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中国大陆、香港和美国大学生主观幸福感比较   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用量表法对中国大陆、香港和美国三个地区的大学生被试的主观幸福感(SWB)进行了比较。差异检验表明,在总体SWB水平上,三个地区没有表现出显著差异,但在生活满意感、积极情感和消极情感维度上差异都显著。分层回归的结果发现,经济状况、社会关系和外在价值变量对三个地区大学生的生活满意感和积极情感都作出了增值贡献;外在准则变量对三个地区的消极情感作出了增值贡献。  相似文献   

Aspects of creativity concepts across different Chinese populations were examined. A Likert style questionnaire consisting of 60 adjectives was administered to 451 undergraduates from Beijing, Guangzhou, Taipei and Hong Kong. The results show that: (a) the core characteristics of creativity identical in all the samples are: “originality”, “innovativeness”, “thinking” and “observational skills”, “flexibility”, “willingness to try”, “self confidence”, and “imagination”; (b) the Taipei sample, unlike the other three samples, does not associate “wisdom”, “assertiveness”, and “individualism” with creativity; (c) in all Chinese populations the three factors labeled innovative, dynamic, and intellectual were distinguishable in the concept of creativity; (d) “artistic” and “humorous” were missing in the Chinese perception of creativity; (e) creativity characteristics received relatively low ratings on the desirability scale.  相似文献   

A cyberbullying intervention was developed and empirically tested with 137 Hong Kong Chinese College students. The intervention was designed to change students’ attitudes about cyberbullying behavior and increase their awareness of cyberbullying. Participants were assigned to an experimental or control group. They completed questionnaires before the intervention (Time 1; T1), immediately after the intervention (Time 2; T2), and again eight weeks later (Time 3; T3). The experimental group participated in a 1-h intervention where they were presented with a simulated Facebook page showing the helpless feelings of cyber-victims, watched video clips of the consequences of cyberbullying, and engaged in small group discussions and a self-reflection writing task. Results showed that participants who received the intervention experienced an increase in their awareness and had more negative attitudes toward cyberbullying (i.e., the perception that cyberbullying is unacceptable behavior) than did the control group. In addition, those who reported being highly engaged in the intervention maintained the positive effects at the 8-week follow-up. The results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of a short-term cyberbullying intervention for college students and that level of participant engagement contributes to its effectiveness.  相似文献   


Three studies were conducted in an investigation of how people in Chinese societies react to injustice. In Study 1, 293 Chinese sayings concerning injustice coping were subject to content analysis. In Study 2, 10 male and 10 female Hong Kong Chinese high school students indicated whether they had heard of the sayings in Study 1 and whether they agreed with them. In Study 3, 342 Hong Kong Chinese college students reported how they felt and what they did to reduce the injustice feeling they recently came across concerning an injustice. In Study 1, responses to injustices suggested by the Chinese sayings were dominated by cognitive reappraisal and alignment with external, metaphysical forces to maintain the perception of a just world; confrontation was generally discouraged. In Study 2 and Study 3, even among the highly Westernized Hong Kong Chinese students, the pattern of justice coping revealed in the popular sayings still prevailed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between religion and forgiveness in a sample of Hong Kong Chinese teachers (n=230) and students (n=714). Findings indicated some influence from Chinese cultural values in the conceptualization of forgiveness. Religious affiliation was the strongest predictor of concepts of forgiveness, whereas religious practice predicted attitudes toward “forgivingness” and the practice of forgiveness. No significant difference in forgiveness between believers and non-believers in real life situations was reported. Implications for future research on forgiveness are discussed.We wish to acknowledge the University of Hong Kong Committee on Research and Conference Grants for funding our research. Portions of this paper were presented at the 3rd Annual Mid-Year Research Conference on Religion and Spirituality sponsored by Division 36 of the American Psychological Association and the Department of Pastoral Counseling at Loyola College in Maryland April 1–2, 2005.  相似文献   

Research in the West suggests that social science education enables students to become more liberal and less prejudiced in their outlook towards other people. This is the first study to test this thesis – the enlightenment thesis – in Chinese societies. Data were collected from 1,221 college students in Mainland China and 1,174 students in Hong Kong enrolled in a total of 29 institutions. The results show that though social science students showed significantly less interest in individualistic explanation and gender role traditionalism than other students, they did not gain from longer stays in college. These findings do not support the enlightenment thesis in Chinese societies. Instead, the findings that Mainland students favored nationalism significantly more and authoritarianism and individualist explanation significantly less than did Hong Kong students are consistent with the dominant ideology thesis.  相似文献   

主要考察中学生心理理解能力上的个体差异.采用集体施测纸笔作答调查问卷.通过他们在具有代表性的同伴交往事件问题上的回答,了解他们对自身和他人被同伴接纳或拒绝事件的归因和解释.内地的447名中学生和香港的600名中学生参加了调查.结果表明,内地青少年比香港青少年更可能用客观原因解释社会交往事件.在对社会交往事件主观原因解释上两地中学生存在发展上的差异.对两地青少年而言,对自身负性事件的再次交往意愿显著低于自身正性事件,而香港青少年在自身负性事件上更低.总体上内地青少年的再次交往意愿高于香港青少年.对于内地青少年而言,在他人正性和自身正性事件中对情绪的评定没有差异,而对他人负性事件和自身负性事件的情绪评定有显著差异;但对于香港青少年来说,无论是他人正性自身正性事件还是他人负性自身负性事件,情绪评定都有显著差异.  相似文献   

In China’s deepening economic reform, higher education plays a crucial role in social stratification and mobility. External higher education is both a symbol of cultural capital and a means of fulfilling social mobility. This article examines the relationship between students’ socioeconomic backgrounds and the opportunities derived from cross-border higher education, focusing on Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong and Macau. It shows that students with scholarships come from a range of social backgrounds, but that fee-paying students are only from relatively prosperous families. Higher education in Hong Kong and Macau promotes mobility for some, but preserves social stratification for others. Alors que la réforme économique s’ intensifie en Chine, les études supérieures jouent un rôle crucial dans la stratification et la mobilité sociales. L’séducation supérieure obtenue à l’étranger constitue un symbole de capital culturel ainsi qu’un moyen d’acquérir la mobilité sociale. Cet article étudie, chez un groupe d’étudiants de la Chine continentale à Hong Kong et à Macau, le rapport entre leur milieu socioéconomique et les occasions qui découlent d’une éducation supérieure internationale. Les résultats indiquent que les étudiants ayant reça des bourses proviennent de divers milieux sociaux, mais que ceux qui ne sont pas boursiers viennent exclusivement de families relativement aisées. À Hong Kong et à Macau, l’éducation supérieure facilite la mobilité pour certains; pour d’autres, elle maintient la stratification sociale.  相似文献   

本文讨论了在香港和内地文化背景下 ,进行凯利的个人建构理论教学中发现的一些问题。在介绍凯利的思想时 ,中国学生通常倾向于借助具体的术语来理解理论 ,用定量化的方法来看待数据。这种情况似乎与建构主义心理学的精神相背离。但是 ,这种情况也表现出一些改变的迹象 ,更广义地讲 ,这是普通心理学主流的一部分 ,即定性的方法是富有吸引力的。作者认为 ,更多地考虑凯利理论的哲学假设和定性思想的价值 ,将能赢得更多的学生热衷于该理论在广为不同的实际情景中的应用前景。当然 ,凯利的理论中有一些术语还存在着翻译的问题 ,但这是可以解决的。  相似文献   

The present study explored the structure and dimensional meaning of causal attributions for actual academic performance. Chinese high school students were asked to rate the importance as well as dimensional meaning (along locus, controllability, stability, and globality dimensions) of thirteen specific causes. A principal components analysis of the importance ratings generated four factors among which three were loaded on partially overlapping dimensions and the fourth was unrelated to any dimension. Results also revealed that effort, interest in study, study skill, and ability in study shared common characteristics in that they were the most important causes and were very internal, controllable, stable, and global. The findings were discussed in terms of socio-cultural values in the Chinese culture.  相似文献   

The 13-item Chinese Creative Writing Scale was expanded and modified from the Carlson Originality Scale to assess creativity elements in compositions of primary school students in Hong Kong. The content validity was endorsed by a small expert panel. Results show that the scale has excellent interrater reliability (.90 to .98), and moderate to good internal consistency. Exploratory factor analysis shows that the three factors (flexibility, originality, and fluency) accounted for 59.1% of the variability, which is consistent with the design of the scale. The scale can also be used as an outcome measure for assessing the effectiveness of strategies which aim at enhancing creativity of students. With minor modifications, the scale can also be applied in mainland China, Taiwan, and Chinese societies elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between 8 aspects of friend intimacy and 3 measures of psychosocial adjustment (self-esteem, deviant behavior, and purpose in life) among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. The respondents were 289 students between 16 and 19 years of age from a cross-sectional study in Hong Kong. Bivariate correlation and multiple regression analyses revealed (a) friend intimacy was positively associated with self-esteem and purpose in life, and (b) friend intimacy was negatively correlated with deviant behavior. Results indicated that friend intimacy is an important variable that affects some aspects of psychosocial adjustment. Moreover, results of multiple regression analyses indicated that different measures of friend intimacy are related to deviant behavior and purpose in life. Therefore, it is crucial to study the relationship between different aspects of friend intimacy and different aspects of psychosocial adjustment among adolescents.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between 8 aspects of friend intimacy and 3 measures of psychosocial adjustment (self-esteem, deviant behavior, and purpose in life) among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. The respondents were 289 students between 16 and 19 years of age from a cross-sectional study in Hong Kong. Bivariate correlation and multiple regression analyses revealed (a) friend intimacy was positively associated with self-esteem and purpose in life, and (b) friend intimacy was negatively correlated with deviant behavior. Results indicated that friend intimacy is an important variable that affects some aspects of psychosocial adjustment. Moreover, results of multiple regression analyses indicated that different measures of friend intimacy are related to deviant behavior and purpose in life. Therefore, it is crucial to study the relationship between different aspects of friend intimacy and different aspects of psychosocial adjustment among adolescents.  相似文献   

Optimism and Coping with Unemployment among Hong Kong Chinese Women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of dispositional optimism and coping on the link between unemployment and psychological health were studied among 79 employed and 104 unemployed Hong Kong Chinese women. Results indicated that optimism, indexed by the Chinese version of the Revised Life Orientation Test (C-RLOT), moderated the effect of unemployment on psychological health. The less optimistic women were more psychologically impaired by losing their jobs. Among the unemployed women, the more optimistic ones and those who were more able to distance themselves from job loss fared better. Nevertheless, coping did not mediate the connection between optimism and psychological outcomes. These findings suggest that optimism is an important personal resource for coping with unemployment in Hong Kong Chinese, but whether coping mediates the effects of optimism on psychological health or not depends on other contextual factors. Ways to ensure more reliable prediction regarding the connections between optimism, coping and psychological health in future research were discussed.  相似文献   


Service leadership education initiatives have been launched in Hong Kong to meet the emerging demand for service leaders and enhance university students’ well-being through nurturing not only competence but also good character and caring disposition. However, rigorous evaluation work based on validated assessment tools has not been adequately carried out to examine whether student well-being and service leadership qualities would increase after the learning process. Using a one-group pretest-posttest design, this study investigated the effectiveness of a credit-bearing subject entitled “Service Leadership” implemented in one university in Hong Kong. Based on the responses of 114 participants (49.1% boys, Age = 20.21 ± 2.96 years), it was found that students showed improvement in service leadership knowledge, attitude, and behavior after taking the subject. In addition, their life satisfaction and positive youth development attributes as indicators of well-being also significantly increased. Furthermore, the increase in well-being among students was closely associated with their attitudinal and behavioral changes but not knowledge acquisition. The present findings imply that a formal curriculum-based leadership course can be a promising way to promote student service leadership qualities and well-being.


The authors discuss observed weaknesses in internal consistency (Cronbach's alphas below .60) within five subtests of the Work Values Inventory when translated into Chinese and used with a sample of 211 university students in Hong Kong. Possible reasons for the weaknesses are explored, and suggestions are made for improvement.  相似文献   

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