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Patients with rotator cuff tear and degenerative shoulder joint disease commonly experience severe pain and reduced performance during activities of daily living. A popular way to treat these patients is by means of reverse anatomy shoulder prosthesis. Studying the kinematics of subjects with reverse anatomy implant would be useful in order to gain knowledge about functionality of different designs. It is hypothesized that the kinematics of these subjects, in the absence of rotator cuff muscles, differs from that of normal subjects. In this study the upper limb kinematics of 12 subjects with a Bayley-Walker reverse anatomy shoulder prosthesis while performing tasks common in everyday activities and those that represent the range of motion was analyzed and compared to that of 12 normal subjects. Each patient also completed an Oxford Shoulder Score. Substantial reduction in the Bayley-Walker subjects' ranges of motion was observed compared to normal subjects. The mean abduction angle decreased from 109° (±20) for normal subjects to 64° (±25). A similar trend was observed during flexion and axial rotation tasks. Furthermore, the normal group showed less variable ranges of motion performing the standard tasks, whereas for the prosthetic group this varied greatly, which is likely to be dependent on muscle strength. Although the decreased range of motion was prominent, subjects were able to complete most of the tasks by compensating with their elbow and trunk. The most challenging task for Bayley-Walker subjects was lifting an object to head height.  相似文献   

An experiment carried out to determine the relation between auditory and visual reaction times suggested that when the general level of response is slow visual RTs are faster than auditory, and that the reverse is the case when the level of response is fast. Thus most normal subjects have an auditory RT faster than visual, and most schizophrenics the reverse. However, the difference between auditory and visual RTs does not appear to depend directly on schizophrenic pathology except in so far as this is a factor in the general slowness of reaction time.  相似文献   

Motor imagery is a mental process not accompanied by movement and widely studied in healthy subjects, related to hand movements in terms of timing. This study compared static and dynamic motor imagery analyzing temporal and spatial features in different locomotor conditions in three different groups of subjects: high-skilled athletes with visual impairments, a group of sighted unprofessional athletes and a control group of sighted subjects. We found that dynamic motor imagery resulted in timely closer to real performance than static motor imagery. The discrepancies between dynamic motor imagery and real condition, in fact, resulted limited to uncommon locomotion, such as lateral walking. Motor imagery resulted closer to real performance in terms of timing than in terms of step length, with the exception of athletes with visual impairments that, differently from the other groups, did not show any significant differences between the numbers of imagined and performed steps. It opens a new question about the relationship between temporal and spatial imagination of locomotion.  相似文献   

Simple visual and lexical decision vocal reaction times were obtained for a group of stutterers and were compared with data gathered from normal subjects. Subjects were required to phonate the vowel /a/ when tachistoscopically presented a flash of light (simple task) and a series of concrete nouns (lexical task). The second value minus the first was taken as the lexical decision or processing time. The stutterers' responses were significantly more latent under the lexical decision condition, but not for the simple vocal reaction time experiment. Taken in concert with past results, such findings suggest that stutterers manifest generalized increases in sensory-linguistic processing that may not be bound necessarily to generalized slowing of psychomotor latency.  相似文献   

A high percentage of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients show cognitive impairments in addition to the cardinal motor symptoms. These deficits primarily concern executive functions most probably linked to dysfunctions in prefrontal regions due to decreased dopaminergic transmission in fronto-striatal loops. To investigate possible associations between decision-making and executive functions in PD, we examined 20 non-demented PD patients and 20 healthy control subjects with a neuropsychological test battery and the Game of Dice Task. In this computerised decision-making task, the rules for gains and losses and the winning probabilities are obvious and stable. Thus, strategic components besides feedback processing might influence decision-making in this task. We found that PD patients were impaired in the Game of Dice task performance and that the frequency of disadvantageous choices correlated with both executive functions and feedback processing. We suggest that decision-making deficits of PD patients in explicit gambling situations might be associated with dysfunctions in two different fronto-striatal loops: the limbic-orbitofrontal-striatal loop, involved in feedback processing, and the dorsolateral prefrontal-striatal loop, involved in executive functions.  相似文献   

Visual cognitive differences between hearing (N = 16) and deaf (N = 32) high-school and middle-school students were studied. Visual tasks were presented on a microcomputer and response latencies were collected. Significant differences were noted between the deaf and normal groups but not between total communication deaf and oral deaf students. These differences support the hypothesis that deaf students prefer a visual cognitive strategy. Implications for educating the deaf are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess whether perceptual representation along the horizontal axis is affected by hemispace position of the stimulus or by orienting attention to one side. Ten control subjects and 10 right brain damaged patients with left unilateral spatial neglect (USN) were asked to bisect lines of five lengths in three space positions (left, center, right) and under three cueing conditions (no cue, left cue, right cue). Normal controls showed significant displacement of bisection opposite to the side of hemispace presentation and toward the side of cueing. USN patients showed a bisection error toward the right end which increased with lines placed in the left hemispace and decreased with lines placed in the right hemispace and when attention was oriented toward the left side. We conclude that (1) In absence of cues normal subjects tend to overestimate the portions of space closer to their body midline; (2) both normal and USN patients tend to overestimate portions of space that they direct their attention to; (3) USN patients' performance without cueing is consistent with an attentional shift toward the right hemispace implying a gradient of overestimation of the right-most portions of space. A common neural substratum for directing attention and space representation can explain these findings.  相似文献   

Patients with aphasia due to left hemisphere stroke and patients with Alzheimer's disease, who were matched for severity of naming impairment, were compared on tests of lexical-semantic processing. The results suggest that the lexical-semantic impairments in both groups are due to a combination of impaired access to, and loss of, lexical-semantic information, but that impaired access is more prominent in stroke patients, whereas Alzheimer's disease patients suffer a greater loss of information. The results are discussed in terms of a brain model of the storage and processing of lexical-semantic information, and with respect to implications for treatment strategies.  相似文献   

The performance of 18 frontal lobe lesion (FL) and 10 frontal lobe dementia (FLD) patients on an associative memory test was compared with the performance of their matched normal controls. The FL group was severely impaired on cued and free recall and was moderately impaired on a recognition condition. Left FL patients performed the poorest on the cued and free recall conditions. The FLD patients were moderately impaired on the free recall condition only but there was a subgroup of FLD patients with additional left temporal atrophy who appeared severely impaired on both cued and free recall. These findings indicate that both left frontal and temporal lobe damage can impair associative learning and that this impairment is more strikingly seen with free rather than cued recall.  相似文献   

Self-focused attention has been implicated in a number of psychiatric disorders, but little research has examined this in schizophrenic subjects. In this study, a sample of schizophrenic patients experiencing auditory hallucinations, schizophrenic patients not experiencing auditory hallucinations and normal controls were asked to complete the private self-consciousness subscale of the Self Consciousness Scale. It was found that patients experiencing auditory hallucinations exhibited significantly higher levels of self-focus than those not experiencing hallucinations, although they did not differ from normal subjects. It was also shown that level of self-focus predicted whether or not subjects experienced hallucinations. These results, and their implications, are discussed with reference to the literature.  相似文献   

《Brain and cognition》2012,78(3):401-411
Social interaction requires the ability to infer another person’s mental state (Theory of Mind, ToM) and also executive functions. This fMRI study aimed to identify the cerebral correlates activated by ToM during a specific social interaction, the human–human competition. In this framework, we tested a conflict resolution task (Stroop) adapted to a virtual situation of competition. The participants were instructed to play in order to win either against a human-like competitor (human–human competition) or against a non-human competitor (human–machine competition). Only the human–human competition requires ToM as this type of competition is performed under social interaction. We identified first the classical network of executive regions activated by Stroop. Secondly, we identified the social (human–human) competition regions, represented by the bilateral superior and inferior frontal gyri, the anterior cingulate, the insula, the superior and anterior temporal, the hippocampus, the fusiform gyrus, the cuneus and the precuneus. Finally, we identified the executive regions that were modulated by the human–human competition, i.e., the executive control regions additionally activated when mentalizing in the context of social competition. They constituted a network predominant to the right and composed of the superior and middle frontal, anterior cingulate, insula and fusiform gyrus. We suggest that our experimental paradigm may be useful in exploration of the cerebral correlates of social adjustments in several situations such as psychiatric disorders presenting executive and social dysfunctions.  相似文献   

The assessment of language laterality by the dichotic fused-words test may be impaired by interference effects revealed by the dominant report of one member of the stimuli-pair. Stimulus-dominance and ear asymmetry were evaluated in normal population (48 subjects of both sex and handedness) and in 2 patients with a single functional hemisphere. Results show that in normals the number of stimulus-dominated responses is five times higher than in patients, and is negatively correlated to the index of laterality. It is suggested that dichotic stimuli may interfere one with another during the subcortical acoustic processing and at cortical level, when competing for verbal output. Subcortical interference accounts for stimulus-dominance in the single-hemisphere patients. In normal subjects, the dichotic discrimination is disturbed mainly during the hemispheric cross-talk needed for the oral-verbal processing of dichotic inputs. The frequency of 'interhemispheric' interference, as well as the extents of ear asymmetry, may both depend on differences in the processing stage of the competing inputs, and then they may be influenced by differential verbal skills of LH and RH. Very unequal levels of verbal analysis of the dichotic stimuli may hinder reciprocal interference during the hemispheric cross-talk thus yielding large ear asymmetries associated to small dominance effects.  相似文献   

Nass RD  Trauner D 《CNS spectrums》2004,9(6):420-434
Despite a congenital stroke, overall intelligence at school age is generally within the normal range. Language acquisition problems are more prominent when children are younger (<5 years of age) than when they are older. They are present after both right and left lesions, but appear to have different features. They are less apparent than in the child with a developmental language disorder. Acquired aphasia in childhood results in subtle and often persisting deficits. Children with congenital strokes are at risk for behavioral and psychiatric problems. Those with congenital right hemisphere strokes appear to be more difficult infants, but there is no clear side of lesion effect in older children. Children with congenital right hemisphere strokes have more prominent spatial difficulties than their left lesion counterparts. Evaluating both the process and the product highlights this. Increasing the difficulty of the task often brings out deficits in the right lesion group even when they seemingly recovered.  相似文献   

We explored how variability in the probability of target locations affects visual search in normal individuals and in patients with hemispatial neglect, a deficit in attending to the contralesional side of space. Young and elderly normal participants responded faster when targets appeared in the more probable region than when targets appeared in the less probable region. Similarly, patients were sensitive to the distribution of targets, even in the neglected field. Although the attentional gradient that characterizes neglect was not eliminated, the response facilitation due to the probability distribution was proportionate to that of control participants and equal in magnitude across the neglected field. All participants exploited the uneven distribution of targets to enhance task performance without explicit instructions to do so or awareness of biases in their behavior. These results suggest that attentional orientation and sensitivity to external probabilities are possibly dissociable. An early sensory and a late motor mechanism are postulated as possibly being involved in the observed probability–matching behavior of participants.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether brain activity related to the presence of stuttering can be identified with rapid functional MRI (fMRI) sequences that involved overt and covert speech processing tasks. The long-term goal is to develop sensitive fMRI approaches with developmentally appropriate tasks to identify deviant speech motor and auditory brain activity in children who stutter closer to the age at which recovery from stuttering is documented. Rapid sequences may be preferred for individuals or populations who do not tolerate long scanning sessions. In this report, we document the application of a picture naming and phoneme monitoring task in 3 min fMRI sequences with adults who stutter (AWS). If relevant brain differences are found in AWS with these approaches that conform to previous reports, then these approaches can be extended to younger populations. Pairwise contrasts of brain BOLD activity between AWS and normally fluent adults indicated the AWS showed higher BOLD activity in the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), right temporal lobe and sensorimotor cortices during picture naming and higher activity in the right IFG during phoneme monitoring. The right lateralized pattern of BOLD activity together with higher activity in sensorimotor cortices is consistent with previous reports, which indicates rapid fMRI sequences can be considered for investigating stuttering in younger participants.Educational objectives: The reader will learn about and be able to describe the: (1) use of functional MRI to study persistent developmental stuttering; (2) differences in brain activation between persons who stutter and normally fluent speakers; and (3) potential benefit of time efficient fMRI sequences combined with a range of speech processing tasks for investigating stuttering in younger populations.  相似文献   

Social interaction requires the ability to infer another person’s mental state (Theory of Mind, ToM) and also executive functions. This fMRI study aimed to identify the cerebral correlates activated by ToM during a specific social interaction, the human-human competition. In this framework, we tested a conflict resolution task (Stroop) adapted to a virtual situation of competition. The participants were instructed to play in order to win either against a human-like competitor (human-human competition) or against a non-human competitor (human-machine competition). Only the human-human competition requires ToM as this type of competition is performed under social interaction. We identified first the classical network of executive regions activated by Stroop. Secondly, we identified the social (human-human) competition regions, represented by the bilateral superior and inferior frontal gyri, the anterior cingulate, the insula, the superior and anterior temporal, the hippocampus, the fusiform gyrus, the cuneus and the precuneus. Finally, we identified the executive regions that were modulated by the human-human competition, i.e., the executive control regions additionally activated when mentalizing in the context of social competition. They constituted a network predominant to the right and composed of the superior and middle frontal, anterior cingulate, insula and fusiform gyrus. We suggest that our experimental paradigm may be useful in exploration of the cerebral correlates of social adjustments in several situations such as psychiatric disorders presenting executive and social dysfunctions.  相似文献   

If a curved line and a straight line are presented briefly, one above the other, in sequence to the eye, then, under appropriate conditions, visual apparent motion is obtained. Subjects report that the illusory figure moving and changing from the curved line to the straight line appears to overshoot the latter, gaining a small curvature in the opposite sense. Three experiments are described. In the first, the magnitude of this apparent curvature was quantified as a function of the delay between the onsets of the curved line and straight line (the stimulus onset asynchrony, SOA). It is shown that overshoot in curvature cannot be attributed to inappropriate patterns of eye fixations. In the second experiment, the stimulus configuration was modified to reveal the contribution to apparent curvature of classical curvature-contrast effects. Curvature overshoot due to apparent motion alone was thus estimated as a function of SOA. In the third experiment, an analogous position overshoot was measured for apparent motion elicited by two brief sequentially presented parallel line segments. It is argued that a combination of such position overshoots cannot explain curvature overshoot. Two schemes of a more general kind that might be used to interpret curvature overshoot are then outlined. One scheme is based on a neural-net model of apparent motion, and the other on a functional model of apparent motion that operates by laws analogous to those governing real physical motion.  相似文献   

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