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The conceptual clustering of numerous concepts from family therapy and other social science fields reveals two significant dimensions of family behavior, cohesion and adaptability. These two dimensions are placed into a circumplex model that is used to identify 16 types of marital and family systems. The model proposes that a balanced level of both cohesion and adaptability is the most functional to marital and family development. It postulates the need for a balance on the cohesion dimension between too much closeness (which leads to enmeshed systems) and too little closeness (which leads to disengaged systems). There also needs to be a balance on the adaptability dimension between too much change (which leads to chaotic systems) and too little change (which leads to rigid systems). The model was developed as a tool for clinical diagnosis and for specifying treatment goals with couples and families.  相似文献   

本研究采用家庭录像观察,考察了53名4岁儿童及其父母在自然的家庭环境中的两个情境———自由游戏和完成拼图任务的智力游戏情境中儿童与其父母交往的行为特征和互动类型。结果发现:(1)在儿童4岁时,在家庭自由游戏情境中母亲的各种行为均显著多于父亲的各种行为,这表明在游戏过程中,母亲是儿童主要的交往对象。在拼图游戏情境中,除了父亲和母亲在商量和交流行为上没有显著差异之外,母亲的其他行为显著多于父亲的其他行为。儿童在这两个游戏情境中均表现出较多的顺从行为。(2)在自由游戏情境中,亲子互动类型包括四种:父母交流-儿童不交流型、母亲高控-儿童顺从型、父亲控制-儿童不顺从型和母亲不交流-儿童交流型。拼图游戏情境中,亲子互动类型有四种:父母放任-儿童独立型、父母控制-儿童顺从型、母子交流型和父亲控制-儿童顺从型。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the role of family of origin violence in predicting intimate partner violence (IPV). Male participants were divided into generally offending and family-only groups according to whether their violence occurred exclusively within intimate partner and family contexts or toward others outside the family as well. Results showed that exposure to family of origin violence affected IPV differently between the two groups of offenders. For generally offending offenders, exposure to family of origin violence significantly predicted IPV above and beyond demographic factors, alcohol and drug use, and bidirectional aggression. For family-only offenders, witnessing father-initiated violence toward the mother had a significant influence on their violent behavior toward their intimate partners. Clinical implications of these findings are addressed.  相似文献   

Research has explored the differences between types of male partner abusers on various variables and yet little research has examined family experiences, such as family of origin structure and relationship patterns. The present study compared 4 male partner abuser types derived from profile interpretation of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI-2) and a group of nonintimately violent men on family of origin and current partner relationship functioning using two family scales from the MMPI-2, the Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Test, and the Family Adaptation and Cohesion Evaluation Scale III. Results indicated that male partner abusers with more severe psychopathology (i.e., borderline and antisocial) reported greater relationship distress, discord, conflict, and emotional disengagement than those men with less psychopathology (i.e., nonpathological). Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

韩海浪 《学海》2004,(6):76-78
继十六大为中国民营经济彻底“正名”之后,十六届三中全会又通过《关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》,指出要“大力发展和积极引导非公有制经济”,并提出具体办法和措施,从而为民营经济提供了更加有利的发展环境。这样的背景下,各地一方面积极清理和修订限制民营经  相似文献   


This study contributes to the existing research literature by assessing how the frequency of family mealtimes correlates with family communication and life satisfaction. Participants consisted of 50 families from the Southeastern United States. Parent and child participants completed measures assessing frequency of family mealtime, family communication, and family satisfaction. Results indicated that, based on parent-report, the frequency of all family members eating dinner together was significantly and positively correlated with both family communication and family satisfaction. Implications of findings highlight the importance of encouraging regular mealtime interactions among families.  相似文献   

家族伦理、家族愿景和华人家族企业的内部治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
华人家族企业在内部治理上体现出一定的独特性,这种独特性和华人社会中的家族伦理有着一定的对应关系,表征为基于纵向有序伦理的家长式权威治理以及基于横向差序有别伦理的关系治理.华人社会中的家族伦理之所以会从日常领域嵌入到企业场域并产生强势影响,很大程度上是出于家族愿景的偏好.并主要体现在代际传承和控制权让渡层面;但值得关注的是:由于企业组织理性、市场理性和家族伦理的非兼容性,家族成员尤其是家族企业主持人会在一定程度上超越家族伦理理念并进而矫正、优化企业的内部治理机制,带来有限度的"伦理脱嵌".  相似文献   

The present study tested with 142 families a structural model of the interplay of perceived dyadic and collective forms of efficacy within the interdependent family system, and how these different forms of efficacy are structurally related to quality of family functioning and satisfaction with family life. Dyadic parent–child efficacy, dyadic spousal efficacy, and filial efficacy were linked to family satisfaction through the mediating impact of collective family efficacy. A high sense of collective family efficacy was accompanied by open family communication and candid disclosure by adolescents of their activities outside the home. Collective family efficacy contributed to parents' and adolescents' satisfaction with their family life both directly and through its impact on quality of family functioning. An alternative structural model in which quality of family functioning affects the different forms of perceived family efficacy and family satisfaction provided a poorer fit to the data.  相似文献   

Jonathan Wolff and Timothy Hinton have criticized a version of liberal egalitarianism, often associated with Ronald Dworkin, for promoting an account of social justice that fails to treat everyone with respect. This paper analyses Wolff’s and Hinton’s critiques, particularly with regard to how notions of self-respect and respect-standing are deployed. The paper argues that the analyses of both Wolff and Hinton display affinities with a dualist approach to social justice. A dualist approach theorizes respect as an aspect of both distributive, socioeconomic injustice and cultural injustice, rather than of the former only, which is typical of liberal egalitarianism. Nancy Fraser is widely associated with such a dualist framework, so her version is used to assess Wolff’s and Hinton’s work. The paper argues that both make use of ideals and commitments from the dualist approach to justice in their respect objection. However, despite their evident sympathy for the notion of cultural injustice, both continue to theorize respect primarily as an aspect of distributive justice. Thus, for cultural justice theorists, Wolff’s and Hinton’s critiques of Dworkinian justice may leave something to be desired. Thanks to Anne Phillips, Kathy King, Tamara Jugov, Neal Razzell and reviewers for Res Publica for comments on an earlier draft of the paper. Thanks to Itai Rabinowitz for insightful conversations about the issues touched on here. Thanks to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for making this research possible.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to review and evaluate the theoretical models used in family therapy. Speer's ( 20 ) critique is given special attention. This critique provides a starting point for a theoretical reformulation, supported by the author's ( 20 , 21 ) and other workers' ( 5 ) experimental findings. A theoretically derived, three-dimensional typology of family systems is described. This is based on the notion of a balance between morphostatic and morphogenic properties of the family system, as defined. Using a high and low value for each of the three dimensions, eight family types are isolated and each type is tied to therapeutic predictions. The proposed typology is discussed in relation to an inductively derived typology recently reported by Reiss ( 16 ) The need for further validation of the typological scheme is stressed, and its possible clinical applications are outlined.  相似文献   

规范的类型和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为人类活动应然层面之调控机制的规范系统,是一个由许多子系统构成的大系统。它包括道德规范系统、法律规范系统、政策规范系统、技术规范系统、科学规范系统、艺术规范系统、宗教规范系统、礼仪系统、习俗系统和各种团体的组织纪律,等等。各个规范系统即互相联系、互相渗透,又有各自的特质和功能。规范的基本功能是指导人们的行为,调整与人相关的各种关系,为人的生存和发展服务;但各种不同类型的规范还有各自不同的特殊功能。揭示各种不同类型的规范的性质和功能,把握它们对社会生活的作用,无论是在理论上还是在实践上,都具有重要意义。…  相似文献   

Family members of people with serious mental illnesses (SMI) need information and support to cope with the considerable stresses they experience. The Family to Family Education Program (FtF) is a structured, peer-led, 12-week information and support self-help class for such individuals. Previous research by Dixon et al. (2004) shows reduced subjective burden and increased empowerment among graduates. The present study sought to understand what processes take place during FtF participation that might lead to these benefits, as a first step in building a conceptual model of how FtF causes its effects, using semi-structured interviews with 31 FtF graduates. Qualitative data analysis suggested that new factual and emotional information from FtF shifts interviewees' understanding of their situation and that skills acquired through FtF then allow participants to incorporate these new perspectives into more adaptive behaviors. These changes led to both proximal and distal benefits for the FtF participants interviewed. The results are discussed in the context of self-help, stress-and-coping, and trauma recovery theories.  相似文献   

This contribution is an essay about the notion of family identity reflecting shared significant experiences within a family system originating a set of signs used in social communication within and between families. Significant experiences are considered as experiences of events that have an immediate impact on the adaptation of the family in a given socio-ecological and cultural context at a given historical time. It is assumed that family history is stored in a shared “family memory” holding both implicit and explicit knowledge and exerting an influence on the behavior of each family member. This is described as transgenerational family memory being constituted of a system of meaningful signs. The crucial dimension underlying the logic of this essay are the ideas of adaptation as well as self-reproduction of systems.  相似文献   

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