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60 Ss from Grades 1 through 6 were administered an auditory and visual scanning procedure and 27 of those Ss were given arithmetic and reading achievement tests. Data indicated scanning ability increases linearly with grade in school and the relationship between the scanning measures also increases sharply with grade. Auditory scanning was related to academic achievement; visual scanning only approached significance with arithmetic achievement but was unrelated to reading achievement.  相似文献   

According to hopelessness theory, hopelessness expectancy is the proximal, sufficient cause of hopelessness depression. Consequently, hopelessness expectancy is viewed as mediating the influence of all other factors on hopelessness depression. Using a longitudinal research design, we examined hopelessness expectancy as a mediator of the relation between illness attributions and hopelessness depression in a sample of 57 adults with rheumatoid arthritis. Although hopelessness expectancy was a strong predictor of hopelessness depression, it moderated rather than mediated the relation between attributions and depression. Finding support for a moderating rather than a mediating model is inconsistent with theory but is consistent with the findings of Riskind, Rholes, Brannon, and Burdick (1987).  相似文献   

Age-related performance changes on a dichoptic viewing task were examined with twenty-five (25) individuals in a cross-sectional design. Using a double-report procedure, subjects were asked to identify two different consonant-vowel graphemes presented separately to the same foveal area of each eye (i.e., dichoptic stimulation). Stimuli were presented at stimulus-onset asynchronies (SOAs) ranging from 0 to 300 msec in 50-msec steps. Results indicated that the number of both-correct trials (i.e., correct reports of both stimuli in a dichoptic pair) significantly increased with age, while single-correct trials (a correct report of only one stimulus in the pair) significantly decreased with age. In addition, the shape of the masking functions indicated lagging stimuli were reported more accurately than leading stimuli at SOAs of 50–300 msec for all subjects. Younger subjects exhibited peak masking effects for synchronous presentations (0-msec SOA) while older individuals showed peak masking at SOAs of 50 msec. Results suggest developmental performance changes noted in processing visual information parallel, to a remarkable degree, those observed in processing auditory information.  相似文献   

In this paper I try to show that inherent in healthy development are emotional experiences that are the stuff of trauma. Failure to reintegrate these experiences means that they can serve as a resonating board for difficulties in later life, adding to their traumatic impact. Focusing on global changes that occur at the end of the first year, I exemplify these developments with an infant observation and show how a six-year-old boy's failure to integrate them contributed to his experiencing a normal life event as a trauma. I then offer clinical material from the analysis of a man to demonstrate how later life events resonated with early experience associated with this period. All are linked to a complex pattern of object relations I have come across clinically, whereby feelings of grief associated with an idealized object are split off from feelings of grievance against an object experienced as persecutory because of its perceived superior status.  相似文献   

Children from Grades 2, 3, 5, and 7 (7.6, 9, 11, and 13 years of age, respectively) were required to generate or study exemplars of semantic categories (semantic orientation) or rhymes to stimulus words (phonetic orientation). Each child then participated in one of three retention tests: free recall, standard recognition, and rhyme recognition. The results indicated that the developmental emergence of the “generation effect” (C. E. McFarland, Jr., T. J. Frey, & D. D. Rhodes, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1980, 19, 210–225; N. J. Slamecka & P. Graf, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 1978, 4, 592–604) was dependent on both encoding orientation and the type of retention task employed. A substantial generation effect first emerged (7-year-olds) for standard recognition in the semantic condition. A similar effect for recall was evident for 9-year olds, but not for younger children. Internal stimulus generation became a strong memory facilitator for phonetically encoded items at age 11 for standard recognition, but not until age 13 for recall. The results of the rhyme recognition test indicated that internal generation facilitated “transfer-appropriate processing” (C. D. Morris, J. D. Bransford, & J. J. Franks, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1977, 16, 519–533) only for seventh graders (age 13). The processes underlying this developmental pattern were discussed.  相似文献   

Developmental aspects of memory for spatial location   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose was to show whether or not the encoding of location met criteria defining an automatic process (L. Hasher & R. T. Zacks, 1979, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 108, 356-388; 1984, American Psychologist, 39, 1372-1388). Among other criteria, automatic processes are not expected to show developmental changes beyond an early age, to be unrelated to intelligence level, and to be unaffected by instructions. In the first experiment preschool through sixth-grade children were compared on a 40-picturebook task following incidental (remember the names of pictures) or intentional (remember location) instruction. Subjects viewed and named pictures in sets of four, arranged in quadrants in the opened book, and then attempted to recall names of the objects pictured and to relocate pictures on blank pages. In the second experiment, second and sixth graders, college students, elderly persons, and mentally retarded persons were compared on a 60-picturebook task following either incidental or semantic incidental instructions (give the function of objects pictured). Memory for location was invariant across age groups and intelligence level. The only exception was that 3 and 4 year olds were more accurate following intentional instructions. Otherwise there were no differences between intentional and incidental instructions. Semantic instructions resulted in slightly more accurate locations. The results were interpreted as supportive of the Hasher and Zacks' automaticity hypothesis.  相似文献   

The study examined 40 adolescent parasuicides' reports of whether they expected to be rescued following parasuicide gestures. Measures of hopelessness were also assessed. 45% of these Indian South Africans reported that they expected to be rescued while the rest did not. There was no significant sex difference in expectation of rescue. There was also no significant difference between hopelessness scores of those expecting rescue and those not expecting rescue; however, the latter had a mean hopelessness score above the cut-off score suggested as predictive of subsequent suicide.  相似文献   

Hope is understood as being derived from a sense of well-being or a good-object feeling. From object relational and self-psychology perspectives, the author examines variations of hope, from hopelessness through idealized and malignant idealized hope to mature hope. Looking at idealized hope from both progressive and regressive positions, the author studies a case that has a dominant feature of regressive or malignant idealized hope. How group therapy plays a transformational role in addressing the issue of malignant idealized hope and in establishing a healthy sense of hope is developed.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in children's verbal fluency and confrontation naming were explored in this study. One hundred and sixty children (ages 5 years and 11 months to 11 years and 4 months) completed two verbal fluency tasks (phonemic and semantic) and the Boston Naming Test (BNT). Normative data were compiled for the BNT and the phonemic and semantic fluency tasks. With the exception of the phonemic fluency task, all tests showed a linear increase from year-groups I to V, with a significant increase between year-groups I and II. Principal Component Factor Analysis was conducted to determine whether the tests evaluated similar or different functions. Two factors emerged: the first involving all of the measurements and the second explaining exclusively the phonemic fluency. These results make it possible to conclude that children also seem to have different subsystems responsible for the analysis and processing of different aspects of language.  相似文献   

Studies are reported among West African populations on the relationship between preferred mode of organization of categorizable material and use of organization in recall. Various child and adult groups differed in the types of organization they imposed on the material in a sorting task, with those exposed to school and modernizing influences showing a preference for taxonomic organization. All subjects, however, used their own form of organization to order their subsequent recall of the material, supporting the idea that organizing processes in recall are universal.  相似文献   

This study examined overall hopelessness, explored differences in various variables (e.g. burnout) between men reporting no/mild hopelessness and moderate/severe hopelessness, and scrutinized factors associated with hopelessness. The study design was cross-sectional, and the participants were 517 men randomly selected from the general population. About 12% of men reported moderate/severe hopelessness, and men with moderate/severe hopelessness were more often older, divorced/widowed, low educated, employed in blue-collar positions, on sick leave/other/unemployment/retirement, and financially strained. They also reported more depression, posttraumatic symptoms, and burnout. Only unemployment/retirement, depression, and posttraumatic symptoms were independently associated with an increased risk for moderate/severe hopelessness in the regression analysis, with unemployment and retirement as the most important factors. In conclusion, this study seems to corroborate previous findings and may provide new insights into men's experiences and predictors of hopelessness. More research into the predictors of hopelessness in men is warranted.  相似文献   

The effect of acquisition of reading on visual field asymmetries for verbal material was investigated in school-age children. Contrary to the expectation that acquisition of differential scanning tendencies will operate on perceptual asymmetries, it was found that right visual field superiority which was independent of scanning direction appeared at the fifth grade. This, and the presence of slight left field superiority at the age when reading is initially acquired, suggests that hemispheric dominance and its attributes, parallel and sequential pattern recognition processes, is the major factor which determines the field preference for verbal material.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the relationship between scores on the Beck Hopelessness Scale and the personality traits that constitute the Five-Factor Model in a sample of 77 depressed inpatients, 50 years of age and older. Multiple regression analyses showed that Hopelessness is related to low Extraversion domain scores, and to specific facets of both Extraversion (low positive emotions) and Neuroticism (low self-consciousness, high impulsiveness). Efforts to tie Hopelessness with the motivational, affective, and interpersonal constructs subsumed under Extraversion are warranted.  相似文献   

Cognitive theories of depression posit that automatically activated cognitive schemas, including negative thoughts about the self and the future, predispose individuals to develop depressive disorders. However, prior research has largely examined these constructs using explicit tests in currently depressed individuals. Using the Implicit Association Test (IAT), the present study examined automatic associations between the self and mood state ("depression IAT") and between the future and mood state ("hopelessness IAT") before and after a negative mood induction in 19 remitted depressed individuals and 23 healthy controls. In the depression IAT, remitted depressed participants exhibited an overall lower tendency to associate themselves with happiness relative to the healthy controls before the mood induction. Control, but not remitted depressed, participants' automatic associations between the self and happiness diminished following the mood induction. Contrary to our hypotheses, no significant findings emerged when considering the hopelessness IAT. Consistent with prior studies, no significant correlations emerged between implicit and explicit biases, suggesting that these measures probe different processes. Results extend prior IAT research by documenting the presence of a reduced tendency to associate the self with happiness in a sample at increased risk for depression.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to extend the investigation of surface color perception to several age levels. The 108-item color perception test, originally used with young children, employs six Munsell hue matrices divided into nine combinations each of low, mid, and high chroma and low, mid, and high value across two levels of hue difficulty. The pattern of error results are the same across the age groups comprising kindergartners, fifth graders, high school sophomores, nonartist adults, and professional artists: the lower the chroma and value, the higher the error rate; the higher the chroma and value, the lower the error rate. In hues, green and red are most difficult; orange and yellow are easiest. The frequency of error is linear with respect to age: the younger the group, the higher the error. The latency data differ with respect to age: adults are slowest, followed by kindergartners and fifth graders. High school sophomores are the fastest. The remaining latency results parallel the error results: the lower the chroma and value, the longer the latency and the more difficult the hue, the longer the latency. A set of surface color perception rules are generated.  相似文献   

The present study examined recent suicide attempters with and without psychotic disorders in order to understand factors that contribute to suicide ideation during and following the suicide attempt. Patients with psychotic disorders endorsed higher levels of suicide ideation than patients without psychotic disorders. Even when depression, hopelessness, substance abuse, and social problem solving were controlled for, there was a significant association between psychotic disorder and suicide ideation. During the follow-up period, patients with psychotic disorders subsequently attempted suicide at a significantly higher rate than patients without psychotic disorders. The clinical relevance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the relation between childhood maltreatment and adult suicidality within the context of a coherent theoretical model. The current study evaluates the ability of the hopelessness theory of depression's (Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989) etiological chain to account for this relation in a sample of 297 undergraduates. Supporting the model, emotional, but not physical or sexual, maltreatment was uniquely related to average levels of suicidal ideation across a 2.5-year follow-up. Further, students' cognitive styles and average levels of hopelessness partially mediated this relation. Although these results cannot speak to causality, they support the developmental model evaluated.  相似文献   

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