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论作为"成己"的 Ereignis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对海德格尔后期哲学的重要术语 Ereignis 从其词源、语义和用法上进行了比较全面的梳理,提出海氏这一概念所表达的四重"共属一体"的关联,即存在和人、存在和时间、存在和思、存在和语言(道说)的四种"同一性"关联,认为这一关联应该译为"成己"或"成其己".本文还在引证中改译了一系列海氏著作中译本中的译文,表明以"成己"来译海氏这一术语可以贯通与之相关的几乎一切其他术语,从而结束目前海氏中译本中译名过杂而不清晰的现状.本文借此破解了海氏著作中一些令人百思不解的难懂之处,有助于凸现海氏一贯的思维进路.  相似文献   

论海德格尔思想主导词Ereignis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海德格尔思想及其主导词Ereignis中存在着一个“显现、看、知”三者共属一体的基本结构,其中“看”居于关联“显现”与“知”的核心位置。这种结构既是由他的“实际生活经验”的“显示形式”的现象学方法决定的,也源于他对希腊人之存在经验的洞察:在西方形而上学的开端处,存在以一种存在与存在者相区分的二重性的方式运作着。因而,在阐释Ereignis时,海德格尔几乎处处都在强调这个词中固有的“看”的因素。但这里的“看”应做广义的解释,它可以对应贯穿海德格尔前后期思想的一个重要词语Vernehmen(有“审听”、“颖悟”、“觉知”等多种译法),意为“对存在的领会”。这种意义上的“看”标志着Ereignis中与“存在”互相“共属”的“人”的一维,它既关涉作为Ereignen的“成”(或“有”、“在”)之“如何”,也划定了“成”(或“有”、“在”)的界限。关注“如何”是现象学的重要特征,强调“界限”则是海德格尔现象学的重要特征——有限性思想。只有从这个意义上来理解,Er—eignis才配称作作为现象学家的海德格尔的思想主导词。基于此,笔者建议将Ereignis译为“会成”或“自会成”,这里的“会”既是“看”又是“领会”。  相似文献   

This article discusses Martin Heidegger's interpretation of Parmenides given in his last public lecture “The Principle of Identity” in 1957. The aim of the piece is to illustrate just how original and significant Heidegger's reading of Parmenides and the principle of identity is, within the history of philosophy. Thus the article will examine the traditional metaphysical interpretation of Parmenides, and consider G. W. F. Hegel and William James’ account of the principle of identity in light of this. It will then consider Heidegger's contribution, his return to and re-interpretation of Parmenides in his last lecture. Heidegger will, through the Parmenidean claim that “Thinking and Being are one”, deconstruct the traditional metaphysical understanding of the principle of identity, and in its place offer a radically different conception of how our relationship, our “belonging together” with Being can be understood.  相似文献   

海德格尔后期著作中"Ereignis"的含义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“Ereignis”如一个谜,除了寻常义、字面义之外,还有待猜的结构之义和深层之义。它表达的“自身的缘发生”,是一个对立结构所造就的原初生成,既无任何实体的设定,又能达到真理和神意,所以总在转向的生成之中,并与海德格尔本人思想的“转向”相关。这样的思想主导词,不可直接翻译,却与中国的“道”有着微妙的联系,而海德格尔想要说明和意译“道”的努力,也很有助于理解“Ereignis”。对这个词的翻译不可本质化。  相似文献   

With their book Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Migration and Exile (1989) León and Rebeca Grinberg (1984) opened up a new clinical field, which had been neglected for a long time in the psychoanalytic community, although Freud’s plurilinguistic competence had greatly contributed to the creation of psychoanalysis. With their book The Babel of the Unconscious (1993; German edition in preparation) Jacqueline Amati Mehler, Simona Argentieri and Jorge Canestri could confirm the hypothesis that it is possible to help plurilingual patients to integrate the different aspects of their self which are bound to their mother tongue and to their foreign tongue(s) and to thus allow them to develop a new identity. The author, who works as a psychoanalyst in Munich since 1999, works every day with his Italian patients in this new clinical field, i.e., in their common mother tongue and at the two levels of their old Italian and their new German identity. Through the detailed presentation of a clinical case he furthermore shows how on the one hand migration creates a new space in which therapy actually becomes possible, and on the other hand how not only therapy but the kind of relationship developed by the patients to their “new country” plays a decisive role in the whole process. Such a frame proved to be particularly good for the emergence, revisitation and reelaboration of a transgenerational trauma, around which the case of Penelope is also centered. The author further assumes that the theme “migration and identity” is becoming more and more important in our globalized world with clinical consequences whose elaboration requires a specific cultural and technical preparation.  相似文献   

The medieval Church's concern with moral reform contributed to the emergence of a genre of literature in the thirteenth century dedicated to the vices and virtues. Inspired by monastic and scholastic traditions, treatises such as Laurent d'Orléans's Somme le roi encouraged the avoidance of sin and provided the faithful with a moral taxonomy that ultimately ensured their access to heaven. Marguerite Porete's Mirror of Simple Souls and Meister Eckhart's Discourses of Instruction challenge this virtue‐centered approach to salvation. Relying on their shared claim that the fall of the just man is in fact a virtue, this essay argues that their moral theology is grounded not on the a posteriori act of penance needed for salvation, but on the a priori consent of the will. This alternative view of moral life finds support in previous strands of the Christian tradition, and in particular in Peter Abelard's theory of intentionalism.  相似文献   


Despite the recent condemnations of vocational guidance, the importance of Parson's contributions for current theory and practice remains unaltered. A number of commonly held assumptions regarding the use of tests as self-appraisal devices, classification of the work environment, primary versus vicarious experiences, sequential study of self and work, dissemination of occupational information, and modern theories of vocational development, are considered and discussed.  相似文献   

“存在”这一概念极易误导人们对于海德格尔思想的理解.立足于从“存在”到“意义”的现象学还原,我们有理由认为,当海德格尔谈论存在时,他谈的是现象学意义上的意义.这一解释可以在早期海德格尔关于事实状态(Faktizit~it)和后期海德格尔关于Ereignis的论述中得到印证和理解.事实状态和Ereignis说的是一回事:保持意义-给予过程的敞开.鉴于“存在”在海德格尔研究文献中的长期使用,本文将首先澄清海德格尔在何种意义上使用“存在”一词,并根据这一澄清重新解释世界、真、Ereignis、事实状态等重要概念.  相似文献   

Personality research has fueled debate over whether human judgment should be characterized as accurate or error‐prone. Research from the thin‐slice tradition suggests that a degree of accuracy can be obtained when least expected. Consumer psychologists tempted to join the debate may be better served by identifying the contexts under which accuracy is most likely and least likely to be observed and by exploring the causal mechanisms underlying each outcome. In so doing, the substantive scope of consumer research may be expanded to include decision contexts that have been largely ignored but are of considerable importance. Moreover, decision processes may be illuminated that can inform the more useful debate over deliberative versus nondeliberative decision making.  相似文献   

通过追溯欧美和中国结核病疗养院产生、发展直至消亡的历史来探寻曾经风行百年的“疗养院疗法”.经考证,正是链霉素、异烟肼等杀菌药物的发明使得结核病疗养院成为历史的陈迹.结核病疗养院之兴衰表明:新的、疗效显著的治疗手段出现之后,旧的疗效差的疗法因此被淘汰,基于旧疗法的治疗机构亦随之过时.  相似文献   

The rapid changes that syphilis underwent after the first major outbreak that occurred in Naples in the mid-1490s are believed to constitute the first well-documented example of a human disease. The new plague was of exceptional virulence, highly contagious and causing severe ulceration at the site of infection. According to medical and other historical sources, the ‘genius epidemics’ changed some years after this onset, and a slower-progressing form of syphilis seems to have replaced the initial severe form, as do many virulent epidemic infectious diseases that appear in devastating forms in a previously uninfected population. But what exactly were the features of the disease at the moment of its appearance in Europe at the end of the fifteenth century? How many years did it take for the early, virulent form to be replaced and become endemic? What was the pace of these changes through the decades following the onset of the epidemic? In this essay, I review these issues through an analysis of a large number of chronologically-ordered primary historical sources.  相似文献   

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