arbitrary A, the theorem “A ought to be the case if and only if A is the case”, which represents a collapse of obligation. We then try to sort out and understand which axioms are responsible for the collapse and consider two ways of amending Mally’s system: (i) by changing its original underlying logical basis, that is classical logic, and (ii) by modifying Mally’s axioms.  相似文献   

Philosophers today are inclined to propose virtues are either something subjective or something universal. However, Confucius and Aristotle, who made the most profound investigations into virtues, did not develop such theses. The deep-seated reason lies in their belief that there is always a possibility for a human being to become a man of practice, which cancels the need of proposing subjectivity thesis. The reason for their not raising the universality thesis of virtues is that they do not think that virtues are directly universal to all contemporarily existing minds. Rather, in their view, virtues involve a possible universality that may present in a virtuous mind. We can summarize Aristotle’s view into the concept of possible universality of virtue understood in terms of the perfect state of mind, since he explains the perfect state of mind in terms of perfect state of activity, and makes his investigations with an eye to the interactions between people with similar states of virtues. The view of Confucius can be summarized into the concept of possible universality of virtue understood in terms of the history of mind, since his investigations are made from the point of view of the states of mind reached through virtuous practices, i.e., a historical process of human life in which one’s pre-dispositions and feelings gradually reach some state of natural harmony and gains continual enrichment, and with an eye to the interactions between virtuous people and common people. From that similarly expressed view we can reasonably infer that virtues do possess the character called by today’s philosophers as universality, but it is a possible universality whose possibility is based on practice and on the development of virtuous minds.  相似文献   

An analog study was conducted to examine differences in women’s preference for and anticipated comfort self-disclosing to hypothetical therapists of different sexes based on the type of hypothetical presenting problem. The impact of general level of self-disclosure was also examined. Participants included female college students (n?=?187). Anticipated comfort self-disclosing to male or female therapist was rated by subjects when presented with therapists of each sex with the same qualifications. Women preferred and reported higher levels of anticipated comfort self-disclosing to a female therapist. The type of hypothetical presenting problem and general level of self-disclosure also impacted anticipated comfort self-disclosing. There was an interaction between general level self-disclosure and the sex of therapist on anticipated comfort self-disclosing. General level of self-disclosure only impacted anticipated comfort self-disclosing when the therapist was male. This information is relevant for therapists or organizations that provide psychosocial services to women. Organizations may want to inquire about a client’s preferences about sex of therapist beforehand and, if possible, cater to the client’s preference.  相似文献   

Automated vehicles are an emerging technology that operate with differing levels of automatic control (SAE levels). The current study explored participants’ acceptance of a conditional (Level 3) automated vehicle (AV) before and after riding as a passenger for 10 min on open, public roads in uncontrolled traffic. Additionally, participants were asked to rate the riskiness (perceived risk) of a variety of vehicle maneuvers, such as turning, accelerating, and braking when approaching an intersection. We predicted that participants would report higher acceptance ratings and lower perceived risk ratings after experiencing the AV compared to pre-trip ratings. Further, we predicted that participants riding in the front-passenger seat would report higher ratings for risk compared to participants sitting in the rear-passenger or rear-driver seats. Sixty participants from South-East Queensland, Australia (aged 21–82 years; Mage = 45.78; 23 female) took part in the study. Compared to pre-trip responses, participants reported statistically higher ratings for acceptance, as well as statistically lower ratings for perceived risk with respect to specific vehicle maneuvers performed while in automated mode. Differences were detected between seats for perceived risk, but these results were less clear. Increases in acceptance and decreases in risk were also detected as the number of false hazards detected by the vehicle increased. Overall, these findings suggest that acceptance towards AVs may increase, and expectations of risk related to AV maneuvers may decrease, after participants have experienced the vehicles firsthand, on an open, public road in an uncontrolled traffic environment.  相似文献   

An elastic–viscoplastic model has been developed for nanotwinned (nt) metals based on coupled intra-twin and twin-boundary-mediated (TBM) deformation mechanisms. The grain-size dependence of intra-twin plasticity was incorporated in the proposed model to determine the transitional twin thickness corresponding to the maximum strength. In addition, the joint distribution of grain size and twin thickness was also taken into account to simulate the microstructure of nt metals. The results obtained show that the TBM deformation mechanism dominated at low strain rate and small twin thickness, and that the grain-size and twin-thickness distributions had significant influence on the macroscopic behavior of nt metals. A linear relation between the transitional twin thickness and grain size is predicted by the proposed model, which is in good agreement with the results obtained from three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations and experiments.  相似文献   

Writing and drawing produced by children 28-53 months old were compared. Israeli and Dutch preschoolers were asked to draw and write, to classify their products as drawing and writing, and to decide what they had drawn or written. Israeli and Dutch mothers classified the products. Scores on a scale for writing composed of graphic, "writing-like," and symbolic schemes showed improvement with age. Recognition of drawings as drawings preceded recognition of writings as writings. Scores on writing and drawing were substantially correlated, even with age partialed out, suggesting (a) that when children start drawing objects referentially, they write by drawing "print" and (b) that progress in object drawing involves progress in drawing print, so that their writing becomes more writing-like. Children unable to communicate meaning by writing spontaneously resort to drawing-like devices, indicating the primacy of drawing as a representational-communicative system.  相似文献   

Speeding increases the risk and severity of accidents, especially for vulnerable road users. Hence, minimisation of speeding in built-up areas is vital. Some countries widely use speed-calming measures (SCs). Documentation shows that SCs reduce speeding considerably although various types and designs of SCs affect this reduction. This paper includes studies of the effects from establishment of sinus speed humps of height 10 cm and length 950 cm and chicanes (with a free carriageway width of 5.30 cm and a length between the 0.5 m wide obstacles of 18 m) as a before/after study where the speed pattern after establishing SCs is compared with the one before. Floating Car Data used for analyses includes 3216 trips passing one/more SCs. The main results are that the effect from SCs decreases with the distance from the SCs and that a clear pattern is hard to establish above 75 m from the SC. Despite the apparent absence of more distant effects of each SC, there is an overall reduced average speed on the full length of a road with SCs. Humps reduce the mean speed comparable to the reduction from chicanes, but the speed variation is less reduced near chicanes, and especially prior to the arrival to such SC. Due to different traffic patterns around the two types of SCs, a direct comparison between the effects from humps and chicanes cannot be made. A tentative result at least for the two types of SCs studied is that the chicane results in a reduced effect on speed variation compared to the hump. The chicanes result in increased speed variation prior to the arrival to the SC compared to the humps. Hence, the indication is that chicanes might be less safe than humps due to speed variation although more research is needed especially concerning developing of best practice design for speed reducing devices and other speed-calming measures in built-up areas.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - The ability to recognize conspecifics by their acoustic signals is of crucial importance to social animals, especially where visibility is limited, because it allows for...  相似文献   

Individuals with negative feeling such as shame might be vulnerable to smartphone addiction. The present study aimed to explore the relationship of smartphone addiction with external shame and internal shame in a sample of Christian adolescents in Korea. The correlational and causal relationships between Korean Christian adolescents’ smartphone addiction and external shame-including others and God-and internal shame were examined. Through a correlational analysis, the study found that external shame-others, external shame-God, internal shame, and smartphone addiction were all highly correlated with each other. During causal and mediation analyses, it was found that internal shame mediated external shame-others and smartphone addiction and also mediated external shame-God and smartphone addiction. In addition, the study offers a discussion of its finding and suggestions for clinical interventions.  相似文献   

The present studies assessed the degree of stimulus control exerted by S+ and S? without confoundings of stimulus novelty and stimulus ambiguity. In Experiment 1, rats were trained on two intercurrent simultaneous discrimination problems with nine times more training given on one than the other. Then the animals were given transfer tests with re-paired stimuli. The results showed that S? exerts greater stimulus control than S+ in a two-choice simultaneous discrimination. Experiment 2 provided a test of the possibility that the relative degree of control by S? varies with different amounts of training. Three groups were trained on two intercurrent simultaneous discrimination problems; each group was given 7, 11, or 15 times more training on one problem than the other. Then transfer tests were given with re-paired stimuli. Again the results showed that S? exerts greater stimulus control than S+ in a two-choice simultaneous discrimination.  相似文献   

Signal detection theory offers several indexes of sensitivity (d’,A z, andA’) that are appropriate for two-choice discrimination when data consist of one hit rate and one false alarm rate per condition. These measures require simplifying assumptions about how target and lure evidence is distributed. We examine three statistical properties of these indexes: accuracy (good agreement between the parameter and the sampling distribution mean), precision (small variance of the sampling distribution), and robustness (small influence of violated assumptions on accuracy). We draw several conclusions from the results. First, a variety of parameters (sample size, degree of discriminability, and magnitude of hits and false alarms) influence statistical bias in these indexes. Comparing conditions that differ in these parameters entails discrepancies that can be reduced by increasing N. Second, unequal variance of the evidence distributions produces significant bias that cannot be reduced by increasing N—a serious drawback to the use of these sensitivity indexes when variance is unknown. Finally, their relative statistical performances suggest thatA z is preferable toA’.  相似文献   

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